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Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 01:51:00; Warehouse District, Vancouver, Salish-Shidhe Nation
Zion;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(Hidden)

Zion checks his sector and vantage points testing his line of sight for targets if any come across them "Aeryn if i have to shoot across you don't take it personal. Lynx if you and i take shifts we can get a little shut eye while Aeryn does the driving." <Zion@Team "Sounds good papa we are Oscar Mike, hopefully we don't have to wake you for anything other then payment. Zion out.">
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 01:55:00; Warehouse District, Vancouver, Salish-Shidhe Nation
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"As long as you shoot just across, I think I can handle. Oh, and lower the windows before shooting out, please. Well, at least I hope they will stop some bullets. And no, that is not meant to be tested!"

After checking the maps for a last time, Aeryn starts moving back towards the highway.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 01:56:00; Warehouse District, Vancouver, Salish-Shidhe Nation
Lynx;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Luna Miele(Hidden)

"No shooting through the windows, unless I can't help it. Can you list me as admin so I can lower the windows through my commlink if needed?"

<<@Cynic [Lynx] Did you check astrally into the truck?>>

Lynx imagines a bunch of flesh-craving zombies trying to claw their way from the trailer to the cabin, like in "Undead Abroad", or maybe some ancient horror resting in a sealed coffin, breaking free during the trip, like in "Mummy" ...

On the other hand, the team mage gets possessed by such half the time in the sims...
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 01:56:00; Warehouse District, Vancouver, Salish-Shidhe Nation

The young mage slips back into apparent unconsciousness for several seconds before sitting back up. "Nothing alive or magical and no warding."

Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:02:00; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing

The release of the air brakes is noted with a subtle "pfffft" and the big-rig begins to move forward across the lot. It continues out onto the street, through the quiet warehouse district and onto the interstate without any wrinkles.

Unlike the drive to Vancouver, the return trip to the metroplex is quiet and without incident. Matrix signals come and go during the trip, but as the lights of the border appear, the signal is strong. With that strong signal, comes a little blue agent with a white hat singing a happy little tune. It has a picnic basket from which it draws several ARO's. A quick inspection of them by Aeryn reveals border passes for the team and the truck.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 01:58:00; Warehouse District, Vancouver, Salish-Shidhe Nation
Lynx;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Luna Miele(Hidden)

"So unless it's a concealed bomb set to to take out a border crossing and start an international incident, or a biovirus to take out Seattle for TerraFirst we should be ok. Or do viruses show up as living?"

Lynx' simsense-induced speculation is interrupted by her trying to find out whether or not viruses show up in the astral, which prevents her from mentioning more worrying possible double-crosses taken straight from cheap East-Asian action sims.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:02:37; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

< [Aeryn] Thanks, these will come in handy soon enough... >

"We are closing in on the border, best you keep your weapons out of sight, just in case. We got the passes, so hopefully everything will go smooth."

Aeryn continues the drive towards the border, where they will cross over into their home territory.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:02:50; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Lynx;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Luna Miele(Hidden)

Lynx nods and holsters her Walther. Despite this she shifts her weight forward to more easily reach the holster for the compact in the small of her back, just in case. She licks her lips and then pops a gum into her mouth, chewing vigourosly to mask the nervousness that the border crossing causes. No matter the quality of the passes, a check is always a risk.

I hope they don't want to pat us dow just to cop a feel.
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:03:30; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing

As the truck enters the border crossing terminal, they are directed to the far left lane reserved for commercial freight vehicles. An pair of orks approach the vehicle, an older woman and a younger man. The woman directs the man to an external inspection with a wand while she approaches the cab. She steps on the tank step, grabs the handle and reaches the driver side window.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:03:31; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

Aeryn lowers the side window, and puts up a somewhat tired smile.

"Good morning!"
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:03:35; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Lynx;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Luna Miele(Hidden)[/i])

Lynx rubs her eyes and smiles as if she just woke up, her commlink showing the passes the group received for the crossing in answer to any electronic query.

"Are we there yet?"

She tries to hide her tension - if this goes wrong... shooting their way out of the SSC is one thing, shooting their way into Seattle another.
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:03:45; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing

"Morning." she replies, looking into the rig. Zion puts his best face forward and smiles. She takes a moment, obviously looking over something in AR. "Well... your records definitely all appear in order. Perhaps too much so." She looks are Aeryn. "I'm thinking we may need to do an inspection..."
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:03:48; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

Aeryn tries to stay relaxed.

"Knock yourself out. Just make it quick, if you would be so kind. Don't want to lose my bonus for bringing this home in time. Thanks!"
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:04:00; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing

"Yes." She replies, "We all like to make our bonuses."
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:03:48; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Of course. Maybe we can shorten this considerably by just splitting my bonus, considering you are being so helpful for our speedy delivery, that seems in order."

