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Gyuh.. I'm confused... Why is JACK exploring the tunnel when I asked JAMES to do it? JACK = unoticeable guy JAMES = stealth sam, right?? Admitedly, close enough, and the end result seems to be the same... But did Jack go off on his own? Kinda lost here
Yeah, I'm confused too.
Sandoval Smith
Lets say that Jack went in a few meters behind James to act as back up in case more zombies jumped out at him. My last post can act as compliment to whatever else James finds in that tunnel.
I think you guys should arm-wrestle or something and who ever wins gets to keep their name, the other has to come up with something more distinctive.


Nah, it's ok. I'll keep putting both on point on suicide missions. Eventually one will die and it'll make it easier for me grinbig.gif

Edit: edited the other post so I order both of you to go on recon.
Backgammon: Your character would know these things, which is why I'm posting here instead of IC.

None of the team you are sending away can summon, and if the radios don't work, then it's a good possibility that drones won't get through either.

Also, there is a pretty high Background Count in the area of the mysterious Circle. You might want to take that into account before trying to erect a Ward. That's not to mention the presence of a large quantity of soon-to-be-rotting corpses.

I'll hold off on posting for Gypsy in case you want to change something.
HMHVV Hunter
Plus, I can't erect a ward in conjunction with any of our other magickers, since I'm a psionicist and no one else is.
Ahh, didn't know BG count would affect ward-making. Checking the rules, while it doesn't seem to explicityl say so, it does seem to modify any magical activity. Guess we'll all move out then. Editing.
Personally, I think we should be checking that cave-in a bit more thoroughly before we leave.

But you're the boss. biggrin.gif
Feel free to speak up in-game, Fortune!

Also, as was mentionned at some point in the posts, we should probably decide what our partners are, since I'm using it a lot.

We already have:
Gypsy - Slinky

I'm thinking, from the top of my head,
James - Rebo
Gremish - Jack
Seel - Tevos

with me moving around since we're an odd number. If anyone has any preference go ahead, this is just a suggestion.

Edited: 1 mage per team as Fortune mentions
Ok, I will. smile.gif

As for 'teams', Sparky suggested pairing an awakened and non-awakened character as being SOP. I think this is a good suggestion. With that in mind, you might want to split up Jack and James, partnering each of them with either Gremish or Rebo.
Toptomcat: It was pretty much even. 4 people (Gypsy included) check the cave, and 4 people (plus Dogma) check the exit and organize the gear. There's a much higher probability of running into more hostiles up there than in the cave where we already toasted most of the opposition.

HMHVV Hunter: I assume your post means you are coming with Gypsy as asked? It is kind of unclear since there are 2 'magic wielders' (plus Rebo nyahnyah.gif) on the cave-in team, and only one going with the rest that are checking the surface.
HMHVV Hunter

I just said I was going with James; I thought we were getting paired up like someone suggested earlier.

Who's going where?
Well, Gypsy was told by Dogma to pick who he needed. In my post, I chose Rebo, Slinky, and Tevos to accompany Gypsy to check out the cave-in. The rest of the team will go with Dogma to the exit.

I explained my choices in the post, and split the teams because Gypsy will need Rebo's Projection (?) ability and Tevos' Spirits. I wanted one more person for cover/protection, and chose Slinky.

In reality, James wouldn't even know about the little side trip yet, as Gypsy did not include him in the briefing. Ignoring that though, my last post was made in response to his.
HMHVV Hunter
Oh ok.

Post edited.
Yeah, I wan't including the speaker in my mental math. Silly me.
It's cool. I really didn't mean to come off sounding like a dick. smile.gif

It's strange, because out of nine characters, we only have one with access to Astral Projection (of a sort), and one who can call Spirits (not counting Rebo's Thought Forms). And no Elementals!

Actually, the choice I found the hardest was picking the one non-awakened support person to accompany the cave-in team. I figured that all things being equal, the deciding factor for Gypsy would be that he was already paired with Slinky.
IC post soon, pending a response from Sphynx concerning my last entry.
You already did your IC post, and trust me, it'll take at least 15 minutes for a translation, if it's possible at all.

Sorry folks. Went on a rather short notice sking vacation. I will be posting in the IC thread as soon as I read up and get some more sleep.

2 with projection. Thanks Sphynx =)
QUOTE (Sphynx)
You already did your IC post, and trust me, it'll take at least 15 minutes for a translation, if it's possible at all.

Yeah I know, but Slinky asked me for a response. I figured it would make sense that Gypsy would have some idea of whether he could translate it or not before he actually finishes it. nyahnyah.gif
Gives a new meaning to the phrase 'talk to the hand'! biggrin.gif
Out of curiosity, how old is Slinky?
Ah good. I won't feel bad then when I send her to her death she tragically dies. grinbig.gif

That's actually even older than Dogma (yes, team leader is a 20 year old.... We're all doomed biggrin.gif wink.gif )
dammit, Im playing the old fogie again... I have Tev pegged at 31
QUOTE (Lindt @ Jan 18 2005, 06:18 AM)
2 with projection.

