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Monday March 3, 2070; ~09:01; Tarislar, Puyallup Barrens

The comlink of their fallen comrade collected, the team beats a hasty retreat the area. It is never easy to lose a team mate and in the shadows, letting your guard down for even a moment can be deadly.

Monday March 3, 2070; ~09:10; Central Puyallups

Several more minutes down the road and the matrix coverage begins to ping in and out. Another few minutes and it is weak, but fairly consistent. Nearly ten minutes from their last stop and the coverage is viable and the team mates various new subscriptions and messages begin to filter in. Ah, home crap home...

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Monday March 3, 2070; ~08:55; Tarislar, Puyallup Barrens

The incessant beeping of the com just would not stop, but your meat-body refused to fully awaken and answer the call. Finally, after the 4th time of redirecting the call your brain awoke enough to realize that the after the first two calls, no one should have gotten through. Looking at the LTG, you didn't recognize it. You did recognize the icon of Kilroy attached to the code though. Everyone fancies themselves a master hacker.

Then you realized he did just route around your silence mode... twice. Ok. His skills are on par with his rep. The elusive fixer was mostly known only by rep to you. Though since your recent need to relocate your meat-body, hooking up with the fixer had proven workable. He had been able to get you a flop in a gang ran neighborhood deep in the Puyallup Barrens with amazingly good matrix reception. The local gang, The Chosen, are a mix of Native-Americans and N-A posers. Mostly the latter.

Answering the ringing com, your silvery icon contrasts with Kilroy's cartoonish icon. A side bar meter shows the encryption level as high as your com supports. Impressive.

"Quick. Morning. I got a team that appears to be en route back into Seattle. There has been some chatter on the net that leads me to believe that they will need a greater degree of hacking support. They should be able to swing by and get you on their way through."
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:11; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

Ignoring Lon, Aeryn sends Mike a quick note, saying that everything is alright and he shouldn't worry. It's only a matter of hours now.
Little Johnson
Quick tries to compose himself befor answering. Devoting more of his com processing power to his icon he cranks up the resolution on his silvery form trying to recover a little of his perceived loss of rep form the easy access killroy seems to have had into his com. He makes sure every aspect of roys cartoony form is reflected and warped by his liquid movement.

"Morning Killroy thats great news. You know im needing the work. Ill be ready and feel free to pass on my comcode to the team ill be supporting or give me thiers and Ill contact them after youve made an introduction. Any details on whats going down?."
Cedric Rolfsson
Monday March 3, 2070; 09:11:35; Puyallup

The SUV's filters were excellent but the sight of the sprawl's pollutant filled air reminded Cynic of another task he had to preform before clearing all the crap out of his com filter. He ignored the headache and pulled together the familiar spell he used to stave off the allergy attacks he'd been subject to all his life, allowing his focus to take over the burden of maintain the spell.

That task done he laid his head back against the seat for a quick nap, maybe he'd get rid of this headache.
Monday March 3, 2070; ~08:56; Chosen Turf, Puyallup Barrens


"They are making a few deliveries for an associate. The scan started last night with some subtle inquiries. As of a few minutes ago there was some increased activity. An SUV with an unlikely group left the La Grange Border station. I think that was them. Not that I don't think that they can't handle it, but I would feel better if a hacker were with them. I will contact the Johnson and insure you get a slice equal to the negotiated rate. Get ready and I will have them pick you up when they come into matrix range."
Monday March 3, 2070; 09:11:41; Puyallup
Zion;PAN=hidden[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(not broadcasting)

Zion skims through his messages with little regard to the first but the third was a date he forgot he made with a few friends. Tish and Cherry would surely let him know what he missed. the intrusion alarm could be bypassed so he hoped all his belongings were still at the apartment when he got back. as for everything else business as usual for the city life.

