Apr 11 2005, 07:03 AM
Gentlemen, Lady, as any of you that are roleplayers might know, GMs get tired of GMing after awhile. We've had one of the best games I've ever played, and I don't think I've ever had more fun running a game. I still have so much planned for this game and would like to finish it eventually, but I think I need a break. I'm not cancelling the game, I could never do that, but I did want to ask if anyone else wouldn't mind taking the reigns for a small bit. Maybe just for a short 2 or so weeks. If nobody wants to, I'll still keep running things, just as energetically and dedicatedly as up to now, but I hafta ask.

Anyhows, today's post will be up shortly.
Apr 11 2005, 07:25 AM
Maybe you should just consider a short haitus. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we have all enjoyed the game up till now, and none of us would really mind waiting for you to feel ready to run it again. After all, the game is supposed to be fun for you as well as for us.
Apr 11 2005, 07:35 AM
Hiatus' tend to kill games. I won't do that.

If nobody steps up, I'll keep running it as always, after all, it's only 20 minutes of the day at most. I just find myself waiting longer and longer into the day to post, which isn't a good thing.

Apr 11 2005, 07:40 AM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
Hiatus' tend to kill games. |
Not if you personally don't let it. None of us are going anywhere, so we'll be here when (not if) you are ready to take up the reins again.
Apr 11 2005, 11:59 AM
Actually, I informed Sphynx yesterday that due to my changing of scheduals I won't be able to put in the time needed for this game, so I'm bowing out now since we're at a conveniant place to do so.
It was a great game and I really enjoyed playing it with all of you guys.
Take care and don't let that damn dragon push you around!
Apr 11 2005, 12:04 PM
Apr 11 2005, 01:19 PM
Oh frowns =( Hopething go well!
We are sneaking into Tir... this cant go well.
Apr 11 2005, 04:06 PM
Aww... Backgammon... what are we gonna do without our beloved leader!?
Good luck with your new schedule. Maybe Dogma's the only one who made it back to our real time.
Or maybe GW put us through some sort of mystical Russian Roulette and Dogma's number came up. Whatever that means.
Sphynx... I had an idea. We could do flashback sessions. Sorta like the prelude we did, but with some - minimal - intervention on your part (because I remember that Tarantula and Fortune didn't like unmoderated freeform so much)... we cook up some jobs and drive most of the action, or do solos and stuff. Like how Gypsy learned to play the flute or the bad trip where Slinky got her arms blown off (okay, maybe not that) or something in Chicago for Jack. That sort of stuff. We get to explore our characters, you maintain a presence and we maintain the thread. (Meanwhile I continue working on the Team Karma Pool summary of the intro thread)
Any traction or appeal?
EDIT: I also meant to say - take a break Sphynx. Recharge your batteries. Miss the game a little. It's cool by me. I'll be here for sure. This game is worth waiting for.
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 11 2005, 07:07 PM
Honestly, I don't know how things would turn out if the game just stopped, even for a bit. I've seen many games go from "on hiatus" to "dead." I wouldn't leave (I'm enjoying this too much), but I have to wonder about the others.
Apr 11 2005, 07:18 PM
I think a hiatus would do in most games, but I'm in a really good game elseboard that has been going for 2+ years and has had more than one one month or more hiatus since I started (GM and players both). It's a fantastic game, and that keeps the players coming back. We could very well re-recruit if people drop. Not that I want to see any more folks leave... :/
Apr 11 2005, 08:15 PM
Im fine with you taking a week off, (hells knows I have done it during this game allready), partially because Im busy as hell, and partially because I have some addational IG stuff to do. If nothing else, its some time to do charcter building.
Apr 11 2005, 08:59 PM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
Actually, I informed Sphynx yesterday that due to my changing of scheduals I won't be able to put in the time needed for this game, so I'm bowing out now since we're at a conveniant place to do so. |
Would a hiatus of a week or three make any difference in you ability to participate? I'd much rather you stay, as it won't really be the same game if you're gone.
Apr 11 2005, 09:27 PM
Yeah, because if you bow out, the mantle of leadership falls to Gypsy. And we don't want that! ;P
EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm taking my first serious crack at the intro story compilation. So far it's really disappointing, being much more of a chronicle of 'then they did this' and 'this happened' and 'they freaked out' and 'then this happened' than any clever interweaving of dialogue and character interplay.
I have to say, I'm a little intimidated to do much more than that because when I ripped all of the posts out of the threads to make a base document it was - get this - EIGHTY-NINE PAGES LONG.
Read if you want a spoiler of what I'm working on...
[ Spoiler ]
The team had assembled, yanked from their normal routines into Pale-And-Scaly’s service again. They were headed to Tir na nOg. The Emerald Isle. An ancient and beautiful place. And, as it turns out, one with a nasty surprise in store for them.
They headquartered in Dunmanway, a village in southern Tir na nOg, with little to recommend it beyond a charming pub, a friendly parish priest and the web of doings and drama of an old, old place with one foot firmly in the past, trying desperately to stay there, and another stepping into the future.
The assignment took the group to a shallow cave system not far from the town. Through tight corridors and blind drops, they wound down into the twisting, damp caves to the pulsing mana warp that Ghostwalker had sent them to observe.
The magic/psi wielding types congregated around the warp for study and communion while the hardware/gun wielding types set up a perimeter taking empirical data from whatever part of the warp didn’t disable their gear. It all seemed routine - if a trifle odd that Ghostwalker had gotten his team there in advance of even the locals - until Rebo in a flash of insight discovered something unusual about the warp. He stepped forward, a hand reaching out to touch the warp as the team’s perimeter defenses started to register a blip inbound. A big blip. A dragon. The team sprang into action and in a blinding flare of mana and pain they abruptly found themselves somewhere else. Somewhere quite else.
A worm-and-skull-faced demon loomed over them, a look of surprise – barely discernable amidst all the writhing – on its face. An arcane circle surrounded them, shielding them from a horde of zombie creatures straining toward them.
After a brief and intense battle, the zombies were dead…er. And worm-face-skull-demon was a stinking pile of mush. Recon of the caves soon lead the team to the conclusion that they were in the cave system with the manawarp… but it was a much older cave system… or at least much larger. They explored the areas of the cave new to them, at a loss for what had happened or just what was going on – a feeling they have yet to get over – until they found a strange door. A door seemingly made of stone, but somehow… alive.
EDIT the 2nd: Oh yes, and this is VERY VERY rough. Comments welcome.
Apr 12 2005, 12:23 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Backgammon @ Apr 11 2005, 09:59 PM) | Actually, I informed Sphynx yesterday that due to my changing of scheduals I won't be able to put in the time needed for this game, so I'm bowing out now since we're at a conveniant place to do so. |
Would a hiatus of a week or three make any difference in you ability to participate? I'd much rather you stay, as it won't really be the same game if you're gone.
Actually no, since right now I'm doing an internship, which means when not working all my time os my own, plus I can also usually post during work. But soon I'm going back to university, where I'll not be able to post during the day, and have to do homework or whatver on many nights. Since this is a frequent post game, I can't the the daily post thing anymore...
Apr 12 2005, 12:53 AM
Again I say ... damn!
Apr 12 2005, 02:24 AM
But we've moved to a more role-play centric mode where participation is rated by quality of rp in posts and less on quantity - though I suspect that Sphynx would like to see our participation keep at current levels.
Not to be pushy. Just want to keep you around if we can.
Sandoval Smith
Apr 12 2005, 02:29 AM
Well crud puppies, we're losing our fearless leader...
I would like to keep going, but having a GM feeling a bit burned out is never a good thing. On the other hand, allthough I'm not really against a hiatus, there is the problem that unless everyone can be brought back from 'stop' to 'go go go' in a day or so, they do tend to sputter out when restarted.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind a little slower pace. I've been pretty busy for the past couple of weeks, and not able to post all that much.
Apr 12 2005, 07:21 AM
Errr.... guys..... I didn't mean to stop posting. I'm forced to not post today due to lack of interest in the IC thread.

