HMHVV Hunter
Mar 22 2005, 01:58 PM
Yes, pleeeeease karma re-roll for drain reduction.
Sorry guys...didn't know what else to do.
(What that deadly PHYSICAL damage for drain?!)
Mar 22 2005, 02:24 PM
Oh I mixed up fireball/flamethrower. Confusing names...
Mar 22 2005, 02:58 PM
So yes, we had a point blank fireball, and an added flame thrower (BTW, my fav spell ever). I think the tree is roasted. Now someone help put Sleels guts back in. Mine too.
I have to admit, Sphynx this game is exceeding all expectations. I was answering the phone while reading this mornings posts and the guy on the other end asked if something was wrong. Mad props. Erh, wicked good work.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 01:18 AM
I'm waiting until the results of my drain resistance re-roll to post Rebo's actions, as they could be quite different depending on the result.
Mar 23 2005, 10:12 AM
Any Drain?
Mar 23 2005, 02:08 PM
From the Heal Spells? No.
Mar 23 2005, 02:29 PM
Cool. I figured you would have mentioned it if it was a factor, but it's better to be sure, considering Gypsy's plan to do quite a bit more spellcasting in the near future (as you have probably seen by now).
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 07:54 PM
I have to say that Jack's rant had me cracking up

Sandoval, do you mind if I submit that to the Shadowrun Quotefile?
Sandoval Smith
Mar 23 2005, 11:40 PM
Not at all. I think documentation will be handy for proving later on that Jack is justified in his hatred of small woodland creatures, and the sinister cellulose constructs they inhabit.
Wow. Does Tevos know something that the rest of us don't? Or is the second spoiler how your post will read if it turns out to be another evil tree?
Mar 24 2005, 04:31 AM
Its more a just in case. I was on a writing roll, didnt wanna stop. If it turns out to be a perfectly safe mundane tree, then Ill edit it and blow the ever loving crap out of whats left of the one that just got us.
Mar 24 2005, 09:07 PM
"And a Storm spirit"
That was so non-sequitur. Did you just go insane and start summoning spirits for no reason??
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 24 2005, 09:25 PM
Hey, I posted that funny quote from yesterday onto the Shadowrun Quotefile: submitter's name is "Helios" (that's me).
Jack's rant is now immortalized for all to see
Mar 25 2005, 04:39 AM
While it IS funny, it wasent supposed to be like that, though it now is ment to be. I figured I have at most 1 or 2 services left on the sea spirit (having used 3 allready), and Tevos is trying to get back ahead of things, and yes, great form spirits are good at getting ahead of things.
If Tevos was to go nuts, Hed summon up 6 of them from differing domains and wait for the horrors to show up. =p
Mar 25 2005, 04:51 AM
Then we should leave Tevos to guard the gap, eh?
Mar 25 2005, 11:05 AM
I wrote a long and somewhat unpleasant post, but decided it isn't worth posting it. I understand that you want to move the game along. So be it!
The IC post is the best I can do, because if it was truly in character, it would include a rant against the apparently idiotic decision-making abilities of the team's leader. In this case though, it wouldn't be fair.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 25 2005, 03:28 PM
Unfortunately, leaving people behind to watch the gap would be a decision of tactical necessity. We've just punched a hole in the defensive line, and we don't know what's out there wanting to get in. If we just left it, we're going to be the first ones in line if anything comes through, and will have no warning if there wasn't someone standing watch. The three of us might end up hiding under a rock, while radioing out that there is something big, dark, and toothy coming, and that everyone else'd better hide until it's gone, but at least they'll get that warning.
Mar 25 2005, 07:38 PM
I disagree, but then I already made that clear. Gypsy would have argued all night against it, splitting up the team, and especially staying himself ... not out of cowardice, but because he is one of the people better equiped to deal with the local populace (and staying is just a dumb idea). I could probably accept it better if it was a team consensus, or even an order from the leader, instead of an arbitrary decision out of nowhere.
