Mar 3 2005, 01:35 PM
You're not at the shore, it's about a kilometer away (at your best guess). Will answer that question if you ever get to the shore.
Mar 3 2005, 01:41 PM
Sphynx, this is probably best answered by you, to see if you'd allow it:
Is it possible to summon a spirit, using it's materialized form combined with Movement to quickly carry all of us around? What spirit type could do that? We have our choice between a sky spirit, a water spirit and a psionic thingamajig. So is this something doable?
Mar 3 2005, 01:57 PM
Hows the power on all my drones, and if they're flying during the day, could they go all day (in the sun) without needing a recharge before the next day?
Mar 3 2005, 01:51 PM
The ones with solar power panels are ok, it's the one gunther that you stripped the panels from to make a converter that is almost out of juice. The others regen juice faster than they burn it.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 3 2005, 02:18 PM
I'd rather not put this 'filler' in the in game post. Jack is going to suggest checking out the drop off to the ocean, if between all of us we have either the gear or the magic to get down (and we see stuff down there worth getting to). A kilometer will only take a few minutes at a decent jog. Jack is hoping that there will be enough driftwood to lash some sort of floatation device, and then magic can propel them away from this horrible place.
Mar 3 2005, 02:10 PM
I checked back, I did not remove a gunthers solar panels, but an arty's solar panels. So there is one arty drone that is getting low, however, they're mini-blimps, and as such won't be too hard to deflate and carry around... right?
Mar 3 2005, 02:53 PM
If we do find a vessel of some kind, Gypsy has magic that should be able to fix it to ensure that it is at least semi-seaworthy.
Can't do anything Spirit-wise though.
Mar 3 2005, 03:03 PM
In thery we have acess to 3 different nature spirits, plus the thought forms. Problem is the thought forms cant leave Rebo.
Man, we just need a Tree. Just one.
Mar 3 2005, 03:04 PM
Arty it is, and no, it won't be hard to deflate/carry, but am I incorrect in thinking that it's Hydrogen filled? (Ie: might be impossible to re-fill...?)
Mar 3 2005, 03:15 PM
I always thought they were like a hot-air balloon, thus the light weight, ability to stay up indefinately (with solar panels) and such. It could easily heat its own air with a small heater.
Mar 3 2005, 03:18 PM
Ah, thought it was like a zeppelin. No books here so I'll have to take your word for it.

Anyhows, if it's a hot air, look at the body to determine the size/weight, and see how large it is broken down.

Page number uncertain, late 60's I believe, in Rigger 3.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 3 2005, 03:51 PM
I think I've got a way of carrying us down the mountain and dramatically shortening our journey to the shore.
Those thought forms have the power of telekinesis, and so do I. With both of us acting, we could levitate two people slowly down the mountain at a time and probably reach the shore before the sun goes down.
Mar 3 2005, 04:10 PM
Ok, if we find ANY wood or anything remotely boyant, a sea spirits using Guard and pushing us will get us across. We can further combine that with a sky spirit making lotsa wind if we can make sails.
At the very worst, a sea spirit using Guard will allow us to breathe underwater and not drown, while we can have it create strong currents to get us across. But that's not gonna be very good for our equipement... Unless we tie our stuff to one of the flying drones and pick it up on dry land. Or maybe we can use a materialized thought for as a surf board if we can't find wood.
Mar 3 2005, 04:30 PM
Sphynx, off the top of my head, they're body 2, which R3R equates to toaster-dwarf sized. Breaking down halves that I think, unless they have the option to fully breakdown, which I think halfs it again.
Juding by that, and that the Artys are basically a sensor-suite hanging off a balloon (even the pic in R3R) I think we can pack them in the backpack without too much issue.
Mar 3 2005, 04:34 PM
So sea sprit using guard and great form sky using movement. That works.
Mar 3 2005, 05:30 PM
Gypsy also has Levitate. We could all just fly where we need to go, using Spirit(s) for increased movement.
Mar 3 2005, 05:51 PM
You'd have to cast in on what, 6? people and sustain it all. If you can manage it, it's a good way to do it though.
Mar 3 2005, 05:53 PM
I think he's suggesting the following 3 people levitate:
Rebo's Summoning.
One person (prob the spirit) would have to carry 2, the others could carry 3.

Highest TN is 6.
Mar 3 2005, 05:49 PM
Mar 3 2005, 06:11 PM
Of course, if we are going to fly, we are headed in the wrong direction. Unless that is, we are going to fly over water around Ireland.
Mar 3 2005, 06:35 PM
Joys of great form spirits. No domain restrictions. We can cruise over land if we want.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 4 2005, 01:03 AM
Just to make sure I have my geography down right, we're near where Cork would be, right? Cork is near the (south)east coast of Ireland. Go further east, and you hit England, correct?
Would the zeppelins' ballons be big enough that we could use them as part of some sort of flotation device?
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 4 2005, 03:31 AM
I can't find the rules for sustaining spells (without elemental help) in SR3. Anyone know where in the BBB it is?
Mar 4 2005, 03:44 AM
SR3 page 176.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 4 2005, 03:50 AM
178 actually, but thanks
Mar 4 2005, 04:15 AM
Whatever ... close enough.
Mar 4 2005, 04:30 AM
I made the Fourth World chip up. It's a compilation of everything posted on Shadowland about the Fourth World and it's inhabitants. Pretty much everything in Shadowrun canon, but not the knowledge that can only be found in the Earthdawn setting.