Zion looks at the other team members "We should give a progress report on out situation to the johnson, make sure nothings changed. what do you guys think?" while talking zion text's Killroy<Zion @ killroy" any buzz worth knowing about since last night? were on our way back and dont want to side swiped by any surprises?>
Monday March 3, 2070; ~09:12; Central Puyallups

<<@Team [Kilroy] Not sure what the package is, but there's a buzz about finding it. I've got a new hacker I would you guys to try out. He's new to the area, but comes with a solid rep. -] ARO: LTG for Quicksilver [- He's in the Barrens, so it'll be just a short detour. >>
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:12; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

< [Aeryn] Ok. >

Aeryn then turns to Zion and Cynic.

"That sounds like we can expect some trouble ahead... Could one of you call this guy, Quicksilver, and ask him where we should pick him up? In the meantime, I will figure out how to fetch my own wheels and make sure these get back safely. I only borrowed them, yaknow. We also need to get our bikes."
Monday March 3, 2070; 09:11:41; Puyallup
Zion;PAN=hidden[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion looks to Aeryn "sounds like it, probably more ganger freaks. needless to say ill get ahold of this guy and see where he is."

Zion uses the LTG number and calls Quicksilver <Zion @ Quicksilver" Whats up chummer, i suppose you were contacted about who we are. the name is Zion. They said you were close to where we are now and could use a ride, where do you want to meet up"?>
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:12; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Ganger freaks? He basically said, that someone is actively looking for this package... how should some stupid gangers know about it? Or anyone, for that matter."
Little Johnson
Monday March 3, 2070; 09:11:41; Puyallup

The call seems to stutter before it goes through and then theres 3 seconds dead air before the connections made. Almost as if the call had been routed or filtered before the connection was made. <Quicksilver @ Zion" Hey Zion, yah Killroy filled me in. im sending you my location now.Ill be waiting on the street If you guys will let me access youre PAN ill see you comeing and it will give me a chance to start concidering security. Ive already started tracking down the matrix activity that concerned K.

One more thing...when we meet in the meat I may not look like what you would expect but trust me i know my stuff. And k wouldnt have put us in touch if he didnt think so too.">

Monday March 3, 2070; 09:11:50;Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=hidden[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(not broadcasting)

Zion looks at Cynic"considering that it was gangers who gave us the case to drop off in the first place it wouldn't surprise me that gangers know what we are bringing back even if we don't"

Zion replies to Quicksilver <Zion @ quicksilver " Hoi chummer the well if your hidiously disfigured ork, well i have seen worse other then that im not to worried as long as your not missing any pieces that hinder you to do your job. ill tell our ride where were meeting and well be there shortly">

Zion turns to Aeryn after the quick phone call" Aeryn the new guy's name is Quicksilver, here is the address. said he was ready when ever we are."
Monday March 3, 2070; ~09:33; Central Puyallups

Aeryn, Zion & Cynic
For the team, the trip to pick up Quicksilver is a solemn one. The unexpected death of Collateral sticks in their minds as a constant reminder of how fatal the world it is in which they live and work. The scenery of the southern barrens is bleak and run down. The people who live here are a hard people with little joy in their lives.

Despite the day of the week, the time of the year and the time of the day, children can be seen playing in the street. People lull around with little to do except get through another day.

The neighborhood in which Quicksilver lives has a little different feel. The buildings are run down, but not quite dilapidated. There are fewer children on the out and about and the adults lounging around are all older. The Chosen are easy to pick out. Native Americans and Native-American Posers in native garb hanging around.

It is obvious they have taken note of the team's passing, but appear to take no action. Up ahead is the apartment building they have been directed to. The building is a three story brick building in decent repair. A pair of teenagers are hanging around outside playing hacky-sack.

The agent slips off into the matrix seeking information about the people seeking his new team. After several long minutes the agent returns with slim little information. It seems that the IDs used to post the inquiries are dead ends; Effectively new IDs created to make the posts. A small break does come with some of the details however. It seems the posters are aware the team has made a delivery at the behest of the Ancients.

A subtle ping on your PAN tells you that the team has entered PAN range and will be in front of the apartment shortly.
Little Johnson
Monday March 3, 2070; ~09:33; Central Puyallups

As my com connects to the teams pan my reality filter meshes with thiers and a hall of mirrors springs up interspurced with the teams reality. A liquid silver meta human steps out of one of the mirrors and takes note of his suroundings.
He reaches into a nearby mirror and pulls out a blob of quicksilver and as it runs from his finger a liquid metalic dog forms. The imeadatly sets to petrolling the nodes parimaters.

