Mar 12 2007, 08:27 AM
LINK to In With the Family OOCDo me a FavorThe phone rang. It was early. Rather, it was late enogh to be early. 0300 infact. It took Lucky a minute to find her commlink, flashing a pale blue in the dark. Her eyes took just a moment to come in to focus. One of the benfits of elven seeing was that the dark was little hindrance. One of the draw backs wat that a neon blue commlink screen in an other wise pitch black room was a pain in the ass. She recognized the number : Mancuso.
She groaned, took a minute to clear her head, and clicked the connect screen, but leaving the video black.
Good morning Lucky. I trust this isn't a bad time?
It ins't the best. What can I do for you Julain?Mancuso smiled. Apparently he had
not been woken in the middle of the night by someone higher up the food chain. At least that meant that whatever it was wasn't an emergency.
I need to you to get some of your peopel together. A situation has arisen that needs to be handled delicately. I know that isn't exac;y the forte' of everyone that you associate your self with, ut the task I have in mind requires a certain combination of tact and brute force. You, I'm sure, can call on both.
I'd like you to meet with me today, at 1000 hours. Same place as usual. Bring htem along. It will be lucrative of course. But I need this handled quickly. Can I count on you Lucky?His look was questioning, as if he almost expected an answer. Apparently he'd heard about that frag up she'd almost been involved in that nearly left the rest of the team in body bags.
God some bliss would be good right now.
Lady Door
Mar 12 2007, 08:39 AM
Thank god for the black screen.. smug son of a bitch...
We'll be there, Julian
With that, Lucky snapped the commlink case closed. She allowed herself a small smile, Julian hated it when she called him by his first name, prefering the days when she would kowtow and call him MR. Mancuso. But, there was now enough water and blood under the bridge that she felt she could do away with that one courtesy. Besides, he woke her up at 3 a.m. just for the power trip it gave him.
Frag 'em. I wonder what in the hell he needs done now?
With a few quick keystrokes on the 'link Lucky dispatched two encrypted text messages.
Heya boys, hope you're all rested up from your last thing cuz we got biz. J.M. wants to see us, bright and early. Meet me at La Boehme Cafe, 9 a.m. We'll ride together. Sinn, bring your black beast.
That's done. Now, on to bigger and brighter things. Lucky turned and sprawled over the sleeping form of her latest flavor of the week.
Good Mornin', Suga.
Might as well salvage something out of an already ruined morning...
Mar 13 2007, 06:40 PM
Reply to Lucky later that morning:
Black Beast? Oh what ever could you mean?
Puts down his comlink, and goes back to playing with Dante. After getting him a bit worn out, lay's him down for a nap. Goes back to his com.
After last time, I better see what this job is worth, instead of getting in over my head.
The com rings for a few minutes until it goes straigt to voice mail.
This is Lucky......Whatever.
The all to famaliar beeping sound at the end of her message of hate to the world.
Lucky, its Sin. Where you at? Havent spoken in a few weeks. Listen, Im going down to Snakeskin's. Meet me there, so we can discuss this job. Also, Snake said he had some fresh bliss in stock if you're interested. Oh and by the way, change your voicemail, its lame.
Lady Door
Mar 14 2007, 08:26 AM
*Beep, Beep, BEEEEEP*
Lucky's alarm was blaring, the previous nights' bedmate was still in her bed, and the sun was streaming though the heavy black drapes the salesman SWORE would stop the sun. It was not going to be a good morning.
15 minutes later, Mr. Right Now was standing bewildered on the porch holding his pants and car keys, coffee was brewing and Lucky was in the shower. The mini-screen in the shower communications suite was blinking, indicating a message waiting. Lucky keyed the message and listened as she washed her hair.
Ahh, it's Sinn. Good, he got my message. What? Dammit! I said La Boehme, 9 a.m.! Does he not remember what happened the last time I went to Snake's? Fragging bartender can't take a joke.
Lucky quickly washed out her hair and turned the water off. Turning the screen off, Lucky quickly dialed Sinn's number. The phone went straight to voice mail.
