Mar 3 2008, 08:16 PM
Welcome to the Second Phase Recruitment Thread for
Down in the Gutter (DITG), a long term gang campaign using SR 4 rules, set in 2070.
Recruiting is now CLOSED - As of 4/3/08.
DITG will chronicle the establishment, rise, and quite possibly fall of one of the countless third-tier gangs that come and go in the Redmond Barrens. The game will open to the new characters approximately one to two days after the conclusion of a spectacular gang war that rocked the Kingsgate Area of the Redmond Barrens and drastically altered the balance of power.
You will play one of the survivors of this gang warfare, now in need of a new gang to call home in order to survive to see tomorrow. You will participate in the rebuilding of the new PC gang; the October Ravens, solidify it as a presence in the Kingsgate Area, and be a part of its attempt to carve out a place to call home in one of the worst slums in Seattle.
The game will focus on life in a Barrens street gang, and everything that entails. Simple survival is a daunting task, let alone climbing up the shadow food chain. This is not a street level runner campaign. This is a story of living hand-to-mouth, trying to get by each day by taking what you need from others to survive and trying to stop them from doing the same to you. If you can not handle the
very real prospect that your character may die during this campaign, this is NOT the game for you.
More details can be found at:
Down in the Gutter WikiSpecific Sections of Interest Include:
About Down in the Gutter - This is a
MUST read before committing to this game.
Character Generation House Rules
Posting GuidelinesThe Game threads can be found here:
DITG IC Thread
DITG OOC ThreadOur current roster of players includes 1 GM on staff (with assistants) and approximately 13 Active PCs.
Since our current roster already has one adept we will consider accepting
up to 2 additional adept submissions. Our current roster also technically has two magicians, but since one of them is extremely new (i.e. he Awakened one hour before game start), we will consider accepting another magician character or mystic adept if the concept and supporting background story is sufficiently impressive. There will be
NO Technomancers accepted, none at all.
We will note there are plenty of mundane character concepts available that have not been taken yet; additionally, we want to emphasize that as a gang, character creation should be less about finding a ‘niche’ that has not been taken and more about building a person that will be fun and interesting to play in a gang environment. Look over the Gang Roster on the Wiki and get a feel for your fellow gangers and where they came from as well as the major power player gangs still left in Kingsgate.
If you are interested, post your character concept only here. Once you have been given you the ‘ok’, apply for membership to the wiki and post your character in the Character Generation section for review. If you are not wiki-proficient, you can ask one of our talented wiki GMs,
ES Sparky or
Vegas, if they would kindly do so for you.
Since there is plenty of information available on the wiki and in the Down in the Gutter Planning Thread, we will not be recapping it all here, but if you have any questions, please post them here and we will be happy to answer them for you. We hope to see you in the game with us!
The Down in the Gutter Crew
Mar 5 2008, 05:06 PM
Hi! I would like to join this gang. I'm brand new to this forum, and I can't say I have played SR4 or PbP style of RPG. But I have been playing RPG on and off for last 10 years or so and played couple of SR3 games. So I’m not entirely new to the setting of SR4. I am very interested to play as street gang, living day by day on the edge, trying to survive with whatever skills ganger might posses.
My character concept for the gang would be either mundane elf BTL producer (provider?)/hacker or human adapt of same concept. I would like to know either of these character concepts is ok enough to proceed or should I put some meats to it.
PS. I might have many, many questions while creating the character. Do I post the questions here or do I pm it to you?
Mar 5 2008, 05:14 PM
I'd love to play an actual gang game, as opposed to a runner campaign. Switch up like this calls for some good RP, and also a 'view from the ground' type thing, since you're playing relatively low powered character as opposed to uberprofessionals. Sign me up. I'll prolly run a troll adept. With a bow.
Mar 5 2008, 05:27 PM
lkim and
quentraHey guys, thanks for the interest!
It's possible that your char concepts could fly within the game, but understand that it's going to take more than "I want to play X, and he's an adept" to get the slot. Adepts/Magicians are going to be coveted characters this round of recruitment and the characters are going to have to impress us to grant the benefit.
We all posted up a quick and dirty about our characters in the original recruitment thread, no stats per se, but just enough to give a feel and flavor for the character. I've posted up an example below. This is usually what got us the ability to get access to the wiki and start statting up our characters for final approval. We want characters that have thought-out backgrounds and aren't just a handful of stats and dice. Hopefully the example gets your creative juices flowing and you can get a feel for what we're looking for. Look through the wiki for the gang roster and see the old gangs that used to be in existence if you want to be affiliated with a gang or feel free to be "freelance" in the 'Gate.
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Doc
Race: Human
Age: 27
Previous Gang Affiliation: 8-Balls
Doc grew up in tacoma, an area far better than most of his present-day peers. His father was poor, but he managed to send doc to school. His mother had left the boy and the father a long time ago. The main problem was that the boy was loathsome. His personality grated on everyone he met. He was lecherous, even when he was a kid. He leered at teachers and got into scuffles in the playgrounds, but he was never really a big kid and so he had to resort to cheap tactics to stay in the fights. He was a bright kid but not at all motivated by anything but causing trouble.
When he got older the only job that he could get was the janitor in a pharmacy in a shitty part of tacoma. This suited him well because he used to just steal prescription drugs right off the shelf. He used to try and pick the brains of the pharmacists, attempting to get them to tell him how to make harder stuff, but they all hated him and wouldn't give him the time of day. He had enough money to afford a crappy comlink and dug up enough information on the matrix to allow him to start making bliss out of his run-down, peice-of-drek doss. He started trying to sell it, but not many people were buying. He couldn't find clients in Tacoma, and when he moved out to redmond the locals would just beat him up and take the stuff, leaving him credless.
He decided he needed help to sell his stuff. He approached a local gang, the 8-Balls, out of the blue. They were highly skeptical at first, but he spun them a tale of being a down on his luck ex-pharmacist who just wanted to sell some drugs. They locked him up in a warehouse with his things and told him they'd be back in 5 days. Either he'd have made enough bliss in that time to make them 500 nuyen or he'd be dead. He made the deadline, and earned the trust of the 8-balls.