The quicksilver form steps back into a mirror and is gone as you pull up to the pick up point.

As you pull up a skinny kid looks up in youre direction. He looks somewhat pathetic , a bit malnurished, not that that unusual, short maybe 4'6 - 4' 8" and cant weigh more than 85 lbs at most. With his babby face you wonder if he more than 12-13. Hes wearing a far too big second hand armored jacket that hangs almost to his knees. And is carrying a back pack. No obvious weapons but hell as big as that jacket is you could stuff an assult rifel in there with him.

Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:35; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

An SUV pulls up at the rendevous point and the window at the passenger side is lowered.

"So, that's you then?" the elven driver says, before she signals the boy to come closer. "Alright, jump in, we'll discuss anything else on the way."
Little Johnson
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:35; Central Puyallups, Seattle

Quick climbs up into the SUV obviously more than a little concensious about the fact that he actually had to climb in.

"Yes im quick, at least in the matrix. In the Meat my real name is Kent " Quick briefly turns red and if thinking maybe he let slip something he shouldnt have "Any way maybe i should see to the com security streight away . Ill open an AR windo with you all once im in so you can let me know if i need to jump out of VR."

Quick belts himself into his seat and slips into VR almost instantly you all get an AR window open showing Quicks silvery form. Somehow he seems to exude all the confidence in VR that he lacks in the meat. He wears an aura of confidence and competence like a second skin.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:35; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion looks at the kid for a moment before realizing that he really is the contact killroy mentioned. Zion thinks to himself ,wow getting younger and younger these days.

Zion sees the heads up display in his AR display "nice to meet you Quick, hope age doesnt reflect upon performance. quick starter would be if you can track to see if anyone knows where we are goin with our cargo or has already compromised our coms?"

Zion then keeps looking for tails and what not always ready to pull ready his ingram to spray a quick burst in case. still reflecting on what happen to Collateral he didnt like replacing members of a team to quick only meant usually that runs could end in bloody messes.
Little Johnson
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:35; Central Puyallups, Seattle

"Nice to meet you too. ive already started tracking down inquerrys on you from the matrix. Not much info the people doing the tracking used throw away IDs so everythings been a dead end so far. Ill scrub the logs and make sure there are no added back doors

As far as age goes im somewhat older than i look I assure you i can handel my end"

Quick searches the individual com logs looking for anything that might alow access or feed info to an intruder.

Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:37; Central Puyallups, Seattle

The newest member of the team loaded into the suburban, the foursome are ready to move on. As Quicksilver is given access to the team coms and runs an analysis of the security logs and firewalls, he finds nothing out of order. He is quite impressed with the size of Zion's address book though as well as the rating system applied to the majority of the entries.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:37; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion sits back and watches out for anything out of the ordinary for a run down slum of central pullyallups. also watching out for any popups from Quikc about any potential hacks. "i hope the meet and greet goes a little better then getting ambushed this time." i hope this kid doesnt hack my eyes and start making me see funny purple elephants Zion laughes at the thought then realizes it was a very good possiblilty, best keep on the kids good side.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:38; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Say, Quicksilver, are you one of those fabled Technomancers, then? Or just a lot more learned for your age, than one might expect?"
Cedric Rolfsson
Monday March 3, 2070; 09:38:05; Puyallup-Seattle UCAS

The new kid was really a kid, a no shit kid, about as useful in a fight as a bottled fart but what the hell maybe he'd be good and getting the frigging male enhancement ads off Cynic's commlink.

"Hey, Kid, so you're the Matrix in this mess? I'm not concerned if you're a Technodancer or just a geek, what I wanna know is how did everyone know we were coming? I'm not keen on being tracked either. I'll deal with the astral tracking you clear the Matrix tracking."

