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Power company checking on an illegal feed? Bluff to put them on the defensive is always good. Smash and grab lacks finesse. Mission Impossible needs lots of intel. We could back up the sewage system, intercept the call for plumbers and arrive to clean up. They sure ain't gonna want to mess with the plumbers when there is shit on the floor.
I do have some concerns about Meriss not being about, leaving us without a face. We're looking at an office building, with the site we're going to being one of the offices. So we need to check on basics first, like what floor they're on. We want a cover that targets jsut that area so we don't have to BS our way past the other companies.

Plumbers might work ,although they'd only expect us to be in affected areas. I'm not sure I could hack a sewage back up. Maybe we could come in as company men from whatever company they get their software come, and say that we're investigating possible pirating of "our" software?

Still run into the problem of lacking out Face though. Anyone seen Meriss?
Got in late. Will try to post tomorrow.
Quick IC post up. Continue as you would. Been hectic with coming home from vacation and dealing with a friends wedding this weekend.
So tentaive plans at this point are to do a little physical observation of the place, along with some data searching. First off we need to know who owns the property, and specifically who has jurisdiction. Who's going to respond, who's providing security, and is the place extraterritorial. 'Cause if it isn't, city planners office should have the floor plans of the place.

Then we work on figuring out where their hardwards going to be and tear into it. biggrin.gif
Feel free to continue the planning and scheming. Just be sure to let me know when we need to move things along.
Well for starters, is any of that information in the data that we have so far?
The information that you have is for the student. The only thing that you have on the paydata is the matrix address.
I'm back. Sorry guys, RL keeps eating my gaming time alive frown.gif

Where do we need The Face cool.gif

It's just nice to be needed biggrin.gif
If you guys are ready to move on to the next IC scene, just let me know when and what's next.
If we're agreed, MITNick is going go dig for data on the matrix while Flash scopes the place out, and and have Meriss (sorry dude forget your char's name) do a little elgwork info digging and maybe a walk through of the building. Then decide on a means of entry. Sound good guys?
Sounds good to the GM. Please let me know what you want to do so I can set up the IC part of it.
@Fist: Char's name is Steve. The plan sounds good to me.

@Alex: Sounds good to me.
OK, fistandantilus4.0, need a Matrix search on the 'trix address to see if you can find the physical location.
FYI: We are moving from Utah to California this weekend so I may not be able to respond for some time. I'll be back as soon as I can re-establish DSL service.
Good luck and safe travels on the move.
@Alex: Good luck in your move! Hurry Back!

@Runners: Okay, while he's gone, take his stuff!
@Meriss: Not so fast chummer. If you value your mitts, you will keep them off my stuff. Or else, my panther assault cannon is going to have a chat with you.

I will have intermitent (at best) internet access this week. My stuff will show up on the truck on Thursday so I should be back to full posting speed this weekend.
@Alex: Puleaze a panther is sooooooo hackable.

And where do you think runners get their best gear?

It falls off a truck. devil.gif
@Meriss: That's what's so cute about you younguns. You forget that some of us have been running since before the wireless revolution. My panther is old and cantankerous like me - but not hackable.

Now if you are interested in gear that falls off a truck . . . I know a guy who knows a guy . . .


What do y'all need IC-wise?
If Fist can hack me the building's schedule, I need a routine event. I'm thinking janitorial services. There's very little difference between a good cleaning and a good search.

Though I may start with some dumpster diving.

Actually, yes, what form of trash pickup does our target address use? Get the appropriate vehicle from Uncle Phil. Grab the dumpster and spend some time sorting through it for schedules, and other goodies. (Meh, I might get lucky)

Arrange for a new ID, Though I may be broke. Janitors Uni. Then Seaky, sneaky. devil.gif
Ok. Back from Gen Con! Sorry for being out of pocket before hand, but you all know how pre-travel prep tends to suck up all your time.


Now that he has money, Flash needs a suit so that he can work a little more towards being the face. Following that, we can make an initial recon of the site where the target is.
Please be patient with me for a while yet. We are still getting moved into the new house and the DSL never did work right. Now I find out that my phone line isn't working. The best part - they won't be out til SATURDAY to look at it much less fix it. Now I remember why I hate AT&T.

On top of that the movers broke the water line on my fridge. What's that about raining and pouring?

