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Lady Door
Wait... I may need to re-think this. This woman that we need to talk with is an expert in drones. Who here has the kind of skills needed to counteract that sort of thing? I don't.
Lucky leans forward, a concerned look on her face.
Bennet shrugs I can get some heavier weaponry, but then we'll have less time to do what we need to do, as we'll make more noise.
Sin watches the energy absorb into Julius.
Shit! You gotta think of gotta turn this around for the long run...I got it! Haha!
Dodge skill:5
Roll:3,3,1,2,1,6,5,3,6,6=4 net success's
(Just in case its just reaction: 5,3,2,6,3=2 net success.)

- Counterspelling Magic arrtibute = 7
- Skill Group Sorcery = 5
- Body Attribute = 5
-Half Impact armor Lined Coat 6/4 = 2
=19 Dice for Damage Resistance

Using Edge(1 more point)
Roll: 6,5,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,6,6,6,6,5,3,4,3,6,6,6,1,1,5,6: 14 net success's

Son of a bitch....Is this how the Voodoo posse treats its new members?! What have I done Jules? Have you betrayed them?! I must tell Mama Midnight of this!

Lets hope this works...
Edit your post. You need to roll reaction first. That reduces his net hits.

Once that is rolld, the damage is 28 boxes (16 base +12 net - reaction). That's what you resist w/ you counterspelling and body roll.

Edit: Thanks for adding in Reaction, you don't get the dodge skill factored in as well though because you're not doing a full round dodge, you're spellcasting as well, so I'll halve you successes for the dodge to 2 , since you had 5 dice, not ten.

Streak - Liquid blue's 19:30

alright ....sounds good pulls his Credstick out

I think 4 kilos should do it .... Damnit I wish General was down here

Looking around the table .... wonder if anyone has a line on some weapon dealers and what their plans for this are
Streak - Liquid Blues - Tues Aug 13th 1930

Everyone agreed and paid, the Johnson downloads the file to everyone's commlinks, as well as a drop box LTG # to contact her with when the job is finished. Finished with that last piece of business, she stands and walks out.

With just the four runners left, they take a minute to look each other over.

The hacker speaks first. Ok, well, I should be able to get this thing hacked, if you can get me close enough. Names Tungsten by the way... 'cause, ya' know ... nothin' sticks to me.

He grins ike he's made a joke. No one laughs. The ork woman speaks Riiiiiight. [iShould[/i] be able to? Doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. I'm Greta. And what do you do? she asks of Streak.
Streak - Liquid blue's - 19:30 - tues aug 13'th

Names Streak ... and I do a little of everything .... Guns ... support hacking .... minor drone support ....little bit of explosive work
Julius roars as his lightning bolt blasts out slamming in to Sinn. The elf leaps to the side but the bolt is large enough that it still catches him mostly in the chest and shoulder. Sinn is blasted across the room to slam in to the far wall, and drops to the ground smoking and charred. He stays there, not moving, only twitching.

[ Spoiler ]

Assuming you remain concious and able to move, Initiative is 14

Betrayal!? You da one walkin' out, making deals wid da Devil, you goddamn Keeb! You best hope I kill you and leave notin' left for Midnight! Ain't no where you kin hide from 'er! I go out on a limb, bringin' you in, 'n you trow it back in ma face!? You'se gonna hurt keeb. You's is gonna hurt bad.
Edge-6 (last point)
Roll:4,6,3,2,4,4,3,2,2,3,1=1 net succes

Well I's got some experience in "persuadin'" people ta 'elp us you can almost hear the quote marks fall in in the sentence So given a lil bit of time I should be able ta get 'im ta squeel fer us.

Turning his head towards Lucky at her comment about drones he adds in Drones is tricky but assumin' dey not flyin' I should be able to break 'em, failin' that just gots to find der controller an' give her lil bump on der 'ead and they stop.... usually. Either ways whatevers you need of me, I's be der.

Turning slightly back towards Rayo he speaks again Yup we Minotaurs is rare 'round 'ere but wid an 'elmet an' armour or coveralls.... Looky I's a normal troll.

