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J - Thursday, Aug 16th - 1845 - On the Road Again

The truck rocks suddenly as another vehicle slams in to it from the side. Lucky shouts out in suprise, but is quickly muffled by a blast, and shattering glass, as a shotgun destroys the passenger window.

Resist 7DV (modified for lightly armored window)
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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1835hrs - On the Road Again

Yebat'-kopat'! J roars. She'd thrown up an arm instinctively when the truck hit; the 9mm pellets that blast through her window a moment letter thud into that arm and the ribs under it--right into the thickest part of the armor plating sewn in under the tear-resistant leather. Even spread by the armor, the impact would be bruising to anybody else, but the titanium grid that J's thickened bones have been grown around soaks up the hit and asks for more. Now I come for you! Fumbling for the pistols under her jacket, J rams her shoulder against the door in a rage.
Driving along side Lucky' truck is another large, black truck. The vehicle loks like some sort of swamp crawler, with heavy fog lights and roll bars on theback. All the lights are off now however. But J's lowlight vision clearly shows her a pair of orks in the cab, and another two in the back. One is leveling a shotgun at her again. He lets out a "whoop!" as he blasts away again.

Two hits on shot, after modifiers for cover. Can't really dodge as she is likely strapped/belted in.

Resist 9DV

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More soak, further actions
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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1835hrs - On the Road Again

J wails like a banshee, not from pain--she doesn't feel any, not even the slug that clangs into her cheek and ricochets out through the front window--but because the goddamn seatbelt won't let her move. Slapping at it, she whips out the Predator IV and fires at the driver. The seatbelt suddenly gives--she's not all that strong, so she must have gotten the latch--and she lurches to her knees in front of the passenger's seat.

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J's shot takes out the other truck's window, slamming into the driver's shoulder. The ork screams out but manages to keep the truck on the road. J gets a bit more illumination to see by, and can make the orks out a bit more. Four total, all orks, wearing leathers and spikes so common in the Razr Back. One in the back is holding on and blasting with his remington. The other in the back... she realizes why she can see better. He's chucking a molotov cocktail at them.

1 hit resist dmg 4dv 1/2 Impact armor

The flaming bottle smashes on the side of the truck. not a direct hit, but enough to splash plenty of flaming .. smells like schnapps, onto J's arm and shoulder.


... Keebs!

It's not a fight till someone gets lit on fire
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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1835hrs - On the Road Again

The burning schnapps licks at J's wrist as she points her gun out the shattered window. Buunda this, bliatz! J's Pred claps twice, starring the truck's windshield.
J - Thursday, Aug 16th - 1845 - On the Road Again
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The double taps tear through the windshield as the truck falls behid a bit. There's a splatter, as the heavy rounds find their mark in the drivers chest. J barely sees the passenger grab the wheel, keeping the vehicle from hitting a lamp post directly.

Lucky's truck pulls ahead, as J sees the truck bounce off a shop front, throwing one of the orks in the back outo f the back, in to the wall.

What the frag was that!? WHO the frag is shooting my truck!?!?!

Lucky slows the vehicle, then turns it around with a quick whip, fish tailing as she floors the gas, headed back to the crash. At first she aims at the truck, then notices smething, and veers to the right. J sees the molotov touting ork starting to stand in the street. That is, until Lucky runs him under, catching him with a fender, and running a tire directly over him.

She slows the vehicle, and looks back at the swamp truck, now half stuck in a shop front window.

J, go kill those two fraggers. I gotta clean off my truck before we take off.

The pasenger can be seen extricating himself from the cab. The ork gunner on the back isn't in sight.
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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1845hrs - On the Road Again

Da. The door creaks when J throws it open, rebounding off its stops and swinging back into her shoulder--and bouncing off, not even jarring her aim as she puts two rounds into the chest of the ork she can see.
J - Thursday, Aug 16th - 1845 - On the Road Again

The two rounds catch the stunned ork square in the chest as he rises, shaking his head. He flies back as the Ex-Ex rounds slam in to him, and hits the ground in a sprawl.

Perception Test +2 for actively looking
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J - Thursday, Aug 16th - 1845 - On the Road Again
J sees the last ork emerging from the lingerie store the crash threw him in to. He seems shaken, still throwing off neglies, and trying to zero in his shot gun at her.