The mage pulled in his will and began the summoning process, he wanted astral cover to prevent a repeat of what happened to Collateral.
Little Johnson
Monday March 3, 2070; 09:38:15; Puyallup-Seattle UCAS

"Im no Mancer, ive run in to a few here and there. My dad is..was a corp hacker and mom did RnD for Neo Net so they had me on the fast track so i could get a leg up in the corp. If i had been one they probly would have wet themselves.

As far as i can tell No one has messed with youre security logs. I tried tracking down who was doing searches for you on the matrix but every lead i could find dead ended in a throw away ID.

Ive done what i can to shore up our security here and ill stay hot till we have dropped off the packages .

You have any reason to think the ones after you are out for more than the delivery? If its personal then the threat doesnt end with the drop off. ."
Monday March 3, 2070; 09:38:15; Puyallup-Seattle UCAS
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion takes in everyones input on technomancers, he heard of them but didn't know which way from that about what they could do. "Personal attention from anyone but the cops well leave to for you to track down, as far as i know we haven't pissed off anyone yet. can you send me anything you find on us i would like to see if i recoginize anything i see on the trids or forums."
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:38:20; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Yeah, Kilroy mentioned, that someone is looking for our cargo here... I have no idea if or how they might know that we have it, or who it is, but you know that as good as any of us, that a lot of things are possible. Maybe you can find out more about it? Other than that, we'll just have to be careful and get the package and us to our drop-off point."
Monday March 3rd, 2070; ~9:39; Central Puyallups, Seattle

The team now gathered and sitting in the idling suburban outside of Quicksilver's apartment, they have a lot of concerns and not a lot of information.

The astral in this neighborhood is a little brighter than most neighborhoods in the Barrens; Being from one, Cynic would know. He notices more grass and the trees are a little healthier here. Doesn't stand out so much in the mundane world, but in the astral they shine.

Your agent returns, sliding in on a virtual hover board, kicking a hacky sack your direction as he blazing by, heading back into the matrix. As the hacky sack gets closer, it streaks and transforms into a stream of data. Attaching to your icon, it reveals more blog entries, this time with a picture of the suburban and a pair of bike; One Harley and a street bike. The short video clip appears to have been taken from a street light security camera. It is attached to a blog entry offering a reward for information about the current location of the team.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:40:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"At least around here, they shouldn't get a whole lot of working cameras. But I think we should switch cars soon. I have my own car not too far away, it's not as big and comfortable as this one, but should do. I will send the autopilot some instructions. Quicksilver, do you know a place in the vincinity, where we could swap the cars without being seen by any cameras and such?"

Aeryn then hooks up her commlink to the Matrix and connects to her home node from where she has access to the car.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:40:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

zion imediatly starts looking for tails or signs of anyone taking more notice then they should. "well if they are on to the SUV we need to change rides any way possible i dont care what we ride in as long as it has room for our stuff."
Little Johnson
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:41:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle

"How far to the drop off of the package? Is it worth while to go out of our way to try to hack that vid cam on the off chance they left us some clues? Or should we just make a run for it and ill try to brute force defend our coms."

Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:41:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

While remote driving her own car, Aeryn is only half-aware of the conversation, but one thing grabs her attention.

"Well, that's a good question. In fact, we do not know that. Johnson only told us to get it back to the Puyallups. Maybe she meant to have it delivered to the same people where we got the original package. Maybe not. We have an LTG number, so why don't we just ask her. Can you make sure the call isn't intercepted?"
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:41:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion scans through his com and looks up the johnsons number making sure quick was aware "Quick monitor the call please." and puts the call through. Zion hoped it wasn't goin to be another gang realated stop they just didn't sit well with him or a scam for that matter either they still needed to get paid.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; ~9:42; Central Puyallups, Seattle

The team's hacker now running matrix over watch and the call shared over team-net, Zion makes the connection to the LTG provided by Ms. Johnson. It connects, voice-only. "Good morning. My contact says you were successful in your delivery and have the second package. Everything going well?"
Monday March 3rd, 2070; ~9:42; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion not suprised to have a voice only chat with the johnson looks over to Aeryn and Cynic " well we are good for now, we picked up the new addition and now are awaiting instructions?"
Monday March 3rd, 2070; ~9:42; Central Puyallups, Seattle