Aeryn holds her commlink up, so she can see the display, which only shows one number. 300.
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:05:00; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing

The ork smiles. "You know, I'm not so sure we really need to delay you any further." She accepts the fund transfer, recalls her junior and flags you on through.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:05:10; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Thank you!"

Aeryn nods to the orc respectfully and then slowly drives on.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:06:15; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Lynx;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Luna Miele(Hidden)[/i])

Lynx lets out a sigh of relief when the truck is moving again, and relaxes some. "That went well." She doesn't quite wipe inexistant sweat from her brows, but the urge is there.

Of course in the trid this is when the hammer drops...
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:07:45; I-5, just south of the 41st exit, Everett, Seattle

The rig passes through the border without further delay and proceeds south on the I-5. The 41st exit just enters the rear view when Aeryn's com beeps: Lon. She goes to answer when an electron smurf (this one without a beard) appears in AR, blowing virtual dust, killing the connection. A pair of rabid, snarling virtual dogs appear, one of whom attacks the smurf. The latter jumps at Aeryn, but falls back when hit by a lightning bolt as Pap Smurf materializes.
"Trace in progress! The caller ID was spoofed."
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:07:45; I-5, just south of the 41st exit, Everett, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

< [Aeryn] Thanks! I suppose you have the most secure line... can you inform Lon about it? >

"Erm... apparantly someone just spoofed Lon's com ID to call me. We should be very careful!"
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:08:10; Northern Seattle Metroplex I-5 Border Crossing
Lynx;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Luna Miele(Hidden)[/i])

"Drek!" Lynx curses and tenses up, glancing left and right, and cehcking what feeds there are over the team net for threats while she runs a few more checks on both her guns, just to keep busy. "Any astral threat?"
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:07:54; I-5, just south of the 41st exit, Everett, Seattle

Even as the team begins to react, Papa Smurf continues to engage the IC. His smurf agent disappears in a fizzle of electron fluff, while Papa zaps the seconds Virtual-Cujo with a second lightning bolt. In a flash, both of them attack his icon. The trio goes flailing out of sight, engaged in cyber-combat. Several seconds later, Papa's icon reappears, blood flowing from several wounds simulating the damage from the combat.
"Message sent to Lon. There was definitely trace code in those IC. Not sure how close they got to triangulating your physical location." Even as he talks, a female smurf arrives and begins to clean with a wet rag and then rub a salve on his wounds.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:07:56; I-5, just south of the 41st exit, Everett, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

< [Aeryn] Okay, thanks for the warning. We will stay alert. >
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:16:45; I-5, almost to the I-405 exit, Snohomish, Seattle

The team continues south in the rig. Zion sits uneasy, keeping a vigilant look out the windows and in the rear view. "Are we taking the I-5 through downtown or the I-405 through Bellevue?"
Cedric Rolfsson
Team, Thursday March 20, 2070; 04:17:10; I-5

Cynic listened to the jabber about the trace IC looking for them, well beyond his ability to control, that's why they have a hacker on staff.

The issue about astral threats was more his speed.

He didn't bother to reply simply leaned back and released his astral form to do a quick scan around the vehicle.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:16:45; I-5, almost to the I-405 exit, Snohomish, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Downtown, Bellevue is a bit too high class for this."
Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:21:57; I-5 at the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

The truck continues on, south, down the interstate. Five more minutes pass, the team tense as the minutes pass. Cynic is riding ghost in astral space watching over the team while Aeryn drives the big rig as effortlessly as sitting in a recliner in her doss. In the early morning, traffic is light, even the I-Fivers seem to be home in bed.

Team; Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:22:15; I-5 at the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

Seconds later a car pulling onto the highway from the exit catches the eye of the team. For Lynx and Aeryn, it is the sudden acceleration from being parked on the ramp to the car falling in behind the semi. If they hadn't been so observant, they might have missed both or might not have connected them.

Cynic spots a watcher zipping across astral space towards the truck. Looks like this leg of the trip won't be without some excitement.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:22:16; I-5 at the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Looks like there might be some trouble coming. Stay alert!"
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:24:00; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

The car stays in behind the team about 50m back. The watcher settles in, observing the truck from well over a hundred meters off the right flank. Far behind the truck, a number of lights begin advancing at a fast clip. Given their disparate positions and formation, they must be motorcycles. Estimates are 10-12 in number and approaching fast.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:24:15; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Lynx;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Luna Miele(Hidden)[/i])

"Showtime!" Lynx hefts both her guns, and moves to the passenger door, ready to lean out and start blazing away. "They're hanging back so far, hard to shoot their tires..." Then she notices the motorcycles "Drek! Biker gang incoming."