Doc was burning the midnight oil the night of the explosion. He had worked his way into a position of confidence in the 8-balls: he was responsible for a large portion of their drug production, and had managed to keep up the charade of being a former pharmacist. He had left the warehouse that night to get some food and a bit of long haul from his doss, and he was just putting his hand on the door when it happened. He survived - barely - but his face was horribly scarred and he lost part of one arm. He managed to afford a new cyberhand from a chop doc he knew, but there was nothing that could be done about his face. Horrible personality, horrible appearance to match.
Game Info:
Doc will have pretty high mental attributes (aside from charisma) and a bevy of knowledge skills related to drug production. He would lose a fight to any of the other gang members, and his personality has likely irked them all by this time, but he is tolerated because he genuinely does know what he is doing.
Feel free to toss any questions you have while working up the characters here in the thread, in case they're questions that others have as well.
Mar 5 2008, 05:29 PM
Did you just use the phrase 'relatively low powered character' in the same thought/paragraph as 'I'll prolly run a troll adept. With a bow.' ???
Mar 5 2008, 06:18 PM
WR1 - LOL! I was thinking the same thing.
Ikim & quentra - Hope to see you in game!
Mar 5 2008, 06:31 PM
I would like to play but not sure on character concept. Got a few ideas:
Human needle punk, manufactors/uses drugs/chemicals.
Ork with sledgehammer/mace.
Will have to make my mind up and throw up a character when I'm not at work.
Mar 5 2008, 07:21 PM
huh. I am pretty interested in this. So far I've only had the pleasure of playing slightly high-powered Campaigns. And believe it or not raiding yet another super secret underground research facility, wrestling SK Prime or throwing three handful of dice actually does get dull rather fast. So i sketched up a quick concept.
Roar "Garm" Askeladd
[ Spoiler ]
Garm first surfaced in the Barrens during the confusion of the Second Crash, a traumatized and lost kid of maybe a dozen years, a literal snowflake in hell. After outliving his projected lifespan and recovering or perhaps simply overcoming what appeared to be partial amnesia he projected a vicious tenaciousness towards survival. Being physically inferior to most of the other denizens of Redmond (hell, even now most hookers could probably armwrestle him down, if it came to it), he
soon adopted the wild instincts and feral behaviour of a stray dog. Even now as he has matured and has somewhat refined himself he still inherits many of the traits that made up the "wolf-kid" of then.
It is unclear how much he remembers of his former life, but fact is that somewhere deep in the government registration archive there exists a memento of it. A bone fide SIN still linking him to the relatively innocent kid he once was and a moderately mysterious past. Another fact is that he probably wouldn't care much anyway. He takes a fierce pride in this life, this survival and the place he carved himself within what some call hell, many call their graveyard and he came to know as home.
Now as he nears what might be his 18th birthday he still is a wild one. Being a loner by nature, character and experience in recent years he nonetheless came to, not like but perhaps appreciate the benefits, security and, on very rare occasions, comraderie offered by being part of a greater pack. Adopting the role of a modern-day bloodhound he is the one to turn to if you want to literally sniff out intruders on your turf or discreetly follow a trail through more hostile territory. Not quite suitably equipped by nature for open brawl and confrontation he usually prefers to use his talent for stealthier actions in order to get him into a favourable position against his adversaries.
Even though he usually tends to act cold, indifferent and somewhat sardonic, he can be quite charming if he ever feels like it. His highly sophisticated scent also plays into his social interactions. Unlike most people he does not judge by the first outer impression but rather by a person's smell which he found rather more truthful in a world basically made up of petty lies and deception.
Even amongst the freakshow that is the general populace of the Barrens someone like Garm tends to stand out. Standing roughly 5 foot 9 tall maybe a bit less and weighting around 130lbs and with no beard-growth whatsoever his lean build is less than impressive. His more stunning features lie elsewhere. Being an honest to god Albino his ghostly pale skin, his dirty white hair and his puzzling blood-red eyes together with his tendency to stare at others unblinkingly give him a rather disconcerting air. Once you get past that though, he has a pretty handsome face. Provided he isn't snarling or baring his teeth right now.
"*snarling* I suggest you stay the frag away. I can't smell you."
by the numbers:
[ Spoiler ]
Human -0bp
Northern European, maybe Norwegian, although there might be something of a mixed breed in him.
Positive Qualities (-5bp):
Adept -5bp
Home Turf -free
Negative Qualities (+35bp):
(might replace the Astral Beacon in order to flesh out the Albinism with either a Moderate Sunlight Allergy or a Weak Immune System)
- Light Allergy to Sunlight +10bp
Simsense Vertigo +10bp
Sensitive Neural Structure +5bp
(his heightened senses tend to go haywire if conflicted with artificial input)
SINner (Roar Askeladd) +5bp
Astral beacon +5bp
Attributes (225bp):
Body 3 -20bp
Agility 5 -40bp
Reaction 4 -30bp
Strength 2 -10bp
Charisma 4 -30bp
Intuition 4 -30bp
Logic 2 -10bp
Willpower 4 -30bp
Edge 2 -0bp
Magic 2 -25bp
(might swap out one rating of critical strike for Enhanced Sense: Olfactory Booster, if possible. +6 dice make the bloodhound happy in the nose.)
-0.5 Killing Hands
-0.5 Critical Strike 2
-0.25 Low-light Vision
-0.25 Improved Scent
-0.5 Enhanced Perception 2
Skills (110bp):
Infiltration 2 -8bp
+2 Urban -2bp
Shadowing 2 -8bp
Palming 1 -4bp
Survival 1 -4bp
+2 Urban -2bp
Unarmed Combat 3 -12bp
Blades 1 -4bp
+2 Forearm Snap Blades -2bp
Perception 3 -12bp
+2 Smell -2bp
Dodge 2 -8bp
+2 Ranged -2bp
Athletics Group 1 -10bp
Influence Group 1 -10bp
Intimidation 2 -8bp
Tracking 1 -4bp
+2 Urban -2bp
Navigation 1 -4bp
+2 Urban -2bp
Knowledge Skills (18 free points, not quite sure yet):
(candidates include but are not limited to:)
Norwegian N
English 4
Norse Myths
Gang ID
Gang Turf
Kingsgate Area Knowledge
Back Alley Shortcuts
and a whooping 5bp left for contacts and Nuyen i think.
so... the quick n' dirty first draft.
