I'm pretty sure those six words from me aren't to blame for the attitude he's showing, thanks. I'm sorry if I let a little snark slip into my response, but it's not like his initial question was exactly open and friendly, either.
I don't doubt it, but reading what you said apart from his subsequent response got my eyebrow up, and I'm neutral on the subject.
Reread this thread and the general attitude being shown in it, look at the vitriol even non-War writers are getting here, and ask yourself if you wouldn't wonder why you bothered, too, okay? It's only natural for the official crew to hang out at the official forum (wouldn't it look pretty silly if DS got all the developer posts, and NOT the official forum? And we've all only got so much time a day to hang out on the internet, so it makes sense for that time to be dedicated primarily to the forum we're expected at)...but when the attitude is like the attitude's been here on DS of late, it makes even more sense to avoid the place and hang out at the official SR joint, instead, doesn't it?
I've kept a pretty close eye on the thread, because the book itself is in an area I have a vested interest in. I was willing to drop the $15 or so to see if it had any Caracas information in it (it didn't, and I was disappoint, but whatev), and I don't regret my SR book purchases. I enjoy the product. While I don't think the ducats I spend give me a say in how the books are written, I at least hope my suggestions and outright criticisms will get to the people who can effect change. It's one way I can at least attempt to help the company produce a better product.
However, you are correct. We are not the boss of you, the writer, though in the end we do buy the books so you get paid. We do not control where you go and lurk and post and talk SR. DS predates the current license holder, but it is not the official site. To me, that's fine - do as you please. Injecting your snark as you have was a bad move - you don't add accelerant to a fire unless you want to watch it burn.
I'm not defending War. I don't even have a copy of it myself, yet, because money's tight around the holidays and it's gonna have to wait 'till payday. It's clear some folks aren't happy with it...but if some folks here want the writers to hang out here again, maybe they could offer up some feedback that doesn't end with "LOLOL Battletech rejects derp derp derp."
As I recall, the first pages started that way - bad terms used, a lot of fluff on an area that many aren't interested in, and eye-popping ratings for milspec gear I recall we had a few threads' discussion on.
There will always be people who will use hyperbole, and people whose passion trumps reason. If people expect that nobody's paying attention, then they're going to say what they damn well feel.
Criticism is one thing, and I know -- once any of my stuff hits shelves -- I, at least, welcome it. I've never been shy about the stuff I wrote for Privateer Press, or Comfy Chair, or anyone else, and I'm going to welcome comments on my Shadowrun work, just as much. But when those comments consist of calling people scabs, rejects, and idiots, don't be surprised when people don't want to read it any more.
I haven't had any issue with what you've said, only how you've said it. I'm saving a full critique of this book until I'm done reading it - it hit the e-reader during finals week so I haven't been able to offer my full attention. As I said, the only reason to add accelarant to a fire is because you want to watch it burn.