Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 08:36 PM
Lucky reads over the text and sends over one of her own.
Lu, good to hear. Tell J. hi for me. Wish I could make it but I've got another appointment. Give R. my best and have him call me if there's anything I can do. Give me a call later. Would love to catch up.
Apr 30 2007, 08:51 PM
Okay dokey, always a pleasure, will say hi to J and R for you. Hope it all goes well for you
Okay, Ms. Santangelo has got udder plans, so I guess we's get all der fun o' askin' da questions. Let's get you sorted and den find us a nice quiet alley or doss in der slums ta ask Mr. Playful 'ere all dose burnin' questions. Oh youse got any cable ties in 'ere?
May 1 2007, 05:22 PM
Look from my bag. There should be something you can keep the fragger hold still.
Rayo is one moment totally silent while setting the course, then he seems to realize something while evil grin crosses his face.
Luigi.. how about, we take mister Jack to a little boat ride? This time of the year sea is really beautiful - and deadly.
May 1 2007, 09:57 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Quick! Get some quick drying cement! "Swim wit' da' fishes Jack!" HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA[/spioler]
May 1 2007, 11:08 PM
Hunting through Rayo's bag, Luigi pulls out a couple of cable ties and quickly looping them through each other he feeds one of Jack's hands through each loop and pulls them tight.... well tight enough to hold but a little short of cutting the blood supply off.
Dat sounds gud, nice an' private and easy disposal and grinning back at the dwarf, he settles back for the ride.
Gud 'ead on dis one, tink we's gonna get on fine
May 2 2007, 02:12 AM
Luigi/Rayo- Wednesday August 15th, 1500 - Dr TellsThe pair arive at the back of Dr Tell's office a bit later. They pull in the back, and are allowed in, Rayo quickly ushered in to the back. Dr Tekk cuts away the shirt and places Rayo across an operating table, sedating him, then goes to work. Luigi, waiting in the van with Jack ,receives an AR text letting him know it will be a few hours.
[ Spoiler ]
Dr Tell Logic 7+ First Aid 5 (S) Combat Wounds) +2 for excellent conditions and equipment.
10 successes w. Edge
When Rayo looks up, Teller is acutally smiling.
I replaced a bit of the missing muscle with some vat grown tissue I had from you last visit, and refused the bones together. Your shoulder blade was a mess. You were coughing up blood because your lung had been nicked. That would have killed you eventually. Everything has been cleaned, sterilized and replaced. You've got some vat grown skin over the wound. It'll be a little tender for a few days, but it will do the trick. Some of my best work really.
You know I don't really like doing this, but at least I had a bit of a challenge for once.
That'll be $5,000.
May 2 2007, 06:00 PM
Rayo looks a moment in disbelief, gets some spit to his lungs and starts couching. When he finally gets breath, he's laughing - painfully because of still a bit sore back, but still laughing.
Oh gods.. doc, I must still have some gas in my head. I heard you said 5,000. Ain't that funny.. that's not? Really?! Five thousand dollars? Come on, give me a break. I don't have THAT much money with me!
Oh man.. Mancuso pays me only eight thousand in all. If most it goes because SOMEBODY didn't cover my back, I'll.. I'm.. in more debt again.
A long, long sigh with "I give up" look.
I need some time to get the money..
May 2 2007, 07:18 PM
The doc actually looks pained for a bit. The kind of work I did doesn't come cheap son. At a ... at a "read" hospital, the Police would have been waiting to ask you questions after I'd finished. Beleive me, for work like that, and at the speed it was done, it's a bargain. You are still alive after all.
Perhaps we can work something out. I can't believe that I'm asking this but .... well, I could really use the help. I'm looking to get a Valkyrie unit. Our mutual "friends" are going to make it cost me an arm and a leg, and there's no way that I can get one legitametly.
I know of a few Crash Cart vans that carry one. If you can get me on, I'll not only forgive the debt, but I'll implant some 'ware for you at no cost. I've got access to the equipment, and the skills, to be able to install some beta-grade cyberware and bio. A good barter, work for services provided. What do you say?
May 2 2007, 08:00 PM
I know doc. I really appreciate that you could see me this quickly and without any more questions. I do own you my life.