Init = 7
Init and actions
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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1845hrs - On the Road Again

Yob tvoyu mat, J snarls, hitting the last ork with another double-tap.
Reaction dodge w/ Edge = 4 successes
Damage Resistance = 6 hits + glitch

Second shot Dodge = 2 hits
Damage Resist = 5 hits and glitch

The first round slides in high, catching the ork across the brow. Blood sprays , and drips in over his eyes. The other cathes him on the shoulder, spinning him on the broken ground, and dropping him.

Taking a moment to assess the situation, J can see him still moving , but the severity of his wounds are unclear.
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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1845hrs - On the Road Again

Hey, Lucky, J calls. You want to talk at this man? See who has sent him?
Lucky looks up from the side of her truck. J sees another human man, apparently another bystandard, laying unconcious near by.

If you've got one still alive, questino him quick. I don't want to be here anymore when NOPS shows.
J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1845hrs - On the Road Again

Hey, govnosos. J's gun claps, and asphalt whines into a spray of powder half a meter from the ork's head. Why you have shot my truck?

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J - Thursday, Aug 16th - 1846 - On the Road Again

The ork, who apparently had been playing chicken, rolls up quickly, despite his wounds, and runs back inside the shop.

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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1846hrs - On the Road Again

Hey! I have ask you question! Drawing the Slivergun from her jacket, J chases him inside.
Perception roll - Darkness modifiers negated by Cyber eyes. -2 for general rubble and some smoke
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Taking a moment to look around the lingerie store, J spots the ork, or more coorectly the tip of his shotgun, sticking out from ehind a table of ladies' unmentionables. He seems to be hiding under the cloth draping the table.
J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1846hrs - Victoria's Secret Wars

You hide under panties!? The faint gold ballistic projection collated from the Predator's sensor inputs merges with the orangish cone that represents the Slivergun's estimated spread. J sneers and squeezes her brain; the Predator thunders, and the Slivergun shreds the tablecloth with the sound of an etch-a-sketch being shaken.
J - Thursday, Aug 16th - 1847 - Victoria's Secret Wars
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There's a shriek of pain, as the large ork rolls out of underneath the table ,rises, and begins blasting.

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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1847hrs - Victoria's Secret Wars
J sees it coming. She's got room to maneuver--jump out of the way, hide behind something, obstruct his view, not get shot. She looks the ork right in the eye, lets him know from the sneer on her face that she's letting him get his shots off.

They punch her hard, one just below her throat and one right in the solar plexus. Her jacket flattens, but the bones under it spread the impact--none of the twenty-two .32 caliber pellets get through. J looks down, shakes her shoulders to throw off the slugs that have flattened themselves on her jacket, and then opens up with both of her pistols.
Clarification to last roll by player
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The ork dives for cover as J fires off rounds his way, ducking down near anotehr stand of clothes, keeping his head down low. It looked like one of the shots may have connected, but how much damage it may have done to the tough ork is unclear.

Initiative 10

Apply -2 modifiers to shots for partial cover
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The ork dodges as J blasts away at him. The first clips him across the back, tearing at his coat, and rolling him, where the second slams in to his shoulder. He manages to blast away again with the remington, firing two more quick shots with the shotgun as he tries to roll.

Shot #1 = 3 successes
Shot #2 = 1 success
Base Dmg 9DV(f)
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J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1847hrs - Victoria's Secret Wars

J grunts as a wave of shock rolls through her. That shottie packed more punch than she'd thought; the adrenaline spike is passing, and her body's starting to figure out that shit hurts.

The Slivergun's cone flashes, and she instinctively allows it to fire. Only as she's lining up the second shot does she realize that it'd been targetting the ork's wrist.
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The rounds tear the shotgunn from the ork's fingers, doing some damage there as well. He yelps and dives for the ground, trying to stay low.He tries crawling away quickly, but dangerously exposed.
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Stupid... govnosos... J's Predator thunders again, and again. It's getting hard to see the smartlink pipper when she fires--it flashes the same red as the haze that's clouding her vision.
Firing off again and again now, it takes J a moment to realize that her target is no longer moving. The shock of the moment is still going in her system. it takes her a moment to realize that someone is shouting while she stands over the dead ork.

J! Hey, move your hoop! Come on, we gotta roll!

Lucky's voice sounds distant and distorted. It takes a moment to register, for the voice to get pass the pounding of her own blood in her ears. Turning, the large white truck is pulled along side the store, Lucky honking the horn.
J - 16AUG2070 Thu 1847hrs - Victoria's Secret Wars

J starts walking because her legs are too heavy to push into a run. Her Predator keeps blinking numbers at her, so she slides it into her holster to shut it up.

