Aug 14 2007, 07:34 AM
Goz blinked. That was unexpected. "Yes, ma'am," he said after a few moments. "I have just returned from representing your...employer in a criminal matter. She has agreed to a plea bargain, and is now facing jail time. I need to speak with you about the matter of payment for my services, and about retaining some sort of care for her animals while she is away."
Doing some quick mental arithmetic, he nodded to himself. "Due to the sensitive nature of the allegations, and the speed with with a response was necessary, the fee will be $45,000 in cash, goods, or agreed upon services. I will waive the ongoing retention fee, as the matter will not be particular onerous to provide upkeep."
Aug 14 2007, 07:37 AM
I understand. Thany you, if you will submit your formal bill to this matrix link, I will ensure the matter is seen to promptly. As to care for Ms Santangelo's animals, I assure you that I am properly equipped to handle any arrangements needed. Thank you for your consideration. Will there be anything else?
Aug 14 2007, 08:03 AM
Nodding, Goz smiled. "I was told to look for an associate of your employers, by the name of J. Would you know where I could find her? As I understand it, she is an Ork Female, of Russian descent, and has worked with your employer recently." Quickly sending over his somewhat sparse bill form (as he does work for shady folk, and likes to keep his operation relatively paper free), he waits for an answer from the automated assistant.
Aug 14 2007, 07:15 PM
Rayo - Thursday - 23:57 - Chasing the storm
Yes, Ma'am!
And off they go.
Aug 14 2007, 07:29 PM
J/Lucky - Thursday - 23:57 - The Lucky Strike
Lucky's commlink rings again, which she picks up quickly. A few quick nods, and it's off again, and in to her pocket.
let's go J! Bennet says Rayo is on the move, 'like a hound on the scent'. I odn't want my people getting shot up any more today if I can help it.
Lucky goes at a walk/run out of the Strike, jumping in to her truck. As soon as J is inside, the big truck roars to life and tears away from the small casino.
Rayo - Thursday - 0106- Storm Chasing
Guided by the constant lightning bolts (as every bit surreal as it sounds) Rayo tears passed what little late night traffic there is. he finds their final destination to be a lake side apartment building not 10 kilometers from the Razorback. The building isn't particularly large, perhaps 3 stories. It appears to be made of brick, in very bad repair, and likely "abandoned".
Aug 15 2007, 04:35 AM
Goz- Friday, Aug 17th - 1015- The Lucky Strike
I can provide you with a contact number for 'J'. I hope that will be sufficient.
Goz's commlink beeps as the nubmer transfers
Aug 15 2007, 04:40 AM
Goz smiles at the woman...or, the representation of a woman, at any rate. "Thank you, ma'am. I'd also like to look into acquiring a version of your programming myself; do you have any information?" Assuming any sales pitch is forthcoming, Goz browses through the information, looking for any potential use as a legal aide.
Aug 15 2007, 04:43 AM
There is a quick *beep* as another file, and link to the distributor's matrix site, are received . The package includes an add on file for legal matters and libraries.
Aug 15 2007, 05:07 AM
Nodding to himself, Goz goes about ordering one of the assistants. Let's see...yeah, could be useful to have one of these. I'll need to upgrade my commlink soon, though; better read the fine print, make sure I won't have to reorder it on a new system. So, options, options...add in the Legal Organizer option, the library of local and nationwide statues and case histories...Yeah, that should be handy. Oh, and they have a weather service? This program is nice...
Quickly adding up his order, he begins the download process of a basic assistant, with the entire legal package, including organization, cross referencing, libraries, and the full complement of local and national case histories and precedents, with an auto-updating feature. Glancing around, he starts up his bike again, waiting for the download to finish.
"Thank you, Mary, you've been a great help. Please notify me when my payment goes through." No time like the present to take care of a few purchases, I suppose...he thought, pleased that the transaction had gone so smoothly. I may as well go ahead and take care of it before I find this J person. Might give Sandman time to get back in touch. In fact...I bet one of his people could take care of my 'link work. His hand drifted down to his pocket. Why was he bothering to look to buy a newer, better commlink, when he had just been handed a blank one this morning?
Revving his bike, he headed home. If he was going to have to deal with the like of Bennett, he wanted to do so in the comfort of his own living space. After a good fifteen or twenty minutes of driving in the cool morning air, he pulled in to the Franklin Heights, parking his bike in his garage spot and walking on inside.
