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phelious fogg
Im out of the country untill Jan 7th, so I wont be posting untill then. If you want to Autopilot my character go ahead, Basically shes going to go in and follow Akuma's lead. Oh yeah, once she puts her pack down, all she will have left is two gas grenades, the narcojet pisol with one clip and one Gaurdian with two clips of gel rounds. Everthing else she lowers down with the rope, and the she will throw the rope over.

Have a great break those of you on them
That brings up a good point. I'm going to be on vacation from the 26th to the 4th of January. I'll be going to Florida and Walt Disney World for New Years. If I have access to a computer over that time and it has access to the Internet, then I might stop by and see what's happening, but other than that we'll proabably be on hold -- figures that this would happen again right as things get interesting!! Oh well, gives me time to plan for my real-world game that starts up again next semester.

Anwyay, back to the game at hand -- Lex, you're just ripping apart the IC on this host. Damn that attack-D program wink.gif But remember that you have three hacking dice now held up suppressing those IC. You do have accesses to the door locks to get the roof access door open if you need to.

Rowan, there's no real way to get to the roof access from where you're at, so if anyone needs you, they better order your to do something so that you do it (just like Alice). Since we only really have two days till we're on hold, we'll go as far as we can for the next two days and see what happens.

I think that covers just about all we need to cover. What you guys want to do next biggrin.gif

-- Dash --
OK I'm still thinking the window is the best way...there is a window in this room, right?

Door Locks...if Akuma needs to go to the roof, I'll try to pop the locks.
If the system gets too bad, or hits active alert, I'm out of there and if I'm out of there, that's another gun for the inside if need be.

And finally, I'll be out of the country from the 30th to the 10th-11th also, so here's another vote for autopilot smile.gif

So if the drek's hit the fan, I was thinking we could pull both of them out, not just our cargo. At least that way we'd find out what the hell is going on with all the guns in the hospital.

Happy Holidays!

Also, I think that some of us are back soon --- Anyone out there? Is this thing on?

-- Dash --
I'm here. smile.gif
Just wanted to say that I had some issues and was unable to get here, business reasons. I don't want to come in and start playing again, just make sure Alice kicks some ass for me! spin.gif
(keep in mind that my stealth rolls get a +5 because of the Invisibility 5 and Silence 5 spells on him)

Stealth while moving towards the door: 11 08 04 03 02 02 02 #D:7 TN:4 HR:11 S:3

Perception to see if he is noticed: 11 04 04 03 03 01 #D:6 TN:4 HR:11 S:3
Stealth (Alertness)(Complimentary): 11 04 03 03 02 02 #D:6 TN:4 HR:11 S:2

Stealth to test the door: 20 eek.gif 07 05 04 02 01 01 #D:7 TN:4 HR:20 S:4

(And in case you are wondering why I have stealth 7 rolls and then a stealth 6 roll, that is because I didn't think my Enhanced Articulation would help the Alertness roll)
Good call on the enhanced articulation -- i wouldn't have questioned it but since you offered wink.gif

Anyway, I'm going to give it a little more time to see if p. fogg is back -- I think he said it was tomorrow (yeah, I could scroll back and look but I'm on the reply screen so ...) and I'll see if he's got anything that he wants to try from the roof. If nothing is happening by about noon tomorrow I'll resolve the rolls that you just did.
-- Dash --
No problem. Is Elfie back yet? I'm hoping that you and him help me get the Matrix Misfits back in gear.
I think he's back friday. He's in Brazil with the University Orchestra. Lucky. As to Martix Misfits, I hope that one doesn't die --- I spent a lot of time on Thor!
A diagram of locations on floor 4

The Y is Akuma, the two X's closer to Akuma are the guards and the X that's all the way at the other end of the hallway is the guard that entered the stairwell. Just thought it would be handy.

-- Dash --
Free Action - Call Shot (Head)

Simple Action - Aim

Simple Action - Shoot (Smartlink 2, so its -2 TN, +2 for Called Shot, -1 for Aim, for a final TN of 3)

Pistols (plus 6 combat pool) - 11 10 08 05 05 04 04 04 03 02 01 01 #D:12 TN:3 HR:11 S:9

I'll also throw in an initiative roll - 32 smokin.gif scatter.gif devil.gif

edit: keep in mind I do have my silencer attached and I'm using Gel rounds. So the base damage is 7M stun, staged up to 12D stun.
The only thing that I'll amend to that is that the guard you took aim and fired at has partial cover from the nurse's station and, indeed, the nurses that are in between you and him. Therefore, the TN isn't 3 but 5. You still get 5 succeses which should cause some significant damage to that guard.

