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@ Meriss
Glad you like the penny. I'll allow edge.
[ Spoiler ]
Thought Id spice this game up a little rotfl.gif
Ok then. Make a con roll.
Con rolls are Charisma + Con skill (plus whatever street cred or other modifires right?)
Don't have my books on me at work but that sounds right.
Okay, Ill post the rolls on my last post in a spoiler.
@SinN: Brilliant! Bloody brilliant! I'm just going to see if Al buys this latest round of manure before posting my next attempt.

@Alex: It gets even better. I forgot my Improved Con and Kinesics bonuses ohplease.gif embarrassed.gif
ludomastro > Al sensing motive (10d6.hits(5)=3

Perception Check = or > 2
[ Spoiler ]
Sweet, have to keep the act up when folk are around, eh? rotfl.gif

@Alex: Did you want me to post my links to my rolls? It isnt a problem if so.
In the future, it would be nice but I think I can trust you.
Alex you sly dog you biggrin.gif
Just a heads up, busy the next couple of days. Just lots gong on and little sleep. I'll be back at full soon enough though.
@Alex: ARGGGGGH! eek.gif vegm.gif Bad GM BAD BAD BAD GM! I kid biggrin.gif

Now how to pedal our story enough to get Al to except the truth. Without killing us for lying.
You are playing Shadowrun and are surprised when the GM is evil?
I am playing Shadowrun and being totally blown away by the deceptive ability of the GM. DID NOT see Al's little job offer coming.
I'll try a Negotiation roll on Al

Rolling 10d6.hits(5)=2 2 hits. Though I do see one 6 was cancelled by a 1. 1 hit?
Now your thinking White Wolf's old WOD. (Never played the new one.) No cancelling of hits.

Now, I'll need some time to think how ole Al is gonna react.
QUOTE (Alex @ Dec 8 2008, 01:59 PM) *
Now your thinking White Wolf's old WOD. (Never played the new one.) No cancelling of hits.

Now, I'll need some time to think how ole Al is gonna react.

I am? *checks* I AM! biggrin.gif 2 hits then.

To Steve or "Billy"? Cause "Billy" would be getting a royal twapping if I was Al.
IC post it up.

Let me know where we go from here.
QUOTE (Meriss @ Dec 8 2008, 02:46 PM) *
To Steve or "Billy"? Cause "Billy" would be getting a royal twapping if I was Al.

Alex, you want me to roll anything for the astral scan?
Astral perception would be nice. wink.gif
Damn. I forgot I didnt take that. Ok, how bout a perception at a minus 1?

Also, are we ever gonna pick up the Star Wars game?
Default to Magic at the -1 and then you're good.

Re: StarWars - I have to think about it. I have a RL Spycraft game, two DS Shadowrun games and some RL work things I'm doing right now.
Gotcha boss. Keep me posted. I may be MIA here for a bit. But not anytime real soon. Much like our Squid friend, Fisty grinbig.gif Ive decided to pursue a military career. Im looking into the Airforce right now. I havent signed anything and nothings official. So no worries on me bein gone tommorow or anything. I take my practice ASVAB tommorow, and the real one sometime soon after that. Ill keep you posted on that Alex.

Ill be rolling now spin.gif

Chesters roll for astral scan:
[ Spoiler ]
Understood and thank you for the update.

[ Spoiler ]
Perception check please.
Perception Check: Intuition(3) + Perception(4) + Actively Looking(3) + Visual Specialization(2) + Vison Enhancement R3 (3)
[2,5,3,2,1,3,5,4,3,6,6,6,1,1,6] = 6 hits

Also: How far to the site?
Flash sees various birds and small animals that appear to be staring at the team. He hears the song birds twittering as well. The air even seems fresher here.

It is about 5 kilometers to the site (just over 3 miles). You should have no problem reaching that area by early afternoon based on the terrain.
QUOTE (Redjack)
Flash stares at the vicious creatures perched in the trees, making that horrid noise. Looks kinda like a pigeon, but different. He manages to resist the urge to blast the scary creatures into puffs of blood and fur and feathers. He does contort his face at the distinct lack of odor in the air. The near sterile smell to the air is unsettling to say the least. He looks around to his team mates to insure there are no adverse reactions to either the low air quality or rabid creatures now stalking them.

Awesome! Have a karma for your effort. Having grown up in the woods, it took me aback the first time I read it but it makes complete sense for Flash to feel that way given the world he is used to.
Perception Check
7d6.hits(5)=4 4 hits.
When I read your description, having grown up lulled to sleep by whip-poor-wills, I stopped for a minute and tried to imagine it from the opposite side. Of course, I whipped on a good deal of embellishment and exaggeration, but I was happy with the post as well.

Edit: And thanks for the karma!!
Merry Christmas!

If you don't celebrate Christmas, then let me know what holiday you do and I'll wish you a joyful one of those too.


What do we need IC?
Did we not destroy the bug when we stopped to clear out the tree?
I may have missed that post. grinbig.gif
The scrawnny dog is a coyote. wink.gif
Working on destroying said bug now.

Curious about the uncharacteristcly bold coyote, but Nick's under the truck right now anyway.
*-HERE-* is a render of Flash (in his chameleon suit) running point through the forest for the team.
@ Tank
He spots a "box" conveniently welded into the frame in a inconspicuous location.

@ All

Happy New Year!

Everyone gets a karma!
Anything else that you guys need? Or shall I put up an IC post?
Flash lacks any knowledge skills directly related to tactics or procedures, so for him he's thinking he's out from using the drone to scout and envisioning all the traps like one would find in any of the Rambo VI - IX trids.
Hey guys, I haven't been feeling well. I'm back in the saddle now. What can I help with?
Did I find the bug?


Chester could fry it with various spells and I'm open to other ideas.
Spirit of Man (Force 7) resists summoning:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6 = 3 hits

5 - 3 = 2 net hits / services
@Alex: Best Spirit of man ever! biggrin.gif *snicker*
Oh great! Chester finnally gets a spirit, and it's an old guy with artheritus! Does he play parcheezi too? What about his thyroid problem... *grumble grumble*....

Hahaha. Nah Im Kiddin Alex, that was some funny stuff. grinbig.gif
Everyone roll Perception:

1 Hit
[ Spoiler ]

2 Hits
[ Spoiler ]

3 Hits
[ Spoiler ]

4 Hits
[ Spoiler ]

Roll Initiative
Perception (Audial): [3,4,2,4,2,3,3,6,2,5,6] = 3 hits.
Hey Alex, thought id give you an update on my Airforce stuff. My leave date for bootcamp is April 21st. Until then, im all free for games.
Also, Fisty may not be able to post for this roll. His laptop is having issues. Something about the power cable not working properly. He still may, but I thought id let you know before you began to wonder.
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