Impatiently, Lucky hit the prompt that took her past the vmail message. Let the people who had time listen to it.
Sinn, it's Lucky. La Boehme. 9 a.m. It's been a bad morning, don't make it any worse, k, sweetheart? Oh, and when you see Snake...tell 'em his girl could use a little more of the sweet stuff.
Lucky snapped the commlink shut, then opened it again.
Frag! Nothing from Streak. Boy better show up or I swear on all that's holy... Aww, hell! I'm late for Mass.
Mar 14 2007, 08:36 AM
Sin and Lucky both arrive at La Boeheme, a coffe shop just off the french quarter ,at roughly 9am. Perhpas meeting at a coffe shop on a weekday morning wasn't the best plan after all. Wage slaves are coming and going about their little corp drone lives asking for drinks that are likely either e foreign language or orinigated in L.A.
You remember Seattle being worst though.
It only takes a moment to find a table. It's harder getting a spot where the yuppies don't check out Lucky, and the yupp-ets don't drool and Sin's bad-boy-that-you-just-might-turn-good-look. Eventually though, the glint of iron underneath the jacket manages to get across what eyes don't seem to convey correctly.
Mar 14 2007, 11:35 PM
Fraggin nosey old bastards eyein lucky Geuss I cant say I blame them though.Sin, Wearing Jeans and a T-shirt, probablly new, extends his hand and says quiet enough so that only the two could hear.
Its good to see you again Lucky. Where ya at? Looking lovely as always. Hows Rock? Listen before we get started, I had Gumbo do some homework on our little buddy Streak. Apparently, he did some work in Seattle on his way here. Dont know what the job was or who it was with. Though, there was something about a cat. Thinks for a moment then shudders.
Anyway, all I know is that he fucked up, and from the way he is now, and the fact that he went from Seattle to New Orleans means it was probably pretty bad. No suprise there. He's a bit more shady then I expected, im not so sure we need to further our bussiness with him. Let me know what you think after our meet. Speaking of which, tell me about this job. Wanna know what your getting me into
Lady Door
Mar 15 2007, 06:34 AM
La Boehme seemed like the perfect place for the meet. It was crowded, so many voices it was damn near impossible to hear any one. Lucky maneuvered her way to a table on the second floor patio. There he was, leaning against the railing, staring out into the crowded street below.
Seeing Sinn again brought back a flood of memories, most of them memories that Lucky thought she had drowned in bottles of Jack. Apparently, the damn things were persistent.
Something's off... wait, where's the hat? Where's the oh, so carefully cultivated scary ass voodoo wear? Jeans, t-shirt,...oh, my good Lord, are those sneakers? Sinn has done gone and gotten himself all ... well, whatever it is. It's seriously freaking me out.
Lucky's eyes narrowed, taking in Sinn both on the physical plane and then shifting to the astral. Ever since that encounter with the bugs, well, it paid to be careful.
Seeing nothing noteworthy about Sinn's aura, other then he was clearly liking what he was seeing in her - though honestly, who wouldn't? Lucky pulled a seat out, slipping into it in one smooth motion. In another smooth motion, she had a cigarette (Lucky Strikes, of course) out and in her mouth. Without thought, Sinn leaned forward and offered a light.
Thanks, doll. So... Lucky took a long slow look at Sinn.Papa's got a brand new bag? What's the deal? Not that I don't like the change... well, honestly I don't. This new look... it's so corporate. Though, I do have to tell you... it's scaring the hell out of me, so maybe it's workin'.
Wink and an exhale. I'm doin' good. Workin', keeping myself in trouble. Rock's... well, Rock is Rock. He's as loyal as they come and he thinks the sun rises and sets when Boss Man say so. But, I love the guy. Eh. Your info about Streak is appreciated. You should find out more. If the guy is in that much trouble, soon enough that trouble is going to catch up with him. He think's about cutting a deal, naming names.. I want to know and I suspect you do too. I know you got the connections, find out what you can on this guy. Find some leverage. He leans on us, I want to be able to lean right back.