Mar 6 2008, 01:46 AM
Tobias Welcome aboard I look forward to what you flesh out for either of those characters when you have the time away from work.
NeuntöterThanks for the rough sketch, and the stats. Makes it a lot easier to evaluate and I'm sure our GM
WinterRat1 will take a good look over it all and give you the yay or nay on the concept and or ask for more .. he always asks for more
As for your question, you can choose Improved Sense (p. 188, BBB) for .25 per improvement. It does state that ANY sense provided by cyber can also be provided by the power, unless it's radio or similar technology based phenomena. Obviously it all comes down to WR's final say on the character sheet once you have it tweaked and it's ready for final review by him. First lets worry about passing the concept hurdle first
Mar 6 2008, 03:43 AM
AllSomethings that probably should be addressed before you guys all submit characters to us that your hearts are set on playing...
This game is
highly social. I don't mean everyone has to submit their take on a pornomancer elf with 12 charisma or anything, but if you submit characters that are not the kinds of people that fit into the social hierarchy of a street gang, you may want to rethink character concepts, you just might not "fit" into the
October Ravens. This is a game where you're going to have to work with your fellow gang members, it doesn't mean you have to be particularly sane or even enjoy their company but you're going to get pretty bored if you're sitting around playing a concept that has you off doing things alone all the time or straying away from the gang all together. Our GM doesn't have the time to dedicate that much effort to just one player out of 16+.
Remember this is a game where you will play an integral part of rebuilding a street gang from the bottom up, of lending your characters strengths (and weaknesses) to the gang's rise (or fall). We're a group of brash, bold, cunning, sneaky, gutter trash that are predominantly humans, and orks (for the time being at least). Everyone has their sob story that they bring to the table and in turn it's given every character a skill set of how to survive in the Barrens. Not trying to shoehorn anyone into playing a certain type of character, but bringing something to the proverbial table IC'ly as far as skills or knowledges will go far as to how to integrate your character into the gang. Bringing nothing may very well get you nothing but a lot of wasted effort on all sides and I for one want to see people have fun with this game as those of us already in the mix are having.
Also, no one is going to fault you for "too much" background, history or character development. In fact it's highly encouraged and possibly rewarded in nifty ways.
Onin the Shade
Mar 6 2008, 05:43 AM
im new to the fourms and found this topic. seems like a really great idea. was wondering how its played though, im assumeing it would be online, but would we be playing in a set of fourms, or on a vent server? just curious, and also, what times would we be playing? dont want to submit anything without knowing i can commit to it
Mar 6 2008, 02:09 PM
Are you still looking for players? I've always loved Ganger games and have a few ideas if you guys wouldn't mind another player.
Mar 6 2008, 03:06 PM
Onin - Take a look at Vegas's first post. There is a link to the OOC and IC threads. It will give you a good idea of how this is played. We play in these forums, so you don't have far ti go.
There is no set time that you need to be on, though posting as much as possible is appreciated.
Drogos - Yep we are still recruiting. Give the thread a good looking over and take a look at the links Vegas provided in the first post of this thread. Give us a general concept of what you are looking to play and the GM will get back to you.
Mar 6 2008, 03:26 PM
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Mar 6 2008, 10:06 AM)
Drogos - Yep we are still recruiting. Give the thread a good looking over and take a look at the links Vegas provided in the first post of this thread. Give us a general concept of what you are looking to play and the GM will get back to you.
Looking over your site a bit (still reading), I'm thinking of playing a street urchin without previous associations with gangers. Just a kid trying to survive on the street. More of a face than anything else. Likely met one member of the gang and won them over. High charisma (relatively speaking) and agility. I'm tempted to take Uneducated, but seeing as that is not normally allowed, it is unlikely. Still working out background and stats, so nothing concrete yet. But those are just my current thoughts. Thanks for the quick response.
Mar 6 2008, 07:15 PM
Hey, I found this in the Wikispace for this game.
I'm going to use this to picture out my character. That's okay right?
[ Spoiler ]
1. Where and in what kind of environment did your character grow up?
2. What are your character’s relations with their family? (Does your character keep in touch? Where are they now?)
3. Does your character have an ethnic background? (Is it relevant to them?)
4. What does your character look like?
5. What does your character dress like?
6. What are your character’s physical quirks?
Skills, attributes, resources
7. What did your character always want to be? (How did they go about getting this job/position/ability/image? Did they succeed?)
8. Where and how did your character learn their Active and Knowledge Skills?
9. Where and how did your character get their major equipment and ‘ware?
10. Where and in what kind of place does your character currently live?
11. Who are your character’s contacts? (How did they become contacts? Why do they still talk to your character?)
12. Who are your character’s enemies? (How did they become your character’s enemies?)
13. For Awakened characters, how did your character learn their magic? For non-Awakened characters, how does your character feel about magic?
14. What are your character’s personality quirks?
15. What are your character’s likes and dislikes?
16. What is your character’s moral code?
17. Does your character have personal beliefs?
18. What are your character’s personal motivations?
Running with the gang
19. Why does your character run with the gang?
20. When and how did your character join the gang?
21. How does your character contribute to the gang? What is his role; not just in terms of how he/she makes money, but where does he/she fit in the social hierarchy?
22. What would make your character ever leave the gang?
23. How does your character feel about their life in the gutter as part of a street gang? What is their view of the rest of the world? (i.e. Non-gangers)
24. If your character could have their ideal life outside of the gang, describe what that ideal life would be.
25. What ambitions does your character have for the gang as a whole? What ambitions does your character have for their place within the gang?
