Dec 28 2010, 11:23 PM
Merry Christmas, Happy New and let's kick some ganger tail!
Dec 29 2010, 01:18 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year indeed!
One karma for each of you.
Stun Gas: Inhalation vector
Dice Pool of 8:
[6,4,2,6,5,5,3,5] = 5 hits3S + 5 = 8S (Assuming 5 net hits.)
I want everyone to make a Initiative check as a defense. (If you have something like a gas mask, that will count as armor.)
Dec 29 2010, 01:23 AM
Hello all, sorry don't think I remembered to mention everywhere that I'd be without internet for a few days, but finally back. Merry Christmas and various other assorted holidays.
For Step's check, should she use her matrix or real init, or should she even make a check since she is in full VR? Maybe counting on MITnick or Ludo to get her out of harms way instead?
Dec 29 2010, 01:45 AM
Not bad... Initiative (as Defense)
5 hitsBye
Dec 29 2010, 03:07 AM
Would Angel be out of range?
Dec 29 2010, 04:16 AM
hehe - more questions Alex!
When in the initiative did this happen? This is Mr. Troll? I presume. Should I use Ludo's init, or Ludo-spirit hybrid init?
Dec 29 2010, 07:49 AM
@ Karoline
Step would be dealing with the mundane side of things. If you want to take the penalty for trying to get the meat body to behave while injured, be my guest.
@ Thanee
Raven avoids the worst of it. She will have a little irritation but no game effects. We'll assume she re-positioned appropriately or took advantage of wind.
@ Zyerne
Yes, Angel is out of range
@ phlapjack77
Spirit/Ludo went on Initiative 10, so this would be after that (Initiative 7). You may use the new, combined initiative. Yes, this is the illustrious Mr. Troll who was holding his action.
Dec 29 2010, 08:12 AM
Init Rolled
Results:5 3 3 5 5 4 6
+Base would be 11
Body Test Just incase: 3
Results:6 5 5
Just trying to clamp it down and throw the thing the hell out of there, preferrably back to where it came, since they're shooting at the gangers. He can't count on being able to pull Step out of range before the gas got him and ended up getting them both, so he's getting rid of it.
Dec 29 2010, 09:17 AM
Ok cool.
Defense roll: Init(12) =
4 hitsIf needed: Soak roll: Body(11) =
5 hits
Dec 29 2010, 02:34 PM
QUOTE (Alex @ Dec 28 2010, 07:18 PM)
Stun Gas: Inhalation vector
Dice Pool of 8:
[6,4,2,6,5,5,3,5] = 5 hits3S + 5 = 8S (Assuming 5 net hits.)
I want everyone to make a Initiative check as a defense. (If you have something like a gas mask, that will count as armor.)
What if I spend an edge to go first?
Dec 30 2010, 02:38 AM
QUOTE (Redjack @ Dec 29 2010, 08:34 AM)
What if I spend an edge to go first?
Then you would go first.
Dec 30 2010, 02:51 AM
Not sure I asked the right question: As you are using initiative as a defense against the gas, if I spent an edge to go first, would that also be a complete defense against the gas?
Dec 30 2010, 03:24 AM
QUOTE (Redjack @ Dec 29 2010, 09:51 PM)
Not sure I asked the right question: As you are using initiative as a defense against the gas, if I spent an edge to go first, would that also be a complete defense against the gas?
I'm guessing no.
Init defense -2 for wounds, -2 for acting in physical while in VR (6d6.hits(5)=3) So 5 stun to add to my 6 physical damage. Step is not happy
Dec 30 2010, 08:59 AM
QUOTE (Redjack @ Dec 29 2010, 08:51 PM)
Not sure I asked the right question: As you are using initiative as a defense against the gas, if I spent an edge to go first, would that also be a complete defense against the gas?
Ahh, my misunderstanding.
I debated this one for a while and decided that you can use the edge to get out of the cloud, functionally skipping the need to roll for damage.
Dec 31 2010, 09:51 AM
Is Pass 1 over now, BTW? Or is anyone still going? Otherwise I would post my Pass 2 action.
Is it possible to get somewhere without exposing oneself to the gas, from where our opponents can be seen?
If not, Raven would cast Levitate, and then fly somewhere ahead to do so.
Dec 31 2010, 07:19 PM
I believe you are free to post for Pass 2 actions.
From where she is now, Raven would have a hard time avoiding the gas unless she held her breath and made a run for it. Feel free to case Levitation.
