Mar 31 2005, 04:25 PM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
A month off, game time? Sure. |
Does Rebo have enough accumulated Karma to learn Spell Design as well as the spells? If not, then a month off right now isn't going to help acquire it.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 31 2005, 04:37 PM
Let's see:
The spell itself: 5 Karma
Spell Design (a Knowledge Skill): The most I could get would be Rating 4, which would cost 10 Good Karma (1 for first level; 2 for second; 3 for third; 4 for fourth)
I have 16 Good Karma right now, so I'd burn through all but 1 of my GK for this.
Mar 31 2005, 04:45 PM
Things to remember.
Can not design a spell of a force greater than your skill.
Can use Sorcery at +2 TN instead.
TN = 2x Force + Drain Target.
So, force 5 ManaBall will cost 1+2+3+4+5+5 = 20 karma to learn (first 5 numbers are the Karma Cost to learn Spell Design to 5).
Could be reduced with a specialization in SpellDesign/CombatMagic to: 1+2+3+2+2+5 = 15 karma.
Or, by defaulting to Psi, skip the Skill and have a TN of 12 instead of 10 (1 in 6 chance vs a 25% with 6 dice.) Of course, with 3 Karma Pool for re-rolls (not sure if you have that yet), the TN 10 is almost automatic, and the TN 12 is about a 40% chance....
Just some thoughts.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 31 2005, 04:53 PM
I actually have 2 Karma Pool for re-rolls.
What's this "Drain Target" thing in the TN calculation?
Mar 31 2005, 04:50 PM
For ManaBall it's 0. You add the +X to the TN for resisting drain. So a Force/2+1(M) would get a +1 on the Spell Design TN.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 31 2005, 04:53 PM
So I guess I'll just end up learning it at Force 4 (since I'll be at Spell Design 4), which would reduce the TN to 8 and cost me a total of 14 GK.
Mar 31 2005, 05:35 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still not terribly thrilled with taking a month off right now though. Especially since we'd just have to do it again when Gypsy earns enough Karma to learn a spell or two. If we wait a little longer Rebo would have enough Karma to learn it at the higher Force.
I know that the Sorcery skill is what you use to actually learn spells, but I wasn't aware (or just didn't recall) that you could default to Sorcery for designing them.
Mar 31 2005, 05:52 PM
Only less startled because of the Astral link. Also, Gypsy figures he didn't eat us last time, so why panic?
Mar 31 2005, 05:57 PM
Only because Gdub got shot in the mouth and it surprised him as Sleel got caught by a split second away from being eaten.
Mar 31 2005, 06:54 PM
Hey, big and scaly owes us now.
While 'I' wouldent wanna kill a month of IG time, I dont think a few weeks of 'R&R' would bother Tevos at all.
Apr 1 2005, 01:34 PM
Sphynx, did I manage to get any Horses/mules, and like Jack asks any swords/gautlets/whatever?
Apr 1 2005, 01:51 PM
Yes. Horses are doable, and swords and gauntlets are as well (same stats as swords and hardliner gloves).
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 1 2005, 06:52 PM
So what's the verdict on spell-learning?
Apr 1 2005, 09:31 PM
Ouoooo! Sparky, dont make me laugh, I just had 4 teeth pulled. The last line was priceless!
Apr 2 2005, 07:12 AM
So what would you default to to ride a horse anyhow? Athleatics? Or a drive skill? As long as we dont fall of the time we make will be awesome though.
Sandoval Smith
Apr 2 2005, 11:31 AM
I would say athetics, since at it's bare essence, staying on the horses back is just a matter of getting your legs into the right position and squeezing. Controlling is a bit harder, but that's further leg squeezing, combined with figuring out how to get them to listen to the reins.
BTW, Slinky, have you been sharing the fact that you've been getting spam with anyone else?
Apr 3 2005, 01:06 AM
Yes, sharing the spam. All her comments were for anyone to hear.
Apr 4 2005, 03:38 PM
Oh, cool. We're running into the middle of an army encampment. I've always wanted to play/GM that. Though, admittedly, it's because I wanted to do a M*A*S*H tribute.
Apr 4 2005, 02:46 PM
Mmm Warhammer.
Im guessing since its now late evening that I summoned another spirit up?
And dragons? We have dragons? I hope they are on our side...
Apr 4 2005, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Oh, cool. We're running into the middle of an army encampment. I've always wanted to play/GM that. Though, admittedly, it's because I wanted to do a M*A*S*H tribute. |
ES_Sparky, if you EVER EVER EVER GM a game, you make sure to invite me specifically ok? I would kill to be in a game with a GM that has your creativity.

Apr 4 2005, 03:33 PM
If I ever get my head wrapped properly around the mechanics (and free up way more time

) consider yourself invited. Maybe SR4
Apr 5 2005, 12:14 AM
Seriously, you should consider running a game at a tourny or something!
If my last post didnt make sence, Ill claim that its the narcotics. Wisdomw teeth suck.
Apr 5 2005, 05:09 PM
QUOTE (ES Sparky) |
Linked to the Ghostwalker. That's so strange. Wonder if we get home it'll still be there. Or if it will be here... |
I've been wondering about that very same thing for a while now.
Sandoval Smith
Apr 6 2005, 12:20 AM
No Slinky! Don't kill the future! That's where I keep all my stuff!
Funny post though. Good stuff.
Apr 6 2005, 11:43 AM
No wait, no monkeys everywhere. Whew.
Apr 6 2005, 01:55 PM
Backgammon: I thought Sphynx said it was Gypsy who was surrounded by tourists, and everyone else was alone. I'm not even sure if we're all in the same time and place as each other.
Apr 6 2005, 02:05 PM
Sphynx edited, when I read backgammons post, it made perfect sense for the time it was posted.
Apr 6 2005, 02:17 PM
Ooooh, I though it was "everyone but gypsy read this spoiler" rather than "everyone gets the above, except for gypsy who gets the spoiler"
And by "you are alone", does that mean the GROUP is alone, or is each one of us alone?
Apr 6 2005, 01:13 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Sphynx edited |
Really? I read his post just after he put it up and it seemed to say the exact same thing then.
QUOTE (Backgammon @ Apr 7 2005, 12:17 AM) |
Ooooh, I though it was "everyone but gypsy read this spoiler" rather than "everyone gets the above, except for gypsy who gets the spoiler" |
LOL ... and it didn't even occur to me to read it that way (although I can see now that it could be).