As for the job, I'll tell you more on the ride over. But, first, breakfast. I have a hangover and I need coffee, beignets and a Bloody Mary... and I need them in that order. Flag down that waiter, will ya, mon chere?
Mar 16 2007, 12:27 AM
Waves his hand at nearest waitress. She seems to notice and gives that, "Ill be right with you" look in his direction. At least thats what he hopes that look was.
Mon chere? Doll? Now its you whos scarin me. As for th new gear, Im giving Gheed a rest. Took up Legba. Maybe someday Ill tell you why.Take a sip of his coffee and takes a peek in the astral. The fact that now Lucky, of all people, was an awakened amused him. He may try to make an attempt to teach her some things, but he knew how she was. Also, they follow diffrent traditions, for now, he thought. Maybe basic spell casting, and all that mumbo jumbo. but everything else she might have to get trained by someone else, if she wants a specific way of doing this.
Thats all the info on streak I could get, who ever wanted to cover him up, did a damn good job. Anything else, Ill keep on the backburner for now. Ill keep you informed ofcourse, but thats about it, YOU. You know as well as I do, trust wont take you far here unless its real.Sin almost couldnt beleive the words coming out of his mouth, out of all the people in the world that hes dealt with, worked with, or loved Lucky was the only one he really trusted. It sounded even weirder in his head the second time he thought it. Ever since Silene died, Lucky had been kind of the only one With the exception of Bourban, who had been there for him. Bourban had been a great help, alowing Sin to stay with her, helping him handle that spirit bitch who had almost killed his entire family, and teaching him some new things about himself as a voodooin. She would never be forgotton in his mind or heart. But Lucky's way was diffrent. It was her that made sure everyone left Sin alone during that time, and she had watched his back and front on all there jobs, and she trusted him enough not to kill him yet. He thought of her the same way he thought of Bourban, Family.
Alright, we'll eat, then go see the big man. Hurry up, dont wanna be too late. But late ofcourse
He turned to the waitress:
Miss, can I get some more coffee, this time with some rum in it. Also, hows your sandwich's?
Lady Door
Mar 18 2007, 04:25 AM
Lucky regarded Sinn with an impassive eye. So...a new Sinn? He's got a new attitude. Trying it out on me? Seeing how I react? Interesting. I can let it ride for now. Besides, we got business. Doesn't pay to get all riled up before we have to be chill. What was it that Sister Ava used to say?.. ah, right, "You catch more bees with honey then vinegar, Lucky." I can be the honey for now. We'll see if I have to be a little more bitter later.
Finally, Lucky smiled.
All right, Sinn. We'll make this quick. Get your sandwhich to go, and I'll do the same.
Lucky flagged the same waitress down and made her request. Irritated by the waitress' obvious interest in Sinn, Lucky pinned her with a glare. The waitress scurried off, bringing another slow smile to Lucky's face.
Laying the cred down, (Lucky always carried a roll of cash) Lucky paid the bill and rose to her feet. Without waiting to see if Sinn would follow (just assuming he would) she made her way down to the parking lot and to the massive black Hovercraft that Sinn inherited after his wife's untimely death.
Standing outside, Lucky lit another cigarette and inhaled deeply. Tar, Nicotine, Coffee and Spice.
God, I love this town.
Mar 18 2007, 04:49 AM
It wasn't a long trip to Naughty Kitten, the strip joint that Mancuso did much of his work out of. The place wa an interesting blend between a gentleman's club and seedy strip joint. It had it's polished veneer in certain rooms, and others that were the kind of roach have nthat the seediest low life would feel right at home with.
At least the girls were class. Mancuso was the type to insist that the dancers were the type that were trying to pay their way through college, or some other such drek. Even if it was an open lie, the pretence was what was important. The girls were clean, the booze was good, and local, and the cigars were imported. And one could be sure that if anyone was listneing in, they'd be wise guys or soon to be dead guys.
Mancuso was already waiting in his usual booth in the back, on a slightly elevated platform that afforded an excellent view of the entrance, stage, and bar. As was the norm, Theodore and a few other soldiers were sitting in the wings keeping an eye on things.
