Sandoval Smith
Feb 7 2005, 04:00 PM
I know that Gremish (the player) has been hit up with a series of automobile misfortunes right in a row, and getting those taken care of, along with a couple other things have kept him out of the loop.
I have no clue about TTC, so I guess he's rock pizza.
Feb 7 2005, 07:03 PM
I do plan on continueing play if you guys are kool with it. I last posted thursday i believe and fri-sun i was swamped i was half a state away with no internet access. Either way is kool with me you just tell me =)
Weekends are just flat bad for anot of people i post mostly mon-fri and sun when i can but saturday is just hard for me to post on cause i work 15 hours that day normally.
Feb 7 2005, 07:03 PM
Old post edited, new one added. Coffee=good.
Get your self in there then boy-io! I wouldent wanna loose the Shamen with COMBAT spells!
Feb 7 2005, 07:06 PM
Yeah, weekends also weren't a requirement for the game either. Just a note, I will be gone from mid-afternoon friday until mid/late sunday this weekend.
Feb 7 2005, 07:13 PM
Same here actually.
Im thinking 3-4 quality posts is what Im going to aim for. Unless I get a quieter keyboard. Dont ask.
Im all of the sudden this ISNT a CotC game. I dont wanna think what the sanity losses for everyone involved would be...
Feb 7 2005, 11:05 PM
QUOTE (Lindt @ Feb 8 2005, 06:03 AM) |
I wouldent wanna loose the Shamen with COMBAT spells! |
Um, thanks!
Gypsy has two Combat spells that are quite effective under normal situations. They just don't happen to do Physical damage. I mean really ... 14 dice with a TN of Willpower (and Drain Code of 2(DL)) will usually put anything down without too much problem. I dare say that Gremish wouldn't have fared any better in the same situation.

As for Gremish's last IC post, I must have missed the one from last Thursday or Friday. The most recent one I can find was posted on January 27th, which was 12 days ago.
Feb 8 2005, 12:27 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Lindt @ Feb 8 2005, 06:03 AM) | I wouldent wanna loose the Shamen with COMBAT spells! |
Wow, I just noticed, that between 4 magical active PCs, we have 2 (count um, two) elemental miniups. Both are fire based. Of which Gremish dosent have any. Im sorry, I should have made sure to quantify that I was thinking elementals. My bad.
Feb 8 2005, 02:03 AM
It's cool. We
do have a very strange magical make-up as a group.
Feb 8 2005, 03:03 AM
The reason i havnt posted in IC recently is for the past few days ive been waiting for Sphynx's verdick on whether i should bow out or not at this point im still waiting to speak with him about it. I can now post 3-4 a week without weekends most of the time i SHOULD be able to do one sunday and friday making a total of up to 6 posts but with the past week and a half being hell with working ect ive decided to leave myself dead until he decides otherwise.
i DO want to continue in this game but i DONT want to be a bother and have stuff happen on a weekend i cnat be around for ... like what just went on in IC.
If my not being able to post on weekends is a big problem then i will bow out.
Feb 8 2005, 05:57 AM
I'll hold-off on posting for a bit due to the time-delay happening with the extra 50! turns happening for us.
Sandoval Smith
Feb 8 2005, 07:08 AM
Isn't that only something like 1 minute, thirty seconds?
Feb 8 2005, 07:30 AM
dont worry about that, we are 8 hours away anyhow. Its 2:20 btw.
Feb 8 2005, 01:30 PM
So Sphynx, should we just kinda chill on our posting since we're basically doing 8 hours of nothing while stuff in the Cairn goes down?
Feb 8 2005, 02:08 PM
No, that would be a bad idea Backgammon.

You keep posting and I'll keep the story alive for you. Never a dull moment with this GM.

