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And generally a -2 distraction penalty is applied to the matrix activity.
The old man is real. At least there is a person standing there who reacts to being approached.


Now the paranoia starts. Please roll initiative.
6d6.hits(5) ? [1,1,3,2,3,5] = (1) hit

So init 7, 1 pass
Initiative: [1,1,5,4,2,1,2,6,6] = 9 + 3 hits =12 w/2 passes
Whoops, maybe I should have looked here before posting (changed my last post for now). smile.gif

Raven's Initiative is 7 (1 IP)

One of the things I like about these street level games is that only having one pass doesn't matter as much.

Now.. time to finish that 4IP character I've been working on biggrin.gif
Initiative(7) [5,5,2,3,1,5,4] = 3 hits; Initiative = 10 (2)

@Alex - Is everyone in the room or just Raven, Angel and Flash? Do you want all/some the posts outside deleted?
Initiative (6d6.hits(5)=5)
Initiative = 11

Talk about a wasted good roll x.x
Maybe not. At least you'll get to hide behind Ludo find cover fairly quickly.
QUOTE (Zyerne @ Dec 17 2010, 03:27 PM) *
Maybe not. At least you'll get to hide behind Ludo find cover fairly quickly.

Yeah, but I'm not sure if the combat is only happening inside or what, so it might not be particularly useful. But who knows.
Init 10
(base seven+ 3
Results:3 5 5 2 4 5 1
HITS:3 )

@RJ/Alex - It's a fair bet that MITNick is sticking pretty close to Flash, where ever he's at. They established long ago that Flash is the one to deal with anything that needs dealing, especially when it's got blood in it's body instead of oil. Nick's paranoia is kicking into over drive with the werid J, so he's sticking close to the one guy he trusts.
I'm under the impression that everyone is either out on the street near the entrance or coming up the ramp from the meet. If you need to edit your post to reflect that, please do so.

Automatic fire:
Base damage = 4L
dice pool of 10 [5,3,2,3,3,2,3,6,2,5] = 3 hits
Resist accordingly.
4L? Did we switch to 3rd edition when I wasn't paying attention?

And who is being shot at?
Edit: Oh, I'm guessing you're just doing a general hit for everyone. Is the 4 damage code right though?
Actually, if I switched, it would be to 2nd Edition with the awesomeness that was the skill web. [Insert appropriate comment here.]

So, what I meant was simply 4 with the damage being "L"ethal. I suppose I should phrase it 4P now-a-days.
Raven easily resists thanks to lucky dice. smile.gif

CT 1 / IP 1 / Init 7

When it's my action, I will cast Increase Reflexes F4 (with the full 4 hits).
Drain DV 4S (3 hits) - 1 box of stun damage

Note to self: Get dodge skill or gymnastics.

Dodge/Resist (2d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=1) 6P damage taken.
Threading scan (9d6.hits(5)=2) 2 hits used.
Resist Fading (11d6.hits(5)=5) no fading
Scanning for vehicle's node (11d6.hits(5)=7) Usually threshold 5, so should have found it unless it is completely offline.

If she does find it she'll be dropping scan and then threading up both exploit and stealth and trying to hack in, if not she's done with her turn.
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 18 2010, 11:36 AM) *
Usually threshold 5, so should have found it unless it is completely offline.
Threshold is 4 [sr4a,pg230], but only if its hidden. If not hidden, no scan is required. (Meaning hacking time starts one action sooner!!)


Flash Defensive Rolls:
3 hits vs Reaction(4) [4,4,1,5] = 1 Hits

DV6P vs Body(6) + Armor(10) [2,3,3,4,6,1,4,4,6,5,2,3,2,4,4,2] = 3 hits
The dice continue to hate me.
Edge: [6,6,3,3,6,3,1,2,2,3,3,1,3] + 3 hits

Pass #1:
Free Action: Drop vests
Simple Action: Open briefcase
Simple Action: Ready Weapon

Pass #2:
Simple Action: Flip out stock
Simple Action: Long Narrow Burst

Agility(4) + Automatics(4) + Spec: SMG(2) + SG(2) + Recoil(-2) [1,1,6,2,4,4,3,3,5,1] = 2 hits
If successful, DV10 + net hits (Invisible Castle just REALLY hates me today)
@ Karoline
You find one of the comms without problem - not hidden.
The car's node was hidden but now you know where it is.