"Morning, John," he said to the Head of Security, who smiled and nodded back before heading on outside, seemingly muttering to himself. He was always communicating with his men, checking in at random to see that they were staying sharp; it was a good feeling to have someone like that watching your home. He and Goz had been close ever since he had very nearly been gunned down outside of the apartments, caught in a gunfight between a few of NOPS finest friendly-fire experts and an overly ambitious Krewe from out of town. Goz stayed with him until the medics arrived, and Harry had come around the next month to thank him for it. They'd been good friends ever since.
Heading up to his apartment, he quickly offered up his information at the scanners connected to the doors maglocks, and turned his key in the old-fashioned, extremely heavy duty lock underneath. Walking inside to the familiar click and hum of the door locking behind him, he grabbed a large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice from his refrigerator and sat down heavily in a plush chair in the living room.
Pulling Luckys commlink out of his pocket, he turned it over a few times, then set it on the coffee table in front of the chair. Sitting back, he directed his attention to the complicated log-in procedure of Shadowland, a place that he rarely visited, even with his close connections to Sandman. He preferred not going places that could affect his reputation as an honest, upright citizen; well, as far as anyone that cared about such things knew. Still, after a few false starts, he located the node he wanted.
>>>Blazin logged in.
His personal Icon was a massive demonic figure, wreathed in flames and belching smoke; it was actually ripped almost entirely from a classic trilogy of movies, adapted from the exceptionally popular Lord of the Rings trilogy, by J.R.R. Tolkien. Ever since the awakening, he'd come to be seen as a sort of prophet, and his works still sold as many copies as ever; Goz actually had leatherbound editions of all of his work on a bookshelf a few feet away. Though newer versions had come out, he still preferred the design of the Balrog in the classic movies.
He glanced around the AR overlay, bringing it into sharper focus and blacking out most of the actual room to enhance his ability to pick out icons and arrows, and look for what he had come for.
>>>Blazin:: Hey, LAN, you around? Have a job or two for you, if you're interested. Tried callin' up Sandman earlier, but I guess he was busy. You available? I'm looking to upgrade my CommLink, hardware and security, and to get some information on a woman; local NOPS Lt. Harvey. Think you could help me out?
Charisma 3+ Etiquette 3 =4, 5, 3, 6, 6, 3 (Total Successes = 3)
Aug 15 2007, 07:07 AM
[ Spoiler ]
It takes one hour, in the nightime, for 10 kms, from the driver like Rayo?
Well, you're the GM.
And, pssst.. it's friday already.
Rayo - Friday Aug 17th - 00:06 - Storm ChasingRayo completely forgets to call Lucky, in the thrill of chase and just drives as quickly and skillfully as he can. As the storm seems to stop, he slows at the side of the road, shuts the lights and parks the car opposite to direction where the warehouse is (for a quick runaway).
Is this it? The Bullboy is in there, eh?
Aug 15 2007, 07:59 AM
[ Spoiler ]
No it takes liek 8 minutes. Did I screw up the 24 hr time?
Helga nods, looking eager.
I am told he is below, where it cannot reach. I beleive it says there is a basement. That is where he is.
Aug 15 2007, 12:31 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Oh, you're not used to 24 hour time? I'm most times just confused with AMs and PMs. So, after 23:59 comes 00:00. So the real time should 00:06 or something?
I edit my posts.
Rayo - Friday Aug 17th - 00:06 - Storm ChasingRayo starts scanning the area with his van's scanners. Nothing complex, just checking heat signatures and how many wireless connections there are.
So.. can you tell if there's some kind of magical security? Or anything else that we should be worried? Or do you want to do this all by yourself?This might sound wrong.. Rayo gets a little nervous and answers before Helga can.
I mean, I know you can handle by yourself! Nervous laugh.
Just thought that.. that.. err.. you know.. there's nothing wrong with some extra hands. Even though mine are not particularly big..
Aug 15 2007, 04:09 PM
Helga punches Rayo in the shoulder "lightly" as she chuckles. You bring laughter to combat. That is good. There are minor wards, including one below. Nothing I cannot handle. But we do not yet know what lurks within.
Are you prepared?
Aug 15 2007, 04:35 PM
Well.. only problem is, that I was already today in a combat and I got only one real clip left to my sidearm. Rest are just rubber bullets.. and my favourite gun is at my boat. So..
Rayo takes his Ceska from his underarm holster and loads the bullet into the chamber.
..I just need to manage with this and be more accurate. I'm ready. Let's go get my big friend back..
Rayo gives a big grin and even a little laugh.
Aug 15 2007, 06:25 PM
Helga nods. I would lend you, but mine firearm, it is too large for you. Let us go.
She motions to her troll modifed predator on her hip and shrugs, as she slides open the door of the van and steps out. For a moment, her vision unfocuses as she looks at the well worn building, then looks back at Rayo.