26. If your character is a recent addition from another gang, how does your character feel about joining a new gang? If your character is not a recent addition from another gang, how does your character feel about the new arrivals to the gang?
27. How does your character view relationships within the gang, both romantic and friendship? How does your character view relationships outside the gang, both romantic and friendship?
28. What is your character’s view of the other gangs in the area?
29. What is your character’s attitude towards/view of the gang as a whole?
30. What is your character’s view of each of his fellow gang members?
Mar 6 2008, 07:47 PM
Ikim - It's not only ok, its a requirement.
Though I would suggest you wait till your concept has been ok'd by WinterRat1 first. It is a lot to write without knowing you have been accepted. Just a suggestion mind you.
That list of questions has been completed by every new member. If you take a look at any of the characters on the Wiki you can see what they have done.
Mar 6 2008, 07:49 PM
lkimAbsolutely! If you are accepted into the game the 20-questions will become a requirement, so if by doing it now you get a better feel for your character all the better!
Otherwise a general overview of the character as referenced by my posting of "Doc" (who is an actual character in game) behind the spoiler should be enough to get your concept across to us and have us decide to get you onto the wiki to build the actual character stats behind it.
DrogosA street urchin character with no prior gang affiliation would be fine, but as you noted on the wiki the Uneducated quality would not. Even growing up in the middle of the Barrens would have afforded your character a chance to "learn" about tech and life on the streets would provide a hefty education, while perhaps not a structured formal one
Mar 7 2008, 02:13 AM
"This will be an R-rated gang campaign"Keeping this in mind, fair warning this concept is not ment to offend anyone, or cause conflict.
My concept is of a street hustler known as "Twiggs" Small, wiry, human, he has some skills as a pick-pocket and con artist.
He is not homosexual, although he has done sexual favors for BTL's/Drugs/Money, whenever the situtation became desperate enough, and during times of incarceration.
Eyeless Blond
Mar 7 2008, 03:24 AM
Hmm. No technomancers, huh? Even if I had a reeeeeally good idea for one? *searches for puppy-dog-eyed smilie*
Mar 7 2008, 03:28 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Mar 6 2008, 09:24 PM)
Hmm. No technomancers, huh? Even if I had a reeeeeally good idea for one? *searches for puppy-dog-eyed smilie*
Post up a concept for us kiddo
Give us something that impresses us
Mar 7 2008, 03:28 AM
I'd consider it if I had a reasonable basis to believe I wouldn't have to wait three years between posts.
Eyeless Blond
Mar 7 2008, 04:15 AM
Oh hush, it was only two years.
Maybe two and a half.
All right, give me a sec. Bah, why is it that coming up with a name is always the hardest part for me?
Eyeless Blond
Mar 7 2008, 06:41 AM
How about:
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Drip
Race: Human
Age: 11-13 (unknown)
Previous Gang Affiliation: Not Sure Yet (still going over the feeder page and background)
Drip was your classic BTL-baby. Born sometime in '57-59 to two chiphead parents, Drip was never really given a first name, and never knew his last name. Spending most of his childhood scrounging for food in the trash heap his family called an apartment, the only rare moments of pleasure he found were when Daddy would use a pair of trodes--the only things in the apartment that his parents bothered to keep new or clean--and hook him up to the Matrix to get him to stop crying.
As a result, Drip spent much of his time on the Matrix. Even as a very young child, he would spend hours playing in the datastreams, making up imaginary friends and even a few real ones, with all the bright-eyed wonder of a child.
So, it was no surprise when he was online the day of the second Crash. After several days in a coma, Drip woke up to find himself in the same apartment, alone. He never did find out what happenned to his parents, if they had deliberately abandoned him or if they had just overdosed somewhere. By the third week it no longer mattered: there was no more food in the apartment, and hunger drove him to leave home to fend for himself.
Now the majority of the time, stories like these end up with the kid either starving in a ditch, sold into child slavery, or some other horrible fate. Drip, though, had one advantage going for him: his "imaginary friends" came out of the Matrix to help him. He'd spend the next five years "asking" vending machines to lend him a snack, getting drones and cars to follow him home, and learning the strangeness of this new meatspace.
Like all technomancers, Drip is more at home in the Matrix than the real world. Being raised by machines almost as much as people, maybe more, he sometimes forgets even basic social nroms, like blinking, or not staring at people. He's also long ago learned the best way to survive in the Barrens is to not stick out too much, and somehow he gets by, mostly by relying on his youth and nonconfrontational attitude. Most people do find it disturbing how he can hold entire conversations with a toaster or how he treats an engine block like an honored teacher, but those who know him also know how useful he can be, in the right circumstances.
Still looking at the gang affiliations; what would be a good one for a kid who likes to "borrow" drones and cars?
Mar 7 2008, 07:07 AM
Any lee way on that essence 3 restriction? I am trashing out a concept for a cybered up Orc ganger who has heard about, and wants to be hatchetman, and transcend both his humanity and the barrens to become something more, but with second hand cyberware its pretty easy to run down your essence right down.
Mar 7 2008, 11:22 AM
QUOTE (Dantic @ Mar 6 2008, 09:13 PM)
"This will be an R-rated gang campaign"Keeping this in mind, fair warning this concept is not ment to offend anyone, or cause conflict.
My concept is of a street hustler known as "Twiggs" Small, wiry, human, he has some skills as a pick-pocket and con artist.
He is not homosexual, although he has done sexual favors for BTL's/Drugs/Money, whenever the situtation became desperate enough, and during times of incarceration.
Bah...I almost had the EXACT same concept. I'm willing to bet to the skill rank and everything.
Mar 7 2008, 02:15 PM
Eyeless - I will defer to WR1 on your concept.
Dantic and Drogos - That concept would fit in just fine. It would be good to hear more about the character though. I personally like to see a couple of large paragraphs written when it comes to concept.
