QUOTE (tete @ Mar 30 2010, 03:02 PM)
If in the case of the 3 CEOs I know of on a more personal level... I would never accept a job from a company they are in charge of. If they were involved in a case of a buyout of my company I would take my buy out money and run. I actually did in one case take the buy out money and run because of the crazy CEO of the company who purchased us, I was lucky I got out and into a nice new job before he managed to bankrupt both companies. He was then fired by the board after laying off 3/4th of the company he took over. This is not the first time he had tanked a company and it wont be the last, because he has friends who keep putting him in charge despite failure after failure. In this particular case I would probably take the exact same stance with this CEO.
that's nice. i don't see what it has to do with this situation though. mr coleman isn't a CEO. mr bills has been running the battletech side of things with great success, from everything i hear. and certainly, last i checked, none of us fans have any direct business dealings of any kind with mr coleman (though the unpaid freelancers certainly have a legitimate beef, since whether or not the money was directly earmarked for them or not, it's still money that could have been paid to them). and none of us fans are planning on hiring mr coleman as a CEO. frankly, while the original post was very informative and useful, the later post where the private letter was posted didn't add anything new and relevant.
QUOTE (CanadianWolverine @ Mar 30 2010, 03:18 PM)
I've been trying to be just a lurker lately but I can't contain my opinion any longer.
This does affect me as a fan, as a customer. Why? Because I don't like to knowingly purchase products and services from businesses that do not treat those working for them in what I deem to be a equitable manner. I do not like to purchase clothing that came from sweat shops or stores that do not give productive employees raises and benefits so they have enough to live on.
the freelancers not being paid was confirmed by the freelancers long ago, without any need to resort to posting private correspondence.
additionally, going back to talking about the letter, this isn't because of the letter. if it was just some undefined person who had taken the money, and the freelancers were unpaid (which is the situation as we were aware of it before the private letter was leaked) you would (or should, based on your proclaimed moral stance) have likewise refused to buy their products.
and while i agree that ancient history would have been an excellent choice for writing on many shadowrun projects, and especially the 6th world almanac, i cannot fairly say that the new version won't live up to what he would have produced, because for all we know the new guy is some sort of prodigy when it comes to digging up hundreds of obscure references, meshing them all together, and creating a readable history out of them. or they could go an entirely different route and still produce excellent product. we don't really know, because we really don't know anything at all about the new guy.
QUOTE (crizh @ Mar 30 2010, 03:31 PM)
That's a good point.
I think it would be ideal for everyone if the SR property was spun of from Catalyst into a subsidiary entity that Randall and Loren had no direct control of.
why randall? he hasn't stolen anything from anyone. in point of fact, he's the one who's been stolen from. lots of people here are screaming bloody murder over what mr coleman did, but if anyone has a right to be doing that, it's randall. he's the one who's had his money stolen. he's the one who's been betrayed by a close friend and business associate. he's the one who loses even more money and his job if catalyst goes down the drain.
i find it interesting that he, in spite of all that, knowing all the information that he knows, he has chosen to not call for a witch hunt, whereas the rest of us, most of whom (and by most of whom, i mean "everyone who isn't an unpaid freelancer") have no real grievance against mr coleman, are wanting to get out the pitchforks and torches. honestly, let's suppose for a moment that the worst happens, and CGL tanks but nobody picks up the license or CGL doesn't tank but quality drastically drops.
what exactly have you lost? you still have your books, i trust. certainly, i haven't received any emails from catalyst advising me that my books are going to go to their creditors. you still have the fun you've had. you still have all the same setting. it might stop coming, sure, but then again, who knows, it may actually improve or maintain the quality. one way or another, you (again, meaning "everyone who isn't an unpaid freelancer") haven't actually lost anything.