I also think that an Intelligence of 8 would be more than enough to figure out that the damn trees were dangerous by now, but whatever. I'm willing to play along.
Mar 25 2005, 07:38 PM
INT 8 and WIL 7... I would think so too. Slinky's a different story... no great shakes in the Willpower arena.
What gives Sphynx? I know you wanted to move the game along, but we were still hashing it out. We hadn't even been at it that long...
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 25 2005, 07:46 PM
In Sphynx's defense, I think he's just trying to move the game along as fast as possible and get to the good stuff. Personally, I'd like to do the same; I'm anxious to see where this adventure is going.
That said, I understand the frustration of some people whose characters are being made to act out of character for them.
Guess I didn't really have a point with this, I'm just saying I see where both sides are coming from.
Mar 25 2005, 08:54 PM
Gypsy's not sitting under one of 'those' trees.

Anyhows, I'll edit it under team consensus (everyone has the whole weekend to post, but if that's to be the case, decisions will have to be made by characters instead of doing our week-long decision making process (maybe PM each other if needed) so I can keep the game alive and active. Otherwise I have to base the decisions on what was posted, which in this case, some posted they thought they should stay, and some posted that they should go, and that's what I did. I chose Gypsy to stay behind purely because history showed that Dogma and Gypsy usually lead when the team breaks up, and Gypsy usually leads the smaller group.

Anyhows, say the word and I'll have the post changed, but as stated, that means more decisive posts will be needed in the future.
Mar 25 2005, 09:03 PM
I think this was a poke that if we are going to hash it out to do it in the IC posts more. At least that way its more entertaining.
Mar 25 2005, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (Lindt @ Mar 26 2005, 08:03 AM) |
I think this was a poke that if we are going to hash it out to do it in the IC posts more. |
That's exactly what we
were doing.
Sphynx: I honestly didn't think Gypsy was sitting under one of those trees. I just wanted to be clear on it (especially in light of Sandoval Smith's IC post).
I'm not pissed off anymore, just resigned, although I was livid last night (my time). I was so upset that I didn't sleep well (read
at all), and made a few posts that I later edited for content. Luckily nobody was around to see them.

I understand that you wanted to move the game along. I was just surprised that you cut off the actual roleplaying interchange between the characters in mid-discussion ... especially as some of the people playing hadn't chimed in at all yet.
In any case, it's done now. Unless others have an objection, we should just move on from here.
Mar 25 2005, 11:07 PM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
From HMHVV Hunter: [snip]...and get to the good stuff... [/snip]
From Sphynx: [snip]...but as stated, that means more decisive posts will be needed in the future...[/snip] |
all good stuff to me, Hunter.
The problem with moving things along before we've settled, Sphynx, is that now we haven't ourselves made the decision to be where we are and so we don't own the consequences of our choices. You do.
If you're trying to punish us for being wishy washy, punish us because the world is dangerous, not because we're boring you or because you know we're likely to hem and haw. Like, you could ask us for a decision OOC or make our situation force a decision out of us.
Basically use one of the two most powerful GM phrases in existence:
1) So, what do you do?
2) Roll for initiative.

I know it's not that simple, but you catch my drift. We can't care about our choices or the consequences of them if we haven't made the choices to begin with. Give us deadlines or something, please, but let us know when they're approaching.
Also, we're sorta at a loss. We don't know the world. And barely know the language. We don't have any orders now that we kinda think maybe we've accomplished our mission. If we seem rudderless, it's because we are. If you want direction and decisiveness out of us, make sure we know what we're supposed to be doing. Or at least that we think we know what we're supposed to be doing. I, Slinky too, don't really have a clue. Survive, I guess. But that's not a direction that makes for bold decisions in quiet moments. There's an awful lot of fear and fear can easily spawn indescision. So, well, you've done an excellent job there, I'm scared of every blade of grass on this forsaken rock.