Sinn doesn't move, as Julius trudges over, towering over the fallen elf, who still twitches on the ground, unconcious, and unable to defend him self. THe bar patrons either flee or cower in corners.

Julius walks up to the fallen elf. First, he brings a massive fist down on to Sinn's leg, snapping it at the knee, the one he already favors with a cane. Then he grabs the elf by the head and lifts him off the ground, one handed. The few remaining on lookers watch on in terror, as the massive black troll pulls a machete from his belt, across the small of his back.

Be a tender mercy to kill you now keeb, 'fore Midnight gets her hands on you. May-be I owe ya' for dat work ya' did fa' me, may-be I don't. Eide' way, we'll let da' graveyard King decide if he want you or not jus' yet.

With that, Julius swings the machete across, hacking open Sinn's abdomen with one slice. Sinn's entrails spill out on to the floor, still connected, hanging from his body.Julius carries the limp form over and drops him across a pool table on his back. He open's Sinn's mouth, placing the eight ball inside. Again with his machete, he cuts off a lock of Sinn's hair, and teras off a piece of Sinn's hacked shirt to tie it together. Then Julius takes a moment to look around the bar.

You all see dis? You see dis guy you's all so afraid o'? Dis is what hapen you messin' wid da Voodoo Posse.

He turns and walks out the door.
Streak- Liquid blues - Tues Augt 14th 1931
w. Tungsten-decker/ Greta-mage/Rane - rigger

The human man nods Ok, great, looks like you're our man for that escort car then. You have your own wheels? Just call me Rane by the way. I'll be your wheel man. I might havea couple of drones to help us with those roto drones. But to be honest, the few drones I do have are more expensive than this run is paying me, and i'm not willing to jeapordize them. So we'll need something else for them.

If our mage here can take care of those sprits like she says, and you can clear the car, then we just need a way to deal with the drones. Any thoughts?

Tungsten chimes in. Well the drones will have to be wireless capable to coordinate with the train, so that means they're vulnerable. I have a couple of programs I can throw at them, agents s othat Idon't get too distracted from the Road Train it's self. No guarantees, but it shold at least keep a couple of them busy. I might be able to take one or two of them out that way at the most. Maybe our gun bunnie here has something he can throw their way?

Tungsten looks at Streak questioningly.
Sin sits against the pool table breathing heavier and heavier. Completley unconcious, hes helpless to do anything.
[ Spoiler ]

Sin falls to his side just as he hits the panic button for crash cart.

Unknown to the dying elf, the panic button has already been triggered by his failing heart and the massive trauma it took from the lightning bolt, before he was eviscerated.

A team shows up minutes after Julius leaves, already dispatched and nearby. The van unloads 4 men from the FRT, who secure their patient. The team mage slams a healing spell in to his body, and promptly gets knocked out by the massive drain. Both are evaced by the trauma team.
Lucky/Rayo/Luigi - The Lucky Strike - 2100
Lucky's commlink rings. The number is Sinn's.
Lady Door
Interrupted by the ring of her commlink, Lucky pulls it out and glances at the number.
Sinn. Wonder what his excuse is?
I'm sorry, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me I need to take this call.
Lucky slips her earbud into place and answers the call while stepping out of the office and into her suite.
This is Lucky.Hitting the switch on the wall, Lucky activates the white noise generator and brings up her AR surveillance, keeping an eye on the men in her office.
Lucky - The Lucky Strike - Office

Lucky gets a suprise when it's Snakeskin that answeres the phone, not Sinn. Now she can't help but wonder what he wanted to talk about when he left that message earlier.

Oh shit, Lucky! Hey it's SnakeSkin! Listen, it's Sinn, he got fucked up! I mean seriously fucked up by this huge black troll guy! They were ate the Ace, the trol lguy was already here, and the Sinn walks in. The ysat down and talked for a second, then the trol lgot really pissed aobut osmething! Fraggin' lightning started coming off his arms and everthing! Sinn jumps up and throws soem kind spell at him, and the huge guy jsut takes it, then blew Sinn away with fraggin' lightning! Blew a damn hole right through the Ace! Ten he jstu picked Sinn up and chopped him open, pulled all his damn guts out and threw him on the pool table!