You flatten the tires but the car is still tying to keep moving.
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 19 2010, 12:13 AM) *
Note to self: Get dodge skill or gymnastics.

Dodge/Resist (2d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=1) 6P damage taken.

Dang, troll cover wasn't available soon enough frown.gif

Ludo's Reaction Defense:
2d6.hits(5) ? [6,1] = (1)

Resist damage: 6P
Armored Vest(6) + Vitals protector(1) + Body(6) + Troll skin(1) + Dermal deposits(1) = 15d6
15d6.hits(5) ? [1,1,2,1,6,3,1,2,3,2,6,1,3,1,2] = (2)

Damage taken: 4S, no knockdown


On my action I'll move over to Step and get in between her and where the gunfire was coming from, and I'll begin summoning an Earth spirit.

Phase I, Init 7
Summoning F5 Earth Spirit:
Summoning(6) + Mentor(2) + Magic(5) + Wound(-1) = 12d6
Ludo 9 hits vs. Spirits 0 hits = 9 services owed
*edit* sorry, summoning Drain is a min 2DV, Will + Int = 9d6
Resist 2S: 2 hits = no drain

(hell yeah)

F5 Earth Spirit stats:
[ Spoiler ]
Okay, so then, so then to go through my passes a bit more in depth:

Pass #1
Free action: Run to Ludo
Non action: Thread scan
Complex action: Scan for hidden nodes

Pass #2
Non action: Drop scan
Non action: Thread exploit (9d6.hits(5)=3) 3 hits used Resist fading (11d6.hits(5)=2) Joy, 1 more P
Non action: Thread stealth (9d6.hits(5)=2) 2 hits used resist fading (11d6.hits(5)=4)
Extended test IP 1: Hack on the fly (16d6.hits(5)=5) for the car (Breaks into up to firewall 5 node, node gets Analyze + Firewall (cool.gif extended test to try and notice Step hacking in.) (Forgot to take the -2 for having a threaded CF, which removes those last 2 1s, so no change in hits)

Pass #3
If not in -
Extended test IP 2: Hack on the fly (13d6.hits(5)=5) (Breaks into up to firewall 10 node, node gets another roll on the extended test with -1 penalty due to diminishing DP on extended test)
If in -
Will attempt to shut off the engine of the car. Don't know how you want me to go about that. Likely a simple/free action for someone with an account.

Edit: Despite my character being nearly killed with the first contact with combat, I'm quite enjoying myself smile.gif
Dodging 3 hits [4,5,4,3,5] =2 hits

Resisting DV 5P [5,5,3,5,2,3,1,3,2] = 3hits

Damage taken 2S

@Alex: How long will it take Angel to reach her bike?
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 18 2010, 09:18 PM) *
Pass #2
Non action: Drop scan
Non action: Thread exploit (9d6.hits(5)=3) 3 hits used Resist fading (11d6.hits(5)=2) Joy, 1 more P
Non action: Thread stealth (9d6.hits(5)=2) 2 hits used resist fading (11d6.hits(5)=4)
Extended test IP 1: Hack on the fly (16d6.hits(5)=5) for the car (Breaks into up to firewall 5 node, node gets Analyze + Firewall (cool.gif extended test to try and notice Step hacking in.) (Forgot to take the -2 for having a threaded CF, which removes those last 2 1s, so no change in hits)
Dang! Does that pool also reflect the -2 for 7 boxes physical?
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Dec 18 2010, 08:49 PM) *
Ludo 9 hits vs. Spirits 0 hits = 9 services owed
I think I found all my missing hits! nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Redjack @ Dec 19 2010, 12:59 PM) *
I think I found all my missing hits! nyahnyah.gif

hehehe - I know. I rolled the crappy damage resist, and was going to say how the rolls were hating us all these days...then bam! wobble.gif

I'm thinking I should bind this one.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Dec 18 2010, 11:57 PM) *
Dang! Does that pool also reflect the -2 for 7 boxes physical?