I assumed each of us is alone, but made the IC post deliberately vague just in case.
Sandoval Smith
Apr 6 2005, 02:34 PM
I've got a baaaaad feeling about this. You can quote me on that. Repeatedly.
*edit* I just noticed, did we pick up any karma last week?
Apr 6 2005, 01:33 PM
Each of you is by yourselves. Gypsy is in StoneHenge.
I didn't award karma last week intentionally. It will be awarded with this weeks at the same time because it'll give you a chance to all spend the karma as you'll have some "time off" after tomorrow's post.
Apr 6 2005, 02:55 PM
Ok, so Tev shouldn't answer back on my roll call then.
Apr 6 2005, 04:16 PM
Edited as per confusion.
Time off. Man, forboding as all hell isnt that?
And yes, I agree Mr Solo, erh I mean Smith.
Apr 7 2005, 12:04 AM
Ha! I liked everyone's waking up thread.
Apr 7 2005, 12:00 PM
Sphynx: This certainly sheds a slightly different light on your offer of a Library last week. I definitely should have waited and saved myself 2 Karma.
Apr 7 2005, 12:27 PM
Look at the Street Index.... Not a coincidence.
Apr 7 2005, 01:51 PM
So, Sphynx, does this mean that Gyp gets his katana and wakizashi foci?

EDIT: Doh. Read OOC before IC. Really gotta stop doing that. So we're stuck in a really hair-raising episode of Sliders-Meets-Quantum-Leap. Weirder and weirder.
Apr 7 2005, 01:55 PM
Is it possible for me to pick up a solar panel to replace the one we canabalized off one of my Arty drones?
And are there any drones that would be compatible (with a bit of work maybe?) with my network that I could look at for purchase? Or just basic supplies(ammo, clothing, food, gas, etc)
Sandoval Smith
Apr 7 2005, 03:45 PM
What're the limits gear wise? I know that cyber and bioware is going to be out, and although regular bullets shouldn't be too hard to come by, the nice stuff like probably ExEx hasn't been invented yet.
Once the team gets back together, Jack is going to be pestering the magic types if they've been zapped to one of those muta-planes he's heard about.
Apr 7 2005, 02:51 PM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
Look at the Street Index.... Not a coincidence. |
Yeah yeah, I know. I just wanted to bitch about something.
Apr 7 2005, 02:52 PM
Well, you have no contacts, so pretty much what you think you could find on the streets. I'm not going to go listing exact availabilities, etc as I trust peoples judgements (mostly) and giving numbers tend to include items that wouldn't make sense.

Apr 7 2005, 04:21 PM
So NOW we're together... Uh, we'll just say we're out of radio range since everyone had a pice in their previous posts about radio being dead.
Apr 7 2005, 04:43 PM
So from the looks of it we all ended up at different stone circles in the area of stone hendge, of which there are/ where a pretty sizeable number from what I recall, so ending up flat in a empty field isnt out of the question.
Just out of courisoty, would my Pirat... erh Gypsy Family edge fall under that catagory of being alone in the world?
And I was WAITING for someone to do it. Thank you Hunter =)
Apr 7 2005, 06:45 PM
I just wanted to make sure the compatible tech existed, as solar panels for remote controlled things aren't too hard to come by, just stop by a nicer hobby shop.
Apr 7 2005, 06:31 PM
Not all of use can be within reception distance of the radios, and I figured Stonehenge was quite a way away from some of the other major circles, so thought Gypsy might do something different.
Of course, I do now need Sphynx's feedback before I continue.
Apr 7 2005, 08:42 PM
Wow, lotsa questions.

MindLink don't work out of LoS without Ritual Material and a Ritual (obtainable)
Gypsy edge will help, they tend to be more mystical in nature, though the RP should allow for some Gypsy interaction (Ie: getting picked on, robbed, etc) prior to their help.
Solar Panels are NP.
Apr 8 2005, 01:16 AM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
MindLink don't work out of LoS without Ritual Material and a Ritual (obtainable) |
I know about the LOS restriction, but I wasn't sure if casting along the Ley Lines might get around this in some way. Oh well.
Apr 8 2005, 10:04 AM
Just a reminder, no posts from GM til Monday. It's your ball to roll with til then. Any items gained must be roleplayed out to have them.
Apr 8 2005, 02:57 PM
No, but the power node (of which stonehenge is a biggie) would have drasticly boosted the effective level of your spell, without the nasty drain effects.
And this is why you should never fight mages on their home turf. =p
Im going to try and post often this weekend, so expect a good bit of radio chatter as we get in range of each other.
Apr 8 2005, 04:21 PM
QUOTE (Lindt @ Apr 9 2005, 12:57 AM) |
No, but the power node (of which stonehenge is a biggie) would have drasticly boosted the effective level of your spell, without the nasty drain effects. |
Which is basically what I was going for. Unfortunately, it was 5:30 AM (here) when I posted, and I didn't even consider the possibility of Ritual Sorcery. Not that I have the Materials on hand anyway.
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