Mancuso rose as the pair walked up, already signaling a waitress coming over with their drinks of choice, whiskey and rum. Mancuso always seemed to best dressed in relaxed quality. A dark blue silk shirt over black slacks, and a cigar in hand, he was the picture of ease. He took Lucky's hand as she approached, and shook at as one would a respected friend, then offered a cigar to each of them.
Brought in from Havanna just the other day. Still perfectly fresh.
He opened his lighter, offering them both a light.
Once everyone was seated, Mancuso , as usual, got to business. If he could be counted on for anything, it was to not keep people waiting.
Last night a van came into the Crescent with a load of bliss. A few hundred kilos. The delivery was made to one of the local krewes, one you've got some experience with acutally. The Black Throats. Seems they've made some changes since that fiasco on the river with some missing Ares hardware.
Obviously we didn't get out cut, but this is more than some rogue krewe. The shipment was being brought in by the Gianelle's out of Atlanta. I know both of you are savvy enough to know what a mess Atlanta is, and where most of the blame lies for that. It seems some others in the family there are looking for greener pastures. And they aren't asking permission.
The situation can't be left as it stands. The Gianelle's can't be bringing their problems to our door. And Miriam is getting sick and tired of the Black Throats. But of course, we've got a Gianelle in our camp. Victor Spinelli is one of our captains, and even if he doens't stand with is family, it's going to cause all sorts of problems if he finds out we've started capping his cousins.
Miriam wants you to stop the next shipment. Do some leg work, and find out when the Black Throats are picking up the next one. She wants you to crash the meet, take care of the Gianelle delivery boys, and either make it look like a double cross from the krewe, or frame another krewe. Make N'alens look like to hot a place for them to bring their business. You've probably got about antoher week until the next delivery, but there's no way to be sure.
Let me know what you need for this. Miriam is very upset about this and would be very pleased to see it handled with your utmost care and attention. She's also in a generous mood. She's offered to let you keep 10% of the buy money, and all the bliss, for you to sell as you see fit.
Lady Door
Mar 19 2007, 06:47 AM
Lucky smiles as she sees Mancuso sitting at his usual table. Once again, she's struck with how much it looks like he's sitting on a throne. Oh, well if he ain't just a piece of work. But, damnnn, the man is good looking.
Hello Julian.This time when Lucky speaks his name, there's no sign of disprespect, just carefully modulated seduction. She winks as she slides into the chair next to him. At the offer of the cigar, Lucky accepts, allowing Julian to light it. Knowing that he enjoys these small displays.
As he begins to speak, Lucky turns her body toward him. Her knee brushing up against his under the table. She knows how he likes to be looked at. She knows that right now, there are three other made men down there wishing they were him and he knows it... and loves it. Let him be the center of attention, let him be the king of the castle. It gives him a thrill and gives me an ace when it comes to bargaining. Who cares if he knows the play. If he knows the playbook, it means he knows the rules.
After the offer's been tossed on the table, Lucky settles back for a moment. Whiskey in one hand, cigar in the other. Slow puff, even slower sip. Tongue slips out, licks the lips.
Ms. Miriam is very generous. Lucky's eyes slid over to Sinn. She studied his expression, waiting for the slightest indication of yes or no.
Mar 19 2007, 05:23 PM
Glances back at Lucky, gives a slight turn of his head, raising his eyebrows, and giving a smug grin. Almost challenging her to make the decision for him.
Here she goes again. I wish I could say she has no idea what she's doing, but unfortunetly she does. I mean look at this guy, she's practically raping him in this booth, most likely being mistaken for one of the dancers to the untrained eye no doubt. And he's gettin off on the power trip from it. How pathetic. Well, time to turn on the bargaining light...