There are minor wards throught the buidling, and stronger one below. I can summon more warriors once we are within the wards.
With that, she walks briskly across the dark parking lot, straight for the front door, and kicks it in There's a shout of suprise from within, and Rayo sees the heat form pf a human sized figure with what looks like a shotgun jumping up from a sitting position on a set of stairs.
Helga smiles and growls out Looks like we have you a shotgun friend dwarf.
Aug 15 2007, 08:08 PM
As Rayo is getting out of the car, he remembers something, runs back to the car, goes inside, opens the glove box and takes a lonely frag grenade with him. He checks that pin is good and puts it inside the pocket of his jacket and runs, with his little legs, after Helga. As she reaches Helga, Rayo folds out the folding stock of Ceska, fires up his wired reflexes and covers against the wall next to the door, giving a little peak.
Great!Only if I had used one before..Iniative (if needed)[ Spoiler ]
Iniative : 9 dices : 3 successes
Iniative score : 12
Aug 15 2007, 08:31 PM
Rayo's action, then lone gunmen's , then Helga's[ Spoiler ]
Sorry, I posted the previous from a wireless connection, something like three times. The previous two times I managed to get the opponetns Init of 9 in there. After I lost the connection twice while posting, I apparently missed posting that.
Aug 15 2007, 09:00 PM
J/Lucky - 16AUG2070 Thu 2357hrs - Lucky Strike[ Spoiler ]
It's been 4 hours, total, and I've only rolled 2 recovery tests.
Bod 5 + Wil 4 +1 fast healer = 10 dice: 5 2 5 5 1 5 4 1 3 15 = 5 hits, all damage gone. no second test needed.
We go! J's exclamation is somewhere between a laugh and a snarl as she clambers into Lucky's truck. Her jacket is wrapped around her guns, which she's spent the last hour reloading, cleaning, and inspecting for lack of anything else to do. As the truck roars off, J untangles her holster rig and shrugs it on, pulling the jacket on over top.
Bull-man is not dead? Is capture? J adjust her jacket and furtively slots one of the chips from Lucky's box--an emotive track labeled "Rockout". A grin that shows all of her slightly-crooked teeth spreads across her face. Her ears are blasting with the heavy crash of century-old classic rock. She
is the music; she's the wailing guitars, the crashing drums, the players, the notes, the lyrics. The real world is a distant, boring backdrop.
[ Spoiler ]
I've got 4 karma. Can I spend it now to get Intimidation 1?
Aug 15 2007, 09:28 PM
Apparently not dead yet since they found him. We'll see how he is when we get there. Rayo'd better now do anything stupid. If they're both dead when we get there, I'll kill him.The music blasts in J's head getting her blood up as the large truck roars down the road. Thankfully, Lucky's extended NOPS cotnract means that she'll onyl get a ticket even is she's doing 100. The truck probably can't hit that speed on city streets, but she seems to be trying.
[ Spoiler ]
mfb - yes go ahead. The only karma that can't be spent immediately is anything going to spells or submersion/initiation. Anything else, just let me know.
Aug 15 2007, 09:38 PM
Rayo - Friday Aug 17th - 00:08 - Warehouse RumbleRayo flicks the gun in burst fire, fires the gun towards man in the stairs and takes cover outside.
Burst fire roll[ Spoiler ]
I'm guessing that there's some kind of partial light inside, so no modifiers for Rayo. It would be a bit stupid to sit inside the pitch black warehouse. Scary even..
Also I don't think that guy has any cover. Rayo fires a short narrow burst, with base DV of 4P.
Agility 5 + Automatics 4 + Smartgun 2 - No recoil mods - Firing from cover 1 = 10 dices : 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1 = 5 successes
"If they're both dead when we get there, I'll kill him." Can't stop laughing!
Aug 15 2007, 10:24 PM
Rayo - Friday Aug 17th - 00:08 - Warehouse Rumble
[ Spoiler ]
It is pretty dark in there actually. Not quite pitch black, but defintely low light conditions. Countered however by your dwarf thermal vision, so no modifiers.
"If they're both dead when we get there, I'll kill him." Can't stop laughing"
Thought you;d like that.

The figure dodges suprisingly well in the darkness, but the rounds still catch 'him' high and on the left of his torso. His jacket absorbs some of the damage, although he goes reeling back. Rayo sees blood fly in his thermographic vision, spattering the wall. The figure gets of a shotgun blast, apaprently aiming at the muzzle flair instead of the troll.
[ Spoiler ]
Rolling very well tonight. I've found two very hot dice.
He had three hits to dodge, but only three for resitance as well.