Valkyrie unit, huh? That won't be easy, but I'll get one for you. So, your deal sounds good to me. I need to finish this work I'm doing right now, I'm going to take a quick trip elsewhere and then I start looking for your stuff. I'll be in touch or you call and remind me, okey?
May 2 2007, 11:18 PM
I've got your number. Understand that this isn't a deal I'd cut most people. Your... associates, keep a creaful eye on my books. If the debt goes unaid for too long, it's them you'd have to answer to, not me. A couple of weeks should be what I can give you. That or the money. This way, we can both come out ahead.Tell finishes getting Rayo set, including another bottle of pain killers, and an admonishmnet to tend to his cyber eyes.He seems to acutally be warming to Rayo.
[ Spoiler ]
If you can pull the job off, yuo'll be able to raise his loyalty rating as well. Plus free Beta ware!
May 3 2007, 06:25 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Big whoop-die-doo.. most likely he won't have time before "Smuggler's Run" so it will be a big pain in the ass after that. Dr. Tell might even give Rayo a wake up call on that, on the other tread.
Rayo/Luigi - Wednesday Aug 15th 17.15
Thank you, doc.. I'll be in touch with ya.Rayo walks back to the car, wanting to stretch, but then he realises that the titches might give in, so he just shakes his arms a bit. Rayo climbs back to the car, tosses the painkillers to one of the small pockets the car has and looks up his shoulder to Luigi.
I'm now like a new man.. if you don't count the freaking bill I got. So? How's our little princess? Still sleeping "tightly"?Rayo gives a burst of laugh, starts the car and sets the route to his boat hangar.
I hope Abdul and Ali won't be a problem. At least Luigi is.. isn't a troll actually. I hope Islamist didn't hate minotaurs? I would hate if I had to get me a new landlord.. Abdul is really nice guy anyways, even Ali is fine, when he's not in "I freaking hate freaking everybody except freaking trogs"-mood.
May 3 2007, 04:31 PM
[ Spoiler ]
You can do it in Smuggler's run. Hell you can even recruit others from this run to join you if you want. Up to you when you do it, as long as it gets done within three weeks. If you think that's a hefty medical bill, try spending a few days in a RL hospital. Not to mention to illegal services always cost more. He wasn't trying to threaten you about 'paying' on time. He was warning you that the mob guys would get pissed if the debt didn't get settled.
After arriving at the boat house, 'cargo' in tow, Rayo sees the boat house doors open. Probably working on getting that boat of theirs built up. Rayo spots Ali taking a load of parts out of the bed of their truck, carrying it towards the boat house. He sees Rayo's truck and gives it a dirty look.
May 3 2007, 09:16 PM
Still sleepin' like a baby.... heh, tink 'e'll be out fer a while yet. Yeah, der doc's can be pricey but dey worth der weight in gold.
Checking on Jack during the trip and occasionally glancing out the windows Luigi focus is brought back as they pull into the dockyard.
Der like ta be trouble gettin' sleepin' beauty 'ere ta yer boat?
May 4 2007, 06:24 AM
Dunno Luigi. Listen, I need to clarify couple of things about those guys. First of all, this is my business, so I want it also stay like this. I don't want this thing to be run by mob, m'kay. So this thing stays with just you and me. Okey, they live here, m'kay, but they rent the boat hangar for me, but have now also their own project going on. They are father and son, Abdul and Ali, both muslims, both trolls. Abdul, the old looking troll, is cool and all, but he listens one thing the most: Allah. And his "Allah" forbids many things, like violence and kidnapping, so I don't know what he thinks of this. Ali on the other hand is really racist, if you know what I'm saying. He's really, really pro-troll, even more than his father is pro-Allah. So, he hates me and he even might hate you.. because you're not "pure" troll, don't take offence on that. But he does listen two things: His father and money. And I'm the biggest sponsor for this family, at least for now, so it makes him hate me even more. So.. I really don't know what happens next. Just keep your cool whatever happens, m'kay.
While talking Rayo has slided out of the car, gone to open the side door of the van and taken his black bag. He's still wearing his combat jacket, which has a hole as big as his fist on the bag. He waves to the Ali, who's already been inside once and came back for another crate.
Hey Ali! Is Senior there too?