Flesh out those concepts and I would guess that they will start looking very different.
Cthuludreams - No sorry. We all had to face the same thing you are right now. It is hard to fit everything in within the restrictions and causes a lot of hard choices, but it keeps everyone on the same level playing field.
Something to remember. Don't get so caught up with numbers that you can or cannot have. Coming up with a really cool and interesting concept will get you a lot more satisfaction out of this game. There is
a lot of character interaction and roleplaying involved, a strong background will carry you when you find that your characters primary function is not needed for a stretch of time.
Hmm, I guess I could have said a strong background keeps you from getting bored.
Mar 7 2008, 06:27 PM
I'm thinking of throwing my hat in the ring for being one of the Adepts.
Age: 22
Race/ethnicity: Human, a mutt of mixed ethnicity; mostly Mexican, Spanish and Filipino. He has a love-hate relationship with his Latino identity due to his macho father.
Previous Affiliations: I'm thinking a former Locos member, depending on what that implies. I'd like to have some details on them if possible before further fleshing out my background.
Name: Alejandro Calderon, aka "Cuervo" (Means raven in Spanish, which thankfully isn't as played out as Raven in English is. Plus, it reminds me of tequila, which I consider a bonus for a ganger alias.)
The concept would be an adept who has some training in Arnis De Mano, has decent social skills along with several points of adept powers put into things like Sustenance, Natural Immunity, Commanding Voice, Motion Sense (my birdy sense is tingling!) and Blindfighting (the two of them are quite potent together if allowed to stack, although very situational) and follows a slightly modified Raven totem. By modified I mean taking the book bonuses from Rat (+2 Infiltration, +2 Resist Disease, Poisons) and combining them with the book penalty from Raven, (Will+Charisma(3) test to avoid taking advantage of other's misfortune.)
In terms of background, Cuervo spent the first 13 years of his life in the Carbanado neighborhood in the Puyallup barrens with his SINless father, a crude man and arnisador. Eventually his father's abusive, macho attitude ruined their relationship and became impossible to live with. Fed up with the harsh training and constant accusations of being soft (particularly unfair since he'd been learning the basics of Arnis since the age of 8), Cuervo fled his home in Carbanado at the age of 13, spending the next decade of his life mostly on the streets. His first traumatic week in the gutter triggered his awakening, and he never would have lived long enough to develop into the shifty survivor he is today without embracing his gifts and the occasionally amoral attitude of the Raven. The rest of the details I have yet to flesh out since I didn't really hear about any of this until today.
Personality wise, he's basically be a reflection of his totem: a smug, jaunty scavenger, sleek and healthy thanks to powers that let allow him survive off of the leavings of others better than most gangers can subsist on stolen nutrisoy. He's not as tough as a big ol' troll or ork, nor do his powers really lead to particularly high dicepools in things like combat or social situations but his powers keep him in good health and he sleeps secure in the knowledge that his abilities may just yet let him outlive those other bruisers in the long run.
Mar 7 2008, 07:10 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Mar 7 2008, 12:41 AM)
How about:
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Drip
Race: Human
Age: 11-13 (unknown)
Previous Gang Affiliation: Not Sure Yet (still going over the feeder page and background)
Drip was your classic BTL-baby. Born sometime in '57-59 to two chiphead parents, Drip was never really given a first name, and never knew his last name. Spending most of his childhood scrounging for food in the trash heap his family called an apartment, the only rare moments of pleasure he found were when Daddy would use a pair of trodes--the only things in the apartment that his parents bothered to keep new or clean--and hook him up to the Matrix to get him to stop crying.
As a result, Drip spent much of his time on the Matrix. Even as a very young child, he would spend hours playing in the datastreams, making up imaginary friends and even a few real ones, with all the bright-eyed wonder of a child.
So, it was no surprise when he was online the day of the second Crash. After several days in a coma, Drip woke up to find himself in the same apartment, alone. He never did find out what happenned to his parents, if they had deliberately abandoned him or if they had just overdosed somewhere. By the third week it no longer mattered: there was no more food in the apartment, and hunger drove him to leave home to fend for himself.
Now the majority of the time, stories like these end up with the kid either starving in a ditch, sold into child slavery, or some other horrible fate. Drip, though, had one advantage going for him: his "imaginary friends" came out of the Matrix to help him. He'd spend the next five years "asking" vending machines to lend him a snack, getting drones and cars to follow him home, and learning the strangeness of this new meatspace.
Like all technomancers, Drip is more at home in the Matrix than the real world. Being raised by machines almost as much as people, maybe more, he sometimes forgets even basic social nroms, like blinking, or not staring at people. He's also long ago learned the best way to survive in the Barrens is to not stick out too much, and somehow he gets by, mostly by relying on his youth and nonconfrontational attitude. Most people do find it disturbing how he can hold entire conversations with a toaster or how he treats an engine block like an honored teacher, but those who know him also know how useful he can be, in the right circumstances.
Still looking at the gang affiliations; what would be a good one for a kid who likes to "borrow" drones and cars?
iiiiiiinteresting Eyeless
It's WR's call on this one of course.
As for the gang affiliations, they're not a requirement and Drip could easily have been a "freelancer" before the gang war working for whomever would pay/protect him whatever. Once the war starts he could consider joining up for the permanent "protection" a gang could provide... Just a thought at least
Mar 7 2008, 07:20 PM
WhipstitchFrom the
Feeder Gangs section on the wiki
Formed in 2063 by three cousins, Luis (22), Carlos (21) and Santorio (20) Alvarez. The LoCoS were a mid level Latino niche gang who dealt mostly in Novacoke. They topped out at twenty members. As the war began most of the LoCoS were content to sit back and let the remaining gangs tear each other apart. But one of the cousins, Ink doesn't know who, decided to expand their turf and operations. The LoCoS joined the war with a haphazard abandon and in the end were destroyed except for Ink, who had been too busy patching them up to fight.
Former colors: The letters LCS in Red, Blue and Yellow
For more info than that you can always work with Meriss (the original and currently only LoCoS memeber still alive) to flesh out the details if you'd want
Cuervo to come from that gang.
