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I'll accept the drain. Hoestly, I expected to take at least a light on that one.

Even 1 success on my assense test should let me know if I've seen the signature before.

Guys, just a random thought. This other family is looking for Gio, probably, to finish the job they started. He's in the hospital, and I'm sure, eventually the other family will figure out where he is. While I'm still in the matrix and have access to his records, want me to add a little line to the bottom stating he's deceased due to complications, with a time of death? I mean, if the other family thinks he's dead, that'll get rid of some of the heat from that family, and it just might help out Gio later on in life. Dead men can come and go as they please wink.gif

Waddya think?
I think you should ask that IC. nyahnyah.gif

But assuming you do, it may be better to just wipe the records of him even being there in the first place. Calling him dead may piss him off when he wakes up.
QUOTE (Blitz)
Even 1 success on my assense test should let me know if I've seen the signature before.

Screw rolling that one -- I'll just give it to you. You'd probably win anyway and I'm on a computer that doesn't have the NSRCG diceroller, nor do I have administrator privilages to intstall it. So --- FREEBIE!!
Aww... I want a freebie too! How about the next person I shot in the head with a gel round gets shot in the eye and then the green gel runs out their nose? Sounds perfectly resonable to me! biggrin.gif
why wouldn't it run out their eye?
dont use your logic on us...we're GAMERS! what does logic have to do with gaming anyway!

QUOTE (Blitz)
dont use your logic on us...we're GAMERS! what does logic have to do with gaming anyway!

they both have a G?
And an I --- or is it eye --- now it makes sense.

Anyway -- since we're moving onto the end of this job -- and after only three months, too, I thought I'd reiterate some of the points that Alessandro made way back in October (or yesterday game time!!)

1. You're to drop of Gio at Ana Mia's restaurant on 4th St. in South Bethlehem. His people will be there until tomorrow morning (game time) so you should be fine.

2. Lex has Alessandro's contact information in case you need to call him. You were told to call and leave a message for "Big A" with the person who answers.

3. The payment was 1500 up front with 10000 later.

I think those were the important points -- the other stuff is all around pages 2 through 4 on the IC thread if you all want to review. I had to re-read it since it was a while since we were playing through that section of the run!!
Dash, once this run is done, were you planning on keeping the game going? I really had a great time with this game and love the characters we have.
Not sure yet -- I think I might. I'll give it some thought as to where to take this next. I didn't really plan to make it episodic at the start, but I think I might now. I'll get back to the IC thread later today -- I've got work to do at work so I've been limited in my time to try and put together what I want to do.

-- Dash --
Assuming nothing's on my tail, I'm gonna pull a Graceful Logoff and get back into my body.

Graceful Logoff (Deception 6):
01 04 01 04 03 04 03 01 05 05 07 01 17 05 03 04 04 05 04 (Highest 17)
09 05 04 03 03 02 01 01 (Lex)
16 05 04 02 01 01 (Alice)

Hello Everyone: the above rolls represent perception tests for Lexand Alice -- both of whom are looking around and watching for persuit. If anyone else wants to roll perception, either roll it and post the results or tell me and I'll roll. Gonna stall for a moment while I wait till tomorrow morning to see who else wants to keep an eye out around the SUV while Alice drives around for a moment.
I figured we all were, just didn't think to roll.

Perception: 21 08 04 03 01 01

I don't know why, but I find it almost laughable how many times I've rolled over 18 with McMackie's roller. You'd think I'd find it exciting or cool. Nope. Its just funny! rotfl.gif
I think i have an older version of the roller...does yours sort rolls in order?
Yeah, it also can set a difficulty and tell you the stats for it.

17 13 08 05 01 01 #D:6 TN:4 H#:17 S:4

That is the output for a roll with 6 dice (#D:6) at TN4 (TN:4). It now tells you the highest roll (H#:17) and the number of successes (S:4).

Download the latest copy of NSRCG, uninstall your current version, then reinstall with the latest.
please roll for me, but I would give me a modifier since my attention is passing back and forth between the windows and Gio.
QUOTE (Blitz)
please roll for me, but I would give me a modifier since my attention is passing back and forth between the windows and Gio.

10 05 05 02 02 01
This is a picture of the inside of your car.

Right now, I know that Alice is driving (A) and that Sophia and Gio hold seats C and D respectively. However, where are the rest of you. Lex and Mojo are in the back by virtue of having been in the car when Gio and Sophia entered, but Rowan and Akuma are somewhere between seats B and E, F, G. Fill me in when you get the chance -- shotgun is first come first serve.
Lex would be in either E or G, since he was moved into the back while decked in, he'd probably be shoved in a corner.
phelious fogg
Rowan is shotgun, wich puts Akuma in the back
Yeah and he takes the other corner, putting Sophia between he and Lex.
No...per Dash's post, Sophia and Gio share the two seats in the middle...Sophia will be on the door side and Gio will reside in the window seat?
My bad, I read it wrong. Lex and Akuma are in the back and Sohpia and Gio are in the middle. You're right Blitz.

p.s. I love that I finally get to bring out the dramatic side of my cold-hearted killer. love.gif
Just a quick perception again in the middle of my latest tirade, incase it matters.

17 10 05 04 03 03 02 01
#D:8 H#:17

@ Grey: Yeah, I noticed that, and it strikes my character as odd that the killer has a warm fuzzy side. I made note of that biggrin.gif

Heh, I wouldn't exactly call it "warm and fuzzy". wink.gif
rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif
Okay, I did a lot of rolls on my own for that one, and promptly forgot to save any. Suffice it to say that this is pretty much the run down for the last post:

Rowan: No successes on a Mafia Controlled Establishment roll ... then no successes on a perception test as you approached Ana Mia's.