Mar 26 2005, 06:41 AM
Aye, you DO have us ready to open fire of all sorts on anything that so much as LOOKS funny. never mind looks at us funny.
I for one was going to argue aginst splitting up, but seeing as its done I dont mind. Just give us another day to bicker IC first next time. Bickering IC is fun, makes for good roleplaying moments sometimes.
Mar 26 2005, 08:33 AM
History shows that the game goes stale, ES, if I wait. It took a week to figure out how to get people across the water, and it was the 3rd time the game died like that. I promise this though, if it matters, IE: the consequence will mean something. I won't make a decision (Ie: Where dice will play an important factor, or combat could insue, such as when Flying across the water). Splitting up, or staying together wouldn't matter much because next post everyone will be back at the tree (except for the probable exception of Sleel and Slinky due to wound recovery in the Village of the Zombies... err... I mean the nice people).
Mar 26 2005, 05:17 PM
Ok, I wasn't around on friday, so just read this stuff. Sphynx, we have the luxury, in this game, of having a team leader. Next time we're at a decisionnal crossroad and you're afraid we're gonna stall for a while, PM me and I'll have Dogma make a yes or no decision. It'll actually be a decision WE did and will certainly avoid your forcing a plan which is the complete opposite of what I would have done. ALL arguments (in Dogma's point of view) point to not defending the hole and heading for town. It's completely out of character. But since it's done and you're saying it won't have any real consequence, I'm just gonna gloss over that "decision" and never mention it again until we meet back up.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 29 2005, 05:37 AM
I really need an update on what's going on, so I know whether or not Jack really went charging in to save Gypsy, or if Gypsy even needed a life saving flying tackle in the first place.
Mar 29 2005, 06:10 AM
As Sphynx said, it was not one of 'those' trees that Gypsy was heading towards, and is now sitting under. Jack probably would have known this, so there would really be no need for any such tackle.
I just figured you'd edit your IC post after reading Sphynx's comments.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 29 2005, 08:54 AM
Okay, previous IC post has been editied.
Mar 29 2005, 09:59 AM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
Fortune receives a bonus karma cause I made a mistake. |
There's no need for the bonus Karma, Sphynx. It was a simple misunderstanding, and everything's cool.
Mar 29 2005, 06:16 PM
Lindt! Get to posting! Don't let something ghoulish happen to Tevos!
Mar 29 2005, 06:54 PM
I don't think Tevos should get eliminated. For one, he's really useful, and I haven't felt restricted by his slower posting.
Mar 30 2005, 04:36 AM
Man, Im gonna cry. The last 2 weeks have been hell. Add that to my getting 4 teeth yanked out of my head this friday and it only gets worse. Ill TRY and get some writing done this week, but for the moment I only have acess at home, and Im there mabey 8 hours a day total.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 30 2005, 04:49 AM
I might've missed it if you said so earlier, but in a game where frequent posting is a requirement, if something comes up, be sure to mention it to the GM, so you can be cut some slack if need be.
Mar 30 2005, 04:53 AM
Lets just say its been a never ending dreck storm. I have a post up, if there is good responce Ill have another tommorow (which Ill sneak during class, cause its gonna be SO boreing Id rather have my colon cleansed)
Mar 30 2005, 05:50 PM
Sphynx: I didn't want to make a post for nothing, but just wanted to check if Dogma, while asking about people who might know about teleport magic, i.e. powerful magic users, didn't get any leads to go visit a certain sorcerer or anything like that?
Mar 30 2005, 06:50 PM
Nothing learnt.
Mar 30 2005, 11:13 PM
Sphynx: With no Sorcery library on hand, how would Gypsy go about learning new spells, if he was so inclined.
Mar 31 2005, 06:32 AM
I've been thinking on that since Hunter said he wanted to learn a spell (with no spell formula to work from). At first I was going to make people go through spell design to create the spells, but nobody has the correct skills. And in all honesty, I'm not sure how I will add new spells yet. It seems wrong to just allow people to pickup new spells without some sort of help, but that seems the only answer right now if I'm going to allow new spells in-game (which I do want to allow). Suggestions?
