Mar 31 2007, 05:18 AM
Lucky The Lucky Strike - Tues Aug 14th 11.35
The commlink beeps a few times as it sends out the call. After a few beeps , the screen lights up, and the face of Cyntia Vicente fills the air in front of Lucky. Cynthia's "hot latin look" seems to be working well for her today. Her hair is tied up in the back with just enough of it stylishly hanging down around her neck .She's wearing a black business suit, open just a little more than a board room would allow. Thankfully, Cynthia is smiling today. Lucky's heard some scary things about her temper when it gets up enough.
Lucky dear, morning. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Lady Door
Mar 31 2007, 05:39 AM
Lucky - The Lucky Strike (sometime around noon)
Lucky returns Cynthia's smile.
Good morning, Ms. Vicente. I wanted to congratulate you on your club's recent review in last weeks' New Orleans Business Review. I was very impressed. It's always inspiring to read about another woman making it to the top in a city like ours.
Which reminds me, I wanted to update you on our little remodeling project. Everything is coming along nicely and it looks beautiful. I'd say that we're going to be finished sooner then expected and under budget.
I also wanted to let you know that a few friends of mine are looking for work. I mention it to you because I'm sure you would love them. They've recently had to leave their previous employer due to the high stress environment and frankly, it left a bad taste in their mouth. I have their contact info. if you're interested. You know what they say, good help is hard to find.
Mar 31 2007, 05:41 AM
That's wonderful to hear Lucky. Thank you for the good news on the project, and the well wishing. When will you be stopping by next. I'm sure I can have a few of my young men or ladies show you around and make you comfortable.
Lady Door
Mar 31 2007, 06:03 AM
I'd love to stop by again, unfortunately, right now business is pressing. Perhaps in a few weeks I'll be able to stop by. After exchanging the usual parting pleasantries, Lucky and Cynthia end the call.
With her AR display up, Lucky is right back to business.
Okay, so once the exterminator is taken care of, I can pretty much leave the Taste to simmer for a bit. In the meantime, I really need some more information on where we're going to hit this Krewe and I'm going to need some more manpower. Hopefully, Julian comes through with that name.
I also need to schedule some time to take in a few more fights...wonder when I'm going to see Mal again. Strange chica, that.
I also need to pay a visit to my man Snakeskin. The man dropped the ball and never got back to me with what I need to know. I don't like waiting. Lucky's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her commlink beeping. An automated message was waiting from a private drop box. Curious, Lucky keyed up the message:
Ms. S, this is Vector. Initial search result with known parameters resulted in no matches. Options: Continue searching with known parameters, broaden search parameters to International, or Cease search. Please advise. Note: Next payment 10K
due. Lucky's heart skipped a beat as she read the header, and then her stomach dropped when she read the rest of the message. A single tear fell down her cheek before Lucky angrily wiped it away. Quickly she returned the message with the payment.
V, go international. L.S. With a frustrated sigh, Lucky wiped the AR display away and popped another cherry into her mouth.
Mar 31 2007, 04:08 PM
Rayo - Rayo's Home - Tuesday Aug 14th 10.22
Heather is giving a one huge passionate kiss when Rayo breaks the kiss, against his will, and climbs out of the bed.
Sorry hon. I drank too much yesterday and I need to go to the little boys room.. and you may not call me a little boy. There's nothing little about me! You know it, don't ya? Rayo grins and ducks a flying pillowm while he sneaks into the toilet.
Rayo closes the door and cathes his image from the mirror. He combs his shaggy hear with his fingers and notices the cyberarm which starts from his left elbow. Rayo raises his cyberhand on his eyesight. He opens the fingers. Closes them. Opens them again. He watches his image from the mirror again. Dr. Tell was right, he has got some wheight during last couple of years. Mostly because of heavy drinking and no exercises. Rayo open slightly the toilet door and peeks to the bedroom. Heather plays with Admiral in the bed and giggles a little.
Why is she still here? Did Mancuso told her to or did he pay her this good? Or does she really like me..?
Rayo turns again to look a-not-so-good-looking-cyberarm-freak-image of himself. ME?! No, no, no, no.. don't think like that now. You only get depressed.
Cyberarm at least had one good thing - he didn't have to bother thinking that where his commlink always was. Rayo decided to write couple of messages while making his needs. First one to Benny.
Hello Benny. Did you see last night's Tombstones game? Damn, I missed it, heard it was a good one. Hope you didn't change your mind about betting to that game.