Crashcart showed up just after and hauled him off. I don't know if he's a live or dead or what, but his commlink was sittin' on the table. I just managed to get the protection coe broken! I thought I should call you first!
Lady Door
Managing a calm she doesn't feel, Lucky just nods.
Thank you, you did the right thing. After you hang up with me I want you to turn the commlink off. I'll be by to pick it up shortly. Do not talk to anyone else about this, soka?
Ok, got it. you can reach me on my line. There ain't no goin' back to the Ace's for a while. Place is all shut down. Uhh.. here's my number ,don't remember if you got it or not. I think I 'm gonna go take some stuff, that was some sick drek.

Snakeskin dosconnects.
Lady Door
Goddammit! What did I tell him?!
Lucky snaps her commlink closed and takes a moment to compose herself before stepping back into her office.
Gentlemen, my apologies, but I am going to have to cut this meeting short. Something's come up that requires my immediate attention. I don't want this to cut short our planning however. Why don't you three take one of the private rooms and discuss how we're going to handle the drone issue. I'll be back shortly.Lucky smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. Without waiting to hear an answer, Lucky gathers her coat and Predator from it's place on her desk. She stands, very obviously waiting for them to leave the room.

Rayo finally calms down as it seems that Luigi doesn't want to rib him into the pieces.
I think we'll do just fine with this guy. Maybe I should buy some earware for translation..
I have no way to hack drones or anything. Those little flying bastards would be a problem..
Lucky's commlink disturbs Rayo.
First everything were clear and now we need more people to tend drones.. sheesh. Oh crap, I forgot, I need to praise Benny.
Rayo tries to say something when Lucky comes back, but just leaves his mouth hanging half-open. Instead he drinks rest of his soycafe, squeezes the mug and throws it to bin. He gloomily stands and walks out the door and follows Bennet.
Freaking keebler..
Luigi/Bennet/Rayo - The Lucky Strike

Nodding to Lucky as she cuts the meeting short Luigi stands and follows the other out to one of the meeting rooms. Once inside he speaks again,

Dunno much 'bout drones but dey work on wireless, si? If so den it'd be obvious we was doing drek but could barrage jam der area dat should stop dem gettin' troo to da rigger.
Rayo/Luigi - Private Room In Lucky Strike - 2105

Rayo finds himself a new seat, still looking gloomy.
That's a good idea Mr. di Rosso, jamming the signal between drones and drone rigger is the first thing to do in combat against them. But more classy drones have a good AI, so even if they don't have signal they still can be programmed to be hostile in these situations. We really should know beforehand that how many and what kind of drones this rigger has or we could be marching straight to slaughtering.
Rayo sighes and looks around him.
I really need a drink.
Lady Door
Once the men are gone, Lucky locks her office door and heads out of the bar. On her way through the crowd, she stops to send a quick message to Roberto over the AR.
The men I was speaking with in my office are now in one of our private rooms. Take care of them; drinks, food, whatever. I want them to still be here when I get back.
Once outside Lucky lights a cigarette and starts up her truck, peeling out of the parking lot and heading towards the address Snakeskin gave her.
Pulling up to a faded, falling down apartment complex Lucky sighed and holstered her Predaror, making sure the safety was off.
Rayo/Luigi - The Lucky Strike

Bennet nods Sounds like a good idea. But before we get ahead of ourselves, either of you have a jammer?

There's a knock at the door, and the barteneder comes in quietly. He's carrying a bottle of Jack Daniels, and a bottle of Capt Morgan's, as well as a small cigar humidor.

Compliments of the Lady of the House gentlemen.

He move sback out again quietly. Bennet helps him self to a drink and cigar with a smile.
Lucky -Snakeskin's trashy Doss

Snakeskin's apartment buidling is about what one would expect. It's in the neighborhood with the requisite gang signs and burned out cars. The buidling it's self was probabyl condemned once, and then reopened by some enterprising soul who decided that they cold rent ot rooms their for the SINless.

