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Rolling Area Knowledge to see if Steve recalls The Den Bones = 10d6.hits(5)=3
Yes, it is a little dive bar in one of the seedier parts of town. Lone Star is known to come by quite a bit but never seems to run anyone in. There must be a snitch in there somewhere ...
I'm ready to move on to the bar and get down to the discussion. That work for everyone?
Works for the GM.
Im down
Let's roll!
Post IC then. OOC doesn't add anything to the game. wink.gif
QUOTE (fistandantilus4.0 @ Sep 28 2008, 02:41 PM) *
Post IC then. OOC doesn't add anything to the game. wink.gif

Done nyahnyah.gif
I posted some general info as I'm not sure if you guys are going to split a cab or not. I'll do a Fast Forward™ post later with the Den as the destination.
SOrry, took a while to post hacking the cab. smile.gif
IC post is up.

FYI: "Druid City" is a nickname for Tuscaloosa in RL. I have no idea why though.
Back in the saddle. Will try to post up tonight.
Hey RJ, what's your character's physical description?
Flash is an ork that carries himself like a politician. His brown hair is cut into a conservative cut. He is prone to wearing a suit (off the rack, but a suit) and smiles a lot.
[ *Picture* ]
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts. Ive been moving around a little bit. After sunday ill be able to post regularly again.
This isn't needed right now; however, it will most likely come up later. There is an institution in Tuscaloosa known as Dreamland. It has the best BBQ I have ever eaten. Here is a write up from the USA Today. The restaurant will come up at some point.

[ Spoiler ]
Steve is going to love that place. biggrin.gif
@RJ - Awesome ,thanks.

Sorry for the lack of posting. I had a huge post two days ago with a lot of hacking rols included, and I ended up losing the post. I was so digusted I just haven't posted since. If it's cool with you Alex, since they're relatively minor hacks, I'll eschew posting all the links to the rolls, just listing the results They are all available on under MITNick, and I've included what each roll was for in the roll description. If I have to do that all out again I think I'll throw up.
@ Fist

Fine with me on the rolls. If I need something specific, I'll ask. As far as your IC spoilerized question:
[ Spoiler ]


@ All

My wife just had our baby girl. She and mom are healthy but expect my post rate to be erratic for a while.
QUOTE (Alex @ Oct 5 2008, 08:16 PM) *
My wife just had our baby girl. She and mom are healthy but expect my post rate to be erratic for a while.
Double congrats! Expect long nights. (my brother has 2) And awww how cute! biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Meriss @ Oct 6 2008, 06:51 AM) *
Double congrats! Expect long nights. (my brother has 2) And awww how cute! biggrin.gif

We are getting to be "old" at this. She will be number four. The first three are boys.
I'll post the contents of the chip later today. I don't have my notes handy at the moment.
QUOTE (Alex @ Oct 6 2008, 12:58 PM) *
We are getting to be "old" at this. She will be number four. The first three are boys.


Oh lol well then congrats.

@Fist: The "I hope" was supposed to be thought and not broadcast.
Edited. Thanks Meriss.

@All - SinN is going to be indisposed to the 'net for a bit, so we'll have to do planning without him. And without ourGM it sems. Anyone have anything else on the to-do list? We could probably get soem cool gear together w/ 5k, but we're a bit short on time in game.
QUOTE (Alex @ Oct 6 2008, 12:58 PM) *
We are getting to be "old" at this. She will be number four. The first three are boys.

Like us, but backwards. Girl first, then boys, ening at 5 w/ the twins.The force is strong with you my friend.

Whichreminds me, what happened to our Star Wars game?
@Fist: NP.

Other fronts.

Gear: You mean 11K I hope? Or is MITNicks standard fee 6K biggrin.gif nyahnyah.gif. We might be able to rent or borrow a Bulldog and maybe a Growler from Uncle Phil. Shouldn't be more than a quick link call. I want a shotgun or other longarm for our point man. (Preferably Flash) and anti animal measures might be nice. Thats about it off the top of my head. Also is Nick able to tutor Steve in the fine arts of commlink and PAN management?

Star Wars: We were waiting for someone to reappear. I forget who. Plan B and Alex suggested a SR game and here we are. (She unfortunatly couldn't make it due to being mom) I'm still game if everyone else is.

@Anyone still here: What did we want/need gear wise?
QUOTE (fistandantilus4.0 @ Oct 6 2008, 06:40 PM) *
Like us, but backwards. Girl first, then boys, ening at 5 w/ the twins.The force is strong with you my friend.
Yea. Fisty just caught up to me (5 kids: 4 girls, 1 boy at the end.). One more to go Alex.

QUOTE (Meriss)
I want a shotgun or other longarm for our point man. (Preferably Flash) and anti animal measures might be nice.
Flash is a great point man, but he is FAR better with his Ingram than a shotgun or long arm.

@All - An upgraded fly-spy would do worlds toward the front man's ability to spot problems and scout ahead. Upgrade with vision enhancement, vison magnification, thermographics at the least.

@Alex - Flash has form fit 1/2 body. Most people rule that if you have form fit full and don't wear the gloves/mask you get the effects of form fit 1/2. Can I do the converse and pay the 700 nuyen.gif difference to upgrade the form fit 1/2 to full?