4 hits on his return fire with the shotgun
It's a slug, Remington 990, so no modifiers to dodge
7P +net successes, -1 AP
Aug 15 2007, 10:28 PM
Helga roars out something in a rough language and throws an arm forward. A large bolt of angry red energy blasts from her hand into the figure, slamming it back against the wall, where he slumps.
Helga slumps slightly against the door frame, but grins triumphantly.
[ Spoiler ]
Powerbolt Force 6
-5 net hits
Resisted 4 successes = 7 boxes of damage on top of rayo's 6
Helga takes 3 boxes stun in drain
Aug 16 2007, 04:10 AM
Goz- Friday, Aug 17th - 1100- The Lucky Strike
<<<<< Goz - I may be able to assist you in your endeavor. I will have to check your references of course with the noble Sandman. Meet me in the Bourbon Street Black Hall on Shadowland, and we will discuss things.>>>>
Aug 16 2007, 04:40 AM
Goz- Friday, Aug 17th - 1100- Franklin Heights Apartments
It’s almost comical, watching Goz’s massive Balrog icon trundle its way through the teeming masses in the streets, winding along in parades, sharing bottles of wine, occasionally doing lewd things to get beads…it’s a very festive atmosphere, and Goz, no expert on computer systems, simply enjoys the sensation of such a festive atmosphere. They’re just icons, and most of the bottles, floats, even the trash represents something or other, but Goz prefers to pretend it’s all real. It’s one place that he can relax, instead of constantly being on his guard.
Looking around, he follows several derelict sign-posts, finding his way fairly easily. It’s a teaming mass of partiers, but the place is well organized, for an illegal data haven. Moving towards the Bourban Street Black Hall, he takes in the sights until finally reaching his destination.
Stepping in, he switched off some of the light pouring off of his icon, and reduced the size a bit. It could get unwieldy “indoors�, and he didn’t want to come off as trying to be intimidating. He waited, looking around, relatively certain that LAN would be there shortly, once he got a hold of Sandman.
Aug 16 2007, 04:51 AM
The Black Hall was decked out in the classic voodoo style. Classic in the sense of Hollywood overdramatization, from people who have no idea of the difference between hoodoo, voodoo, santeria, and so on. Skulls with candles on top adorned the walls, black table clothes were abundant, and chicken feet hung from wall tacks. All in all, most people only came here to get viturally drunk, since most New Orleans residents new enough to get the joke.
LAN was waiting near the back, naturally. Classicly bad Back Against the Wall type. His icon was that of some war weary soldier. Overly tall, but powerfully built, the face looked as if it was carved from stone. The long black hair was worn tied back in a braid, although bits of it hung down to frame his face. An attack program in the form of a sword hung comfortably on his back, as a stealth program in the form of a shifting cloak that melded with his surroundings sat comfotably on his back.
Most peopel tat used the Shadow Network in the area had heard of LAN. He's very good with his tech, and responsible for the node's hardware, as well as security. He was also famous for the pride he put in to his icon, apparently a rip off from some fantasy series from the last century. He stood as Goz's con approached.
You must be 'Goz.' Sandman told me about you.
He sat after sketching a quick bow of his head, leaving it to Goz to decide what that meant.
Aug 16 2007, 05:03 AM
"Yes. I've heard good things about you as well; your skill is widely known, and commented upon. That's why I've come to you with a request." Sitting down across from LAN, he pulled up an image of Luckys old CommLink, sitting it on the table between them.
"As you may have heard, I've only recently settled in New Orleans. Most of my work was done elsewhere, though I've come into several contacts around here that are promising lucrative returns, once I get myself more firmly established. I work on jobs that require beyond anything else, privacy. Whether I am working on a legal case and need the details of their charges, and my recorded conversations with clients kept secret, or I get a text in the middle of the night requiring...other, work, I need to make sure that it can't be accessed by anyone other than myself. I'm no hacker, nor am I in the least knowledgeable about electronics, but I want to get the most secure, most powerful 'link that I can afford; if someone wants to get in, I don't want them to be able to, and if they, by some twist of fate manage, I want them flatlined for the privalege. I hear you're the one to look to for such things."
Bringing up a 3-D image of Lt. Harvey, making sure not to reveal Lucky on the fringes, he went on. "I also need some information on this woman. Whatever can be found, I could use; her home, any loved ones, habits, dirty secrets...anything. I'm willing to pay well, for both tasks, though I expect they will take some time."
Leaning forward, he left the two images spinning on the surface of the table. "I'm looking for things to make my life easier, more secure. Useful programs, bits of knowledge; those things you can provide. Possibly some minor training in their use, if you ever have the time, or need the coin. Can we do business?"