Yeah, it does. The hacking pool is hacking 5 + VR 2 + Exploit 9 + codeslinger (hack on the fly) 2 - WP 2 = 16 smile.gif
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 18 2010, 11:15 PM) *
Yeah, it does. The hacking pool is hacking 5 + VR 2 + Exploit 9 + codeslinger (hack on the fly) 2 - WP 2 = 16 smile.gif
Excellent! Given your body resistance, we're starting to see what you sacrificed for the 25BP to get that 6th point of resonance. My Agility and Reaction aren't quite what I would have preferred, given the starting BP.
I'm actually surprised how low Flash's Agility is given that he's obviously augmented.

Also, Angel's Initiative should be 10, not 12. I apparently failed at maths when I posted the sheet.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Dec 19 2010, 12:30 AM) *
Excellent! Given your body resistance, we're starting to see what you sacrificed for the 25BP to get that 6th point of resonance. My Agility and Reaction aren't quite what I would have preferred, given the starting BP.

Yeah, the extra BP for a full 6 resonance was painful, but getting all the CFs up to 6 is amazing in the matrix.

The real problem now is that I already have about a hundred things that I want to spend karma on.

15 karma for increase body would be nice. 8 karma for a couple points of dodge/gymnastics would be nice. 10ish karma to submerge would be nice. Then 35 karma to raise resonance so I can grab some ware would be nice. 10 karma for a social skill group would be nice. 10ish karma for specs would be nice. The list gets long quickly.
QUOTE (Zyerne @ Dec 18 2010, 11:39 PM) *
I'm actually surprised how low Flash's Agility is given that he's obviously augmented.
That 350BP killed me. I had to make sacrifices across the board.. I was surprised by the high dice pool for Step. When Alex asked for Street level, I tried to level it out and make him a more balanced generalist than a real specialist in any area. A decent stealth, respectable SMG DP and body resistance are his strong points.
Yeah, 16 is good but not crazy. If I'd had access to RC and been up for it she could have ended up notably better in the matrix.

I just realized that vindictive would have been a really good quality for Step Shame we couldn't use RC. So many nice qualities in there, even if most of the rest of the book is kind of a mess.
Just a quick clarification about our payment:
5k each, 25% up front
6k team for expenses
6k team bonus if we keep off the news.

Is that right? I'm trying to keep my character sheet up to date and want to add in the up front money before Step dies I forget.
Step is certainly a little more focussed than say Flash or Angel but I'd imagine there's things we'd all like to spend karma on smile.gif I'd certainly like another point of magic but I've got about 4 different ways I'd like to spend it.

As to Step's damage resistance, something I've been thinking is that stacking some a formfit half suit under that armor clothing might be of more benefit than being unencumbered.
maybe we can rig some kind of harness for her to ride around on Ludo's back...

nah smile.gif
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 19 2010, 06:03 AM) *
Just a quick clarification about our payment:
5k each, 25% up front
6k team for expenses
6k team bonus if we keep off the news.

Is that right? I'm trying to keep my character sheet up to date and want to add in the up front money before Step dies I forget.

Should be. 36k total was what Angel was aiming for and the bonus came on top of that.
QUOTE (Zyerne @ Dec 18 2010, 09:44 PM) *
@Alex: How long will it take Angel to reach her bike?

On her action, she can start that way; however, the parking lot is rather large. I would say about 3 passes to get there.


On the money, that looks right to me.

On karma, I will be doing dynamic spend for this game. You'll need to use the attribute, skill, whatever OR make it known in game what your plans are. Periodically, I'll announce when you can spend the accumulated karma.


Unless I mis-counted, the current initiative count is now 12. (The bad guys getting a 13 in this case.) Feel free to post in turns.
I have my action already posted, since it won't really affect anyone else, and I cannot do anything else this round.

As mentioned, I botched my init when I posted the sheet (now ammended) and Angel is on 10, not 12. As such, I think it's Step on 11 to go next.

I think I'm the only one that hasn't posted an action yet though. Repost in turn order and I'll fit mine in?
Accidental double post. I'll use it for an initiation question.