We'll have to discuss as the GM and assistants the altering of the Raven totem if it would fly and we're going to be VERY picky over adept/magician characters concerning background, history and justification.
Eyeless Blond
Mar 7 2008, 07:32 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 7 2008, 11:10 AM)
iiiiiiinteresting Eyeless
It's WR's call on this one of course.
As for the gang affiliations, they're not a requirement and Drip could easily have been a "freelancer" before the gang war working for whomever would pay/protect him whatever. Once the war starts he could consider joining up for the permanent "protection" a gang could provide... Just a thought at least
It is, and a good one at that. I was looking at that oddball Peter Pan-themed street urchin gang, but it might be a problem as I was considering giving Drip a Phobia of trees, and nature in general ("I mean, they're just
weird. Where are all the bolts and welds keeping it together? There's no order in 'em at all, just
branches and
leaves sticking out everywhere... ugh."), which
might make him a little uncomfortable around a bunch of flying pixie dust-snorting hippies.
Mar 7 2008, 07:44 PM
AllVegas brought up something that I think needs to be stated again. There are only 2 adept positions at most available, so if you want a better chance at having your concept accepted, you may want to think about a non-adept character. It may seem that non-adepts are at a disadvantage to an adept, but they are not. Remember, by the character generation rules of this game Magic is limited to 3 at character gen.
Eyeless - I like the concept, but a phobia of trees?!? Where in the heck are you going to see a tree in Kingsgate!
Mar 7 2008, 07:47 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 7 2008, 03:20 PM)
We'll have to discuss as the GM and assistants the altering of the Raven totem if it would fly and we're going to be VERY picky over adept/magician characters concerning background, history and justification.
Yeah, I figured that, which is why I went for one of the most "urban" mentors I could find, plus I was careful not to mix and match anything that wasn't already present in the books. I had one of my own players try to get me to accept a mentor spirit that gave a bonus to Automatics once (he was joking...mostly), so I understand why you guys have such misgivings. Hopefully it'd be viewed as more fitting than an adept with bonuses/penalties that only really affect magicians. I basically just find the idea of a cocky, ruthless scavenger more fun and fitting for a ganger than a cowardly scavenger, although I wouldn't be averse to playing him as a Rat follower either, although it'd require some modifications.
Mar 7 2008, 08:16 PM
I was thinking of a bunraku doll that awakened during a session in the local parlor where a client was asking for a too realistic session and thus ended with a wicker man up his throat. She fled the scene and has since been in hiding from the yakuza.
Would basically be a 'gillette' built with razors and stuff like that, reflecting her former self, and low level magic (1) as her new learned talent as a witch along with some basic skills to use those.
Mar 7 2008, 08:46 PM
Hey, thanks for dropping in and leaving your idea. I think bringing on a Bunraku Doll/Razorgirl concept is awesome, it just isn't gonna fly for a newly awakened low-level mage to take the possible Magician slot. We've already got 2 mages/shamen and one is a newly awakened which is why we'd consider taking on a full traditional mage character if the concept, background and supporting arguments impressed us enough.
I would love to still see you work out the Bunraku Doll/Razorgirl idea however and submit it to us for consideration!
Mar 7 2008, 09:14 PM
WhipstitchAfter a little consultation behind the scenes here's our concerns:
We like the concept of the character and think that he could fit in well with the gang, however the mix of rat and raven mentor has to be a no-go and here's our reasoning. There's no real disadvantage there, you're a barrens street rat who HAS to survive by taking advantage of those around you, and you're setting yourself up there for the potential to do that against your own gangmates. That is the biggest rub, this is a non PvP game so there would be little recourse for the gang to retaliate according to the game rules outside of booting your ass to the curb, and where's the fun in that for anyone involved.
You had mentioned you could make the character with the Rat mentor all along, but it does seem to go against a lot of your concept of having a number of years of Arnis de Mano training and likely the skills would be often a "waste of points" as rat makes your character try to flee combat unless caged with nowhere to run.
Depending on how you'd want to address those issues would make our decision on the character a lot easier
Mar 7 2008, 09:52 PM
@Whipstich: Hey
Como est ta? ![biggrin.gif](
Seriously it would be nice to have another former
LoCoS member survive All Hallow's Armageddon. I stated that the entire gang pretty much bit the big one on Oct. 31/2070 leaving poor lonely Latino me.
But that's only what
Ink (moi) saw, so it's entirely within possiblity that Cuervo survived one of the forays with either the
Black Plague or the
Heartbreakers The cousins were a shade leery of magicians but I think your guy could have been accepted. (If only to spot and counter the
Ultraviolet Nights)
Other thoughts, Dog always struck me as an interesting and reasonably urban mentor. Although that kinda loyalty is hard to defend in our corner of the world.
Also would you be willing to be a pre-gang member? I don't know why but somehow I see Cuervo as being just on the cusp of initiation before the end and thus while having no (direct) affiliation to the gang still having a connection to the
LoCoS@Eyeless: Somehow the description of
The Lost Boys as a "bunch of flying pixie dust-snorting hippies" mkes me smile. Still with your BTL addiction and their dreamchipped version of reality you being involed with them makes sense. (to me at least) Other than that I dunno.
Mar 7 2008, 10:45 PM
Muy bien el jefe!
Someone who was just perhaps getting his feet wet with the Locos would suit me fine. Things sound like they definitely got interesting for the Locos near the end there and perhaps I'll have to poke around that site some more.
