Born in 2015, Nicholas Davidson was the only child of corporate parents Edward and Sarah Davidson, working hard for the corporate buck. Being the dwarf son of human parents working for Shiawase, the situation was less than ideal. Needless to say, his american parents already had their hands full with simply not being japanese, so having a "changed one " for a child made things even more difficult. Nicholas spent most of his time at home, being home schooled by auto-tutors whenever possible, until the age of 7. By then it was impossible to keep quiet his "condition", and his parents were forced to relocate from their home in Tokyo to North America, specifically the Seattle Metro plex.
In Seattle, their racial tensions were slightly less than in Tokyo, to an at least bareable level, although the corporate pressure was stifling. Nick went to public schools instead of corporate run, as his parent's jobs had been down graded in importance, and they could not afford public schools. His father grew more distant, while his mother clung to him tighter, keeping him home as much as possible, even home schooling him in the technical fields she was employed under (having more free time since the 'restructuring'). The family was under strain for years, until everything finally broke. In 2030, Nick's mother was killed in random street violence, breaking the family for good. His father, ever the diligent corporate employee, skipped his bereavement time, going straight back to work. His devotion to the corp was rewarded, eventually getting promotions he'd been passed on for years, as long as he kept his son quietly in the back ground.
Nick for his part threw himself into electronics, taking apart any gadget he could find, tearing it apart and finding out how it worked. The matrix had become his new play place over the years, and he spent even more time in the computer than outside. It wasn't until he'd finished high school and done his testing that Shiawase found a use for him. He'd placed extremely well on technical apptitude tests, enough that the company saw him as a potential asset rather than an embarassment, as long as he was approachd correctly. Shiawase, being the "Family Coproration" turned it's sights on young Nick, using the ful force of their recruiting programs and "Father's love". Needless to say it worked, and Nick was well on his way to becoming another cog in the machine.
Twenty years of corporate life later, Edward Davidson's heart finally gave out from too much stress, leaving Nick the family "fortune", better known as corporate debt. Nick, a skilled program and tech, had already been found his niche, but was unable to advance. The corp would let him create systems and architecture for them, even some IC, but they were happy with where he was. He'd long ago given up the chance for any real advancement, trying to keep himself sedate and appropriate for corporate culture. The death of his father along with twenty yearsof monotony was more than he could take, and he soon began striking out into dangerous waters.
At first it was nothing morethan lurking into 'seedy' matrix dive bars, talking the talk, learning the chant of the underside of the matrix. Coming into contact with what he perceived as the criminal underbelly was an eye opener for Nicholas, who only had school hood memories of life out side the full corporate culture, mere glimpses really of what the world out side
could be like. But what he saw, he liked. The mystique of the shadows drew him, the sense of adventure and danger taking hold of his imagination and drawing him along. It was a naive view of the shadows no doubt, but it was enough to get him hooked. He knew enough of corporate security watch dog systems to know how to get around them, and so was able to continue his descent into the blacker parts of the matrix slowly, discovering more and more of what could truly be out there. Eventually, naturally, like one who learnshow to crawl before learning how to walk, he found his way to Shadowland.
The data haven was something more to Nicholas than a gathering place for shadowfolk, it was a gateway to a whole new world. He chose his handle after Kevin Mitnick, a hacker, some would say gone corp (and some would say a glorified "script kiddie") of the previous century. Mixing in his own education at MIT just made it more interesting to him. The duality of the original Mitnick's background teased a sense of irony in him, himself a corporate wageslave, and hacker to be. With his shiny (literally) new handle in place, he worked the want adds.
MITNick had some skill in the system, and knew how to code, but that's a far cry from being a genuine hacker. Starting small was the only thing that kept him alive in the first few months as trying to operate as a decker. However, he did survive, and his skills slowly, and painfully, grew with each new experience. He worked solely out of the matrix, as a rule, still trying to preserve his dual lives. However, his work had slipped, and few people know
all of a corp's tricks for keeping an eye on them. It only took Shiawase six months to have proof he was up to something, even with Nicholas carefully covering his tracks. But for some reason, they bided their time. Within a year however, as MITNick became more proficent at systems intrusions, the truth soon revealed it's self.
He was confronted not by his superiors, but by a security detachment and a "mamanger " of somesort that he'd never heard of. They took him from his work space to a confined interrogation roomand threw a year's worth of proof of illegal activities on the table infront of him. His life with Shiawase was done. His life was done. All his money, his retirement, was corp scrip. All of his property was bought with corp money and corp loans. Everything he was they could take away. Not to mention the jail time.
Or, he could stop working in the shadows, and come back to work for his
true employer, the only people that
really cared about him. Shiawase cared enough to give him a second chance. He began working for the corp again, this time not just as a programmer, but as a decker, a black asset hacking other corporations. it was a win/win deal for Shiawase. They had a disposable (Read:Metahuman) asset, with a proven track record, some true skills, and enough ties to keep him with the corporation for a long time. If he was ever caught, they could provideevidence that they'd been investigating, along with links to other corps through the old jobs he had worked. They built him a gilded cage.
Nicholas, aka MITNick, aka Prometheus (as he named himself for decking for Shiawase) did his work and did it well. He was never a nova hot decker, but he was good. He did his hacks, he wrote code, and he stayed loyal to the corp. So things would have stayed for many years, if not for the Crash 2.0.
icholas was in another corporation's host system, decking for the corp when the crash hit. MITNick crashed, along with the rest of the system
, lying flat against is terminal in mid-breach of a Renraku CPU. His handlers didn't know what happened, but they knew what they had to do. Their decker was dead, and they had work to do. They deleted him. All corporate records of Nicholas Davidson were destroyed, and the body was disposed of.
He woke up in a dumpster. He didn't know where he was or what was going on, or why he hurt so much. He was tired, in pain, starving, and confused. He dug himself out of the trash, falling out of the dumpster and into the rain puddles, finding himself somewhere in the barrens, with only the clothes on his back, which weren't even his.
In the years since, MITNick has since moved far away from Seattle where he lived for so long, hiding out in the south, well away from Shiawase. He didn't know what had happened to him, but he was different. Things began to happen around him, electronics malfunctioning, and then eventually responding to his
thoughts. He reinvente himself again, trying to find some way to bring his life back together, trying to find
some way to earn some money, and get clear what was happening to him. His old computer tricks didnt work the same way anymore. He couldn't explain what he could do, or even understand the extent of it, but the machines seemed to
talk to him now. He only knew he wasn't crazy because what they told him worked. He had to relearn everything he knew about the matrix. But the spirits inside the machines told him how.
[ Spoiler ]
More to come later ... and it will be more interesting than the bland "in the life of". Family stuff to do