I thought Tevos was a Conjurer. How did he get Projection?
So, do all of us Conjurers and Sorcerers have Astral Projection then, or is Gypsy the only one that doesn't?

As far as I knew, Rebo is the only full mage (if you can call him that) on the team.
Im a full shamen =P and from what i understand the only awakened that cannot project are adepts unless they take the specific adept skill.... shamens mages and conjurers ect can project just fine... but i could be wrong... ill look it up.
I see ... a full Shaman with absolutely no Conjuring skills whatsoever. Easy to mistake for a Sorcerer ...

All the better though ... at least we have another character that can Project. biggrin.gif

As to the Astral thing, SR3. pg. 160 ...

Aspected magicians are capable of astral perception, but not astral projection.

Aspected magicians are defined as Sorcerers, Conjurers, Elementalists, and Shamanists.
Uh, I guess it wasn't clear when I said
He could send one of the astrally projecting capable mages back to the top alone, but Dogma was still very reluctant to expose someone to the perils of astral attacks, or having his body posessed.

that I DIDN'T want anyone to astrally project to the top, but whatever, now that you described the top and that Gremish didn't get eaten by something, I'll make a tiny edit to have Gremish go scout. Although, again, Gremish had said he was astrally PERCEIVING the passageway, not projecting nyahnyah.gif

Moving on... wink.gif
I feel a little hesitant at the thought of posting IC.

On the one hand, the original premise of the game was for both the players and GM (?) to make multiple posts per day if possible, but at least one (IIRC).

On the other, I feel I should be waiting for some of the less frequent players to post, some of which are few and far between.

[edit]But I see now my post isn't necessary, since Backgammon has pretty much posted for me. [/edit]
Sphynx: I do have a good idea of what's needed though, but whether Gypsy would know is what matters.

Dragons [Western]: 1 [3]
Elven Society: 4
History [Elven]: 2 [4]
Sixth World Magic: 6
Spell Design [Hermetic]: 5 [7]

These all might be of some help ... in a very long shot.

He also has access to the following on chip ...

- Neo-Anarchist's Collected Guides to the Sixth World
- Patterson's Paranormal Animal Guides
- Webster's Advanced Encyclopedia
- Libram of Hermes Monthly - Anthology
- Shadowland's Collected Fourth World Lore
- Manual of Practical Thaumatugy - Decade in Review
- Sixth World Shaman Magazine - Anthology

Some would be more helpful than others, of course.
QUOTE (Fortune)
- Shadowland's Collected Fourth World Lore

Dear god that's going to be useful!
Yeah, I like that one. wink.gif biggrin.gif
Backgammon: Last post I read by Gremish had someone watching over his body while he projected ahead. He must have editted since that point, sorry for changing the past.

Fortune: Gypsy knows more than Fortune. If you think you know the way, so would your character.

I plan to take conjuring once i get a fwe other things out of the way. When i made the char i didnt go for Conjuring cause it seemed liek we had someone thatw as goign to do that at the time and further i didnt feel Gremish was reay or willing to have spirits ect following him around. Hes a do it yourself kinda guy when he does it at all =)

Uh from what i understood Jack and the crew were watching over me as i went up....
It's cool. It just honestly didn't occur to me that Gremish was anything other than a Sorcerer. smile.gif
No worrys =D i ushually make full shm / mage cause i liek ibeing able to do both didnt een cross my mind to make him a Sorc =P
Technicaly Tev is aspected, but I was givin the option of spending my starting spell points to get projection, as well as iniatate.

So we have... 3 people who can project? man, we DO have the magic end of this game covered...
QUOTE (Gremish)
Uh from what i understood Jack and the crew were watching over me as i went up....

Ok, so you DID project even though I said not to. I thought you were only perceiving.
QUOTE (Lindt)
Technicaly Tev is aspected, but I was givin the option of spending my starting spell points to get projection, as well as iniatate.

So we have... 3 people who can project? man, we DO have the magic end of this game covered...


It's sometimes good to know these things. biggrin.gif
Actually - Slinky has Literature/Poetry 1/3. smile.gif
f*ck poetry, let's just mindrape the rock!
QUOTE (ES_Sparky @ Jan 19 2005, 09:16 AM)
Actually - Slinky has Literature/Poetry 1/3. smile.gif

I specifically looked before posting, because I thought I remembered that someone had it. I must have totally missed it.

The perils of posting before at least 3 coffees in the morning! biggrin.gif

I'll edit. wink.gif


Uh, Sphynx, Jack is moving bodies, not Slinky... and Jack is not, at the moment anyway, a woman.
I surely have no idea what you're talking about man... *whistles innocently as the edit button is pushed*

Sphynx nyahnyah.gif
And if you want to nitpick, Rebo never actually touched the damn rock! nyahnyah.gif wink.gif

*Gypsy moves to the side of the tunnel, moping about the fact that his well-researched theory won't be put to the test.* frown.gif biggrin.gif
Yes he did, read my side of the story, and the rule about the GM being God. nyahnyah.gif
It's cool. wink.gif

I'm hoping some of the others will make an appearance, so I'll wait a while before I post IC.
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