Dec 31 2010, 07:59 PM
Did we ever get the result of Flash's attack on the ganger?
Jan 1 2011, 12:54 AM
At least around here it is almost 2 am now.
QUOTE (Alex @ Dec 31 2010, 08:19 PM)
From where she is now, Raven would have a hard time avoiding the gas unless she held her breath and made a run for it.
Ok, that's what I expected.
Cast Force 5 Levitate with
7 hits (only 5 of those count, though
Resist Drain 3S with
4 hitsThat should be enough to get me to one level above right away.
Jan 3 2011, 02:35 AM
Is Step still in the middle of the gas?
Jan 3 2011, 02:49 AM
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Dec 23 2010, 10:04 PM)
So next pass, Ludo-spirit's new initiative order will be 12 +
6 hits =
18Initiative reductions occur immediately, including lost passes. Initiative increases, including added passes, do not take effect until the
next turn.
EDIT: Missed the GM post on this
QUOTE (Alex @ Dec 29 2010, 01:49 AM)
@ phlapjack77
Spirit/Ludo went on Initiative 10, so this would be after that (Initiative 7). You may use the new, combined initiative. Yes, this is the illustrious Mr. Troll who was holding his action.
Jan 3 2011, 02:52 AM
oops - my bad. Alright, so Ludo's done for this turn.
Jan 3 2011, 03:10 AM
Turn #2; Pass #1
13 (4) - Raven - Cast Invisibility
12 (3) - Step - Commanding the car
11 (2) - Baddies - Move and shoot
11 (2) - Angel - Running for bike
11 (3) - Earth spirit - Possess Ludo
10 (1) - Ludo - Command spirit to possess him
10 (2) - Mr. Troll - Gas the team
09 (1) - MITNick - Move Step to cover and beginning to render first aid
07 (2) - Flash - Shoot and move
Resist Gas
Raven - Beat net hits; Resisted
Step - 5 stun taken
Angel - Out of range
Ludo - Resisted
Earth spirit - Immune
MITNick - 1 stun taken
Flash - Spend an edge to go before the troll and clear the gas.
Turn #2; Pass #2
18 (2) - Earth spirit -
13 (4) - Raven - Cast Levitate and Move
12 (3) - Step -
11 (2) - Baddies -
11 (2) - Angel -
10 (2) - Mr. Troll -
07 (2) - Flash -
Jan 3 2011, 03:11 AM
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jan 2 2011, 08:52 PM)
oops - my bad. Alright, so Ludo's done for this turn.
I'm missed Alex's ruling on this. Besides, the spirit went from 3 to 2 passes so it would have still gotten an action in any case.
Jan 3 2011, 03:25 AM
Maybe we could figure that the new initiative wouldn't take effect until next turn, but the dicepool for tests (such as the gas defense) are applicable
Jan 3 2011, 09:02 AM
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jan 2 2011, 10:10 PM)
Turn #2; Pass #1
09 (1) - MITNick - Random shots towards gangers
No, last action MITNick was taking was getting Step to cover and beginning to render first aid. From where the gas attack was described, it would be pretty much right where he was at, so he moved to get rid of the canister.
Jan 4 2011, 04:54 AM
Ante up.
Jan 4 2011, 05:49 AM
Sorry Alex - was the ruling that Ludo's new init + passes doesn't take effect until next turn? For the purposes of getting 2 passes and new "when to go in the pass" type of stuff.
If it takes effect, I'll post Ludo's actions for pass two (Is Step still in the gas area of effect?). If not, I guess I wait for everyone else to finish
Jan 4 2011, 09:02 AM
From my point of view, you are welcome to use the combined totals for your next post.
Jan 4 2011, 10:51 AM
Ok, Ludo's next action:
Turn 2 | Pass 2 | Init 18
Free Action: (Speak) Ludo asks the Spirit to save Step, using a service (services left: 7)
Simple Action: (Ready Weapon) take out respirator (rtg 4)
Simple Action: (Use Simple Object) move over to Step and put the respirator on her
movement: continue moving out of the gas with Step in tow, if possible
How's that, Alex?
Jan 4 2011, 10:27 PM
I'll be holding 'til after the gangers shoot again, make the most of that full defense.
Jan 8 2011, 02:18 AM
Been sick and RL dog-piled me at the same time.
Taking stock of things, it looks like the Earth Spirit is up. phlapjack77, you plan works for me: go for it.
We've got Raven's action posted.
