You realize of course the Managing Developer of CGL is the co-owner, and the person who has the *most* at stake here.
This isn't meant confrontationally, but I'm not sure what your point with this is. Presumably you are saying that this person is subject to greater pressure to spin or present things in a particular way? That may be so, but the letter seemed genuine enough to me. (Reason being if it were spin, it would have omitted parts that didn't help its case).
If you're saying that he has some sort of higher priority in all this due to his stake in the company, then I'm not entirely sure in what regard you mean. That his decisions should count for more? That his opinion should be more highly regarded? I essentially stated that the letter appeared to be true and stated that it confirmed implicitly a lot of what had been said regarding Loren Coleman purloining funds. His position actually supports my statement, doesn't it?
I would comment on your view that he has the most at stake. I would actually, politely, dispute that. My view is that those who have the most at stake are the people who play Shadowrun and worry for how this may impact the game. This is cumulative of course, but cumulatively the value that the Shadowrun players attach to the game dwarves any individual interest and this forum focuses that cumulative interest of the Shadowrun community. Many of us have put enormous amounts of time and effort into this game. I myself have spend hundreds of hours of my time producing material for it (check out my site - and that's only a fraction of what I've posted historically). It's my personal morality here, but I place the contributions of all the people who wrote the game, edited it, layed it out, as highest in terms of value to the game. So basically, I'm flat out rejecting those posters that say we have no legitimate interest in what goes on because we're not financially involved. There's about £200 of Shadowrun books right next to me as I type. Of course I have a stake in this as does everyone else here. And put us all together...
some of us received the letter by private email. If it was on a private forum, that's where it should have stayed.
I would be unlikely to forward on a private correspondence of this nature myself. However, the contents of it are relevant, offering confirmation of things as it does and clearly somebody on the recipient list felt that it should have been shared. I understand that along with FrankTrollman, the suspected leaker has also been banned from Dumpshock. That's unfortunate as it starts to seem that the DS mods are being drawn into some sort of party line on this. I'm surprised if this is so, but note that contrary to statements earlier, as of the time I'm typing right now, posting this private letter is not against the TOS listed on DS, I just checked.
And what gives them that right?
Well, to turn it around, what gives anyone else the right to stop them? If they feel that this is important enough to go public with, then that is a decision for them to make. Perhaps it's borderline - the letter only confirms what we pretty much knew - but clearly they felt it should be shared. That person clearly felt it was less moral to be having all this going on behind the scenes without the community knowing what was going on. There's an alternative in that they shared this just to be spiteful, but in this case, and without going into details, I don't believe that to be the case. It's unfortunate that an email intended to be semi-private became widely public in the sense of a breach of expected trust. But someone obviously felt the greater wrong was to keep it hidden.
You view this as a Catalyst matter and don't think it is the right of a few individuals to make the decision to share inside discussions with outsiders. I understand that and it's fair. But clearly someone also viewed themselves as part of the Shadowrun community and given the contents of this letter, that trumped CGL for them. Were they right to do so?
The ultimate question in all this is not whether we like a statement or not, but whether it is true.
QUOTE (Bob Lord of Evil)
You know over the years I have been required to sign something known as a NDA...(Non Disclosure Agreement) and I am betting the individual or individuals that requested Frank act as proxy had signed one as well.
So...yeah somebody(s) intentionally bypassed their NDA...they have every reason to be worried about being blacklisted within the industry.
So...yeah somebody(s) intentionally bypassed their NDA...they have every reason to be worried about being blacklisted within the industry.
I don't know this, but I would imagine the NDA covers the actual content and proposed content of the game, not emails about personal decisions to forgive the Colemans for their actions. There would be a legal expectation of confidentiality for some of the CGL employees about internal financial matters, but I'd be surprised if that affected freelancers contributing game material.
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
i say we point the hose on supposedly white horse frank is riding around on.
it would not surprise me the least that it turns out to be painted...
it would not surprise me the least that it turns out to be painted...
I've always had a lot of respect for you on these forums, hobgoblin, but I'm unsure where you're coming from here. Are you suggesting that some of what Frank is posting is not true? If so, which parts? He's been fairly scrupulous here and elsewhere about supporting his statements. Unfortunately, now that's he's banned, he can't reply to comments like the above.