May 4 2007, 01:17 PM
Gotcha Rayo I'll hold me peace unless directly asked, dats the best I's can do. and he looks sincerely at the dwarf As fer dese guys, well just lemme know when youse wants dis guy movin' an' I'll head out wid 'im. Or if youse needs a 'and wid dem just lemme know.
Don't tink Julian would wanna get a crappy boat site like dis anyhoo, but respect der man's 'ome, or job in dis case.... an', well, der boos does know 'e's a goods runner anyhoo so sure 'e'd know 'e's got a shed like dis somewhere.... Coupla uptight trolls eh? an' one's a 'ater ov everyone non-trollish? Sounds like der younger needs some lessons, like dat Bennett's kick 'is bony arse up an' down der dock, well biz is biz an' dis is Rayo's biz.
May 4 2007, 04:53 PM
He isnt here halfer. He's out gettin' part. What the hel do you want!?
Ali, just getting to the truck for more parts, looks as venomous as ever. HE seesm te be enjoying being "man of the house". When Luigi steps out, his face gers even more sour. He curses in what Rayo asumes is Arabic, grabs some parts, and walks in side.
Memory Test Logic + Intuition - 2
May 4 2007, 05:27 PM
Memory Test[ Spoiler ]
Logic 3 + Intuition 4 - Modifier 2 = 5 dices : 6, 5, 4, 3, 1 = 2 successes
Nothing, Ali.. were just taking MY boat to a ride. Come on, Lu..Rayo heads after Ali, giving a quick look back to Luigi and gives told-you-so-look to him.
May 4 2007, 10:32 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Ali, being very racist and fundamentalist, would just looove to hate someone like Luigi. After all ,the Alliance for Allah hit Greece first during the Euro Wars, and trolls are a Grecian metavariant.
Are you carrying Jack in?
May 5 2007, 05:26 PM
[ Spoiler ]
I don't know how clear Luigi is about these things, but I don't think Rayo knows a thing about Arabian vs. Greece hate relationship. Or even that minotaurs are Grecian metavariant, because Luigi seems to speak with Italian accent (if I remember right) so they must come from there.
I think Luigi will carry Jack inside.
May 5 2007, 05:28 PM
[ Spoiler ]
The Euro Wars is pretty common knowledge. Kind of like the fact that everyone knows which side Russia was on during WWII. So that information he would know. Waiting on Callidus now. *looks pointedly at Callidus tapping foot impateintly.*
May 6 2007, 07:43 PM
Staring right back at the cursing troll,
Luigi steps out of the van and then heads round to the back doors as
Ali walks off.
Heh, dat one's all talk an' no do, betta keep da eye on 'im tho', nevva know what dose fanatic merda per i cervelli will do.Seeing the other troll safely inside again,
Luigi swings the back doors of the van open, and picks up
Jack. Turning he looks towards
Rayo for directions to the boat.
[ Spoiler ]
merda per i cervelli = shit for brains
May 6 2007, 07:51 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Thanks for the translation
The boat house is large, large enough to house two good sized boats, and accomadate the work space that Ali and his father are apparently using to construst a boat from scratch. The parts are all over the floor, but apparently in some way that makes sense. At least to them.
Jack groans as Luigi carries him, finally beginning to come around.
May 6 2007, 07:55 PM
Starting to hurry he hears the groan, he sends a wuick subvocal to Rayo.
Rayo dis frakker is comin' 'round, finally, where's dat boat so's I can get 'im all nice an' blindfolded 'fore he makes yer trollish friend.
May 7 2007, 10:24 AM
There should be only one boat in boat house, black and dark green, graceful shaped sport cruiser, floating peacefully in the water. House has rails high enough to step right into the deck, if you walk around to the side of it.
Here she is.. my beautiful Rebecca.
Rayo's smile is wide when she jumps to the deck and slides his hand on its surface.
Get him to the back. I show you were one of the smuggler hatches is, we can put him in there. I came around a little plan when Dr. Tell tended my wound, so we need to go and pick up couple of more stuff on the go, m'kay. We need a big sunshade and a bucket of fishguts. I know a place where we can get them..
May 7 2007, 01:08 PM
Heading to the area Rayo points to Luigi lowers Jack's body into the compartment.