In between the two images, a heavy leather purse fell onto the table, spilling thick gold pieces towards LAN. It was a good 5,000 nuyen, and Goz's demeanor showed he was willing to add to it, once a price was mentioned.
EDIT: Etiquette Charisma 3 + Skill 3 + First Impression 2 +1 Flattery = 5, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 4 (Total Successes = 3)
Aug 16 2007, 05:08 AM
The hardware I can defnitely help you with, although it will take a little time. Did you have an existing peice of hardware, or want something from scratch?
As for IC, I can get you all you need and more. Let me know if there is any particular iconography you're looking for. If not, I have a few custom things. Just remember that his won't be cheap.
I can also help you with the lieutenant. But this 5K will only be a retainer. A full background on someone in the NOPS is a flat 10K. That IC is not easy to slice, and it usually brings trouble with it.
Which would you prefer to be handled first?
Aug 16 2007, 05:34 AM
"Well, the 'link is more directly useful. I have an existing model that's better than the one I am currently using, so unless it would be easier to simply buy a higher-end model, that one can be modified. The IC I wouldn't mind downloading to my existing model, provided I can transfer it over to the new machine once it's completed. What kind of price tag and timeframe are we looking at? You're the best, and I expect to pay for the best, but I expect to get my moneys worth as well."
Waving a hand, he added another purse to the table, this one sealed, but the same size as the first. Like the first, it held 5,000, and had the symbol of a heron embossed on the leather; Goz had Mary run a search on the icon LAN was sporting, and he thought that little touch would be appreciated.
"The cost for surveillance on Lt. Harvey is fine, but try and get me something long-lasting for the money; I may need information on the NOPS staff in the future, so if you could manage some sort of back door, or whatever it is that you fellows do, that would be fantastic. "
Negotiation Check to get more for tha money!
Charisma 3+ Negotiation 5 + Bargaining Specialization 2 + First impression 2 =6, 4, 2, 5, 4, 6, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3 (Total Successes = 5)
Browse check for Mary to get that heron reference: Browse 6 + Frame Rating 4 =
5, 2, 1, 6, 4, 1, 1, 5, 2, 6 (Total Successes = 4)
Aug 16 2007, 05:40 AM
For the hardware, you're looking at around 10K. A good IC package will set you back another 15K. If you want it glacial, both active and reactive, it's looking more like 30K. But that would be something that even I would take my time hacking.
Aug 16 2007, 06:01 AM
"That seems expensive, and therefore reasonable, considering what I'm asking. I'll take the whole package; active and reactive, and the hardware upgrades. Paid in full, up-front, unless you would prefer cash. We'll need to set up a meet, so that I can transfer this hardware to you. Now, software is a different story; I'll need some upgrades to the Operating System to run all of this, correct? And don't tell me someone of your skill hasn't already got a library of cracked prgorams. At least legally, we're all on shaky ground here, but, and correct me if I'm wrong, once a program is no longer copy-protected, it's just a download away from replication. I'm paying top-dollar for your services, as I know you'll give me the best from your reputation. No doubt, you've coded these programs yourself. Getting me an operating system with a good firewall, that's powerful enough to run your custom programs, that's a cake job for someone with your skills; all you have to do is get rid of the copy-protection, and then download it."
Leaning forward with an amused look on his face, Goz/Blazin' grinned and mentally added a creaking chest full of gold, silver, and platinum to the table, sending gold coins flying (though none were actually lost; it was all for effect, after all).
"You've given me a good deal here, but don't shaft me on the software replication end of things. You're pulling in a cool fifty-grand here, and don't make the mistake of thinking I won't be calling on your services again. Sandman often brags about how his Shadowland crew is among the best, if not THE best, and I believe it. When I need something, I get the best. Always. So, c'mon, here, LAN...Throw me a bone and toss in the OS, yeah? It won't cost you anything more, and you'd go a long way towards keeping a newfound, hopefully long-term customer happy."
Negotiation to see what all I can get.
3, 5, 5, 1, 6, 5, 4, 5, 3, 1, 4, 1 (Total Successes = 6)
Aug 16 2007, 06:08 AM
4 successes vs Negotiation. Lan has crap for social skills, but he has great street cred to make up for it.
He nods appreciatively, seeing that perhaps there is a bit more here than just someone with cred to burn.
4K for the OS and firewall. It might not be hard for me, but it would be hard for you. It's my services you're paying for after all.
Aug 16 2007, 06:12 AM
Grinning, Goz/Blazing nods. "Done." Adding it to the massive pile of gold in front of him, he reaches out a hand to shake on the deal.