Feb 8 2005, 03:06 PM
Besides, who knows if there is actually a continunity of these actions. Rebo was out of body for 4 hours or so... and hes the only one.
Do we pass the sadly mangled body of James on our return trip?
Feb 9 2005, 09:54 AM
Feb 9 2005, 10:13 AM
But is there any Buffalo?
Did the two fall on the outside of the cave, down the cliff face? Or was it inside, bouncing down the cavern tunnels? I thought it was the former, but I wouldn't mind clarification.
Feb 9 2005, 10:22 AM
Gremish and company fell into the ocean before you got to the cave.
Sandoval Smith
Feb 9 2005, 10:28 AM
Oops, sorry, that slipped my mind. I'll fix the post. Also, the part about falling into the ocean.
Feb 9 2005, 01:09 PM
I honestly have to clue what to do. My brain is mushy from lack of sleep and too much sex. I'll think and try to post later.
Feb 9 2005, 02:19 PM
The Ocean? Commited to the briney deep? Down wit Davey Jones? Taking the big swin?!
Oh... wrong game... guess there will be no body recovery.
Feb 9 2005, 11:56 PM
Nope, really have NO freakin clue what to do. Pretty much seems like we're done for.
How was the opposition topside? You seemed to say we were doing holding back the spirits, but then it also seems like there is an overwhelming number of them. Is fighting off the baddies an option?
Sandoval Smith
Feb 10 2005, 12:43 AM
I think the moral of this story is, never go out in ancient Ireland after dark.
Feb 10 2005, 01:29 AM
Aye. And seeing as the only exit we know of had a large bolder dropped infront of it...
Sandoval Smith
Feb 10 2005, 01:37 AM
The topside team is going to be pretty surprised when they get to that boulder. And, since it's blocking the only way out, passing through it, if it's thin enough to astrally pass through, is going to take some time, so we're probably not going to know everything has gone to drek until we're almost there.
Feb 14 2005, 04:17 PM
Gah, lack of post-age. I been slammed at work and with school, but this week just about died as far as work goes, so Ill be back with some creativity (a weekend LARPing really recharges ones batterys for this sorta stuff) today.
Feb 14 2005, 07:02 PM
I think Gypsy healed Rebo's wound. With 14 dice it should be no problem fixing 3 boxes of damage.
Feb 14 2005, 08:57 PM
Feb 14 2005, 09:18 PM
I posted at least once this past week.
HMHVV Hunter
Feb 15 2005, 12:18 AM
Just a concern I have for the future in-game: I want to know how many days are passing in-game as things go on. Learning my new Manaball (or Extra-Dimensional Pulse, in keeping with the psionic feel of the character) spell is going to take 6 days in-game, so I'd just like to keep track of how much time has passed.
Feb 15 2005, 09:01 AM
Tarantula: In a game where the minimum requirement was 5 days a week, that's not worth any karma.
Hunter: Duly noted.
Feb 16 2005, 08:47 AM
FYI, this week ends the Intro to the game. As stated before, you're still only in the intro, so I won't go killing anyone off yet...

Friday, will be my last posts in these threads, I'll be opening a new thread for Part 1 - Wyrm Food. It won't be quite as hellacious as this Intro has been. There'll be lots to do, but not so horror-driven, where every post seems to exist for the sole purpose of scaring you out of your rutheniums.
Some of you may recall 2nd Editions Team Karma Pool. I'm offering a starting Team Karma Pool to the team if you can write up the Intro (wait til the Intro is completed), in a story format. I realize that may take alot of time, but I'll make it worth your while. Of course, seeing that I only have a couple of people on the team who seem to have the limitless time that would require, I don't expect it to be a novel.