I don't do Hiatus' so let's play.

Apr 12 2005, 09:18 PM
I guess I can volunteer to 'GM' for a while. Or at least moderate the thread for as long as Sphynx needs to recharge. Or I can take it for a week and someone can take the helm for a week.
The way I see it, if I GM where we are now, hopefully nothing we (or I) really hose up will matter in the slightest.

EDIT: Be warned, however, I think I could pleasantly spend the entire week doing character posts in the pub. Though we can get more action-y as long as no one expects me to adhere to any rules or anything.

EDIT the 2nd: Sphynx you could bring in a this-weird-6th world character in if you wanted to play along too. Just to keep your eye on the game and get to play in the thread rather than GM for a bit.
Apr 13 2005, 08:02 AM
I think that'd be great ES.
Apr 13 2005, 03:27 PM
Bloody hell, first I get my wisdom teeth out, now I get nemonia, or how ever thats spelled. I been spending the last few days trying to breath. Post will be up this afternoon.
But if we wanted to spend a few days just doing non-plot advancing charcter talk, gathering a few needed items, Im good with that.
Apr 13 2005, 03:36 PM
Well, if other folks are onboard - waiting to hear from them - let me know what you want to accomplish in this time Sphynx. Cool?
Apr 13 2005, 03:43 PM
Dont' worry about what to do Sparky, enjoy running the game. I am skillful enough as a GM to adapt to any changes you make. You can even go time hopping again if you like, back to regular 2064 and do real shadowruns. I'm just dying to read your stories.