What do you want the called shot to do: increase the damage level or bypass armor (which is what I assume from your "target" of the head). If you're wondering, I use the rule for called shots contained within the official FAQ that lists these options.
Yeah, I'm bypassing armor. And thats cool about the cover, I should have seen that from the map you showed me.
Shall we start Initiative now?
YEah -- I'll go with your previous roll. You go first (duh -- with a roll like 32 you better go first!). I probably won't get back to resolve what happens before tomorrow, but that's okay.

-- Dash --
Initiative Pass 32

Free Action - Call Shot (guard's head - no armor)
Simple Action - Shoot Guard (Base TN4, -2 For Smartlink, +2 for Called Shot, Final TN4)
Simple Action - Shoot Nurse (Base TN4, +2 for cover, +1 for second target, -2 for Smartlink, final TN 5)

First Shot Pistols (+2 combat pool) - 08 08 05 04 04 04 03 02 #D:8 TN:4 HR:8 S:6
Second Shot Pistols (+2 combat pool) - 09 05 05 05 04 04 01 01 #D:8 TN:5 HR:9 S:4
Greetings all from sunny Porto Allegre! Sorry I can't just play yet, we're all sitting here staying up at the bar because we have a 9 hour bus ride tomorrow. I found a new favorite drink...the Caipirinhas. Strong stuff smile.gif Just thought I'd drop a line and let you know that I'm still alive. When I get back to the states I'll read up on what's going on and try to help out.


Keep Lex on autopilot, but have him move away from the cameras and onto the communications grid if possible. OOC, I don't know if that kind of thing is on the matrix or not, but I'm hoping Lex has more of a matrix intelligence than I do. If I'm just plain wrong and this king of thing isn't on the matrix, then Lex wouldn't leave the cameras.

Note: I hate Portugese çomputers and keyboards...but I did manage to fix this bar computer when it got an error message (in Portugese) just because I've pretty much memorized the Windows error messages.
p fogg and elfie: I moved Lex and Rowan up in the action as NPCs since Grey gave them commands over the comms. Let me know if it's anything you wouldn't have done (like dumping most of Rowan's gear, p. fogg) and we'll fix it.

-- Dash --
QUOTE (Elfie)
Keep Lex on autopilot, but have him move away from the cameras and onto the communications grid if possible. OOC, I don't know if that kind of thing is on the matrix or not, but I'm hoping Lex has more of a matrix intelligence than I do. If I'm just plain wrong and this king of thing isn't on the matrix, then Lex wouldn't leave the cameras.

First, you don't have to leave the camera's to do what I asked, you can just keep a window open in your field of vision with them (kinda like a Rigger in Capt Chair).

Second, the phones would be connected through the matrix, you'd just need to make a simple Tap Comm Call test. The radio's are a whole different matter, which is why Akuma hit his Jammer.
A few notes for Dash...

You mentioned in the posts that Lex couldn't do anything about the radio the leader had. Thats what my Jammer (Rating 6) is for. wink.gif

When I shot the second guard, I wouldn't have done any physical damage to him, so his bones wouldn't be broken. Gel rounds burst open and spread their energy over a large area so that there wouldn't be any internal damage.
Simple Action - Shoot second guard (base TN4, -2 for smartlink, +1 for prone target, final TN3)
Other Actions - The rest of this phase, Akuma will run around the nurses station to hunt down the third guard. Actually, I just looked at the map you made and it looks like I can still see him. If that is the case, I'll just shoot him, otherwise I'll hunt for him. If I do shoot him, I'm not sure what the TN is, though I assume he'd have some cover and its my second target, making the TN5.

First Roll (not bothering with combat pool this time) - 09 05 04 04 04 02 #D:6 TN:3 HR:9 S:5

Second Roll (if needed)(throwing in 2 combat pool) - 16 11 10 05 04 03 02 02 #D:8 TN:4 HR:16 S:5
The map is a little out of date (by like 2 seconds) but it was just enough time for that guard to enter the stairwell. So if you're going to hunt him down, you'll have to head into the stairwell.