And try to remember to shed the sig in the IC thread please.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 4 2005, 04:37 AM
Thank you Dragons of the Sixth World... What rating is it then?
Mar 4 2005, 06:35 AM
Cork is in the south west of Ireland.
All I've got to offer by way of helping us get over to jolly old England is my

50,000 ruthenium cloak - which will also be doubling as a Shade-fooler.
Mar 4 2005, 08:19 AM
QUOTE (Sandoval Smith) |
Thank you Dragons of the Sixth World... What rating is it then? |
Rating what? It's a Datasoft, not a Knowsoft. It just has data on it. Think of it as a bunch of magazine articles all on the same chip.
Mar 4 2005, 08:30 AM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Cork is in the south west of Ireland. |
Gypsy sure as hell isn't doing too much in the way of casting till he's rested a little somewhere though. He does, after all have 9 boxes of Stun damage.
Mar 4 2005, 08:34 AM
Damn, hoped he'd forgotten about that.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 4 2005, 09:06 AM
How many Corks are there? Because I'm looking at a map of Ireland right now, and it is most definetly on the _east_ coast. South east to be precise.
Mar 4 2005, 10:01 AM
You're actually at Dunmanway on the map. And although the town of Cork has its coast facing southeast, it's alot more west than east if you cut Ireland in half from top to bottom. Anyhows, you're as close to the southern most tip as you can be. Before the collapse of the mountain, you actually WERE at the most southern point of Ireland (which is on the SouthWest side of Ireland).
Mar 4 2005, 12:05 PM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
Damn, hoped he'd forgotten about that. |
Not on your life. I'm pretty good with the details when I need to be.
Mar 4 2005, 02:44 PM
I just want off this rock. If we head up the east coast and cross over to Whales at Rosslare thats not that far, really.
From Dunmanway, it looks like its about 400km to Rosslare?
So I whip up a force 7 and we cruise over land at... umm... can someone convert M per combat turn to KM/H?
Mar 4 2005, 02:52 PM
I believe Speed becomes *1.2 to convert to KPH
Mar 4 2005, 02:52 PM
Yep, at least thats what R3R gives for it. I think its *.75 for mph, but don't quote me on that.
Mar 4 2005, 10:23 PM
So, should we head for the narrowest point to cross the water, or just head to closest water and go from there?
Basically, spend more time on land or spend more time on water?
Sandoval Smith
Mar 5 2005, 01:45 AM
We're pretty far out from England at this point, and I would hate to get jumped by something while we're stuck in the middle of the Irish sea. The farther north we go, the shorter the distance. So heading North a bit first would probably be a good idea. We might also stumble acorss materials to build a raft from.
Mar 7 2005, 02:05 PM
"Walking along the coast line, you are outside the range of debris after a couple of hours. Certain calculations enter into BackGammon's mind as they progress."
That would be Dogma, not Backgammon.
Mar 7 2005, 02:56 PM
Gypsy's too exhausted to speak.
Mar 7 2005, 04:25 PM
Sleeping is for sissies!
Anyway, we are going to use Movement since we have a lot of ground to cover. Can we also have a spirit carry around Gypsy so he can sleep? A sky spirit acting as a fluffy cloud bed would be nice
Mar 7 2005, 07:24 PM
Oh hells yes, considering it would give us a major speed boost.
Backgammon, I dont see why the same one couldent do both.
Conjuring 7
TN 7 (force 6 +L wound)
drain 6 (cha) TN 6 resisting 6M
Sandoval Smith
Mar 8 2005, 05:03 AM
Jack could just carry him. It just mean he has to pass his pack off to someone else, but it would be no big deal (he's not sure how well spirits can divide their attention, and he'd rather it's full focus go towards speeding them up).
And yeah, re: no clear decision on which way we should go. Dogma is the Boss, which means all final say so comes down to him. This is especially important in a game like this, where simple things like the quick back and forth needed for 'where do we go' is difficult to do in a timely manner. We all weighed in, so he should make the final decision in any case like this.
I've been trying to find where it was mentioned, but what did we carry out of the Kaer with us? Jack at some point mentioned taking blankets and other traveling supplies, but I'm not sure where. (I'd like to think that a group of more or less trained proffesionals did not just walk out with nothing but what they carried in).
Mar 8 2005, 07:51 AM
You carried out what ever you carried out. I dont' run a game where gear bogs it down. If later you tell me you pull out your plate with fancy fork, knife and spoon. So be it. My only limitation is realism. Although you could pull out some bread and cheese, lasagna and a laser gun aren't going to cut it.
Mar 8 2005, 02:12 PM
Can I pull my bison out of my pocket then?
Mar 8 2005, 02:34 PM
So folks, do we camp, or make like rabbits and keep running. I can easly keep us moving till dawn, but the prospect of being over water for that long would of course make me rather nervious.
Mar 8 2005, 02:56 PM
Unless Gypsy miraculously recovered from 9 boxes of Stun, he is still in no shape to sustain at least 3 levitate spells for any amount of time. Especially if something unforeseen happens. I think we need to rest, either tonight, or tomorrow sometime.
Mar 8 2005, 03:30 PM
This is hours and hours later. I will make a bold assumption that he has recovered by now.
This is that bloody "Rock and a hard place" bit isnt it. We either say here and stave off the shadows (or worse), or take the chances with crossing the channel with nothing but magic to keep us dry.
I know that Tevos for one would much rather not spend the whole night fighting off the shadows.
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