Anyhows, PM me what your rules would be for my char-gen and I'll make something on the fly.
Apr 13 2005, 08:21 PM
Let's see what kind of traction there is for anyone but you running anything for this group first. But - having said that - I have some ideas.
Make a character that would hang with us experience and Karma wise. Use your judgement. Since it's up to you what happens to the character when we start the game proper back up again. Assuming folks are into the idea.
Apr 14 2005, 01:08 AM
Just to let you guys know, my power supply died on my home computer the other day, so I might be out for posting for a few days. I'm going to see if I can't fix it tonight, and if I can, you should see a post from me, I'm posting this from school, so I don't really have much time.
Apr 15 2005, 12:07 AM
Okay folks, after talking with Sphynx a bit I went ahead and created a thread.
If there is something unclear in the IC thread let me know - I'm new at this. And if it supposed to be clear I'll clarify. Otherwise you're on your own.
Wish us all luck.
Apr 15 2005, 12:09 AM
Bah, and while Im working out a long ass IC post. Ill move it.
Apr 15 2005, 12:27 AM
I was going to suggest that Sphynx might want to take over running Dogma for a while.
I guess it's a bit too late now though, but I was somewhat hesitant to post it earlier.
Apr 15 2005, 02:16 AM
I don't know why he couldn't still do that.
Apr 18 2005, 09:30 PM
Tarantula, when you get this - give me a buzz on Yahoo.
Others - I'm going to move us along to get to the meat of this Interlude.
Apr 20 2005, 04:58 PM
So where are the rest of us during this interlude?
Apr 20 2005, 06:20 PM
Everyone is at the b&b/inn place. Except Dogma and Slyph (don't know where Tarantula is because I haven't gotten to talk to him).
I hope to have an update for the thread sooner rather than later. Hopefully tonight.
Apr 20 2005, 07:49 PM
Edit your character sheets with whatever gear/ammo you bought.
And figure out what your next steps are. You're in what in the regular Sixth world is
Bath. A couple of obscure tabloids have blurry shots of a white and green man fleeing stonehenge.
Apr 21 2005, 03:18 AM
Fortune - a clarification on the link, its reappearance is what woke Gypsy in the morning... a surge along it. It has since subsided and is virtually gone, thready at best when Gyp can detect it at all. All and all, still strange considering the present day circumstances.
Apr 21 2005, 04:22 AM
Yeah well, I didn't cover it in my previous post. I'll see what I can do about fixing the latest one though (although I like it the way it is

[edit] Is that better? [/edit]
Apr 21 2005, 06:04 AM
Cool Fortune, just wanted to make sure my notions were clear. The post was/is a good one.

Keep 'em coming folks.
Apr 21 2005, 06:24 AM
I actually wasn't as clear before on it as I am now. Thanks.
Apr 29 2005, 02:31 PM
*peek* Anyone still home? Ill be somewhat annoyed if the main line of this dies, but then Im the keeper of the low post award, so Ill not say much =p
Apr 29 2005, 02:35 PM
I'm here, but there's really no point in me doing what amounts to almost one post after another.
Apr 29 2005, 03:50 PM
I'm here too. Hoping that there would be more activity/posting.
So I guess I'll add me to the roll call to see who will be moving forward with the game when we wrap this thread up/Sphynx is ready to start again...
*waves hand*
May 2 2005, 04:47 PM
Im kinda here. Finals have just started to bleed into what little free time I have left, so dont expect me to start untill the 11th. Sorry guys.
May 13 2005, 02:49 PM
Ok, Im done. Lets get this show back on the road.
May 13 2005, 08:11 PM
If enough people wanna start it back up I will run it, HOWEVER, I need at least 6 active players. Feel free to recruit, I'll accept players who you send a personal invite to. Only invite 'active' posters, people that can and will post those 5 days a week required.
May 15 2005, 02:21 AM
Just saying 'boo!'.
May 15 2005, 08:25 AM
That's 2.
May 16 2005, 03:45 PM
I'm in, I want to see what happens here. But I'll say now - it's going to get progressively harder for me to keep up the pace of this game - work is going to be crazy busy until, oh... October.

On a related note - I'm out this week and back on Monday. (Out the 17th - 23rd)
Nov 8 2005, 05:41 PM
Ok you fraggers. Its after october ES (plus Im seeing you posting on a different thred), Fortune has taken the oppertunity to convert Gypsy over to 4th, and Mr Smith has just posted fir the first time since june. Trantula has though fallen off the earth. Backgammon and HMVV are both around. I wanna get this back on track.
And be a TRUE game necromancer.
Nov 8 2005, 06:09 PM
My SR4 version of
Gypsy is quite a bit closer to the original than the version I am (was?) playing in this game.
Sandoval Smith
Nov 9 2005, 09:18 AM
It's like someone put a Lonestar tap on my screen name or something.
I've still got Jack's character sheet. I'm still pretty busy, and can probably only check out the board once a day, but that's enough time to get a post in.
Nov 9 2005, 04:15 PM
Everyone's sheets should be in the [CHAR] thread somewhere buried in the distant pages. Let's revive it! What the hell. I always grumble that I can't keep up and I'm way busy, but screw that. Three games here, one elsewhere, a novel and a new WoW alt - what is busy really but and opportunity to learn how to more efficiently manage your time, right?
Sphynx hasn't poked his head in yet, but maybe he will.
So thats:
Sandoval Smith
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