Well, Mancusso. That is a great deal. And let Miraim know that Im grateful she trusts me enough to give me work of such delacussy. But I got another one. Let me know if you like it. We've dealt with these guys before, and it wasn't pleasant to say the least. So theres a great chance that they're gonna keep an eye out for us, especially since its quite known who I get most my work from. So this is my deal, don't worry about covering any costs for us, save your money there. I want 15%, and Lucky can take all the bliss, I have no interest in that what so ever. Waddya say?
Sits back in the chair now lighting his cigar, flashes a breif smile at Lucky. They're tag team effort may just actually work.
Mar 19 2007, 05:33 PM
Mancuso takes a moment to look Sinn over. Not apraisinly, more like the type of look you'd give something you're trying to set in to your sights.
Ten Percent is more than generous for the type of moeny we're talking about. Factor in the type of money you'd be looking at after Lucky movess the bliss, and we're talking about quite a lot of money.
Besides that, Miriam hasn't placed her trust in you. To be perfectly frank, Miriam trusts me, and I trust Lucky. She saw fit to bring you along. You've got talent, that's no doubt. But you also have a tendency to go over board. We all remember that fiasco on the freeway a few weeks ago Sin.You've got quite a number of black marks on your record Sinn. Lucky doesn't so I trust her to bring you along.
Do this properly and that could go a long ways to removing some of those black marks. I'll back your rep, and say the frag ups were the others on your team.
Lady Door
Mar 19 2007, 05:38 PM
Looking over the situation, Lucky exhales slowly. Well that went better then I thought it would have. Sinn's got the mojo, but he doesn't understand the way we work yet. Have to work on that.
Julian, as I said, Ms. Miriam's offer is most generous. I understand how troubling this situation must be for her. Please let her know that I will take this care of this situation for her immediately.Pause. Now, if you don't mind, Julian. We have work to do. Thank you for the cigar. I'll contact you as soon as I have new information.
Lucky quickly slides out of the seat and is up and moving through the bar without another word.
Sinn, please just follow. Don't say another word.
Mar 19 2007, 05:39 PM
You did a bad thing Sin, you did a no no Sin, I'd look good with a cane to the face Sin, blah blah blah. No wonder Lucky hates this guy. Smug son of a bitch.
Funny thing is, the frag up, were in fact the others on my team. I get the rep, becuase Im the only one with a rep. I appreciate the concern though. Takes a sip of his glass. But I suppose you're right though. It would be a large sum of money. Shoots the whole glass in a gulp. Slams the glass down. Alright Mancusso! You got a deal.
Stands up
And as the lady said, we got some work to do, so Ill see ya around.
Mar 19 2007, 05:45 PM
Mancuso nods and stands to shake hands as you prepare to leave.You know how to get in touch of me should there be need. Lucky, let me know if you need anything. Sinn, do you have a moment? I'd like to speak with you in private if you don't mind.
Mar 19 2007, 05:48 PM
Nods to Lucky as he mindlinks:
Its ok, Ill meet you at the car.
Sits back down for a moment stairing at Julien, waiting for him to speak.
Mar 19 2007, 05:53 PM
Mancuso sits back down.
Thanks for staying. I never got the chance to offer you my condolences or those of the family. It's a tragedy what happened. I would offer you our assistance in dealing with the matter, but I'm quite certain you've done that already.
Miriam is personally touched and concerned by your position. She's asked me to extend you an offer. She would like to help you and your son. She's arranged for a position to come open at a private school for Dante. It also has a very good school for magically talented children. We'd also like to help you ge a new place. With with a bit more security that won't have a problem with your personal habits.
What do you say?
Mar 19 2007, 05:57 PM
Suprised by this sudden change of tone.
Sits back in his chair.
This does sound like a good deal. I dont want Dante involved though.
Alright, but on the condition, that Dante is not involved in anything we do. I dont want him to suffer the same fate as his mother and twin brother. As long as he's safe, you dig?
Mar 19 2007, 06:03 PM
Of course. Your son's safety is of course the point after all. I know many in our profession wish something different for their sons. I'll send you the relevant information.
But we've kept Lucky waiting long enough.
Mancuo stands again, again offering his hand.
Thank you for taking the time. And good luck with your task.