Ha, she breathes, climbing into the truck. Good fight. Pulling the door shut, she looks down at the Slivergun in her hand in mild confusion for a few seconds before tucking it into the holster under her arm. Ork, he did not talk, she shrugs.
Didn't get much out of him huh?

It's a rhetorical question of course. There's some driving involved, and some round about routes. Most of it is blurs as snips of the combat replay in J's mind. The pain is what's in her mind the most. At some point ,there's a cold vodka in her hand, and a comfortable couch beneath her. It might be leather. There's some pills in her hand as well.

This'll help with the pain. Hope you weren't planning on goign anywhere for a while.
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 2330- Crashed Out

The comm rings, getting Rayos attention even through his weary, sleep addled brain. The number's Lucky's . Picking up his comm, before he really has time to think about it, he keys her in. THankfully his side of the screen is still blank.

Rayo, it's Lucky. Where ya at? You've been hitting my comm all day, and I can't get a hold of Luigi. I've been having an unpleasant day myself. What's the scan?

her voice is evenly spaced, and sounds calm, but Rayo's been around the elf enough to tell she's getting a bit stressed. From the rumors, Lucky stressed is not a good thing.
J - 16AUG2070 Thu ????hrs - Sittin' back in the cut

J's been quiet. The muscles over her chest and ribs are drawn tight, creaking every time her ribs expand for breath, so talking hasn't really been at the top of her list of fun activities. Sprawled with her jacket wadded up in the crevice of the couch cushions, evil-looking purple-yellow bruises can be seen spreading out from under her tanktop. The pain is a warm throb that presses everything from her shoulders to her knees. She ruminates on it, occasionally probing in with a slow tensing of one muscle or another. More than anything else, J looks tired--or maybe sated, like a lion that's just polished off an entire antelope.

Chewing the pills someone--Lucky, maybe?--had handed her, J goes back to idly toying with the dogtags around her neck. The pain is comfortable; it means she did her job. If something's not scraped or bruised or bleeding, she's either looking for work or dead. For the moment, the gin sits in her hand, dripping condensate onto her knee.

Mmmuh, she replies a bit belatedly. I do not know... I think maybe I go to club and find real fight. Her grin is a ghost of the one she'd given Lucky when they'd first met, but it's genuine enough. Not this pussy twelve gauges, yes? Maybe I find someone with real gun. Bazooka maybe.
Rayo - 2330 - Rayo's Van

For a moment Rayo thinks that maintenance time of his eyes had creepily due, because of the blur in his eyes. Couple of blinks and good old yank of eyes later he's able to see a bit better and gives a big yawn.
Morning, Ma'am. Oh, it's still evening. Sorry about that, been a hard day for me too. You're warning was right, I was tailed right after leaving Lucky Strike. Luigi sent a warning message for me, that he had one too. After some.. some.. interesting matters, I finally got shaken out of it. Actually, their all dead. Krewes. Their even in the news, one about shooting in the backalley of the coffee house. After that I have tried to contact Luigi and with no success. I have a very, very bad feeling that they got him.. but I have asked around and I think I have a way to find him. Maybe. She's a spellslinger, so maybe she can find him with some mojo-mumble. I tell you more about it later. But what about you, have you been followed? Been a bit worried..
The last one is more a whisper, like a thought that just slipped in words. While talking Rayo slips his hair back and puts himself on screen too, view on one of the inside cams of the van.
J/Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 2230 - On the Horn

J sits, mumbling a bit ,overhearing the conversation Lucky is having on the comm. The bliss works it's way sowly through her system, taking away the pain, and leaving her with a sense of euphoria and near-ecstasy. It's new, and a bit strange, but it does wonders for the pain.

Lucky grimaces at the holo image of Rayo
We ran in to some trouble of our own. I don't think it was the Black Throats though. To sloppy, not well enough armed. If you were attacked as well, it's asure bet that Luigi was. Normall I'd put money on him but since he hasn't checked in yet .... this doesn't look good.

How fast can you get in to contact with your mojo man Rayo? I need some time to get things squared here, but we need to find Luigi.

J - 16AUG2070 Thu 2030hrs - Tweakin'

Lucky's voice drones in the background; J's vodka and bliss cocktail is spreading a slow warmth through her body, leaving her boneless and slightly out of synch with the world around her. Almost unconsciously, she brings up a hidden password prompt and enters 'ymereJ'. A menu pops up, but all the filenames are greyed out. She selects 'Deep Blue' and loads it anyway, and Lucky's office fades away, allowing her to fly aimlessly through a cloud-spattered sky.

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