Now listen. Could you do me a favor. Mr. Mancuso put me to work with people I don't have any knowledge of. Could you please check anything you can find about what they have done for last couple of weeks? Or anything else info you can dig about them? I know this is a big favor and you could get in a lot of trouble inside your family, but give me what you can. Even some little bit of info would be fine.
I know that I work with a possible girl named Lucky [picture included] and two persons named Bennett and Sinn. Latter ones are human and elf, both males.
Let me know if you get some info of them. Also if you know anything about a Black Throat Krewe, I would be most pleased.
I will owe you one. Ask anything you want. But no, I'm not going to sell my ass for you in the street. Anything (else) in my expertise.
Shuga, do you need some help there? Question comes from the otherside of the door.
Just a second! Rayo replies and makes another message, now to his old army buddy Henry.
O'Malley, this is Thompson. Meet me at the docks. Pier 37. 1800, tonight. Find any info you can about Black Throat Krewe. Come alone and this time check that nobody follows you. Got it?
Rayo flushes and opens the door. A great bit smile with a mug of soy-cafe welcomes him. Life could be much worse. In fact, I don't know how to make it now even better.
Rayo takes a coffee mug and tastes it. Coffee gives an answert to his question. Rayo smiles back to Heather and asks Do you need a ride to work?
Heather answers with a silent and heavenly kiss. Well, maybe it can wait. Maybe it can wait forever..
Mar 31 2007, 08:07 PM
SinN climbs out of bed.
That dream....what is it? Was it a dream? Sirene? Was it you?
He had made a list of spells he knew, and a list he needed to learn for this job the night before.
Alright, Trid Phantism....somethin pretty like good for now.
Gets into the shower, then gets Dante' out of bed and dressed for the day.
What you want for breakfast little man? Sinn points to some cereal on the counter.
This? Alright, pull up a chair, your dear old dad will get that for ya.
Sinn pouring the cereal, sends a text to Lucky as he hand ths bowl and spoon to Dante'.
Hey Luck, were you at? Heres the list of spells I know, Ill work on the ones we need. (Sends a file on the spells.) Get back to me on when you want to meet up, I gotta take Dante to school. So get back to me soon.
Alright big guy, time for school!
Mar 31 2007, 09:29 PM
Etiquette Test for Black Throath Krewe[ Spoiler ]
Influence SG 2 + Charisma 3 = 5 dices, Result: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4 Total: 0 Successess
Knowledge Test for Black Throath Krewe[ Spoiler ]
Underground Politics 1 + Intuition 4 = 5 dices, Result: 2, 2, 3, 4, 6 Total: 1 Success
Mar 31 2007, 09:49 PM
Rayo - The Bar Rouge - 1352
[ Spoiler ]
Rayo meets up with Benny at the Rouge, as usual, after dropping heather off at the Kitten. Benny is sitting in a booth this time, tallying up payments by the look of his intense concentration on his commlink. He outs the device away when Rayo walks up.
Have a seat chummer. Buy me a drink and I'll fill ya in.
First off, this Lucky chica, she's a fine piece. Not connected to any one person in the 'familiar' way. Not really sure which way she swings, although there are some people interested to know. Benny gices a look as if to say that any good dirt would be worth a decent amount of cred. Benny loves black mail.
She works mostly numbers, but shes been doing a lot of odd jobs lately. Got a deent enough rep . S'posed to be from up in Seattle way I hear it. Not sure what she came down here for. Shes connected to another chica called 'Pounder' *leer*. She's a gun dealer, some serious ordinance stuff. No smuggling besides that. She's tight with another made man , big ol' tusker like me name o' Rock. He's Oz's man. I don't htink I need to tell you who Oz is.
That keeb Sinn is one piece o' work. 'Parently he's got a problem wit' trogs, 'cause he blasted a bunch o' 'em over at dat bar da' Razor Back. He's from Seattle to, way I hear it, do dey didn't come down dis way t'gether. He's a big mojo man, torues a lot o' people off. He was involved in some drive by just de' oder day, I hear by 'dem guys he threw down wit over at da' Razor.
Dat' Bennet guy, you stear clear o' him. He's a problem solver, you know wat I mean. He's cool as ice one minute, all smiles and drek, next he's cleaning a hole through your head wit a .50 cal. Dis guy, he's made all da way, and he's a cutter, ya' hear. He been wit da family a long time. Got more metal in'em dan our car do.
Da' Krewe, I'm sure you know what they're stuff is about. You probably heard 'bout Blaine and his chica Eve too. Dey run a lot o' stuff, mostly guns. Most da' time, they bring stuff in wit smuggle' crews or runners. Miriam ,she don' like 'im none. I hear she got a price on 'is head.