The husky female voice laughs, "You are the pretty elf, aren't you? I-.... No, you'd break. Back to business. It appears someone is moving against you. I'm betting the Disassemblers myself. In any case, the Ancients are changing the drop off. Normandy Park. Noon. Don't be late."
Monday March 3rd, 2070; ~9:42; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion shudders from the raspy voice over his com, "pretty elf" lipped to himself with a disgusted look on his face then he thought to himself i have to find better work.
Zion focuses back on work. <Zion @ Johnson/Team "as much as i appreciate the compliment...there was one in there i think.noon it is."> Zion pauses and waits before ending the call to see if the rest of the team has anything they want to ask or add.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:42:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

Aeryn shrugs and nods, signalling that she has nothing to add. Meanwhile she calls up the map of Seattle in her AR and starts plotting a course to their new destination in order to estimate travel times and potential problems on the way.

She also keeps in mind, that they have to bring the car back eventually. If possible, she would prefer to have that done before getting to the meeting.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:42:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle

The map pops up showing Aeryn that Normandy Park is SW of SeaTac airport... and comes with an "A" security rating for the drop off point itself. That's a whole new set of problems.
Little Johnson
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:43:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle

" A rateing..thats good and bad. Id suppose no one will try anything while we are there . just going into or out of the zone." Quick looks thoughtfull..well as thoughtfull as a blob ofquicksilver in youre AR view can look " Im going to have to broadcast our fake sins and opening up our signals so we dont stick out makes us more vulnerable ."

Quick calls back his agent and set it to assist him and the IC in security of the groups PAN.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:43:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Quicksilver can you use the time while we switch cars and fetch the bikes and until we get to the A-neighborhood to provide us with some sort of cover story and back it up why we are there and got this large package in the back of the car, just in case we do get some star attention? Not sure if that's feasible to get something like that done."
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 09:44:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle

As Quicksilver's body goes into VR and his consciousness into the matrix, Aeryn sends her signals across the matrix to her car. Controlling a drone (in this case a rigged car) across the matrix presented risks from man-in-middle attacks, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Monday March 3rd, 2070; ~10:08; Puyallup City, Seattle

The trip to the secure parking lot where Cynic and Aeryn's bikes are parked is uneventful. Three minutes later the team is back on the road, a bike, a suburban and a car strong.

Monday March 3rd, 2070; ~10:15; Puyallup City, Seattle

Zion's apartment complex is much the way they left it. The trio of vehicles raise little suspicion as they pull in. Zion is able to get a blanket and the team is able to transfer the package to the car. His apartment will also make a location where the team can leave extra gear. There are two car washes nearby.
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 10:15:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Alright, after that trip it's just fair to tidy up the car a bit before returning it. We should be good, time-wise, so I'll quickly head to one of the car washes here, then we can bring it back and drive to the meet."
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 10:15:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion looks at the time in his hud, shrugs and agrees "lets just do this fast, i dont like my apartment being exposed like this."
Cedric Rolfsson
Monday March 3, 2070; 10:15:30:00; Central Puyallups

Cynic jandered over to the fridge and found something to drink, draped his heavy armored jacket over the back of a chair, then plopped down in a seat.

"If we're not going to be here long I won't bother setting up astral security, if we're going to be here more than about 30 minutes I'll get a watcher spirit into the astral to provide us some astral warning at the least. Should I put an elemental on guard around our prize? Any idea what our time frame is?"

The young mage sucked on his beer and pulled out his Predator. He quickly cleared the weapon and began an inspection to make sure his trip through the woods hadn't gotten any junk in the weapon which could cause a misfire. He had a few minutes, better safe than sorry.
Monday March 3, 2070; 10:15:30:00; Central Puyallups/Zions dos
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion looks at the mage with a silent chuckle that he grabbed one non alcoholic beer that he rarely enjoys seeing as he never get drunk, clouds to many things up slows him down. Zion walks over to the mage and grabs one of the many cold soy cafe's and opens it while closing the fridge and pointing towards the couch. "have a seat, We should only be here long enough to figure out where the meet is and what gear you guys would like to keep here so we dont get picked up for carrying anything illegal, A rated place will pick most our gear, i dont want to attract any more attention then necessary from my neibhors. i have a fake ID ready for my augments but those will only go so far.we have to make the drop and get the hell out fast. any one else want one" Zion holds up the cold soy cafe.
Monday March 3, 2070; 10:16:00; Zions dos, Puyallup City