"Now, where to meet to transfer this hardware to you? I would assume the programs can be downloaded remotely, unless it needs to be in the flesh as well. Name a date and a place, and I'll get there, though the sooner the better, as always." Flashing an e-card over to LAN with his business credentials and more lucrative, less legal talents fleshed out, he smiles. "And if you ever want to do business the other way, let me know. I try to make friends, and I treat my friends well. You need anything done discreetly, or need someone to bail you out of jail on hacking charges, you let me know, and it will be taken care of."
It is nice to deal with professionals. I like this man. Wonder what he looks like in the flesh?
Aug 16 2007, 06:17 AM
I'll send you a short file. Load it to a postal RFID tag and drop it in the mail with the commlink. I'll take care of the rest.
He downloads the file and stands to leave.
No offense, but if I ever need your services, well, it would defeat the purposes of why you came to me in the first place, now wouldn't it?
None the less, he takes the e-card, bows his head again, and walks out briskly, coin in 'hand'.
Aug 16 2007, 06:26 AM
Bowing to the man as he left, Goz chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he logged out. Heading to the kitchen, he pulled open a few drawers, digging around for a postal tag and some brown paper, and string. Eventually locating it, along with an assortment of paper-clips that he didn't remember ever putting in the drawer to begin with, he moved into his bedroom and dug around for a few more minutes before finding a small enough box to load the 'link in, and wrap up. Sticking the tag firmly to the inside before closing it up, he walked over next to the front door, and set it into the attached mail shoot, watching it disappear from view.
Shaking his head ruefully at the new readout of his credit account, he sighed, reminded himself that it was for a good cause, and returned to his chair, this time taking a bottle of milk and a tall glass with him.
For a few minutes, he set about finishing up a few legal matters, reviewing the document from Luckys plea bargain that morning. Adjusting the settings of his newly purchased assistant, he changed her appearance from that of a human female, moderately attractive, to a troll man, somewhat similar in appearance to Goz himself. He looked a bit more like a clerk, and less like a warrior, but it would suffice. Adjusting a few more of the settings, he settled back, cleared his screen, and put in a call that he had been avoiding for a good while.
Mentally flipping through his contact list, he pulled up the never-before used number of Bennett, and sent the call.
Aug 16 2007, 06:37 AM
It took a moment for Goz to realize the call had been received. It was no longer ringing, the screen was black. There was no answer.
Aug 16 2007, 06:46 AM
"Bennett. This is Bot'Norgoz. I'm a close associate of certain members of the family, that are known to you. Early this morning, Lucky Santegelo was issued an arrest warrant for Assault with a Deadly weapon, and Felony Arson, among others; due to a plea deal we negotiated on her behalf, some were dropped. The end result was that she was taken into custody, and will be serving out a minimum of twelve months in prison. I have been ordered to step in and facilitate matters with the job she was coordinating, and need from you certain information. First, I need to know the information she recently recieved relating to the job; I don't know what this information is. Secondly, I need to know who is currently working on the job, their roles, and any current plans. Lastly, and most importantly, I need to know the specifics of the job, the needed goals, their individual priorities. Beyond that, I trust you to inform me of anything I need. Do you require verification of any of these statements, or have you already received that information?"
Aug 16 2007, 06:56 AM
No answer
Aug 16 2007, 07:03 AM
Waiting for a moment, Goz smacks himself in the forehead. Calls placed through CommLinks are public domain, and don't ever require warrants to tap; knowing his little visit to NOPS that morning, unless the apartment security blocked such things, he already had a tap on his phone. He knows this, because he is a LAWYER, damnit.
Wrinkling his brow in frustration at himself, he adds, "Where's a good place to get a steak around here?"
Aug 16 2007, 07:05 AM
No answer
Aug 16 2007, 07:09 AM
Goz, a bit frustrated, sighs to himself. He had heard of this mans reputation, and it sure wasn't wrong.
"You aren't talkative, are you? Well, nevermind. I'll be heading downstairs in ten. Have some sort of oil leak on my bike. I'll work on that, and get back to you later tonight." Cutting off the call, he shakes his head, changes into his long, leather coat (making sure to gear up, sliding his forearm blades on, tucking his axe into his belt, so that it hung sheathed down his back, and his ceska into it's holster) and put on his sturdy helmet. Grabbing a backpack with his rifle in it, tightly wrapped and tucked in amongst a change of clothes, he heads down to the garage, opening the door.
Aug 16 2007, 07:13 AM
AFter half an hour or so, Goz manages to achieve what he's certain is a new level of frustration. Eventually, he heads back in for a very frsutrated beer and a new planning session.