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 31 2005, 06:43 AM
Actually, according to MitS:
"Psionics cannot learn spells from traditional magic teachers or spell formulas but must 'discover their power' (design spells) themselves or be trained by (learn the spell from) another psionic."
I guess I could spend some Good Karma on the Spell Design skill and then learn this if that's necessary, but the way I see it, Rebo just does trial-and-error stuff until he gets the results he's looking for in order to learn the spell.
Mar 31 2005, 07:04 AM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
As if on queue, Gypsy notices the astral tether line becoming less and less taunt, and suddenly, in the middle of the village, sits the huge Dragon amidst the screams of the villagers. Anyone recall what species he considers to be snack food? |
Jack. Definitely Jack.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 31 2005, 07:05 AM this the same dragon we encountered on Ireland? Just curious.
Mar 31 2005, 08:26 AM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
At first I was going to make people go through spell design to create the spells, but nobody has the correct skills. |
I didn't check on anyone else's character, but Gypsy has Spell Design/Hermetic 5/7. I would have thought that was exactly the right skill needed. The only problem is the lack of a library. I just couldn't afford it at chargen, or I would definitely have bought one (on chip) and brought it with him.
Mar 31 2005, 08:28 AM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) | this the same dragon we encountered on Ireland? Just curious. |
Without a doubt!
Mar 31 2005, 08:35 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Sphynx @ Mar 31 2005, 04:32 PM) | At first I was going to make people go through spell design to create the spells, but nobody has the correct skills. |
I didn't check on anyone else's character, but Gypsy has Spell Design/Hermetic 5/7. I would have thought that was exactly the right skill needed. The only problem is the lack of a library. I just couldn't afford it at chargen, or I would definitely have bought one (on chip) and brought it with him.
Missed that you had the skill Fortune. I think it's best that we stick to the rules if we can. So, unless there are objections, let's do that. That would mean Rebo learning Spell Design, and Fortune finding out he does indeed have a Magic Library on disk. So we fudge the disk, (maybe charge a karma-to-cash to 'find' you'd left the disk in your pocket luckily).
However, we run into the ever present problem of time. I'd need to give the crew like a month off to do some of the things. Not saying that's a bad thing (The men could return now, wall secure, giving you time to settle in for a few months and spend your karma before the next adventure). Etc etc. Delays won't effect the story I've laid out ahead of us any, but I'd like to hear opinions before I set anything into stone.
Mar 31 2005, 08:53 AM
I'm not really in any rush just yet. Of course there are a few spells I wouldn't mind having Gypsy learn (like a physical Combat spell for instance), I am still short of Karma to do much in that direction anyway.
Speaking solely for myself, I think it'd probably be better to wait until the next natural 'pause point' to follow up on the actual learning involved. That would also give Rebo the chance to learn Spell Design as well.
As for the acquisition of a library, what were you thinking of in terms of (Karma) cost? That is probably something that should be paid as soon as possible (if indeed you follow up on that idea), just for the sake of fairness.
Mar 31 2005, 09:33 AM
I'll let you have a rating 6 library for 4 karma (10k per karma, 36k) in this one-shot offer. Rating 6 would still be the max though. Rating 5 would cost 3 (25k), Rating 4 would cost 2 (16k), rating 3 would cost 1(9k).
Mar 31 2005, 11:15 AM
Cool, I'll take it! And I just happen to have exactly 4 Karma available at the moment.
Mar 31 2005, 11:52 AM
Well, like I said, before anything is done in Stone, I want at LEAST Hunter's viewpoint. He may not like the idea at all. Though, you can still buy the library if you want.

HMHVV Hunter
Mar 31 2005, 04:15 PM
A month off, game time? Sure.
Not a month real-time though; that'd just be too long.
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