-- Dash --
Ok, Akuma runs in that direction then and you can ignore my roll for the second shot. Also, my chasing after him will keep my Jammer in range of him. I've got quickness 8 and Athletics/Running of 4/6. In fact, I'll throw a Running roll at you, just in case you want one.

Athletics/Running - 11 08 05 04 02 02 #D:6 TN:4 HR:11 S:4
Quick question: are you checking on anything else or tearing ass out toward the third guard that was on this floor? I'm just trying to be clear on your action so that my resoultion lines up with what you want Akuma to do.

As I understand it, you're going to plug the guard with the broken collar bone and then run after the guard that moved into the stairwell. Anything else?

-- Dash --
I'll use my free action to glance over my shoulder to make sure the door to room 422 is still closed. If its not, things will drasticly change. Instead of running after the guard, I'll be jumping over the nurse station and taking cover.
Action for 12

Simple Action - Fire a shot at the leader (I'm guessing TN4, +2 for cover, -2 for Smartlink)
Other Actions - Running to catch the other guard

Pistols (no combat pool) - 08 07 05 04 01 01 #D:6 TN:4 HR:8 S:4
Athletics/Running - 10 08 07 01 01 01 #D:6 TN:4 HR:10 S:3
figured that was going to be your response to his last little bit of effort. unfortunately he didn't wait until you were out of range with that jammer --- another few moments and he would have been able to radio for help.
I'm not sure what kind of rolls you want for that, but I'll throw in a Running check and a Perception check, just in case.

Running - 10 09 08 05 01 01 #D:6 TN:4 HR:10 S:4
Perception - 09 08 08 04 04 02 #D:6 TN:4 HR:9 S:5
you think fast -- I wasn't sure if you'd get what that guard was doing from the hints I was dropping smile.gif good job.
Yes! I almost missed it and started to post him giving up and going back for Sophia, but half way through I remembered that we're on the 4th and the Star is on the 5th.

Btw, I'm having a great time with this one right now. I'll be all over this thread all day with posts if you can keep up. smile.gif
As far as I know, that was my last action. Do you want me to reroll initiative or just keep the one I had from before?

(screw it, I'll roll just in case)

Initiave - 31 biggrin.gif

I'm going to assume that I go first again, so I'll go ahead and make a post.
Action at Phase 31

Free Action: Call Shot (guards head)
Simple Action: Fire (TN4, +2 for called shot, -2 for Smartlink)
Simple Action: Perceive in Detail

Pistols (+2 combat pool): 15 13 10 09 04 04 03 01 #D:8 TN:4 HR:15 S:6
Perception: 10 09 05 05 04 03 #D:6 TN:4 HR:10 S:5
phelious fogg
Im back from my trip now, so I can post again.. weeee.. Looks like we are in a mess.. Anyways, Dash, when you threw over my bag thats pretty much what I had in mind, and I would have done the same thing with the nurse, specialy since Im looking like a security person anyways currently.

Just curious, but where is my character right now? Am I in the stair well with the other gaurds? Also do I have a spare clip with me?

Thanks, its good to be back.
P. Fogg
Welcome back P.Fogg! As far as I know, you are currently on the 4th floor, having just stepped out of one of the rooms (you went into it through the window and then out into the main hall). You may want to roll initiative, as a new combat round just started.
Here's the locations of people at the moment:

Akuma: 5th floor west end

Rowan: Peeking out the door to room 408 after having moved down the outside of the building in order to move faster. Passed a good fast talk roll to get the family to believe you too.

Lex: Still in the car/matrix
Mojo and Alice: Car


As far as I know, Kurb doesn't plan on coming back so Alice is an NPC, you want her to do something, let me know. TinkerGnome has been around and is probably just waiting for something to happen outside so he can get involved again. And Elfie is in Brazil until tomorrow I think.