< [Lynx@Team] Want me to start plugging them as soon as they are in range? >

Lynx zooms in on a camerafeed showing the rear of the trailer in her augmented field of view, in case the bikers try to jump or climb on it, and mentally makes plans how best to climb out and on the trailer's roof in case they do and can't be shaken off by the driver.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:00; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

As the team sits back waiting for a sign, the gangers close. All hopes that they are going to continue on down the highway are dashed as they reach the sides of the rig. Five on the driver's side and six on the passenger side. Then a passenger from each side jumps from their bikes to the rig. The ganger on Aeryn's side slips, nearly losing his grip. In order to grab the truck, he drops his weapon. On Zion's side, the ganger jumps across effortlessly.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:00; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Zion;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(Hidden)

Zion looks at the gangers stupidity to jump from a bike to the side of a semi trailer, how reckless. Zion seeing the ganger leaping from the bike ill worry about him in a minute. "i guess its now or never" Zion pulls out his ingram and attempts to take out the front tires of the last remaining bikes on his side of the semi.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:00; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

The big rig lurches to the left as everyone begins acting, surprising friend and foe alike. The first bike is caught completely off-guard and the second simply does not react quickly enough as several tons of UCAS iron roll right into their path. The third driver is able to collect his wits and get clear in the split second that matters. Zion levels his SMG as the window lowers, then gives the trigger a long, hard pull spraying load out the passenger window. The bike that is the target of all that lead becomes a fireball on wheels as the teardrop gas tank is ripped asunder. Lynx leans out of the sleeper and into the front of the cab, balancing on the dash, her legs still in the sleeper, pistol in hand. Cynic looks out the driver's side window, mutters a curse and a pulsing wall of energy appear floating in midair catching two bikers across the chest, taking them off their seats before winking back out of existence. The one remaining biker on the drivers side is not within anyone's view.

On the passenger side, gunfire erupts and several condition monitors in AR light up telling Aeryn they are losing tires. The ganger who successfully hung on sticks an arm in the window and shoots inside the cab, putting a slug through the roof over Aeryn's head.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:00; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Zion;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(Hidden)

Zion curses for wasting the bullets on one bikex and blowing out the window of the truck. he was hoping to take out a few more. Before he knows why his ears are ringing Zion realizes there are one to many hands in the cab of the Semi. pistol pointing at Aeryn just barely missing was to close for comfort. Zion pulls his ingram inside the cab of the Semi and releases his hold once the gun is inside the cab and tries to wrestle with the arm sticking inside the Cab on instinct he tries to knock the weapon out of the gangers hand before he can get off another shot inside the Semi Cab.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:00; I-5 at the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

Uh oh... that didn't sound good...

With some of the tires gone already (Who builds cars without runflats these days...), Aeryn decelerates to get the speed down while driving evasively to make them a harder target, it wouldn't help them at all, if they crashed the rig somewhere on the way.

"They are shooting the tires, as you might have noticed, I will have to stop the truck eventually to avoid further damage."
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:01; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

Aeryn lurches the big rig back to the right, sending Lynx tumbling across the bunk; Cynic holds firm. Zion puts a glancing shot across the chin of the ganger shooting inside the truck. Lynx regains her positioning and shoots the ganger twice. After the second shot the ganger flies backward. A bump a moment later confirms any suspicions that his path and those of the trailer tires crossed.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:01; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

The ganger's numbers thinned considerably, the remaining ganger on the left drops back into the blindspot after seeing all his cohorts dispatched. On the right side, a pair of gangers jump from bikes to the rear of the truck, between the truck and trailer. The truck also begins to inexplicably slow down.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:01; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
In astral space, a spirit begins to arrive from a plane of existence far removed.

Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:02; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
The window clear, Lynx seemingly vaults across Zion, switching her pistol from right hand to left, extending her head and left arm out the window. A single shot towards the rear of the vehicle marks her arrival in a firing position as her rear end lands in Zion's lap.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:02; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Zion;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(Hidden)

Zion impressed by the agility and flexability from Lynx as she took a steady position on his lap to shoot out the window, turns his head towards the window looking out the side view mirror to see what she was aiming at. Thinking to himself that Well now, if we had the time. Zion wanted to take aim with his Ingram and spray some lead but with Lynx in his lap he decided to watch and admire the situation instead.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:02; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

Admiring the view, Zion almost misses Lynx shot as she hits one the gangers in the face, sending him end over end off his bike in true Hong Kong action trideo style, before his body flies into a car several car lengths behind the truck. Roadkill.

Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:04; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

As Aeryn continues applies all the brakes, the truck noticeably slows and will the unexplained drag we be coming to a stop in the freeway in moments. Luckily, this early traffic is very light.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:04; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Zion;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(Hidden)

Zion had to give it to the young lady she could shoot, probably better then he would ever learn to. Yet he did have a little more experience at least he thought he did. feeling the Semi slow to and assuming it would come to a complete stop Zion pulls out his Sliver gun and readies himself to jump out of the bed of the truck and wait to see if the bikes pass the passenger side window at which time he would aim his sliver gun and attempt to put three rounds of flechette ammo in his head of these worthless bikers.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:09; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

Zion readies his weapon, but the gangers do not pass. He can only assume they are slowing to a stop as well. The sound of gunfire, a sudden jerk by Lynx and the shattering of the passenger rear view mirror by a bullet confirm for Zion that the gangers have not yet given up. The TeamNetŪ feed from Lynx's security cam however tells the tale. Her first target is shot in the neck and flies backwards from his decelerating bike while her second target soaks a shot that cuts wound right next to the ganger's eye. Despite the light head wound, he keeps his bike upright and stays on it. At this point, there are no more motorcycles visible on the right side of the vehicle and the sole remaining ganger on the left has fallen back behind the big-rig.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:05; I-5 at the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

"Clean-up time! I hope you guys are ready. We'll stop now."

Aeryn leaves it to the autopilot to stop the truck, while logging off to be better able to act in the physical world.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:09; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

Cynic, having pulled back into the sleeper smiles a wicked grin as he sends the waiting spirit off to deal with the remaining gangers.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:11; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

As quickly as Aeryn announces the stopping vehicle, Lynx grabs the bracket of the external mirror running above the passenger window, giving a quick, fluid jerk that pulls her hind end out of Zion's lap and through the window after the rest of her body. As her hips reach the window, she begins bending at the waist so as to retain the grip of one hand on the mirror bracket. When her feet clear the window, she begins to unfold her body, again jerking so that her legs fly up and over her head. The view from her smartgun cam is dizzing, those viewing AR are forced to look away to avoid vertigo. The thud on the roof of the truck dissolves any question as to whether or not her round off was successful.

<<@Team [Papa Smurf] Didn't I see that move in Trucker Babes in Zombieland II?>>
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:11; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Zion;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(Hidden)

Zion watching the limber trapeze act looks on in a smiling, The things he would do with such a girl. pulilng himself from the distraction he looks for the first available target if one and takes aim.

all the while hearing the thud on the roof knowing she was going to deal with the gangers who hopped on for a free ride. Once the Truck would come to a stop he knew the car and remaining gangers would be a problem. Who knew what was inside the car.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:12; I-5 at the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

With the truck finally stopped and herself detached from the VR, Aeryn opens the driver's door and takes a quick peek outside, before drawing her own pistol and jumping out of the car, moving to the part behind the driver's cabin for cover.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:12; I-5 at the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Zion;PAN=HIDDEN[LTG] SIN=Gabe Moore(Hidden)

Zion opens the passengar door of the truck cab and picks up his ingram again from the truck once he hits the road he crouches to check the bottom of the truck and for any signs of the bikers and thier extra passengars on top of the trailer.

<@Team [Zion]"everyone sit rep?"> Zion await to listen for Lynx either shooting the gangers or Aeryn asking for help on her side of the Semi. regarless he had his ingram and was on the move to the back of the Semi looking for the first available target.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:12; I-5 south of the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle

Aeryn peers out the door and sees traffic still approaching, the truck having stopped in the middle lane of the five lanes of traffic. Luckily, this early in the morning traffic is pretty light and mostly headed the other direction. She gets the door open and slides out onto the ledge, nestled against the truck making it between the cab and sleeper. At this point, no gangers are within her line of sight.

Zion flips open his door, levels his ingram and jumps out the door; Lucky for him, the passing car does not come close enough to the truck to hit him. Crouching, he does not see anyone alongside the truck, nor under it.

Where the truck connects to the trailer, a number of gunshots can be heard as Lynx and several gangers exchange gunfire. As Zion and Aeryn each reach their positions, a ganger flies out from either side of the truck towards the pavement. On Zion's side, the ganger is missing most of the left side of his face. On Aeryn's side, the ganger hits the pavement on his back, gun pointed towards the roof of the truck, oblivious of the rigger.

Cynic is still in the sleeper of the truck as the gunfire erupts.
Thursday March 20th, 2070; 04:25:12; I-5 at the Hwy-104 exit, Seattle
Aeryn; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Selina Seymore (not broadcast)

Aeryn levels her gun on the ganger and shoots twice, while slowly advancing along the side of the truck.

< [Aeryn] Not much to see here, yet... just one guy that is on the ground and hopefully stays there. >
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