@Redjack: Geeze you guys are all out breeding me. 0 kids not even married yet. And I'm supposed to be from a big family. biggrin.gif

Hmm well Steve has a Colt America which he will bring. I was just worried about the paracritters. Maybe when Alex has a mo' I'll do a run up to the general Bule area and see what if there are any locals I can pump for info. Maybe the university has a bioscience department I can finagle my way into.

What did you want in the way of ammo? ADPS or something?

LOL I forgot that an Ingram was a LMG! rotfl.gif that should be heavy enough. biggrin.gif
I forgot about the White Knight, with the double recoil rules carrying an LMG or heavier without a gyro makes no sense though... Flash carries an Ingram Smartgun (SMG). APDS will be good if we can get it. I am always partial to having some Stick-N-Shocks handy as well.

OHHHH yah the Smartgun. LOL missed that totally when I was looking for Ingram.

I'd shy away from using the SnS on critters. Guards can be negotiated with animals can't
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have returned. And by ladies I meant Merris. grinbig.gif Just kiddin man. Posting away.
OK, folks, here's the news: Mom and baby are home safe. I worked a half day today and I think I might be coming down with something. For once, here's to hoping that sleeping on an uncomfortable couch causes joint and muscle pain.


Without further ado:

The optical chip contains floor plans and passcodes in order to reach the deck on the 3rd basement. Labels are scarce but most are solidly around getting to the deck.

Ground Floor

Basement 1

Basement 2

Basement 3

Basement 3 has a number 6 in a hallway. That is the approximate location of the door leading to the deck.

I may try to spruce these up later but I thought you could use them now.
@Meriss - Splitting up the 6K only, as the 5K goes to expenses and is a group "account" more or less. As for your comm gear, yeah he can help with that, he's just ignoring it at the moment to focus on what they're here for. Sadly, I couldn't get much inthe way of extraneous programs such as IC (read:nothing). Ran out of BP. frown.gif

@All - APDS would probably be less useful than say Ex-Ex. Not a lot of paracritters are known for having heavy aror that will need penetrating, where as dealing some extra damage w/ ExEx would be immediately useful.

As Fly drone, or even a microskimmer w/ an SMG would most definitely be helpful. My concern is being able to fill such an order in the short tie that we have. MITNick has no contacts, so that's all you guys and what you can arrange.
@Fist: I'm more or less playing Steve as a total newb to the tech of 2070. Yes he is walking around down town Druid City with an open PAN. I expect this to come back and bite me later.

I took Uncle Phil for a reason. Gear. And lots of it. If he don't have it he likely knows who might.
QUOTE (Meriss @ Oct 8 2008, 07:40 PM) *
Yes he is walking around down town Druid City with an open PAN. I expect this to come back and bite me later.

Oh joy. I do like it though when someone plays their character well, even to the point of going against their player' sbest interests. SinN knows what I mean. wink.gif
QUOTE (fistandantilus4.0 @ Oct 9 2008, 10:48 AM) *
Oh joy. I do like it though when someone plays their character well, even to the point of going against their player's best interests. SinN knows what I mean. wink.gif

I enjoy it to.


The wife and munchkin are doing well and work is treating me OK. Planning on taking some vacation next week. Let me know what y'all need.
well, a nap, but honestly I don't expect to get it. smile.gif Going to post a pic of your little girl somewhere?

As a head's up, I'm headed to San Diego early in the morning tomorrow, so I'm not exactly sure what my connectivity is going to be like. Hopefully I won't be long between posting.
Like I said. I expect it to come back and bite me. This is why I tend to keep very quiet about potential weaknesses.

Seriuosly though Alex, Steve would be fairly out of the loop spending three years in prison. What bleeding edge stuff might he not be aware of? Yes the cyber is in fact three years old, so is the jack. Wireless capability was grafted on last month at Uncle Phil's suggestion.
Obbligatory after hiatus bump. So how are you guys?
I am fine. Now on vacation until the 27th so planning on enjoying myself. The wife and little one are settling into a routine and are doing fine.

You all were dealing with the SPAM issue when we left off. I am good for y'all to continue wither planning on getting on with the legwork. Just let me know.
OK I've got internet off base at my sister's, and I found a place to get internet on base. So I should be good for access even if it isn't 'round the clock.

I think we're good to go to split up and get gear. There's really minimal planning we can do without an actual layout or ways of getting more intel on the base. I cn see what MITNick can dig up though.

Are we generally good to move on?
Gm says yes. I am on vacation, so I'll see if I can work up a better version of the floorplans.
Sound good to me.
I'm almost done with the modified files. Apparently the link I gave you was for a secured pdf. I had to screen print and then paste the thing into Word. I don't have website to post these to, so let me know how you want them.


Here is a link for an interesting video that could possibly factor into the campaign at some point.
I have finished editing the floor plans. I had to use a picture in MS Word and draw on top of it but they are done.

I have emailed copies to:

Redjack, I have misplaced your email address.
I posted a Fast Forward™ post to keep us moving. You can tweak your IC if you need to say or do something at the club. Otherwise, let's use OOC.
MITNick goes back to his coffin, downloads some matrix orn and the society rags, then gets some rest before complikng and registering a sprite or two.
Chester takes a cab back to Jezzabells shop to pick up some supplies and see his sister before he leaves.
Sprite resists compiling = 2 Hits

Sprite resists registering = 2 Hits

Looks like you have your sprite with four services if I am remembering the rules correctly.
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