Aeryn knows of car wash in Loveland just a block off the route to return route that accepts wireless payments. Her luck is with her, at least on that account. As Cynic takes his third drink of the beer he's not quite sure what to make of it, except that its some fancy lite beer....
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 10:17:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Ok, I'm making sure this one goes to the shower, while we pack my car. We gonna need some kind of blanket for the backseat, I guess, to the package isn't immediately seen. Of course, we still need something to tell if anyone with a badge gets curious about it."

The car wash is quickly found as is the blanket. The suburban's autopilot is set to drive to the car wash and then back to Mike. The route is chosen to be as peaceful and quiet as possible. Just in case, Aeryn keeps her comm hooked up to the car, so she can jump in, if necessary.

"What do you think? Should I take my light pistol with me? Don't have a license for it... but it's the only self-defense I carry."
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 10:17:00; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Zion;PAN=Passive[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(broadcasting)

Zion looks at Aeryn with a surprised look, "wow i thought i was going to have problems with my body mods but if you bring a gun we might as well go in blasting. i mean no disrespect but this is a A rated neibhorhood AAA aren't that far away and between them the security only gets better as we get closer to the drop off i dont know the area around the drop off very well but im guessing that its rating is why johnson picked it so it would be extremly hard to get any kind of fire power in there of course except his lol." i remember hearing about this group once on the vids that went into a B rated area and went out shooting up the place and almost getting killed in the process so a A rated one will probably be crawling with lone star or private sec with legite licences and primission to make us slug magnets if need be. I think the suv is a good idea though and i have some blankets to cover the good here in the closet but we really need a great disguise to get into the district without any curious eyes especially with the contents unkown to us i dont know if it will set off any magic stuff and that sort. i think we really need to do a good prep before we head into this without knowing what exactly we are carrying."

Zion cacthes his breath as he realizes he just said a lot without a breath and sips his drink and walking to bed room to put away his gear and lock it up tight. and check outside to make sure they weren't followed to his dose
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 10:17:10; Central Puyallups, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Ok, no gun. Gotcha! And yeah, we definitely need some sort of reasonable cover-up."
Monday March 3rd, 2070; 10:17:36; Central Puyallups, Seattle

Having spent most of the last half hour in and out of full VR, Quicksilver exits one more time with a smile on his face. The scrawny kid looks more like he should be planning how to ditch school than enjoining in the planning of a shadowrun. "Ok. Hope you all love this as much as I do."

He turns to Cynic, reaching into his pocket and pulling something out. As he fidgets with whatever it is he speaks. "There's a book store two blocks from the meet that specializes in mojo." Cynic's coms with received data and an appointment. "I just loaded you up with a GPS ARO and a schedule to attend a book signing by some bear shaman. What's up with you mojo types and paper anyway?- Oh and I removed two spyware programs from your coms- free of charge."

He pops the piece of gum into his mouth with a shit-eating grin as he turns to Zion. "Wow cowboy, I've seen some good porn but that video those two elven girls sent you.... that was great amateur stuff. Can you put a word in for me with the younger one? Does she like younger guys?" Moving on from any looks from Zion, he shifts back to business. "I'm not very good with fake IDs and passes and the like- at least not yet. What I have done for you is get you a ticket to UFC fighter Donny The Monster Miller's 'Day in the Park'. Starts an hour after the meet- A buddy of mine hacking a Ticket Master outlet...."

Finally he turns to Aeryn. "Office Super-house Supply has a really weak system... So you are listed as an employee and there just happens to be a delivery scheduled and" an ARO pops up, "you have an employee badge and the courier for that delivery."

He leans back and blows a bubble, smacking it before asking, "Need any more miracles?"
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