The halls stink, babies are cyring somewhere, and on the next floor up a couple is having a fight. Knocking on Snake's door makes one wish for gloves.

A woman opens the door, human, in her twenties, heavily tattooed with a nose ring, stringy black hair, and a black tank top. She's not wearing any pants. The girl is suprisingly pretty, if it wasn't for the look of hate on her face.

And just who are you?

Alexa! Geez, it's fraggin' Lucky! Get away from the door.

So you're "Lucky" huh?

Snake skin finally gets to the door. It takes him a while for dodging through the junk lying around the room. He takes Alexa by the shoulders and moves her aside.

Hey Luck, come on' in. Sorry 'bout the mess, we been house cleanin'. You uh , you want some bliss while you're here?

Snakeskin moves in to the apartment , clearing a spot on the coach. Alexa, still in her underwear, goes to the fridge, and gets three beers, passing one to Snake skin, then Lucky.
Rayo/Luigi - The Lucky Strike

Rayo's gloomy face fades away with good news.
Oh thank you gods. You still love me!
I think.. Rayo doesn't get much behind of Bennet and poors himself a drink.
If I remember right.. Rayo takes out the Bar Rouge matches and lights his cigar.Yes.. I have one, but it's in my boat. I'm pretty sure it's there.
Rayo blows out one smoke ring with big smile in his face.
Rayo/Luigi -The Lucky Strike

Bennet says You might want to make sure then.

If you two are leaning on this guy 'Jack', make sure to et something we can use. Get his commlink or something so that we havea way to track down who ever his contacts are.

He takes a long drink off of his J.D.

And see if he has any of those new XM-30's in his stock for me.

Bennet winks.
Lady Door
Stepping inside, Lucky almost wished she hadn't.
Oh, dear God. Why didn't I ask him to meet me somewhere?Lucky makes her way to the small, lumpy looking brown pooch of fabric masquerading as a couch and sits down, taking the beer Alexa offers gratefully.
The commlink, Snake?
Lucky - Snake's Trashy Doss - Tues Aug 14th 2130

Snake quickly gets up and hands Lucky the commlink. It certainly looks like Sinn's.

Looking around the apartment, it's not so much junk as clutter that liters the place . Apparently someone is a fan of the home shopping network. The trideo system is also SOTA, and the nasty looking couch has a vibrating and heat feature. Snakeskin, or his girl, must be clearing pretty decent lately. Unsuprisingly, most of the quality in the "home" is geared towards entertainment Necessaries, like the fridge and auto cook, are at least ten years old.

Snake returns from one of the rooms wth a small baggy if white pills and hands them to Lucky as well.

Sampled a few of that batch my self. Good stuff, comes from the middle east somewhere. Got a dealer that brings the stuff in from the Carib League.

So.... you think Sinn's dead?

Helping him self, Snake skin pops two of the pills with is beer, and offers Lucky a pair.

[ Spoiler ]

Lady Door
Lucky eyes the pills, momentarily warring with herself over the intelligence of taking bliss in a strange place, with semi-strange people when there's a deal supposed to be going down somewhere else and another person's life hangs on the line. Still, it's a tough decision...
Will + Charisma Test
[ Spoiler ]

Thanks, but no thanks Snake. It's tempting but I got biz to take care of and now, a dead man to find.
Taking a sip of the beer, Lucky surreptiously checks out Alexa. Wonder what her deal is. Not bad on the eyes, good figure... Girl could make some serious cred if she had half a mind. Hmm.
To Snakeskin, Lucky asks again about what Snake saw.
Did you see anyone show up after? I mean after everyone cleared out and Crash Cart came by?
Nah,the 'Cart came and hauled him away, so I grabbed his commlink and got the frag out. Didn't know if NOPS would show there or not, fer somethin' big like a spell battle.

