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QUOTE (Soluna)
Dash: Gwyn has the perceptive edge, so that's a -1 for my perception test as I'm looking for things right?

Yup. I won't forget it smile.gif Well, I might but still.
Here's my roll for interrogation:
05 02 01 01 01
#D:5 TN:4 H#:5 S:1
"Hold on ... my pants are vibrating." That's classic, Elfie. I just snarked water all over my monitor at work smile.gif
Whats even better is if you take into consideration the setting in which it is said. smile.gif
phelious fogg
Figured I didnt want to be blowing thier cover at the strip club, and since we split up a while ago I figured they would be near there... playing it save I guess..
Yeah, I thought the setting was the perfect place to use that line.

No offense, phelious, but that really was a random way of calling someone, so I gotta play it off weird. I had an urge to go "'allo? no, no hablo ingles. El diablo esta aqui con papas fritas con queso para usted. buenos noches." ::click:: biggrin.gif
phelious fogg
I think Im used to phones being video phones in shadowrun, and Im used to them almost alway being tapped, so I've gotten into the habbit of using innocent statments to mean something else. The idea here is that we needed your help for something but didnt want to tip off the wrong people if they are listening.

Ah well.. Id go back and fix it but I cant.. so just assume Rowan had a lapse in judgement.
It was also a phone number and not a liscence plate, but thats okay. You can edit that or not as you wish.
I guess i'm doing search operations:

Computer(search operations): 05 03 02

Since my search operations sucks, I might have to go through more subersive means.
Hokai, I guess I have to do a bit of hacking on the VAT&T net, don't I?

Is there a Logon to Cell grid option? I thought I saw something like that in regards to cell-net stuff for making comcalls, etc. I figure I could track that number down through that cell-net. If I can't pinpoint a location, I could at least see who registered it.

Logon to host? Comp/Decking: 17 11 05 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 01 01 01

Browse (a couple of shots incase I don't get it the first time around):
Try 1: 10 09 08 08 07 05 05 05 05 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01
Try 2: 07 05 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 01 01
Try 3: 21 09 08 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 02 02 01 01

My Deception factor is 8
Sensors are at 3
Gonna need another logon test and then, if you want to try and pinpoint a location you're gonna be doing a locate slave operation.

Sorry it took so long for me to get back to this one. I had to re-enter eveyone into the DCRS because I stupidly deleted all of my characters while I was testing some new game controls (me = moron)
OK then,
(All programs are rating 6)

Logon 2: 15 15 11 10 09 09 07 07 05 05 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 02 02
Logon 3: 15 09 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 03 02 02 01 01
Logon 4: 17 16 11 05 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 03 02 02 01 01 01 01 01
Logon 5: 22 17 10 09 09 08 07 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 02 01 01 01 01

And now to find the number, I guess:

Locate Slave 1: 15 11 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01
Locate Slave 2: 14 08 07 05 05 05 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01
Locate Slave 3: 16 05 05 05 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 01 01 01
Ok you're gonna have to help me out here. I, myself, don't understand the whole cell phone grid thing. So you're telling me IC that the Ace has led me to the phone itself? and is Tower 10 supposed to be the signal tower that's transmitting to the phone?

Isn't there some kind of triangulate option to locate the phone, or is that only to locate jacked in deckers?
Nope. If you want to locate the actual phone, he'll need to be making a call (according to today's technology that I read online. Course it was information from 2001 so it could have changed in the last 3 years but it's what I'm using damnit smile.gif). However, you know how a cell and tower within that cell so you can pinpoint a general location, all you need to do is figure out where the cell and tower are.

Each cell could take a good portion of a city, and then each tower within the cell provides coverage for the cell. So, with both cell and tower you'll probably narrow the search down to a few blocks.
If we want to try the phone call thing, one of us girls can pretend to be the goth chick and call them saying some detectives were in or something like that and try to keep them on the phone long enough to trace the call. That is if anyone has the means to trace the call. Just a thought to save our decker some trouble. What do you think Elfie?
If I have the SR means to trace a call, that works for me as well. Can't I jump through FreeSat or something and Make Comcall to the number of the Cell, and try to follow the route?
Either way would work. While you're in the system, Gwyn could make the call in the real world and you could try to track it as it gets bounced from the cell to the tower and then out to the actual number. Or, if you preferred, you could just make the comcall yourself, but it adds one more chance for that tally to spike vegm.gif
We could combine the two ideas, and have Gwynn call, since I know her number and this other cell's number, following the comcall shouldn't be too difficult...
More rolls for getting back in. I assume since I was just there, I'd be able to at least get back to the sector I was last in without too much of a problem?