Deir stuf, dey move some times through a tusker dealer name of Jack. He work outta da warehouse down on Empire, in da Industrial zone. He just one a 'der contacts. He ain't in da krewe, but he know a few guys if you lookin' to make a meet. Be careful wit' dem krewe guys, dey dangerous comp'ny. Like I said, Miriam really ain't happy wit 'em, so don' be makin' to nice, or it's yer neck.
Now, as fer what I want. First, when dis is all done, ya' put up a good word for me wit Mancuso, talkin' 'bout how ya couldnna done it wit out my know it what. And tell da same ta dat Lucky.
Second, I wan some pics o' dis 'Lady Luck ' chick. Whatever ya can get. But you know the better da pic, da betta da pay.
Tird, I got a line on some electronics gear up da Throat. When dis is all done, I need a pick up done. Ya' Scan?
Mar 31 2007, 10:56 PM
Streak Tuesday the 14th 1100
Waking up to the beeping on the Commlink ... Listening to the message and then Texting a simple Reply to Zephyr
yesJacking into the matrix
Data search Liquid Blues[ Spoiler ]
Logic 6 + Data search 4 = 10
Results 1,1,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6 = 6 hits
once the data search is Complete Dialing up Skeet
Apr 1 2007, 12:07 AM
Cast of Shadows updated to include Liquid Blues, Cynthia Vicente
Apr 1 2007, 12:25 AM
Lucky -The Lucky Strike, Tues ,Aug 14th 1300
Finally having a chance to sit down, Lucky goes through her commlinks "To Do" list and checks up on a few of her projects in motion. She selects the file "Taste of Osaka".
First thing's first, checking in with the progress on the working girls Cruix was 'taking care of'.:
Let's see, we have .... one broken leg, hmm taking hat a bit literally ... a broken nose , a missing dog, one case of "aggravated assault", one of the wait boys was apparently held up for his cred and got a black eye on the way to work .... two girls quit for no reason .... a cook fell on his knife when getting out of his car and quit ... another cook has broken fingers ... wow... talk about staffing problems. Lucky closes the window with a smile, and brings up another report.
Tommy, the man she sent along witth Andrew-what-ever-his-name-is-the-exterminator says the termite problem is "taken care of".
God I hope that's Wise Guy for "everything is done correctly" and not some idiot actually taking care of the termites. What's next?
Another report, looks like they've still got their deal going with that small time drug krewe. Going to have to make a decision on that.
Looks like the reviews are still looking pretty dismal. Nothing like spedning
500 on a food critics dinner to make good sushi turn bad.That'll take care of those four star reviews.
Hmmm.... what's this?Lucky opens up a data file from the decker Cynthia lent her. According to the file, the owners have put up want ad for new help. They've also asked the First National Bank for a loan for 1.2 million.
Must be to keep them a float during the dry spell. Have to see if something can be done on that.
Oh, this is interesting....The next file starts with a picture of a pretty young japanese girl, probably in her late teens, with an older japanese boy. The file identifies her as Asuka Yamura, daughter of the Taste's owner Ichiro. The file goes on to identify Asuka. 17, moved to New Orleans to live with her father six months ago. Boy friend in the pic is Chojeiro, 21, bottom of the rung yak. Asuka apparently enjoys ice cream, motorcycles, SIM games, and Kong chips.
Might be something useful there....
Apr 1 2007, 12:27 AM
Streak - coffin hotel - Tues Aug 14th 1000
Skeet picks up on the commlink on the third ring.
Streak man, you had better havea good reason to be callin this early. You know what time it is here?
Apr 1 2007, 12:29 AM
ya .... got a question for you .... how much Remote Control Capacity you got ?
Apr 1 2007, 12:33 AM
It's early man, could you be more specific?
Apr 1 2007, 12:36 AM
need a small non descript Vehical ... preferably Remote Control to hold a stash of Gear near liquid blue's from between 1800 to about 20:30 - 2100 tonight I'm real short on cash so I'm basically just looking at a rental
Apr 1 2007, 12:38 AM
Well frag it then man get a rental! Wadda you think this is, Hertz!? You want something with some power or bang-bang potential, you all me. You want a bottom dollar rental, go get a bottom dollar rental! Ain't you got a fake SIN man!?
Apr 1 2007, 12:40 AM
its top on my list of things to get trust me
Apr 1 2007, 12:56 AM
Alright, frag it man, I'll havea g'damn Americar there, I'll transfer you the access codes for the damn thing, 'soon as you transfer me a grand.
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 02:17 AM
Lucky -The Lucky Strike, Tues ,Aug 14th 1300
For a moment, Lucky just sits back and smokes her cigarette, blowing smoke rings through her AR. Then a long slow smile crosses her face and she leans forward and begins to work.