Walking through the kitchen, he notices something out of the corner of his eye. Looking over, he sees a large, very solidly built human man sitting in one of his chairs. He doesn't look particularly friendly.
Aug 16 2007, 07:19 AM
"I take it you're...Batman?" he said, sighing as he headed to the fridge. He wasn't making any friends, that much was certain, and he knew the man wouldn't laugh at his, admittedly, outdated and unfunny joke, but he was beyond caring.
"Considering my vocation, I should have known better than the blather on over the 'link, but we'll have to figure out some other way of meeting. It's been a long day, and I apologize for the lack of discretion. Won't happen again." Popping the top off of the beer, he held the door open to the fridge, offering it's contents to Bennett before closing it.
Moving in to the living room, he leans on the back of his couch, sipping the beer. "A new, secure 'link is already ordered. Should arrive soon. Until then, breaking and entering will have to do. Now, unless you need verification, and you don't seem the kind that would need verification, as I doubt you'd have come if I'd been lying, my questions, however ignorantly posed, stand."
As he speaks, he lets his radar sensor scan the man for 'ware. From what he's heard, he's packing, some high quality stuff, and knows how to use it. Might as well know what he's facing.
Aug 16 2007, 07:32 AM
Bennet smiles slightly. Indeed, the word "extensive" hardly does him justice.
"He's more machine now than man."
I'll skip the usual "if you didn't verify" as long as you get me a beer. It ruins the effect if you're drinking when you pull one of these. Too pretentious. And it takes up a hand. Bad idea.
Here's the scan: The Gianelli's are bringing in a truck load of bliss tomorrow, and dealing it through the Black Throat smuggling Krewe. Miriam wants that interrupted, and others to take the heat for it, do to the sensitivity of the sitiatuon with Mr. Spinelli.
Lucky was able to get the location of the meet out of a woman nammed 'Eve', the Significant Other to the leader of the krewe, Blake. She expressly stated that if Blake died however, there will be hell to pay. This makes things potentially difficult, as Lucky has stated that Blake too must die. I agree with her. So we must remove Eve without it looking like we did it.
I have a few still breathing Blue Moon krewe people "on ice" waiting for us to finish up the job, and serve as fall down guys.
The others working on the job at this point are a cybered woman named 'J', a Family assoicate who knows her stuff, and an outsider such as your self. A dwarf who goes by the handle 'Rayo;, meaning 'Lightning' I believe . He's a rigger. Their roles are unclear at his point in Lucky's plans. however, Lucky did discover that Blake has hired a runner or two to help safe guard his load coming in. So it will be hot and heavy.
Does that answer your questions, Counselor?
He smiles again. It doesn't reach his eyes.
Aug 16 2007, 07:40 AM
[ Spoiler ]
It reminded of the summer camp where I was at age of seven. There was "camp rules" and number two was "If you drown, you will get your ass whooped" and three "If you get lost in the forest, you will get your ass whooped".
I hope you remembered to add some modifiers for Rayo's cover.. did ya?
Rayo - Friday Aug 17th - 00:08 - Warehouse RumbleDodge and Damage Resistance roll[ Spoiler ]
Dodge Roll: Reaction 5 : 6, 5, 4, 1, 1 = 2 successes, not enough
Damage Res. Roll: Body 5 + Armor Jacket 8 - 1 AP = 12 dices : 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1 = 4 successes (so, 4s didn't do anything, right?

Rayo takes (7+2-4)P=5P of damage.. with body of 5, he will be knocked down.
Rayo takes a shot to his right arm and spins around from the force to the ground.
Drek! I just hate those freaking shotguns!Lots of moaning and cursing, and he crawls back to his feet.
Aug 16 2007, 07:43 AM
Tossing him a cold beer, Goz leans forward, sipping as he does so, and listens intently. "Answers some of them. I suppose it's enough to go on; do you have any personal suggestions? I'll tell you right now, I'm no slouch when it comes down to a fight, though I doubt I'll match you any time soon, if your reputation is even close to accurate. So you have the fall guys lined up, we have the meet location, and our goals are to take out Eve, take out Blake, take out the rest of the Krewe, and possibly get rid of a team of runners. We'll need the fresh bodies of the Blue Moon cronies you've got lying there. Am I mistaken in assuming Eve won't be at the location of the handoff? She'll need to be taken care of either right before, during, or right after the hit, since she'll turn should anything happen to Blake and she finds out about it. Presumably, he'd do the same if he found out she had been taken out, so it'll have to be a two-part hit."
