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I don't see that we have a choice but to camp. We don't exactly have GPS to guide us, and everyone is exhausted. We'll have to test out the theory of if they can't see us, they leave us alone. Of course if that's not true, we will die. We can't fight these things off all night, thats for sure. But even if we keep travelling, we'll get attacked.

I considered using the Concealment power, but anything summoned will probably get jumped by the shades and get corrupted. So let's hope a makeshift tent will hide us...
QUOTE (Lindt @ Mar 9 2005, 02:30 AM)
This is hours and hours later.  I will make a bold assumption that he has recovered by now.

It's like 6 or 7 hours of constant traveling. And since nobody actually said or did anything to indicate that they were helping him so that he could rest, I didn't just assume that he did recover.
If sunburn is turning into a problem, could I maybe tie up some blankets between drones and have them fly over us in such a way to give us shade?
Do you think that would work at the rate we are traveling?
The slowest drones (the blimps) that could support holding a blanket can go 56mph. I'm pretty sure we aren't walkin that quick.
Fair enough I guess. I think the logistics of keeping them exactly overhead would be a bitch (but probably doable), not to mention keeping the blanket from tearing and/or flapping around in the meantime.

We'll all be flying during the next leg of the trip. Maximum speed will be limited to Gypsy's Levitation (which is of a lower Force than Rebo's), which is 15 meters per turn, multiplied by the Force of the Spirit(s) involved. I'm not sure what the conversion rate is for mpt to mph though (.75?).
.75 is meters a turn to miles per hour.

As for keeping the blanket from tearing, I just formation my drones up to something like a 9.9meter square. (Assuming a 10 meter blanket). Tape/tie/whatever the corners to each of the 4 drones. Have them all go the same speed and keep formation. Bonus of formations, I have to exactly tell them how far apart from each other they are, thusly, no chance of tearing.

As for the drones, the meter/turn is 75. If needed, my little bird drones could I suppose hold onto the front edge of the blanket, to keep it from flipping up in the wind, as even they can go 40meters/turn (30mph).

We could also just all hold a corner of the blanket?
Why is Jack asking Slinky how much the drones can carry when they're Sleel's drones?
Sandoval Smith
Because Jack's player get's easily confused by names that both start with Sl. I'll go back and fix that.
If you plan to go by air, I'll need to know who's casting what and how (dice allocations). I'll need that on a per-person level, so if you're levitating someone, only post those levitation allocations. Also need to make sure Tevos is bringing a spirit along, and the force. nyahnyah.gif

No IC post today, have to wait until players make a decision. nyahnyah.gif

Sorry guys, I been getting slammed at school. IC post (with relivent spiritual info) up before noon.

But expect a F5 great form sea and a F6 sea.
I was kind of waiting for some of the others to post IC.

Gypsy has Levitate at Force 3. I assume he'll be casting on himself and two (or is it three) others?.

Spellcasting dice: 15 [8 Spellcasting, 7 Spell Pool]
- TN: 4 [plus any modifers for weight] +1 per subsequent casting.

Drain dice: 7 [7 Willpower plus Trauma Damper]
- 3M +1 per subsequent casting
QUOTE (Lindt)
But expect a F5 great form sea and a F6 sea.

Wouldn't some kind of Spirit of the Winds or Air be more appropriate for us, since we'll be flying? Or do you think the Sea Spirits would affect our movement even though we won't actually be in the water?

Of course, that being said, the Great Form should help either way.
Domain is more a state of mind.
Plus the sea domain grants movement ,guard, and concealment. wink.gif
My basic plan is for the great form to be guarding, and the normal to be moving, unless we get jumped. Then I have a secret plan B.

But yeah, Rolls, as Im having issues getting something good writen,

F6 sea sprit
Conjuring 7 (Tn 6)
cha 6 (drain 6M)

F5 great form sea spirit
Conjuring 7 (Tn 5, use 1 karma pool for sucesses)
Cha 6 (5M drain)
Conjuring 7 (Tn 9)
Cha 6 (9S drain)

QUOTE (Lindt)
Domain is more a state of mind.

I do understand that, being that I usually play Shamanic characters. Some GMs just take Domains a little more literally than others. smile.gif
Flying would not fall under the sea domain. Though someone might have Invoking, and thus it wouldn't matter. wink.gif

's not Flying, its more like floating...

So change the F6 to wind spirit.
QUOTE (Sphynx)
Though someone might have Invoking, and thus it wouldn't matter.

Which is why I posted this above ...

QUOTE (Fortune)
Of course, that being said, the Great Form should help either way.

biggrin.gif wink.gif
Ok, still waiting to hear the plan (I assume primarily waiting on Hunter/Rebo). This is slowing the game down tremendously since I've not been able to do an IC post for almost a week. If allocations aren't posted by this time tomorrow, I need to hear from the rest of the team what the EXACT actions/allocations are (that includes who is carrying who not just how many people each carries, which allows me to determine what happens if one of the casters/holders is attacked). This means that the team needs to post for whoever isn't posting in OOC please.

I was waiting for everyone else before I posted again. Oh well ...

If anyone has a problem with the plan I posted, feel free to tell me (us).