Elfie: One successes on a Mafia Controlled Establishments roll, but you did get a success on the perception test to notice the broken door.

Alice: Got three successes on a perception test to notice the blue sedan.

Gio: just missed a body roll to see if he woke up. So, he's almost awake wink.gif
BTW: Paging TinkerGnome -- you still here? Haven't seen you post in a while.
He is on the road for work right now. I got a message from him that he got on another plane last night and that he was goin to a hotel that he wasn't sure had a net connection. Worst case is that he won't post till next friday.
Do you want me to make a perception check now that I know the car is there? I just want to get a good look at them and see what they are about. Maybe I could tell if they have guns or not?

Perception: 11 09 08 04 02 01
Okay, I'll run him NPC style for now. To re-cap -- that means he'll act in combat on his phase, but little else unless you ask him to. He (and Alice) will jump in with stuff they would usually do (like Alice paying attention to any tales in the car) but otherwise they'll avoid involvement so that I don't give too much away based on what they act upon.
Oh, also I wanted to know if they guys looked like thugs, or if I could see any cyber on em.
I'm going on what I know the outside of Ana Mia's to look like. Lex is making his way around into the back. The browning has Ex-Ex in it, as always.

Stealth if needed:
10 04 04 04 04 02
Since almost everyone in the van is unconscious or an NPC, Blitz, you're probably the only person who will chime in to actually stop Akuma from executing his invisible assault on the sedan. When you post, be sure to address that. So far, Rowan and Lex don't have any clue that Akuma's thinking of going solo (again) because I don't think he announced his plans over the commlink -- is that correct?
Blitz is really busy and I haven't had much time to post.
I wasn't planning on going solo, per se. I was just the only one going into melee range with anyone who got out. Everyone else could cover me once the shit hits the fan.

Plus, he only offered it up as an idea. He doesn't even know what side the guys are on yet.
Oh. I assumed you had a more lethal intent. I appologize smile.gif
Sitting astrally in the car I should be able to hear everything they are saying, and I should have some idea what the item that the person is concentrating on is, since they obviously interacting with it. Such as, it's a photo of someone they are looking for, or it's a piece of equipment they are using, or it's a book about war they are reading. Whatever they are thinking as they hold and concentrate on it will leave astral residues that I should be able read to some extent.

Id also like to assence each person with the hope of scoring 4 or more successes on one or more of them because it will give you their emotional state and the cause for that emotional state...such as, alert and apprehensive because they are trailing a target...
Never knew that you could hear speech while Astral without manifesting. I'll post again to reflect that and give you a little bit more to work with.

Assensing rolls:

Back Seat Guy 1: 05 04 03 03 02 02 #D:6 TN:4 HR:5 S:2
Back Seat Guy 2: 09 05 05 03 02 01 #D:6 TN:4 HR:9 S:3
Driver: 10 08 05 02 02 01 #D:6 TN:4 HR:10 S:3
Dwarf: 08 04 04 04 03 01 #D:6 TN:4 HR:8 S:4

Honestly not sure if the Dwarf's cyberware would have given you a higher target number to the assencing test, but that's okay. I'll go with the four successes anyway because I don't have the books and I don't know the rules off the top of my head. Plus, since I screwed up on the IC thread, I'll give it to you.
Damn. I realied that I'm really dumb. I forgot who was doing the astral recon and that you would actually recognize one of the members of the car. I appologize for screwing up my original post about the car. See me more recent post and assume that the other one didn't happen.
ARG!!! I keep closing the browser window while I'm posting in the IC thread. Nothing is going well so far today. I just typed the same IC post like three times and closed the browser after having to do something else for a few moments. Blah.
Finally got it all poted. A diagram of Ana Mia's.

You don't see all of the details that the map contains, but I just made up everything at once so that I didn't have to keep adding to the image. I didn't put details in the kitchen, though, because I forgot to before I exported the .gif. If you guys really want to know where the major furnature in the kitchen is, I'll add it.
Here is an electronics roll for the bug scanner: 10 10 04 03
Anyone: do me a favor. I'm checking this away from my books (I only have CC and M&M with me) so if someone can give me the range of a bug scanner as well as any information about whether or not it needs to be facing the location of the bug in order to detect it, it would be hepful. Thanks all. Sorry for the lack of books while I visit my fiancee.
From what I read from the book, it creates a 3D holo-projection arrow that points to where the bug is located.

Ok, here are the rules on how it works. You make a success test with dice equal to the rating of the scanner (6) with a target number of the rating of the bug +3. The TN goes down by 1 for every 2 flux of the bug (which is usually equal to the rating of the bug, or the rating devided by 2). Electronics (Electronic Warfare) can be used as a complementary skill.

I'll reroll based off these rules. I don't know the target number, as I don't know the rating of the bug, but you can work that part out I'm sure.

Bug Scanner: 11 08 05 04 04 01
Electronic Warfare: 05 04 04 02 (thats 3 successes, giving me 1 extra die to the first roll)
Extra die: 05
You're good. smile.gif

Going to put some words in your mouths to make things a little more interesting. Hopefully you don't mind to much.
Is there room for Akuma is get under the seat? If its a full size van/truck, there should be room for him to get on the floor and reach under there. Right?
Yeah, you can get under the seat. Remember, though, she said that she was "over" the bug. It's probably on the underside of the car.
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