Lady Door
Mar 19 2007, 06:04 PM
Waiting for Sinn outside feels like an eternity. Lucky paces, chain smoking cigarette after cigarette. As soon as he's outside, she's walking towards the 'Beast. Without saying a word she waits for the security system to disengage and then opens the door and slides in. Before he can say a word, Lucky begins:
Okay...Lucky exhales and lights a cigaretteSinn, I know Mancuso is a world class dick and you did really well reading the cues I was laying down, but in a meet like this, a meet that occurs in my world... don't roll your eyes, you know what I mean... in a meet like this. I talk. I make the deal. You nod, you give me a sign, you beam your little voodoo voice straight into my head, but you don't say a word. Mancuso is a player, he wants something. He wanted us for this, even after the whole fiasco before. Which could mean nothing or everything. He could want us to screw us over, he could want us to make a point. The fact is that I don't know what he wants yet. So until we do, play it by the book. Which means that with the family, I call the shots. It's looking like we're going to be messing around with the Krewe's on this one. That's all you, Sinn. That's your territory. You call the shots there. Savvy?
Fiddling with her cigarette, Lucky regards Sinn. Frag it, I hope he understands. I like him, I really do. But, I have to know where I stand with the Family. If he keeps mouthing off, I'm screwed for bringing him in. Oh, Goddd.. I could use some bliss.
Mar 20 2007, 07:26 PM
Shakes hands with Macusso. Stands and walks out to the car. As soon as the car door closes, Listens to Lucky's Academy award worthy speach.
Staires at lucky for a second.
How does it feel? I saw you rehearsing that speech out here, while you were waiting for me. Is it going as well as you hoped?
Puts the Beast into reverse. And drives away.
Thinks to himself:
You want to know what he talked to me about, dont you? Its driving her nuts. Mancusso wanted to speak to me in private and shes going insane as to what he said. Ill let her stew for a while
Gets on his com, calls Dante's babysitter to check in. Make sure hes doing good.
Hes takin a nap? Hmm, little guy must of wore himself out. Alright, Ill be home shortley Cindy. Hangs up.
So....had any magical training yet?
Lady Door
Mar 20 2007, 11:37 PM
For a long while, there is only silence. Lucky regards Sinn for most of it. Sunglasses hide Lucky's eyes and there's no reading the practiced poker face. As they near La Boehme, Lucky finally turns and faces the road. When the Beast parks, Lucky opens the door and swings out. Once outside, she straightens her sunglasses, runs a hand through her hair and lights a cigarette.
Without a word, Lucky walks over to her truck and keys off the security system. All her movements are deliberate. She opens the door and climbs in.
PM to GM
Mar 21 2007, 12:10 AM
At the Lucky Strike that night, Lucky is sitting at the bar, trying to relax and enjoy a good drink. A bit of bliss would do wonders right now, but there's someone to meet. Again, she checks her chronometer.
21:59.... sometimes punctual is worst than late.... he'd better not be late.....
Looking up from her chronometer, she glances as the door jsut as it opens. Her watch beeps 2200. A tall human man with close cropped blond hair walks in. He's built like a brick wall. Wide, thick, and probably weighs a ton. He's not exceptionally tall, but 6'3" is big enough to be intimidating. He's wearing a dark brown long coat, looking slightly stained. It might acutally be leather. Either that or armored with a faux leather sheathing. Expensive. He's wearing black cargo pants, and black biker boots along, and a grey t-shirt. A holstered Salvette Guardian is holstered on his right hip, another heavy pistol under his left arm. As he takes off his sunglasses, his eyes are solid chrome. He looks to be in his late thirties. He has the look of an old hand.
He scans the room briefly, then heads over towards Lucky, stopping just out of arms reach. The people sitting aound her seem to lean in closer to the bar.
You must be Ms Santangelo. I'm Bennet. Is there someplace private we can talk?
He doesn't offer a gloved hand.
Lady Door
Mar 21 2007, 12:16 AM
Oh Good God, I think I'm in love.
Follow me.