Anyway, going with Rat would lead to me skewing him more towards being a sneaky Face type of character rather than an arnisador, at the very least. I'll tinker around a bit more and see what I can come up with. It's just a shame because the theme and bonuses fit what I wanted to do so well, but I can definitely understand how PvP implications could be a real problem. I really like the scavenger theme and the name Cuervo, so perhaps we could work with the Cat or Horned Man penalties instead? He could carry shock weapons and the Cat drawback (Taunts, opponents, can't go straight for the kill without rolling Charisma+Will) is likely to get nobody killed but himself, while the Horned Man penalty (-1 dice for social encounters if not dealing with like minded souls) could work out OK because I plan on having enough social skills for it to be inconvenient but not crippling when dealing with people who aren't used to his quirks-- the penalty, after all, is kind of a reverse First Impression, which would be fitting for a guy who lives on the streets and doesn't particularly have qualms about eating directly out of a dumpster. I mean, I plan on him having the skills to be as close to a "face" type character as you can get without Kinesics or Tailored Pheromones, but the idea of a charismatic ganger who always manages to do something just a bit off-putting hits me as potentially entertaining too. Sorry to make the mentor into such a trial, but I figure it's always worth coming up with one that fits, since they make up such an integral part of a character's worldview. I could always drop it, keep the same personality traits and simply go for more Arnis training or First Impression as well, if it comes to that.
Mar 8 2008, 12:05 AM
WhipstitchWhat bout going with Rat all together as a mentor spirit. Thinking more on it, the "customizing" of advantages and disadvantages of mentor spirits is just a can of worms I'm not sure we want to open right now.
Could you spin the disadvantage of Rat in the sense that Cuervo is the kind of guy who talks a good game, but balks at real trouble where he has to be backed into a real tight corner to actually use the skills he knows (arnis + whatever else). It was mentioned that maybe his dad went too far in his training/education or something to the point that he got intimidated by him so much that he doesn't fight... something to think about at least.
I do like the sneaky Raven'esque aspect to your original concept only that Raven's disadvantage REALLY poses problems with the game setup mechanics which you seem to understand and see where we're coming from there. But there's a LOT of potential there we'd like to see you run with, if we can work out the mentor spirit situation.
We'd like to extend to you a spot in the game and the ability to start building pages on the wiki for your CS. I will build the initial pages for you (after dinner
) and link them here for you to look over. If you're not familiar with wikiness, feel free to put together the info in PM's or spoilers here or whatever you feel most comfortable with and I'll be happy to put it into play on the wiki so that it can go for final review by WinterRat1. My suggestion is to take a good look at the current PC's backgrounds and various fiction pieces to get a feel for what we're looking for. Really developing your character through background will secure your Adept spot in the game
By all means ask questions or get clarification if you need it via this thread, we're all willing to help you out.
Edit: Are you sticking with the name "Cuervo" (we build pages based off PC names and I'd like to not have to change it later
Mar 8 2008, 12:30 AM
Welcome aboard. Now the fun really starts.
Mar 8 2008, 12:58 AM
Yeah, I'll stick with the name Cuervo for sure. I'm fine with the Rat disadvantages if that's what you guys are most comfortable with, although I'd like to call it Raven for the sake of a uniform theme, if at all possible (I planned on having a necklace with a bunch of dirty ol' greasy crow feathers on it and all
). I can roll with him as being 100% Rat all the way right down to the theme too, if you guys want, since it'd hardly break his personality either way. After all, crows, ravens and other carrion birds are all squawk and no bite unless cornered too.
Whenever you can get the wiki pages up and going is fine with me; my siblings and I are taking my mother out for dinner for her big 50th birthday this evening anyway, so there's no rush on my end.
Mar 8 2008, 01:32 AM
WhipstitchPages for Cuervo can be found here:
CuervoShould link across the top to all the subsequent pages. Let us know if you need any help working out the sheets.
Mar 8 2008, 01:47 AM
i just wondered if my ganger with the golden nose concept already got nayed or so. I could whip up a slightly more down to earth (or gutter) concept if that's the case.
Mar 8 2008, 01:54 AM
NeuntoterWe're still talking behind the scenes about any other submissions thus far. We did post up about how social of a game this is and how there is a little concern about a "lone wolf" type character, but it does seem that you may have adjusted your concept a little bit to compensate. If you want to change your concept, feel free to do so, I just don't have a solid yes or no for you on the original "bloodhound" type character as of this moment.
Best thing I can suggest is that if you make changes to your concept, you go ahead and repost it to the thread since we don't get notified of edits and don't always go back to re-read posts early in the thread unless we're doing reviews.
Mar 8 2008, 02:19 AM
Fleshing out "Twiggs" (ironic chuckle)
<Twiggs> An unruly mass of brown hair meets you're gaze, "ahem", looking down you see the thin face below this mane. He is thin, but not gaunt, his eyes the same basic shade of brown as the hair, with a similar sort of... oily quality to both. He smiles easily most of the time, not always in a sincere way though. When not running a shell game, or some other similar form of dodge, he usually in a sort of reclining posture, slumped against a wall or post if standing, or slouched down in chair. He is whip thin otherwise, and seems to have some nervous inner energy working, constantly. He tends to fidget occasionally, often cracking various joints in a constantly changing barrage of clicks and pops.
(Not the final description, but what I've got to start with.)
The flower of youth, what a sweet notion, my flower got plucked when I was thirteen, by a "TIG" (Training Instructor and Life Guidance Councilor) who had a thing for boy flowers. I got sent to the camp as an alternative to serving the 1500 hours of society restitution activities I had acquired in school and in two trips to see the youth council. It was determined that I had a "sharp wit" and a rebellious bent toward authority, as a psychological and social retaliation against my estranged father. My biggest problem with authority was that everyone was always in authority over me, when you are always the smallest person in the area, well other kids aren't as advanced thinkers as the youth council.
The next few years weren't a lot of improvement, full incarceration for breaking and entering left me in for more of the same, a lot more. I fought when I could, always loosing, but time in medical holding was always better than the normal lockup. I found my best option was usually to run when I could, rare as that option is inside, it has served me well outside. I continued to deal with my best two weapons, a smart mouth and a quick thought.
After a few more times in and out of lockup, I steered clear of any more B&E. I discovered that I had hands as quick as my feet and working outside gives room to run if the deal goes wrong. I floated around, working with a couple different partners as a snatch and fly operation or operator and shill in some form of shell game.
