QUOTE (Bull @ May 31 2013, 02:37 AM)
The Increased costs for trolls was one of the balancing things we tried to do for SR5. Pound for Pound, Point for Point, especially under Build Points, trolls be BROKEN in SR4. Rebuild the SR4 Archetypes sometime using a Karmagen method, it's crazy how many Karma points the Troll is worth.
It could also be that the things trolls boost are overbudgeted. While +4 str/bod is a really huge gain in those raw stats, and results in being worth a whole bunch of points, in actuality strength is basically the weakest stat in the game, so the result was that trolls were really good at being massively survivable at the cost of losing out on agility (the best physical stat), and all of the mental stats (meaning you're going to be really crappy at being a mage, to the point of "Why are you bothering?"). While in a point for point sense the troll is overbudget, in an overall game balance sense, I never saw trolls as broken, just being really strong in a niche that generally wasn't strong to begin with. Now if we had a race giving those same sorts of stat boosts to reaction and agility, we'd have a whole different story.
That's all in the context of SR4 though. In SR5 it's wholly possible that you rebalanced attributes so that Body is good for something other than raw survivability, or strength is a useful stat at all. It's possible you tuned the rules such that melee combat is a totally viable tactic, and having reduced agility isn't a hindrance in melee. In that case, great, the troll's niche has been improved, and its points are worth more!
But then you realize, the priority system places Trolls at a B rating. Let's look at it this way: You want a totally mundane character. Your priorities are Money > Attributes > Skill, with magic at the bottom regardless.
As a Troll you get:
16 attributes
22 skills
As a human you get:
450,000 nuyen
20 attributes
28/2 skills
+4 edge (+1 base human, +3 for having Human at priority D instead of E, because you're mundane)
So you trade out 4 strength, 4 body, 1 reach, 1 armor
You gain 4 attributes of your choice, 6/2 skills, and 4 edge
I see very few situations where the Human isn't winning all around. Anyway, I'm making the assumption you already know all of this, because you said the +50% gear cost was intended to be removed, however I am demonstrating that with the priority system, you bumped up the cost of Troll dramatically compared to its cost in SR4. To the point where these two options are relatively balanced, with an edge to Human if you want more versatility, or more focus on ranged combat and an edge to Troll if you want more room to specialize/grow in the close combat/tank niche.
This balanced out nicely on its own WITHOUT the need for the increased costs. This means any cost increasing should be relatively minor, and show up as primarily flavor, as opposed to being seen as something that needs to be there as a counterbalancing penalty. ie minor recurring upkeep, or small increase on weapon cost, fine. Big increase on major purchases? Not fine.