It gonna take long ta get dis bits 'cos Is can give 'im a boosta if it is. Udderwise if dis 'ere compartment locks dat should be fine.
May 7 2007, 06:12 PM
I think it's better to keep his mind clear now than make him groggy once again. So let's just shut his mouth for now. There should some duck tape on your right side.. yes, that meatl box. There should also be some better rope, if you want to play a boy scout.
Rayo unties the boat while he checks the oil presures and other stuff from AR screens.
Now.. where the hell did Ali go?
May 7 2007, 09:33 PM
Hunting in the idencated locker, Luigi get the duck tape and covers Jack's mouth, carefully putting a small slit in the middle to let him breathe if his nose clogged up but small enough to seriously muffle any calls for help. That task finished he ties Jack's legs and put him into the compartment and closes the compartment almost the whole way.
Right, all done, guessin' dese compartments ain't airtight? 'fore I shut it tight an' suffocate 'im.
May 7 2007, 09:56 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Nit pick, it's duct tape.

May 8 2007, 06:56 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Dear child has many names. All same to me.
Yeah, maybe not getting some good fresh air, but he'll live. Have smuggled some people there before with no complains.When all is ready and done, Rayo gives Luigi a brief introduction about what he can't do on HIS boat. From jumping on deck to dropping of the boat and from where to vomit when, not if, he gets sea sick to where to emergency stop the boat, in case something happens to him.
So, sit right there on the back and try not to concentrate on land. It spinning is the first thing that will make you sick. And last but not least: This thing is freaking bomb with armor plates. It has many times more gasoline than a normal car, so if anything bad happens in the engine room.. well, most likely you would survive, but you would have to swim back to the shore. You can swim Mr. di Rosso, can't you?After that, Rayo backs up from the boat hangar and slowly slides towards the nearest fishing market.
There should be both ingredients I need.
May 8 2007, 01:33 PM
Good ta know dat. and then he shuts the hatch down tight, and glad he knows where it is or he'd have trouble finding it. Heh, yah I can swim. Would be 'ard growin' up in Orleans wid out bein' able ta get back outta dat bayou.
May 9 2007, 03:29 PM
Rayp/Luigi - Wed Aug 15th, 2300 - The Fish Market
Even at this late hour, people are up and moving in the ship market. The morning catch will have to come in, so of course, people are headed out for the night to catch it. Men are boarding fishing trollies, loading gear, and drinking beer. There are a few rastafarians fron a local Krewe watching the progress, as the fishing industry as just as monitored by the local Families as any other money making industry.
Underworld Politics to know which Family they answer to.
May 9 2007, 05:31 PM
Rolls[ Spoiler ]
Underworld Politics 4 + Mafia Spec 2 + Intuition 5: 5 3 4 1 6 4 5 3 6 2 2 = 4 hits
May 9 2007, 05:59 PM
Underworld Politics[ Spoiler ]
Underworld Politics 1 + Intuition 4 = 5 dices : 4, 2, 2, 1, 1 = No, no, no.
Rayo drives his boat close to a random empty berth and loosely ties the boat there.
Okey, Luigi. I get the stinking fishguts and you can get us a big shade. No matter what kind, something that will cover us from the sky. You know.. Rayo points a finger up to the sky,
somebody might be watching. You have read the news, right? See you here in ten..And so Rayo shuts the engine and jumps over the rail to the pier.
May 9 2007, 09:45 PM
Underworld PoliticsLuigi
[ Spoiler ]
The krewes down here at the fish wharf, most likely the Gulf Krewe, works with the Mossino family to make sure that they get a percentage of everything brought in. Usually on 2-5% or so, but enough to give the Mossino's a nice pocket full of change. In exchange, they make sure nthing happens to anyone's boats, or makes something happen if they don't pay. A few classics are holes that appear over night, or large amounts of amonioa that 'magically' appear in a fish hold, making an entire catch worthless. Classic extortion.
[ Spoiler ]
Here, there's some Rastas at the fish wharf. Wonder why they like late night fishing?
Getting fish guts isn't hard to do. There's plenty around, although they're all a day old. Finding tarps here isn't hard either. There's a ton of them, and they tear easily, so there's always mroe for sale. Being a giant walking bull seems to help expedite things as always. Within 10 minutes, both Rayo and Luigi are gone and back to the boat. Which is good, since they can hear a sound that sounds very similar to someone kicking on a door coming from the smuggler's hold.