@ Zyerne - so noted.
@ Karoline - I believe we are waiting on Step
Jan 8 2011, 02:22 AM
Oops, sorry, let me figure out what I was planning on doing. Think I was going to hack one of the shooter's commlinks provided Step is out of the cloud now.
Jan 8 2011, 02:34 AM
Alright, continuing my exploit test from IP 1 is another simple action:
Hack on the Fly (13d6.hits(5)=2)That gets into a system up to firewall 2, which isn't likely to get in, so will likely be spending my other simple action to start another round of exploit. Stealth is still at 8.
Jan 8 2011, 03:45 AM
OK, sounds good so far. Feel free to post IC if the mood so strikes you.
Jan 8 2011, 03:49 AM
Will likely happen tomorrow, so feel free to continue on around me.
Jan 11 2011, 03:51 AM
Bad guys are up, right?
Jan 11 2011, 08:04 AM
Yes, as a matter of fact, they are. Unfortunately, it has been a long day. I'll post IC tomorrow.
Jan 12 2011, 10:01 AM
Back. Hopefully RL will calm down a bit.
CT-2, P-2
G1 aiming at
Mr. TrollAutomatics 6 -
[2,5,5,5,1,3] = 3 hits4P + 3 = 7P
G2 aiming at
RavenAutomatics 6 -
[1,6,5,2,2,3] = 2 hits4P + 2 = 6P
G3 aiming at
AngelAutomatics 8 -
[4,2,2,1,4,5,5,6] = 3 hits4P + 3 = 7P
Jan 12 2011, 10:07 AM
What side of the world are you on, Alex? You're either up REALLY early, or you're not in the US
Jan 12 2011, 10:13 AM
@Alex: You did notice, that Raven is invisible (Improved Invisibility with 3 hits)?
Unless he resisted that spell (3 hits with Intuition + Counterspelling (if any)), he will have -6 dp due to Blind Fire.
[ Rest of the post removed, because it was based on false assumptions. ]
Jan 12 2011, 10:15 AM
wow, more people than I thought up at this hour...or more international than I realized...
Jan 12 2011, 10:19 AM
It's almost noon here.
Jan 12 2011, 10:23 AM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jan 12 2011, 06:19 PM)
It's almost noon here.
And yet you're already awake...strange...what kind of gamer are you???
Jan 12 2011, 11:06 AM
Yes, weird, huh!?
Jan 12 2011, 02:51 PM
Does Angel have any cover?
Jan 13 2011, 07:54 AM
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jan 12 2011, 04:07 AM)
What side of the world are you on, Alex? You're either up REALLY early, or you're not in the US
I'm in California and was having a bad night of it. So I was up late ... or early, your call.
QUOTE (Thanee)
@Alex: You did notice, that Raven is invisible (Improved Invisibility with 3 hits)?
Uh, no. See previous. I'll edit.
QUOTE (Zyerne)
Does Angel have any cover?
Not anything to speak of.
OK, I edited the IC post. I've going to randomly assign each of you a die. If the number is rolled, your PC could get hit by a single bullet. I'm going to assume base damage -
4P - but you will need to resist as if he had rolled two successes on his test.
- Raven
- Angel
- Earth spirit / Ludo
- Mr. Troll
- MITNick
- Flash
Step is functionally prone and therefore not likely to get hit.
Result - 1, Raven
Jan 13 2011, 08:06 AM
Full Dodge (8d6.hits(5)=3)Looks like holding onto that full defense was a good call.
Jan 13 2011, 10:28 PM
Resisting 4P (2 hits)
Defense (Reaction 3 + Full Cover 4 - Sustained Spells 4)
0 hitsDamage Resistance
5 hitsRaven takes 1 box of Stun.
Composure Test (for vindictive) barely passed
2 hits
Jan 14 2011, 12:54 AM
Angel IP2
Free Action: Drop gear
Simple Action: Open Smuggling Compartment
Simple Action: Ready Shotgun
Jan 15 2011, 12:35 AM
QUOTE (Alex @ Jan 13 2011, 03:54 AM)
I'm in California and was having a bad night of it. So I was up late ... or early, your call.
You know, one of these days, you guys have
got to come down here to San Diego and visit us. We've got some great beaches here, and it
is your turn.
BTW, I'm not sure what's up with the color tags on your post. I checked the tags in the edit ( I can do that. I cheat), and everything looked good. I'll keep an eye out for any more color tag issues like that.
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