I would like ES_Sparky's influence on the story though, as her storytelling has been 2nd to none.
Anyhows, I'll grade the story on a scale of 1 to 10, and that grade will be the starting Team Karma Pool for the group.
Feb 16 2005, 09:39 AM
Gypsy is feeling ambitious, but what he's trying
should be doable.
Feb 16 2005, 01:03 PM
What does Team Karma do?
Feb 16 2005, 01:56 PM
Team Karma is a karma pool for re-rolls and the like. To use it; the team has to agree with its usage. Example could be that they want to make sure Gypsy's Spell gets the maximum amount of success and allocate 3 of the 7 dice towards it. At the end of every "story" it refreshes. This helps alot in tough scenarios (which you will encounter in my games), when your own Karma Pool of 1 or 2 just doesn't cut it.
Feb 16 2005, 03:10 PM
Neat, but even I don't have the time it would take to transform 200+ posts into story format.
Feb 16 2005, 03:19 PM
I think sparky would love the opportunity, I just don't know if she'll have the time to. I'll see if I can't push her into doing it.
Feb 16 2005, 04:36 PM
What sort of format are you thinking, Sphynx? Or are you going to leave that to us to figure out - and if so - Team: What sort of style do you want to write it in? I can probably write something, narrative without having to worry about mechanics won't be too hard.
And when, after the intro is completed, do you want the finished product?
And is anybody else bitterly disappointed in an exceedingly selfish way that James/toptomcat fell to his death with that fabulous bow? *cries*
Feb 16 2005, 04:42 PM
No reason we can't look for it once we get out of the cavern.
Feb 16 2005, 05:10 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
What sort of format are you thinking, Sphynx? Or are you going to leave that to us to figure out - and if so - Team: What sort of style do you want to write it in? I can probably write something, narrative without having to worry about mechanics won't be too hard.
And when, after the intro is completed, do you want the finished product?
And is anybody else bitterly disappointed in an exceedingly selfish way that James/toptomcat fell to his death with that fabulous bow? *cries* |
Format is of your own choosing. I'll probably cut and paste it into the CHAR thread anyhows, or you can put it straight there if you like. Once I get my website back up I'll store it online for perusal there. Any format at all is ok that way.
When do I want it by? I have no deadline. When I get it, Team Karma is created, so I guess the question is how fast you want the Team Karma.

I'm not even going to be upset if it's never done, but I learned awhile back that giving award for writing the story has always proved to be beneficial for the story, both in characters seeing themselves portrayed without OOC stuffs, and in the award itself.
Feb 16 2005, 05:24 PM
Hey Sphynx, is there any way I could get you to keep putting the karma rewards on the Charcter post? Keeps things in contunity for us really unorgnized people.
Actually Its fitting that James just died. No heroics, just splat. Kinda bitterly anti-climatic.
HMHVV Hunter
Feb 16 2005, 06:24 PM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
Team Karma is a karma pool for re-rolls and the like. To use it; the team has to agree with its usage. Example could be that they want to make sure Gypsy's Spell gets the maximum amount of success and allocate 3 of the 7 dice towards it. At the end of every "story" it refreshes. This helps alot in tough scenarios (which you will encounter in my games), when your own Karma Pool of 1 or 2 just doesn't cut it.
Sphynx |
So does Good Karma/adding to personal Karma Pools every 20 (or 10) GK points work the same way?
Feb 16 2005, 06:26 PM
Lindt: That was the intention.

Hunter: Yes.
Feb 16 2005, 08:03 PM
Would this be enough to allow me to up my horror lore to 2? Or just more of the same I all ready know
Feb 16 2005, 08:33 PM
oh yeah, I'll let you know how much Horror Lore I buy when I get to my books to check cost. Probably 2 or 3 points. Is 3 too much?
Feb 16 2005, 09:00 PM
Also - guys - for the write up - do you want it to be 3rd person, 1st person from one perspective, 1st person from multiple perspectives...? What do we want to shoot for?
Feb 16 2005, 10:12 PM
Lindt: 2 is ok
BG: 3 is ok
Feb 16 2005, 11:00 PM
Im all for 3rd ommnicent.
HMHVV Hunter
Feb 16 2005, 11:11 PM
Actually, some of my favorite Shadowrun stories (like 2XS and some of the stories in the sourcebooks) are ones that have been first-person limited (one person only).
Only question is how that could be accomplished when writing about the occasions when the team split up. One person can't be in two places at once, so not everything would be recorded.
Sandoval Smith
Feb 16 2005, 11:49 PM
I think 3rd person omniscent would be best for this purpose. ES, I'd be happy to help out. I'm a better editor than a writer, although I'm not so bad at the latter, either. I'd love to try my hand at novelizing the intro, but I'm not going to have the time to just sit down and write until early next week (and we've already got somebody doing it).
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