Lucky slides off of the barstool, glass in hand and makes her way down the dark corridor. Still, there is a certain amount of tension in her shoulders and her free hand stays free and ready to go for the gun hidden in the small of her back should she need to. After all, there is a very large, very unknown man following her. Lucky smirks as she opens the door to her office. Give a girl a thrill, why don't ya?
Walking in, she crosses the floor to stand behind the desk.
Shut the door and have a seat, Mr. Bennet.
Mar 21 2007, 12:19 AM
Bennet comes in to the office and leans against the wall facing Lucky, his arms cross. The position puts his hands very close to the shouldred .... looks liek a manhunter. Extended clip.
Lady Door
Mar 21 2007, 12:23 AM
Lucky looks amused at the defiance.
Okay, have it your way... so tell me, what do you do? Besides look intimidating and carry a big gun?
Mar 21 2007, 12:26 AM
Bennet smiles Normally that's all I have to do. I'm a problem solver.
Lady Door
Mar 21 2007, 12:28 AM
Lucky smiles.
Good. That's exactly what I'm looking for. So, tell me, what were you told about me?
Mar 21 2007, 05:01 AM
Bennet smiles again. It never touches his eyes. That you know your business.
He pauses for a moment, having said all he planned to say apparently. He told me everything I need to know about what's going on, so no need to repeat. Just let me know what you need done. I'm here to assist you. With anything. He didn't give a time limit. So if you're working, I'm working.
Bennet stopped talking again. He wasn't so much someone that finshed what he was saying. Rather he was a person that had periods of speaking.
Lady Door
Mar 21 2007, 05:04 AM
Good. Then let's get started.
PM to GM
Mar 22 2007, 05:15 PM
Walk into Snakeskins Bar. Look around, and find him in the back near the pool tables as usual.
Wait for him to be just about ready to shoot his round in pool, then use a mindlink spell.
Hey Snake.
Mar 22 2007, 06:38 PM
Snakeskin scratches on his shot, the pool cue knicking the top edge of the ball, sending it spinning wildly. He swears and looks around quickly for the source of the disembodied but familiar voice. Finally he spots Sinn across the room. Having doomed his game anyways, he cues over some nuyen to his opponent and janders over.
Heya Sinn, where ya' at? Got some biz, or just lookin' for a time?
Mar 22 2007, 10:38 PM
How ya been snake?
Slaps hands with him.
Yeah I got some Biz. Anywhere we can talk?
Snake guides him over to an empty boothe in the back. Flips a switch to that all to familiar sound of a white noise generator.
Alright Sin, whats your biz?
Sin Looks quietly for a moment, than begins to speak.
Me and Lucky just got a new job, the details of it arent important, what is important though, is if we get this done right, we're gonna have alot of bliss on our hands, we're gonna be lookin for a buyer. You interested, chummer?
Mar 23 2007, 01:26 AM
Well I get my stuff from a usual supplier. And I'm sure you know the type... kinda takes unkindly like to being under bid. But tell you what, cut me a good deal, and I got a little nest egg piece that I can send your way, as long as the profit's good enough. I don't know how much you got, and I don't wanna know by the sound. But if you wanna unload it, I can maybe pick out a couple other guys that might like a bigger slice a pie for a discount. For a small finder's fee of course. You just be careful. That's other people's markets you're sliding in to there. People that don't share well.
But yeah, let me know when you got stuff, and I 'll check it out, see the quality. Then we'll talk some numbers, soka?
Mar 24 2007, 12:05 AM
Agreed. Ill talk to Lucky about it and see what she thinks. She's a little smarter about these things, personally I dont care much for it. But If I let her take all of it than we'll prolly have more problems on our hands. Can you imagen Lucky with that much freely put in front of her? Speaking of which, she wants to know when she can get some more bliss for her next hit. Said something about "momma's hungry."
Getting a sudden feeling of regret.
I dont mind doin some work for Miraim and Oz and all that, but I aint no drug dealer. The sooner I get rid of this stuff the better. If Snake can take it, it's his. I'll let Lucky handle, I suppose.