Access (Deception 6): 17 11 10 09 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 01 01 01
Access (Deception 6): 13 10 09 09 07 04 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01
Access (Deception 6): 17 13 11 10 09 08 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 01
Soluna, I'll get back to you and your cell phone all when I know what Elfie's doing with this new icon on his radar.
Can I run an Analyze on it? Figuring it's most likely reactive, but still, if it's something that's raising my tally I want it gone.

Analyze Icon/Decker/IC/Whatever (6): 11 11 09 05 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01
Analyze Icon/Decker/IC/Whatever (6): 10 09 08 05 05 04 04 04 04 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01
I dont see how using a derringer on a swarm of bees is going to work, so I'm going to take out the Jack of Clubs, have the Club enlarge to a good sized Flyswatter, and have at it.

Initiative: 18

First action: Position Attack (Lower target number): [Evasion + Task Pool?]: 08 05 04 04 03 03 01
Second action: Attack Deadly(6): [Attack Dice + Task Pool. No Hacking Pool]: 19 05 05 04 03 03 03 01 01
You can only use your task pool once -- you're in combat now so it doesn't refresh that quickly. To keep things moving, I'm going use your task pool on the position attack. Then, I'll just assume 3 hacking pool used for the attack. If that doesn't work for you, let me know.

Also, do you want to improvise a defense for Lex with any of your remaining hacking pool?
Since I have armor 6 on my icon, wouldn't improvised Defense be like Dodging? OK about the hacking pool, so I would be down to 7 left (And no task pool) after my first attack. If it does hit me, then I would definitely 'dodge' if that's the case. 4 Hacking pool Die to that.
correct. Improvised defense = matrix dodge. they changed the name to confuse people.

Improvised Defense Roll: 08 05 02 02
Sorry if my brain's a little scattered right now. So I got rid of the Probe and supressed it. My next task, since I'm back to the node I was in last time, is to find this specific phone call? I know the cell number, so would i be able to do some kind of cross-reference for incoming transmissions to that number?
Technically it was Scout, but yes, it's supressed (I assume with hacking pool?).

As for tracking a specific cell phone, game mechanics wise, it'll just be a locate slave operation. I think that's a browse utility so gimmie a few rolls. Then I'll post the results of your search along time with Soluna's cell phone call.
Browse(6): 07 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01
Browse(6): 15 13 09 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 01 01 01 01
Browse(6): 19 10 05 05 05 05 04 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 01
Browse(6): 14 14 10 09 09 05 05 05 04 03 03 02 02 02 01 01 01 01
Browse(6): 21 08 08 07 07 07 05 05 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 02

That should cover it (i hope).
Elfie: you haven't quite had enough time to trace the call yet, so I want to see whether or not soluna keeps the mystery woman on the phone.
oh that's fine, i figured it'd work like that.
Elfie, I'll need two things from you:

1) Matrix reaction to determine if you're surprised
2) Initiative smile.gif
Yay and uh oh at the same time!

Matrix Reaction ( 8 ) : 16 03 03 03 03 02 01 01
Initiative: 16

If I'm not surprised and I get the jump on the IC, I'd like to try to use my Evasion to hide out so I can pull a Graceful Logoff.

Evasion Test (can I add Hacking/Task?) : 11 11 10 02
I rolled surprise for the IC and got 09 04 04 01 01 01 which results in 3 successes to your 1 (TN 4 for a surprise test). Therefore the IC gets to attack you prior to the combat turn. The bad news is that you also can't use pools when surprised so no matrix dodge for you (sorry). After the surprise attack, we'll start initiative as normal with you going first.

Also, if you want to graceful logoff you can do it during combat, so you don't have to evade unless you want to. Granted if the host blocks your log off again I get another "free" phase at you, so it's a trade-off. Let me know what you're going to do.

Last thing, what's your Bod right now? I know you're in masking mode and you usually lower Bod when you're doing that .....

Actually for Lex I run with a lowered sensor for my masking mode, giving me a sensor of 1 technically (no wonder i never saw that bird of prey coming). My Bod is maxed out at 7, Masking 7(10), Evasion 4, Sensor 3(1). My character for your real life game, Loki, runs with Bod cut. Lex runs with Sensor cut.