I wasn't sure of the Thought Forms Powers as far as levitation is concerned, so didn't factor them into the plan. I figured we could keep them in reserve to be used in an emergency, if needed.

Lindt: In addition to Movement, the group could probably benefit from your Spirits providing Guard and Concealment if possible.

Sphynx: I listed the appropriate specifics for Gypsy's spellcasting in this thread already, so I didn't feel I needed to add them to the IC post as well.
Shortest post ever for me!

But yeah, we've been stalling far too long. What Fortune sais IS the plan, let's roll it and move on.
QUOTE (Backgammon)
Shortest post ever for me!

If you hadn't have said it, I would have. biggrin.gif
Aye. IC post getting done right now. (and yeah, im still sucking with this 5 a week thing).
HMHVV Hunter
Thought form Telekinesis doesn't work like Levitate; it works like Magic Fingers, so I don't think they'll be of any help.

Sorry for the lack of posting last week; I was on break and had no regular access to the net.
Thought form Telekinesis doesn't work like Levitate; it works like Magic Fingers, so I don't think they'll be of any help.

That's what I figured, which is why I didn't really take them into account (even though it was suggested previously in this thread by Sphynx that they might be of help).

As for the scouting, that is all I ever thought you would use them for. The reason Gypsy is doing more of the Levitating is so Rebo can concentrate a bit more on using them when and if needed.

I didn't mean to speak fo your character, but figured that we had to get things going, and that what i came up with was probably the best way to go about it. If you really want to change things, that's alright with me. Just let me know. smile.gif
Hey, back, sorry for the stall, busy, out of town, sick, connection down... I've had it all.

Anyway. Hi all. It's Slinky, Backgammon. smile.gif

"He wondered what kind of ammunition you used to hunt squirrels: ExEx or Flechette? Which type would actually leave squirrel left over to eat?"

Thank you, I really needed to clean my monitor before I sprayed coffee on it.

Yeah, that made me laugh too.
HMHVV Hunter
Yeah, that was a funny line smile.gif

"Be vewy, vewy quiet! I'm hunting 4th Worwd Wabbits! Heh heh heh heh heh!"
Sandoval Smith
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter @ Mar 16 2005, 04:47 PM)

"Be vewy, vewy quiet!  I'm hunting 4th Worwd Wabbits!  Heh heh heh heh heh!"

"Be vewy, vewy quiet! I'm hunting 4th Worwd Wabbits! Heh heh- Oh my lord, itsbiggerthanme!"
Screw shooting the squirrels. Stun Bolt works quite well, followed by judicious use of a knife. No wasted meat! biggrin.gif
Sandoval Smith
Just let me know if you want any chunky salsa to go with that squirrel burger.
Tried to run with the ball you handed Sphynx, let me know if I'm out of bounds with what I posted.
Um ... I totally forgot about Meneer! eek.gif embarrassed.gif

I'm not sure that we all would have 'in-game' though, what with him standing right there with us on the shore and all.

Oh well, I can't think of everything! wink.gif nyahnyah.gif
Sandoval Smith
And back we go to Ireland. Man, our faces sure are going to be red when we get there.

Reads IC post.

Reads it again.

Auh man, the 4th world sucks! Give me me*stops thought line for future usage*

What is this, the tree rape scene from Evil Dead? England sucks too. This tree sucks too, but if it dosent kill Tev, its in for a new meaning of hurt. Yes, I used the word sucks too many times.

Someone post quick, for once I have something I wanna do and cant really do it yet. =p
Anyone handing out "Most Evil GM" awards I should know about? nyahnyah.gif Surely I'll be the first GM in history where all his players shoot/shred/destroy every tree they see, just-in-case. nyahnyah.gif Even the land-happy tree-hugging shamanic types. wink.gif
Sorry about my lack of posting. This week was hell for me, should be alright again.
No hippy tree huggers here. Fox is a totem of man baby.

And yes, you are a wonderfull bastered, who we all hate and adore.
QUOTE (Lindt)
Might I ask why there are 2 very different post actions for Dogma?

It's probable that the non-spoilered action is the one us 'stoned' people see. biggrin.gif
Sphynx, pointing out my karma pool went up by 1. Do we have to spend 1 good karma to raise the pool?
QUOTE (Fortune)
How do you work Karma Pool? Do we apply one of the awarded Good Karma points towards it (when we have accumulated enough), or is the addition to the Pool considered to be a seperate entity. I have seem both variations used in the past.

QUOTE (Sphynx)
You have to place one of your own karma into Karma Pool. It's not a freebie in my games.

I knew it was in here somewhere, too lazy to check nyahnyah.gif
Sandoval Smith
Sphynx, before I made my next post, I just wanted to confirm Jack's current position. Was he able to sever the branch's hold him, or is he still bound by the tree?
He severed it, my apologies. Both Dogma and Jack are "clear", though still surrounded by twitching branches that are not connected to the tree. nyahnyah.gif
Fireball isn't area effect....?
I figure his Fireball was going to toast Gypsy good, but tried to post as if I didn't know it was coming. Much obliged for the amendment.
Back, fireball is, flamethrower isn't. Manabolt isn't, Manaball is. Lightning bolt isn't, Ball Lightning is.
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