May 10 2007, 08:01 AM
Oh man.. Luigi, you didn't tie up his legs?
Rayo puts down the buckets of fishguts and quickly turns on the engine to muffle the voice.
If you brake it, you'll pay it! Your hear me, fragger?!
May 10 2007, 08:27 AM
The hunt for the tarp had gone well, the local Krewe and family hadn't be obvertly hostile, after all we're all family, and after springing 20 :nuyen: for a piece of tarp, Luigi headed back to the boat.
I tied 'is legs, dat don't stop 'im mule kickin'
May 10 2007, 10:55 AM
Well then just shut him up!As Luigi climbs back on board, Rayo goes and unties the boat. Off they go to the sea.
Plan A: (hopefully we don't need Plan B
)[ Spoiler ]
Todays plan goes like this: We sail somewhere far enough from the land where nobody sees us with bare (cyber)eyes, maybe somewhere were currents aren't very strong. Maybe some high corals, so there would be fishes. So there would be bigger fishes who eat smaller fishes. Like sharks. Give them some fishguts and blood and they go frenzy. Use Luigi's tarps to cover the sky and umm.. enough said?
May 10 2007, 12:08 PM
Yeah, well dur, fragging 'alfer
Walking over to the smuggler compartment and putting the tarp down as a cover he raps on the compartment top and his voice kept low but directed to carry into the compartment, he speaks
Don't you worry none, chummer, we'se not forgotten 'bout ya. Youse'll be outta dere an' in da open soon enough. Now quiet or all kinda unpleasantness can 'appen.
May 10 2007, 08:43 PM
Jack shuts up. A short half hour 'cruise' later, the boat is a out in the deep waters. Not quite so far out as to hit international waters yet, but out enough. Jack, of course, has promptly shut his trap, and kicking, at Luigi's gentle urgings.
[ Spoiler ]
There probably wouldn't be a lot of living reefs in the area around the well polluted New Orleans coast. There however would certainly be sharks and worst.
Interested in seeing where this goes.
May 11 2007, 06:32 AM
When the spot seems fine, Rayo puts on sonar to see what lies under them, slows the speed and starts putting tarps in place, with help of Luigi. After a while he seems to be satisfied with their roof, maybe a bit too low for Luigi, but strong enough not to fly away in the gust of wind. After that he lowers the anchor and starts throwing bit by bits some fishguts in the sea.
Were ready! Bring in the birthday boy!, Rayo yells because of the wind.
Never done this before. Funny, I hate killing people, but this doesn't seem to bother me much. If he had been nice, then the things would have been different. Hmm.. what kind of awakened things lies done there? Hopefully they don't take fancy on my boat.
May 11 2007, 01:28 PM
Crouched under the tarp,
Luigi heads over to the compartment with
Jack in and opening it he smiles down.
See, told ya it'd not be long, now why don't we 'ave a quiet chat, wid no gunfire, dis time and then he reaches down and lifts
Jack out of the compartment and carries him over to where
Rayo is. Sitting him up against a ship box, he looks at the bound man and then tears off the duct tape over his mouth.
Right dis can go two ways Jack, we's got some questions dat youse got da answers ta. Now youse can tell us nice an' calmly, or youse can make dis 'ard on youse. Now I's prejudiced tawards der painful, for youse, option after dat machine gun incident and as we's in a nice peaceful place der not anyone ta interrupt, but I'll give youse der choice.Rolls, if needed[ Spoiler ]
Intimidation 4 + Charisma 2 +/- Mods: 3 6 4 5 3 3 (4 3 5 6 3 1 5 5 4) = 2 hits base the dice in brackets are in case of positive bonuses.
May 11 2007, 03:41 PM
Jack winces as the tape is ripped free. He looks up... and up..and up... at Luigi.Uh... think I'd like to go with the 'non-painful' one. That whole 'machine gun' thing, that was just a huge misunderstanding. See, I thought you were there to kill me for some reason. Crazy, I know. Now I see that clearly you just wanted to have a polite conversation. I was way out of line by trying to gun you down and blow you up. Way out of line. Won't happen again. Jack looks around nervously, as the more than a bit crazed seeming Rayo , and at the wide open-nobody-around-ocean. He smiles weakly. So uh... what did you guys want to talk about?