DSL and phone fixed. Apparently the right hand (DSL) not knowing what the left hand (regular voice) was doing actually helped me this time.
"Hey, that tickles!"

I'm here, just not fully here. I am trying to unpack the house and get established in California all with wife who was sick. She's feeling much better but the unpacking thing has not gone quickly and consequently, I am hunting my books and notes. I thought that I would have them by now. Alas no.

On the IC front, what are we ready for? Perhaps I can answer the question.
I think we're ready for a trip to buy a suit and do a physical recon
What sort of suit are you looking for? Fancy, trendy, high end; simple, mass-produced, lower end; or something in between?
Sorry to hear about your wife Alex. I know the feeling. Mine's on so many meds I've lost track. Notes on the other hand are tragic. What Redjack needs I have no clue biggrin.gif

I need in order:

1. What sort of garbage pickup does our target building use?

2. Borrow/rent appropriate van.

3. Borrow/rent appropriate janitors uniform.

4. Dumpster dive for building schedules.

5. Are we on a concrete time table for our beating?
Mass produced I imagine, then tailored to fit.
Not dead - just busy. Still haven't found my books. Weren't in the box I thought they were in. I'm off Friday so I'm hoping I can knock some of this stuff out.
Hey man, welcome to California! Too bad we don't live in Redding anymore, we'd only be two hours away. Let me know if you want some nice beaches, we can put you guys up for a bit. biggrin.gif

Sorry I've been away, it's been nuts down here. We all get one of those, right? I'm going to try and get caught up over the next couple of days. just touchign base tonight.
Been out of commission for a while. RL and such. I'll try to catch up this week.
Umm, where did the IC thread go? Anybody have any ideas on that?
IC Thread
I made a quick IC post to get us moving again. Again, sorry for the delay. If I need to back up or edit something, let me know.
Hmm, September 12th until September 23rd. Is there still interest in this game?
I'm still interested but work and other RL considerations have been kicking my ass.
I'm kind of haunting the forums at the moment, but I'm still in. Just not real active. I won't drop on the game. Just real busy . I'm down in Gulf Port MS doing training, so busy busy and worn out. But I've got the weekends. smile.gif

And RJ< I can can still do Legacy, you just need to keep on me. It gets lost in the shuffle of all the other things I'm still caught up in.
No problems. RL is pretty much kicking everyone's ass these days.


How's good 'ole Gulf Port these days?
Hot and humid. Not a fan. There's all this .... space. Very weird. I haven't really been out in town much. Not a lot here to do besides go to the rec center, eat, sleep, and work out. Mostly exhauseted from running around in 60+ pounds of gear all day, but it could be worst. Enjoying shooting a lot . smile.gif Next weeks is all M4, and the week after that, we shoot each other with sim rounds. Good times.

Catch me up: What should I be doing in the game?
You guys were doing intel on where the data is physically and planning what to do about the kid.
OK right, I needed to do a data search for the phys locale. Anything else?
We need to find out who all is in the building with the mark. I'd hate to piss on Ares or someone equal going at this guy.
Ok, looks like we have a plan. State your rolls, show results and I'll feed you information. Yes, you can pick your own rolls - I like to see what you're thinking and a forum game gives me the time between postings if you throw me a curve-ball.
Doing Data Search, starting with Threadnig up my Browse a bit:

Limit hits 3
Threading 4 + Data Search 4 + Analytical mind +2 Software = 10
Hits :4
Results:5 6 5 3 1 1 4 3 5 2
Resistance Resonance 4 + Willpower 5 =9
Hits: 5
Results:2 4 1 6 6 5 5 5 2

Searching for address location and information on it:

Data Search 4 +Browsing 6 = 10
Extended Test (4)
Hits: =15
Results:2 5 2 6 5 2 5 3 1 4
Results:2 5 6 4 1 4 3 4 1 3
Results:1 2 5 1 5 3 4 1 6 6
Results:3 3 6 5 6 5 4 5 3 3
I'll get your info up tomorrow. Been a long day.
It took me long than the hypothetical tomorrow to post. RL is brutal sometimes. See IC for post.
Still here. Waiting for Fisty to post in. nyahnyah.gif
Thanks for the check in. I think he is still doing training.
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