QUOTE (Ancient History @ Mar 28 2010, 03:31 PM)
Ultimately, as far as the contents of the letter are concerned, there's not a great deal in there that Catalyst hasn't already posted or that most people following the situation could reasonably guess. The worst part about the letter being leaked is that Randall et al. will probably communicate even less with the freelancers than they do already, for fear of it getting out to the public at large. A very unfortunate turn of events, and indicative of the lack of trust that already exists in the organization.
I think this sums things up pretty well. Most of the content was already known or deduced by the people here. It seems like the intent of whoever leaked it is to do harm.
The letter indicates that Randal has been in the driver's seat for the process of sorting things out. I'm a pretty ration-over-religion guy, but I also follow Battletech, and at least on the Battletech side, where Randal has been 'The Man', he has a track record of getting things done and doing them well. Since Randal's focus has been on Battletech all these years, I can kind of see how some of this stuff could have slipped by him as co-owner.
Really, ever since the hints about this letter got out in the previous thread run, I was waiting for Frank to post the full content. He's been pretty reliable in having the inside scoop on what's going on, with the original post, his knowledge about several SR books being yanked, and now this letter. I still don't know the accuracy of his numbers in the original post, but if they are accurate, that suddenly leaves a very short list for where he may be getting his information from.
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
Let me say first of all, that I understand the rage and anguish that prompted members of the company to give me the information in the first place. But that's not why I agreed to do it.
So yeah, it sounds like a very short list.
BTW, part of the knee-jerk reaction to Frank's posting shows the difference in how pleased BT fans/freelancers are with how BT has been handled, as opposed to how displeased some SR fans/freelancers are. No BT freelancers have stepped forward to complain about pay owed, nor have they withheld anything yet, to my knowledge. Don't know if it means BT freelancers were getting paid when SR freelancers weren't, or if Randal has managed to keep them appeased. I've said before, my impression on Dumpshock vs. CBT boards (and yes, the CBT board is official, DS isn't), is that BT fans are much, much happier with where BT is today because of Catalyst. I'm not saying this to excuse anything, just to point out to anyone who expresses a desire to see Catalyst burn that Shadowrun isn't the only thing effected by it, and there are a lot of very happy BT fans out there who are definitely wanting Catalyst to pull through.