Furrowing his brow, he shook his head. "To be honest, it sounds like we should pull in some more guns. I haven't seen you in action, though, nor do I know of the skills of these other two, so we may be sufficient. I just hate the idea of moving in on a runner team, and two full krewes, with only three people, and sending another lone person against this Eve. Seems like a job for sabatoge, with the guns blazing just to mop up what's left."
Shrugging his shoulders, he finished off his beer and dropped the bottle into the bin, moving in to the kitchen to grab a loaf of bread and a slab of cheese to snack on. "Any suggestions, Mr. Bennett? Something I've overlooked?"
Aug 16 2007, 06:27 PM
You've over looked the cargo. My orders were specific. Get the bliss, and get the buy money. So no explosives.
We're likely looking at three to four Gianellis, and as many Black Throats. At most we'd be looking at eight to ten bodies. Blake can't bring more people than the Gianellis do without upsetting his new partners, and they can only bring so many people in a van with a couple hundred kilos of bliss in the back.
J's sharp and fast. im sure she can account for two or three. I can take three to four myself. Rayo is a rigger so who knows what he's capable of. Plus you.
If we play it smart, we might be able to make one side is ambushing the other, which should give us a bit of extra time.
Eve though will be a problem. If we hit her first, Blake will know something is up. We'll have to find a way to track her down, and get her right after Blake. If we're lucky, she'll be at the Razr Back, and we can just blow the whole place. I doubt we'll be that Lucky though.
Aug 16 2007, 07:27 PM
Nodding, Goz didn't mention that he hadn't "overlooked" needing to keep the cargo intact. Bennett hadn't said anything about that. Good to know that he's still human, and capable of making little mistakes, just like anyone else. He's good, but he's not infallible.
"Alright. I wouldn't like blowing up a club to get one person at any rate; it's too expensive, and wasteful. Do you know of any good magic-users we might be able to pull in, as a one-off hit on Eve? Might keep things simpler to take her out with some spell, or a swarm of spirits, or something like that."
Biting off a hunk of bread, he chewed for a moment, then swallowed. "In fact, if we think Rayo can do it, I'm sure you, J, and myself could manage the meet, if it's limited to eight to ten people. The only real trouble is that we can't account for the capabilities of the runner team he's looking to hire. Any word on who that will be, or whether or not they're any good?"
Pausing, he added, "Oh, and these Blue Moons you they know they're going to be used as meat, or might we be able to get them to actually run in, guns blazing? Sending them in in front of us takes down the likelihood we'll be shot first, and mopping them up won't be an issue; a bullet to the back of the brainpan can take care of that. Getting a few extra guns and warm bodies would do wonders, as long as they're sure to drop."
Aug 16 2007, 07:45 PM
A control spell was the original plan. But then the mage Lucky was using, an elf by the name of Sinn, got him self shot up. She isn't having the best luck with wizards at the moment it seems.
We would need a material link for Eve to hit her with anything. Miriam has her pets the Voodoo Posse however, who can work their magic with little to nothing. That's what the rumors say at least. We would probably need something from J, since she's the only one besides Lucky who's met Eve face to face.
I have no word on the runners involved. The first word I heard of them was jsut the other day, and no deatils on them. We'll have to assume the worst and plan on one of them being a mage, and the other heavily cybered. If you were expecting an ambush, I expect you'd plan on something along those lines. The information we have so far only points to two. Hopefully that won't change to three with a high powered rifle.
If we had time and cred to burn , I'd say maybe a kink bomb in each one would be the way to go. Might be we can just pop one off that way and bluff the others in to thinking they've got them as well. Could be a good motivator.
Aug 16 2007, 07:57 PM
Nodding, Goz smiled. "That's good thinking. When exactly is the meet? We might be able to manage that..." Thinking to himself, he paused. "What's the expected take for the family on this grab, and the individuals involved Do we know? I can look for a good Mage to hire, unless you have some recommendations, but I would need to know what to offer."
If they're expecting to get a good bit of cash on this one, Harry would probably extend some of it to get the job done. If I get a decent cut, I wouldn't mind using it towards making sure everything goes down smoothly; trouble is, I would need it upfront, and that makes people edgy. Harry knows me well enough to trust me, but when something is as nebulous as drug trafficking, you can never be sure how much you'll get. I'll have to ask him about that. Still, the important thing right now is making sure your reputation stays clean; if you have to get the money some other way, so be it.
Aug 16 2007, 08:12 PM
Only J and Lucky know the details about the meet. I plan on contacting her soon.
As for the take, I suggest you talk to the Hammer about that. Maybe he can help you with the Posse. I don't think anyone else will be able to help us with Eve.