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Cool, thanks Alex.

After sending the watcher spirit, Ludo will "meditate" for the rest of the trip, however long that is. Hopefully long enough to recover the stun damage smile.gif
Back, and things should be a lot more regular for a while, thank God. Thanks for your patience.
Wow! RL was gnawing on my leg and I didn't notice until now. It's about 12:30 in the morning here now. However, I have tomorrow off, I'll try to get the IC post going again.
waiting with antici.....pation!
Sorry for the delay. Getting ready for a business trip stole more time than I thought it would.
You confuse me... grinbig.gif

"Now, your team is worth about 40K for the first ones to bring you in. Another 20K if you're still breathing. No idea who is dropping the contact cause I don't believe for a minute that SK would let their Johnson spill that in a chat room."

"Payment is for live subjects still in possession of their faculties. Bounty is two thousand nuyen each."

"He throws out an AR replay window of a shadow chat room."

"No chat room."


How do you know the troll is completely sane? biggrin.gif

Short version: Assume he has actually said all that.
That's what I did in my IC post. smile.gif

IC reply up.

Who is where at this point?
Ludo is in the back of the van, meditating
Yep, there. Obviously.

Sorry guys, RL bit me in the ass and now my son is sick. I'll try and get caught up at the weekend.
Sorry for the disappearing act. Work has been insane, plus I accepting a teaching gig so spare time has been nil.
Completely understood on the RL issues.

Zyere: Take all the time you need to make sure your son is getting better.

RJ: What are you teaching, if you don't mind me asking?
Ok, guess we can finally move on then. smile.gif

Raven will use an Influence spell on the troll while speaking those last words, so he will stay out of this for sure. wink.gif

Influence (Force 5) 6 hits (only 5 of those count, though)

Drain Resistance (DV 3S) 5 hits

Managing Information Security in Organizations.
OK, speeding things up a bit. Let me know where we need to be next.
Seems like half our team is missing...
Indeed, it does. I'm going to allow this to marinate for a day or two.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Mar 13 2011, 09:09 PM) *
Managing Information Security in Organizations.

I could definitely use that class. We have these ridiculous computer tutorials on Infomation Awareness and ...
Probably shouldn't describe it to you ... on gov computer no less. biggrin.gif
Ok, this has hung on for quite a while now. For those that are still active, what do you plan to do next?
Good question...

I guess we should reunite at Trip's roadhouse (at about 15:11) for now, as Angel has proposed. smile.gif

Then we can either try the "go to the 'SK Johnson'" route, or follow our original plan, and start taking a look at the facility?

Yeah, I think we should be arriving at the rendezvous point and then start comparing notes / making our plans there.
So where / what is this Trip's Roadhouse? Sorry if it's somewhere in these posts...

Summoning F5 Earth Spirit:
Summoning(6) + Mentor(2) + Magic(5) + Wound(-1) = 12d6
Summoning: 6 hits - Spirit resisting: 3 hits
= 3 services owed

Resist 6S: 2 hits
= 4 stun taken
(total stun: 7)

F5 Earth Spirit stats:
[ Spoiler ]

First service: guard Ludo, Nick, Flash, Raven
I assume Nick checked the vests and they are clean?
Work is really sucking. I'm so tired of 12 hour days...
Thanee least, I think that the Troll's confusion at the end was to show the effect of Raven's Influence spell...

That makes perfect sense ... from Raven's point of view. However, I'll never tell.
- Bike pulling up -

My first reaction was *duck*!

Could we get a little more description though please. Assuming that Nick sees the bike in his side mirror, or that it pulls along side, that we see something more than just a motor cycle. Someone on it say .... bike messenger, large menacing troll, cybered out chick that resembles Maria Mercurial ... just what we'd see at glance/no active searching .... like an assault rifle. smile.gif
It's Angel. wink.gif

This Tripp's Roadhouse is a biker-bar-type place, right? Could be tons of bikes pulling up all the time. After our last encounter, maybe Nick's paranoia is justified smile.gif
@ fist

I love fueling your paranoia. It's almost too easy at times. But no, it's not deadly ... this time. Just trying to keep us moving.
Well I told you before, MITNick was a remake of a character I had a while ago. Like RJ with Nyx, he had a bad experience, and so is prone to paranoia. Although he's been more or less reset, bad shit just keeps happening to him. Glad I could make you smile though. smile.gif
Angel's player hasn't been on the board in 18 days, did I miss something?
I haven't seen Karoline or Zyerne in a long time - Zyerne's son was sick a little while ago, iirc...
Well, hopefully they slide back in.
Roll call? See who we actually have so we can adjust the game, give Alex some time to contact people?
Well, I'm here. smile.gif


*edit* The place we're now at, Tripp's Roadhouse, it's one of Angel's hangouts or something, right? Did we ever get a really good idea of the actual place we are supposed to be scoping out?
We haven't done any leg work yet. Literally no time. That's why I was figuring find a spot to chill fo ra bit, maybe set some security, and the two hackers can do some looking into it well out of physical range of the place. If it bears fruit, maybe move on to a physical look see.
Problem though is that we need to figure out why we were set as the targets for this hunters in the first place. Doesn't make much sense that it would be the targets, since the word was already out for us, and they didn't go for the Johnson. So there's a third party involved. Question is how to find out who they are.
Unfortunately the only real leads we have right now are bounty hunter contacts, the job, and the Johnson, who came to us directly, not through any fixers.
Cool. We've got magical security set up, for the most part. Can one of the hackers look into the target, and the other chase down the lead from the bounty hunter?
Going to be out of town until Wed...
OK so right now, we've got four people. Not bad for a core group really.

Nick can do some matrix work once he's not driving around. Dig up a bit on the target, and follow up on what ever leads their might be from what the bounty hunter said. Might be a good idea for a mage recon on the site as well, but briefly. We've had some people shot, so we should probably get them behind some decent wards.
We have magic, matrix, muscle & mediation. We are good to go.
OK, so we proceed with the willing. I know you are driving about but I'm not sure what the IC goal is. I'm probably being dense but this week has been rough.
LOL, same here. Next week will be a lot less rough, though. smile.gif

Immediate goal:
Safe place to do some long distance recon

DO said recon. Matrix and astral, scout out the site that we were supposed to do the run on. Mainly because Flash is still interested. "Word is my bond" and other such nonsense as far as Nick is concerned, but he doesn't argue much with his go-to gun guy.

Follow up on information from the bounty hunter. A little harder now that we only have one matrix guru, but still workable. But an angle worth checking out.

Long term:
Figure out WHY he have a disproportionate bounty on our heads. Remove said bounty.

Yep, sounds good. smile.gif

Hey folks. I'm trying to follow my own posting guidelines. I've got an upcoming international trip and as Mr. Murphy likes things, everything for two different projects is piling up in front of this trip. I know I owe you answers but I won't be able to deal with it tonight.

Just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm behind schedule and will be for a while.
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