So I failed the surprise...not surprised. Go ahead and hit me with your best shot then. My plan was to evade and get at least one free turn where the IC cant find me to logoff. If I do the Graceful Logoff in combat, do I just roll my decking + hacking pool? And how do you counter that? If you knock my total successes to 0 do you win and get another 'free' attack on me?
Exactly -- you can perform any system operation as a complex action in cyber combat IIRC. So, if the system blocks your attempt to log off, you're (a) stuck online until you next phase and you try again and (b) you're probably out of hacking pool devil.gif

Surprise Attack: 07 05 03 03 01 01 #D:6 TN:4 H#:7 S:2
Your Bod Roll: 10 08 08 04 03 01 01 #D:7 TN:6 H#:10 S:3

The good news is with those two successes you dropped the damage back to serious. The bad news is that you still take serious cyber damage -- it's only to your icon, though, so the worst that happens is that you get dumped and suffer dumpshock. Your initiative will go down by three from 16 to 13 but you still go before the IC in the first phase. Assuming you're going with the Gracefull Logoff + all hacking + all task kinda thing, then:

Graceful Logoff (Deception 6): 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 #D:19 TN:8 H#:10 S:5

Which means you're good to go. You got five successes and I got three to stop you (closer that I usually get to stoping Lex smile.gif)
You guys still out there, Grey/Ecclesiastes and P. Fogg? Lex and Gwyn are done for the moment as far as I can tell so we're ready to pick things up again.
Yeah, for something like Graceful Logoff I would have dumped all my pools into it to get the hell outta there. You hit me with Deadly Damage? Ouch smile.gif

So yeah, now that we have the address of the place, I guess a quick inventory check's in order? I've got my Browning / Ares, Medical Kits, and Ex-Ex ammo. The launcher's still loaded with its original 8: 4 Concussions and 4 Offensive HE rounds. The rest I'm leaving home.

Oh! Quick thing? Seeing how decking happens in like nanoseconds, can I hop back on to the matrix and find out what 411 Hamilton is? Is it a regular residential house? Apartment complex? Kestra Corporate Facility devil.gif ? It shouldn't require actual decking work, right? That kind of thing would probably be public domain?
Nah -- it was serious damage, but only to the icon (it was White IC) you got out by the Graceful Logoff.

Yeah, you could probably run a quick search for the address 411 Hamilton in the yellow pages and see what comes up. Your knowledge of the area tells you it would probably be commercial or warehousing zoned, though.
I thought it was 211? That's what the in character thread said anyway. Since we're doing inventory I have my salavette, autopicker, glasscutters, rope and my wirecutters.
OK I got my numbers confused for a second there.

I just wanna run a quick yellow pages search to check out the 211 hamilton area, just for a quick backgrond check.

Computer (search operations): 15 11 04 (my dice did right by me, for once).
Heehee -- how many times can Soluna and I log in on each others machines and post under the other's account!
Ok! I'm back as me smile.gif Sorry about the login confusion. The previous inventory check is from me.
OK that's all I wanted to know. Just logging out and I already have my gear set.
I'm going to put Rowan on autopilot. PFogg hasn't posted since April 23 anywhere on the forums so I'll assume that (s)he's on vacation, dealing with finals, or something. Which brings us to a question: Eccy, do you want to drop this one due to your promotion? If so, I'll just finish it IRL with Elfie and Soluna and then post the results in story format on the board to finish it all up. Let me know.
Well, if all we have left is the "final hunt" or whatever, I'll stick it out. The games that I dropped out of were all games that were in the begining stages, but since this one is almost done, I'd like to see how things go.
Sounds good. Elfie -- let me know what Lex wants to do with the information from the yellow pages and let's get this thing finished smile.gif
FYI: I'll be away until Monday. I'll try to get back to deal with new posts and what not at least once a day. Sorry!
Here's two images for you:

Streets around 211 Hamilton

External Shot of the Building
Perception: 16 09 04 03 03 01

possible complementary skills...

Security Devices: 08 04 04 04
Security Systems: 09 04 04 01
Perception in detail on the window: 11 08 05 05 04 04

+ Eyes, Flare Comp
+ Eyes, Low-Light
+ Eyes, Microscopic Vis.
+ Eyes, Thermographic
+ Eyes, Vision Mag 3
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