Alex, are you you using either or both of the extra metamagics or the powerpoint as metamagic optional rules?
For GM and every one else:

CT 1
Baddies - 13 (?)
Step - 11 (3)
MITNick - 10 (1)
Angel - 10 (2)
Flash - 10 (2)
Raven - 7 (1)
Ludo - 7 (1)

IP #1
Baddies - Shot us
Step - Entered VR and scanned for the car's node
MITNick - ???
Angel - Running to her bike and shooting at the car on the way
Flash - Dropping his phat loot and getting his gun
Raven - Casting Increased Reflexes, new init/IP next CT
Ludo - Summoning earth spirit

IP #2
Baddies - ???
Step - First hacking attempt
Angel - Running to her bike and shooting at the car on the way
Flash - shot out the vehicle's tire

IP #3
Baddies - ???
Step - Second hacking attempt if required, if not attempting to shut off the engine

IP #4
Baddies - ???

CT 2
New init needed.

So, looks like we're just waiting on Fisty to post what he is doing for his 1 IP, and for Alex to tell me what happens with Step's hacking attempts and if the baddies have more than 1 IP. Then everyone can roll up init again smile.gif
Actually, now I know how far Angel has to go, she's got some shooting to do.

IP #1

Simple Action: Put commlink away
Simple Action: Quickdraw

Reaction 5 + Pistols 2 [4,5,5,1,1,6,4] = Success

Agility 5 + Pistols 2 + Semi-Automatics 2 + Smartgun 2 - Encumbered 1 =[4,4,5,5,6,4,4,4,6,1] = 4 hits

DV5 AP-1 + Net hits

Free Action: Start running

IP #2

Simple Action: Shoot on the run

Agility 5 + Pistols 2 + Semi-Automatics 2 + Smartgun 2 - Encumbered 1 - Running 2 =[4,4,5,5,6,4,4,4,6,1] =3 hits

DV5 AP-1 + Net hits

Simple Action: Shoot on the run

Agility 5 + Pistols 2 + Semi-Automatics 2 + Smartgun 2 - Encumbered 1 - Running 2 =[[5,6,1,6,6,5,3,4]] = 5 hits

DV5 AP-1 + Net hits

She's shooting the the car generally, hoping any armor is light enough she'll do some damage and slow it down.

Adjusted for your shots smile.gif
Nick is not one for dodging bullets:
Reaction 2
Results:2 5

Roll to soak: Body 3 + Armor Jacket
Results:4 2 6 6 5 6 3 1 6
2 net hits dealing 6P - 5hits resist = 1 box dmg

Observe in detail:
Results:5 1 3 6 6

Action: Diving for cover then checking out the scene. He's not too hurt, but doesn't know how bad Step is, so seeing how far he is from her, how bad she's hurt, and if he can get her to cover if there's need. Getting ready to render aid. Lot of stuff for one round of action for a guy with only 1 IP. smile.gif So at this point he's mostly getting cover and looking around.
@fistandantilus: Should be Stun damage for you, DV 6P does not exceed your ballistic armor rating, as it seems.

Yeah thanks, I'd just noticed that and corrected. smile.gif
Doing three things at once. SO much fun
So waiting for answer on what happens with Step's hacking and if the baddies have any more IPs and then new combat turn so new init for everyone smile.gif
Initiative for combat turn 2 (10d6.hits(5)=4) total init = 14 (3)
Oh, forgot wound penalties, so init is 12

I'll do a new little table here and update as people roll to help keep track of things smile.gif

CT 2 Init (passes)
Raven - 13 (4)
Step - 12 (3)
Baddies - 11 (2)
Angel - 11 (2)
Earth spirit - 11 (3)
Ludo - 10 (1)
Mr. Troll? - 10 (2)
MITNick - ??? (1)
Flash - 7 (2)

Edit: Updated as of post 1010
Raven's initiative for CT2 is 13 (4 IP)

Flash - Initiative(7) [2,1,3,3,4,2,2] = 0 hits; Initiative = 7 (2)
The hatred from invisible castle continues....
The hacking attempt is successful and the car will obey your will. I have assumed you will it to stop.


Baddies 11 (2 pass)
Pass 1 - shoot everyone
Pass 2 - duck and cover

Mr. Troll 10 (2 passes)
We'll wait and see since it isn't his turn yet.
Did Angel's fire have any effect or did it get caught up in the general car stoppage?

Also Init: [6,4,4,2,5,4,6,2] =3 hits. Total 11.
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