May 11 2007, 05:09 PM
Well 'ow 'bout fer starters, who yer contact in der Black Throat Krewe is an' 'ow yer contact 'im or 'er. 'Fore you try der 'ole "I don't know no Black Throat Krewe" we's know yer do an' where else would yer gets military 'ardware like dat 'eavy machine gun.
Rayo step in anytime you want as Better cop and I'll just squeeze him until you do. Will look best if you actually do step in and interrupt if nothing else.
May 11 2007, 05:45 PM
All my gear I get in through the Krewe. I'm just a middleman, so I don't know where they get their cargo. I hear they deal for some of it, and they steal some of it. I never know what's what so I just treat it all with kid gloves, ya' know?
I get everything passed down from this dwarf calls him self 'Carson'. He's from Cal Free from what I heaer. Blond , little van dyke kind of beard. We usually meet at a bar called 'Poncho's', little dive bar in down town. He calls me when they get a load in, I meet him there and discuss the details.
May 12 2007, 12:41 PM
Carson, huh?
Rayo finds himself a cigar, sits on the fixed box next to Jack and lights his cigar.
First of all, why would we believe you? You don't "accidentally" start shooting with a freaking machine gun at people. OR throw couple of grenades at some one. Look. Look at my jacket. Look! You're buddy, did he "accidentally" shoot me in the back with a freaking shotgun?! I don't think so! You know what?
Rayo jumps up, with a furious face and throws the rest of the buckets of fishguts to the sea, including buckets.
Lu, just throw this piece of drek to the sea. He's nothing but a waste of time! Just a freaking liar..
Rayo turns his back to Jack and starts walking to the front of the boat.
Don't throw him, just act like that.. let's scare the drek out of that bastard. Let's get everything out from him.
May 12 2007, 03:34 PM
NO! Seriously! Hey, you asked who I know, that's who I know! I know other stuff! Just ask me man!! I'll tell you whatever you wanna know!
[ Spoiler ]
I set a roll for 1D6 to see what sort of marine wildlife might show up. I set a 1 in 3 chance of a shark showing up. Rolled a 2
Luigi, looking towards the water still, sees a tell tale dorsal fin in the distance coming closer.
May 12 2007, 04:30 PM
Starting to reach for Jack as though he was going to throw him overboard, the minotaur grabs his jacket collar and starts to drag him towards the rail.
I 'ope youse do Jack me boy, 'cos youse betta start givin' us stuff dat keeps youse dry. Do youse 'ave a contact number or way ta contact Carson or anyone else in dat Krewe? Where'd youse pickup der warez? Where's dere base o' operations?
All the while dragging the squirming human towards the rail and moving as though he is getting ready to throw him.
Hey look Jack dere's some fishy friend come ta play wid youse.
May 12 2007, 04:32 PM
ShitShitSHIT! Yeah I got a number! It's on my link man! We meet up in the swamps! He always brings one of those swamp bugies, and another guy in a hover truck! I think they're based out in the bayou somewhere, but I never seen where, I swear!
May 12 2007, 04:41 PM
Rayo walks back, dropping the ashes from his cigar to sea and leans on to the rail.
So.. Jackie. Can I call you that? I take that as yes. Jackie, listen to me carefully. When is the next shipment coming? And what does this "other guy in a hover truck" look like?
Rayo is now completely calm, watching Jack to his eyes with his own cybereyes.
May 12 2007, 04:48 PM
I never know. Carson calls me, says to meet him at the bar, we meet. He gives me coordinates. Different place every time. Guys are fragging paranoid!
The other guy, it's different some times. Sometimes it's an ork guy named Vince. couple times it was this big fragging trog... err... troll... called Juice. Been other guys some times too.
I know there's some big shipment comin' in though. Don't know what it is, but I over heard Carson talkin' ta' Juice 'bout it last week. Don't think it's guns. I don't know no more 'bout it though. Don't thikn Carson does either. They were talkin' 'bout it like it was some rumor he'd heard. He'd said Blake was getting some extra talent for a buy they were gonna do. Some hot drek runner.