(This is loosely what I've worked up for a background so far)
Eyeless Blond
Mar 8 2008, 02:22 AM
Hm. I've been playing with the numbers and I'm a little worried I may have bitten off more than I could chew with this build. Technomancers are utterly starved for build points even under normal rules; under these rules it is quickly becoming very difficult to fit things in! For the moment I'm building under the assumption that Resonance has the same cost as Magic, but I may need to negotiate that, possibly one or two other things, just to keep this guy from totally imploding.
Even if I can't though I'd still love to play this guy. Half the fun of SR is wrestling with the numbers.
Mar 8 2008, 03:00 AM
Eyeless BlondResonance would cost as much as Magic but I can tell you there is no room for negotiation on it. We all have been limited in one way or another building our characters and there isn't gonna be "extenuating circumstances" for the building of a TM. It's just not fair to the rest of us.
We're still trying to hammer out accepting a TM as well. It goes against a lot of what we initially talked about accepting. I admit, I still would love to see an IC convo between Drip and a vending machine
Give us a little more time to come to some conclusions about what we're willing to do an we'll go from there.
Patience my dear grasshopper, patience
Mar 8 2008, 03:06 AM
Ehrm, coming back to it now and reading it, I realize that I maybe made him sound a bit more antisocial than he was meant in my head.
In a very basic and gritty way the Barrens come down to one thing: Survival of the Fittest.
This does often translate to being the worst mofo around the block or being able to benchpress a mailbox onto thy opponent. But the beautiful thing about "being fit" is, that it doesn't have to be that way. Finding things that others can't or getting to them before anyone else can also fill your belly.
Askeladd came very early and very alone into the Barrens. His frail and slightly alienating appearance and also his initial lack of any means of communication (he only spoke norway at that point) made it impossible or at least very unlikely for him to find shelter in any of the micro-communities of Redmond. Forced to live alone his most probable fate was dying in the streets like a dog. The first excruciating weeks when he was on the verge of dehydration or starvation, or when he was delirious with fever from an infected wound, were the baptism of his awakening. With his awakened roots lying in the norse tradition his dormant talent already was shaped along the "wild path"?, the berserker's way. So in time he found his senses sharpening until he could smell whether or not that dumpster was worth diving into or if an seemingly abandoned building was really safe.
The general idea is that while Askeladd will have relatively low Strength and Body values he makes up for it with his high perception and "animal senses"? like low-light vision and especially improved scent. He will also be an Albino, partly because I have a thing for the concept. His raw brawling skills are probably average at best, even with his "natural fangs"? (a.k.a. Killing hands power), but he excels at tracking or sneaking into things. Even though I might have gotten similar or maybe better results with cyberwear, I choose Adept for this because it has that wonderful intuitive and natural feeling to it.
He is not meant to be a loner, it is just that that is how it happened to him for a great part of his life. The reasons for that are manyfold, there was his failing grasp on the english language at the beginning, his ,even for the Barrens, odd appearance or his way of actually interacting with people. It is not that he fails at it, he has moderately high charisma and rudimentary social skills, it is just that he is so damn strange about going at it. If he is truly agitated, his face will mirror the true depth of his emotions. He might snarl or growl, bare his teeth or laugh like a dog with his tongue hanging out. Things usually get even more weirder at that point when he starts commenting on people's "scent". For him it might be perfectly natural, considering how much more information their smell carries for him, but try explaining that he average ganger. As a result of this he has a long history of bad experience. His usual indifferent and sardonic behaviour is probably a direct result from this.
gah, this is hopefully a bit more along the lines of what is in my head. On a related note i should probably stop writing things at 4am.
Mar 8 2008, 05:26 AM
Here's where we're at for updates kids as we make decisions. If we haven't outright said no/yes to a char concept, please understand that we're asking for more info so we can make the decision.
lkimWe're looking forward to seeing your 20-questions and fleshing out your character.
QuentraWe'd like to see more from you than just a character type and weapon choice
TobiasAgain, we'd like to see more from you in a fleshed out concept + short background. Has a lot of potential for fitting into
the gang as a needle punk/drug maker.
NeuentoterAfter discussion, the "bloodhound" type character isn't gonna fly in this game, only because he seems a better fit for another gang (the Outlanders) than the Ravens. We would love to take you up on your offer to make a different character for submission however!
Onin the ShadeStill waiting to see what you throw at us!
DrogosPlease keep fleshing out your character, even if the concept in brief is similar/same as Dantic's, like Slipshade mentioned earlier, the likelihood that your characters would be mirror images/twins of one another is next to impossible as they get developed and statted out.
DanticLike the direction
Twiggs is going in, can you give us a little
more about him as he comes together in your head?
Eyeless BlondDon't want to be the bearer of bad news, but the concensus is that we can't take in a TM at this point. We lost our GM to his RL that was the master of the matrix/TM stuff and no one currently has the time to dedicate to learn additional rulesets beyond basics. Plus we really had stated at the beginning we weren't going to accept any TM's and after more discussion we feel we need to stand by that. We would how ever REALLY love to see another character submission from you *bats lashes*
CuthuludreamsThere will be no leeway on the 3 Essence cap for characters. We would like to see you flesh out your character idea a bit more so we can evaluate it and make a full decision.
SuppenhuhnWe love the Bunraku Doll/Razorgirl idea, but again it would have to be without the magic component. We'd want to see a more fleshed out concept with a hint of the actual background to make the decision.
WhipstitchWe'd like it if the mentor can remain Rat if you're taking those advantages/disadvantages. Calling Rat Raven has the potential to cause confusion in our overly stimulated brains
Mar 8 2008, 05:55 AM
Alright, that's fine, as long as I can occasionally sneak off away from the rest of the gang and share my extra food with both winged and furry vermin by way of thanks, I'm happy. Even those who live in the streets need to look after their own, and all that.
Mar 8 2008, 05:58 AM
WhipThat's TOTALLY fine and a cool RP hook
Looking forward to seeing more on Cuervo!
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