Text Lucky:
Hey Lucky, Its me. I just spoke to Snake about our next little profit. Says he can help us get it off our hands. We'll need to discuss numbers and so on so forth. Where are you? You kinda dissapeared after your little speach. By the way, Did you write that down? That was some good shit, kinda wanna use it the next time Gumbo steps out of line.
Mar 24 2007, 12:19 AM
Snake nods, fishes through his pockets, and pulls out a small baggie, then hands it over under the table.
That one's on the house. Call it good faith.
Mar 24 2007, 12:33 AM
Gives him a wink, pockets the bliss.
Ill be sure to let her know of your hospitality.
Stands up and heads towards the door. after getting outside, head home and wait for Lucky's call.
Mar 24 2007, 12:37 AM
Perception test - visual, -5
Mar 24 2007, 12:44 AM
Perception roll
Using edge
Mar 24 2007, 12:45 AM
Roll reaction
Mar 24 2007, 12:47 AM
Mar 24 2007, 12:56 AM
Reaction w/ Edge for suprise - 4,2,6(5),6(3),6(2),5,6(1)3Sinn sees the muzzles come up from the van across the street. Time seems to slow, and he instinctively dives for cover, but not fast enough. The figures in the van open fire.
[ Spoiler ]
Fist shooter - shot gun
5 successes at 9(f) =14DV +2 armor -2 dodge for scatter
Second shooter - Heavy pistol
4 successes - 5DV + exp rond +1dv-1AP = 9DV-2AP
4 successes - 5DV + exp rond +1dv-1AP = 9DV-2AP
Third Shooter - SMG
4 successes - 6DV +exp Amo +1dv-1AP+short burst = 10DV-2AP
You managed the perception test, but not reaction to take initiative. You can roll reaction to dodge the attacks, but not full dodge. NO action until next initiative. Roll reaction and damage resistance.
Mar 24 2007, 01:07 AM
Reaction to aviod getting fucked up:
[ Spoiler ]
1st roll:
4,5,5,3,2 = 2 net
2nd roll:
2,2,6,5,5 =3 net
3rd roll:
5,5,6,6,5 =5 net
4th roll:
6,6,2,6,6 =4 net
What the Fu-!
Mar 24 2007, 01:15 AM
Roll to resist damage[ Spoiler ]
First shooter - shot gun
5 successes at 9(f) =14DV +2 armor -2 dodge for scatter
- 2 net dodge successes resist 12 DV w/ Body 5 and Armor 8
Second shooter - Heavy pistol
4 successes - 5DV + exp rond +1dv-1AP = 9DV-2AP
-3 net success = 6DV w/ 5 body and 4 armor
Second shot misses
Third Shooter - SMG
4 successes - 6DV +exp Amo +1dv-1AP+short burst = 10DV-2AP
-4 net successes = 0 net hits - shot misses
Mar 24 2007, 01:21 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Roll 1
6,6,5,4,1,1,2,6,5,4,4= 5 net success
Roll 2
4,3,2,3,3,5,4,6,6,5,4= 4 net success
Roll 3
1,1,5,3,6,6,5,4,5,6,6= 6 net success
Roll 4
6,6,5,4,1,2,1,3,5,4,6= 4 net success
Mar 24 2007, 01:28 AM
[ Spoiler ]
12DV - 5 net = 7 boxes
6 DV - 4 net = 2 boxes
9 boxes of damage
The first blast slams in to Sinn, sending him flying back against the wall. There's too much pain. He feels a second burning in his shoulder. Rounds are hitting everywhere, everything is pain. Everything is black for amoment, then the world snaps back in to painful focus. Focused on pain.
Two more shots ring out, followed by the squeel of tires.
Reaction to dodge, -3 for wounds
Mar 24 2007, 01:34 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Base initiative: 10
-3 for damage
6,5,6,6,3,4,5= 5 net success's
Initiative: 15
Mar 24 2007, 01:47 AM
Init 11
Mar 24 2007, 01:50 AM
[ Spoiler ]
-3 for wounds