Roll Influece (G) -negotiation/Sense Motive
Lady Door
[ Spoiler ]
[ Spoiler ]
Lady Door
For a moment they sit in silence, Snake sipping his beer and Alexa perched on the armchair of the couch. Finally Lucky speaks, keeping her tone light. From the position she's sitting in, her arm is up on the other armchair but no weight rests on it. Her hand is in line with her underarm holster, the one holding the Predator. Her other hand holds the beer.
So, Snake, what else did ya take?
Snake has a deer-in-the-headlights look for a moment. Lucky sees Alexa giving him a 'keep-your-fool-mouth-shut-look' out of the corner of her eye. Snakeskin hesitates for a moment

Uhhh... I ...I uhh.. picked up his katana for 'im. Brought it back here.

Alexa rolls her eyes in disgust, but gives no other sign and regains her composure quickly. Apparently she's a good actress. Lcuky starts wondering which one of them is dating beneath them self.

Alexa says I told you you should tell her about it! if you think it really is magic like you said, she should know! You don't know a damn thing about magic!
Lady Door
You have his sword? May I see it? You should be careful, Sinn once told me that he had entrapped a nasty spirit within it's blade, designed to harm anyone but him. Of course, he could have been bullshitting me, but with someone so into voodoo... Lucky let her voice trail off, letting them draw the obvious conclusions. She takes another drink of her beer.
Snakeskin goes in to what Lucky assumes is the bedroom. There are some rummaging noises for a minute. Aelxa looks annoyed. He comes back a minute later carrying a bundle. It looks like he wrapped the scabbarded sword in a sheet. He sets it down on the coffee table/stack of e-magazines in front of Lucky.
Lady Door
Carefully, mindful of what she told them, Lucky peels back the sheet. Using a corner of the sheet (and trying not to imagine what might be on the sheet), Lucky picks up the sword and takes a look at it.
I'll give you a grand for it.
Thw two look at each other. Snake skin thinks for a long moment, apaprently thinking about how he's going to play it. Eventually he decides.

It's worth way more than that. Things worth thirty easy!

Alexa simply says nothing, watching.
Lady Door
Lucky nods, watching Alexa out of the corner of her eye.
One, you don't know how dangerous this thing is. Two, Sinn was picked up by Crash Cart, word is, he's not dead. You really don't want to be the one holding this thing when he comes for it. Three, the Voodoo Posse, one of which took out Sinn, created this for Sinn a long time ago. You want to be the one holding it when THEY come looking for it? Be my guest. My offer.. I'll give you 2 grand. Final offer.Lucky's voice is even.
Roll Intimidation
Lady Door
[ Spoiler ]
[COLOR=gold]Alright fine, take it. Guess it don't matter anyway. [/color
Snakeskin sits back against his chair. He looks irritated, but the bliss is starting to affect him.
Lady Door
Good. Thank you, Snake.Lucky reaches into her pocket and lays down two grand in cash on the coffee table. She picks up the sword.
Lucky gives Alexa a long, appraising look and then hands her a business card. An actual paper and ink business card that reads: Lucky Santangelo and then gives her number.
When you're ready to make some real money, give me a call.
Lucky stands up and heads for the door.
Alexa asks Doing what?
Lady Door
Lucky gives her a long look up and down. Selling sex, what else?
You got something better? My man gives me 50%, I come hoome with $300 a night. You can get me better than that?
Lady Door
Lucky's eyebrows raise.
You're only bringing in 50% of your pay? That's a shame. You work for me... I only take in 20% of your bring in. Plus, I'd set you up right... working within the Lucky Strike. Big spenders. Not the waste you get turning tricks street level. But, hey, if 50% is working for you...
There's the matter of my man. I'm one of his bigest earners. He ain't a nice guy to girls that try and leave. He's a big guy, gotta cyberarm and some other metal in his meat. Human term named Copper, down on 7th and Park.

Snakeskin seems to think the conversation is rather entertaining at this point. The double hit of bliss is doing it's work, making his day just that much brighter. From how Alexa is looking at thim though, it loks like she may want to join in the fun. A Blisser as well.
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