P. Fogg: You do have a spare clip but you're actually on the 4th floor and not the 5th, so you don't really need to roll initiative. In fact, with Akuma's jammer on, he's outside radio contact so...... But, with the speed at which he's is dropping guards, you might not get up there before he gets them all smile.gif Let me know if you're going to leave the room at all.
phelious fogg
Whenever time catches up to me, let me know what i see in the hall and Ill post actions after that
What spells are up on Rowan? Is she invisible and stealthed or just stealthed? If you're supposed to be invisible, we'll assume that the family you just spoke to saw through it and go on with our lives, but I realized that I think I screwed that up. It's been so long since we cast those spells (sorry TinkerGnome wink.gif)!!
-- Dash --
Oh! Grey -- on other thing your perception test would get you -- you don't think you're jammer is in range to block any communications by radio that these two might try. Forgot to post that one.
phelious fogg
Im stealth and invis, since Mojo and Rowan both thought that being seen on the outside of the building would be bad, must be a smart family to have all seen through it smile.gif
They're theoretical physicists smile.gif and the kid's a child prodigy mathematician/cryptographer.
phelious fogg
Sweet, can I turn this into a extraction mission, just kidnap them and sell them to the highest corp bidder?
rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif
QUOTE (Dashifen)
Oh! Grey -- on other thing your perception test would get you -- you don't think you're jammer is in range to block any communications by radio that these two might try. Forgot to post that one.

I try to avoid telling my GMs that they are wrong... but...

Jammers have a flux rating of their own rating x 1.5. That would make the flux on this thing 9. That would make its range 25 km. So ummm... yeah, I'm in range of them. wink.gif

However, I would adjust the flux so that it only effects the area of the hospitol.
Action at 21

Free Action: Call Shot (Guard's Head)
Simple Action: Aim
Simple Action: Shoot (Base TN4, Called Shot +2, Cover +2 or +4, Aim -1, Smartlink -2, final TN is either 5 or 7)

Pistols (+4 combat pool): 11 10 09 08 08 05 04 04 03 02 #D:10 TN:7 HR:11 S:5

Holy crap! 5 Successes at TN7, 6 successes if its TN5!
Jeez --- Never looked up the rules for jammers -- just always run it the way my old GM ran it which was (rating) in meters for a range -- considering you'd down 2/3 of the length of the hospital from them, that would have been to short to get there. But with the actual rules as you quoted them, you're right. They're jammed (raspberry?).

Working out the distance from you down by the stairwell past rooms 501-508 giving it 3m per room gives you 21m for the distance from the rooms to the guards. Then, allowing for Akuma being somewhere between the stairwell and the wall of room 501 in front of the west end bathrooms on the floor, we're probably looking between 23 and 25m which is a long range shot so the base TN is 6. Making the final TN 9 (the guard is definately covered at the moment since he's inside room 508, probably just peaking. Ironically, you still have 3 successes, which is better than I would have expected! Posted results on the IC thread.
Action by Reading Guard:
Free Action: Call Shot (no armor)
Simple Action: Aim
Simple Action: Shoot (Base TN6, +4 called shot, -1 aim, -1 smartlink = cool.gif with 3 from combat pool = 11 10 09 04 04 04 04 02 01 #D:9 TN:8 HR:11 S:3

You want to dodge? I still have one action from the guard you shot that will go after this one but I want to know if you're dodging first so we can resolve this hit first.

-- Dash --
I hope you don't mind my correcting you, but isn't that guard unable to see me? The guard behind the door was the one who was looking at me, so I assume that he is the Mage. If that is the case, then the other guard is at a +8 TN for Blind Fire, plus he couldn't call a shot on me, because he can't see anything to call the shot on. Also, I'm taking partial cover behind the wall right now, so his TN goes up even more from that.

If I am wrong and the Mage is the one behind the counter (which is entirely possible, though if that was the Mage, I'd think he would be casting spells, not shooting), then I will be dodging back behind the wall I'm at. I'll go ahead and roll my dodge for now, just in case it is needed.

5 Combat Pool: 11 04 04 03 03 #D:5 TN:4 HR:11 S:3
They can both see you -- they saw through the illusion with their resistence check. They probably wouldn't have known you were there until after you shot the guard that was coming to find them, but then they had reason to disbelieve the illusion. The mage was on the fourth floor. He was the one that kept looking at you and then casting stunbolts which you were resisting.

I didn't see any partial cover on the IC thread when I looked at it, but I'll give it to you if you want me to. Then, he only had 1 success rather than 3 and you still dodged his shot either way.
Know what, thats my bad, I never posted taking cover at the corner wall. I had ment to, but just forgot to type it. Oh well, either way I would have dodged. Just assume that I take the cover now.
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