**Later that afternoon, 1700**
So, we're all set then?...Excellent. And I will get those tickets to you...Of course, they're box seats. I know how to treat my friends... and like I said before, they're good all season... Oh, I know. Can't miss a game the way they're playing this year. Did you see that article in the N'awlins Times?... what am I talking about, of course you did! Oh, and about that help wanted ad?... Perfect. You're a peach, James. Let's see, okay.. the tickets are transferred. Just pick them up at the Will Call office. They're under your name, of course...
Lucky laughsWe'll see about that. I'm absolutely swamped right now, but maybe... we'll see. Oh, you know it. More laughterOf course, James. You too. G'bye.
Hanging up, Lucky tosses the disposable phone back onto her desk. Pulling up her AR, she quickly reviews her To-do list.
Okay, so that's done.With a finger, Lucky crosses out an entry reading: Speak with James @ the Times re: Osaka's recent bad fortune. Poss. story. N.O. T/stones tix.
So, his story should run the day after the Osaka recieves it's closure notice... which, thanks to an anonymous source he'll be able to print.
Which reminds me, I've got to get Tina that day off I promised for helping me out with an "anonymous" tip to the Health Department. The inspector promised a report by Thursday at the latest.With another wave of her hand, Lucky crossed out another item on the To-do list: Anon. Tip to HD.
Okay, so where are we? Let's see, their infestation problem has only JUST begun, their reviews are absolutely trash, they're about to get hit with a Health Department Red Flag, which means at LEAST a 72-hour closure, and on the same day a damaging expose in the paper. Hmmm, good, but let's see what else I can do here. Oh, Cynthia, thank you. A loan with First National? Oh, that won't do. Time to make a phone call.
Pulling up her Contacts list, Lucky dials Vincent Hotchkiss. The phone rings twice and is picked up.
The man on the other end of the line looks like he worships at the altar of the sunless tanning God. His skin is a strange orange-gold that cannot be natural. Abundant black chest hair sprawls across his chest like a pampered pet. His face is chiseled, bearing the tell-tale signs of an expensive biosculpt job. He's human. Or at least, that's what he appears to be. There's no telling what he started out life as. His eyes are jet black, an affectation he took on to appear intimidating, but instead often give him the appearance of being slightly stoned. His hair has been gelled, moussed and coiffed into a pompadour that Elvis would envy. In Vincent's world, he is God, and it shows. Seeing Lucky, he breaks into a ear to ear smile.
Lucky, baby doll, how are you?
Lucky returns the smile, though not quite as wide, (she's still pretty sure that it requires some kind of surgery to be able to show all of one's teeth at once.)
Vincent. You're looking good. It looks like N'awlins is agreeing with you.Rule #1 in the "Dealing with Vincent Hotchkiss" playbook: Always compliment right away. It saves you having to listen to him do it.
Oh, baby, you have no idea.Here, Vincent does the strange eyebrow wriggling thing he does when he's trying to be suggestive. It's worked. It's always reminded Lucky of two caterpillars trying to mate.
Listen, Vincent, I need you. Do you think we could meet for drinks later on tonight? I'm free after 11.Rule #2: Always make Vincent think you DESPERATELY need him for some reason or another.
You need me?*eyebrow wriggle*Of course, my dear. Come over to my place around 11:30, and wear something... sheer. Vincent smiled, winked and hung up the phone. Rule #3, always let him be the one to hang up. Simple rules, but ones to live by if dealing with Vince.
Vincent practically owns First National, considering the amount of money he streams through that place on a daily basis. A phone call to the right person should ensure that the 'Taste's loan is filed away in red tape for eternity. What next? Oh, let's see, a daughter... Kong chips. Huh. Those things are notorious for going bad and frying the wiring, so to speak. I'll have to see what I can do about making sure that the right chip makes it to the right hand.
Lucky adds another item to her To-do list: Speak with Tamara on Bourbon St. Find out who's dealing Kong chips, and who dealt them to Asuka Yamura or Chojeiro.
Okay, so the only thing left to do then is take care of the Taste's secondary cash cow, the drugs and chips that get run through there. If little girl takes a dive using a Kong chip, I'm thinking Daddy's not going to be feeling a lot of love for drugs and chips in his own club. Time to make a deal with the krewe. They drop the 'Taste as a buyer and instead get a truckload of bliss to move and they don't get screwed when the 'Taste goes down. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Lucky adds another item to her To-do list: Get the name of the krewe supplying the 'Taste. Find out the Behind the Scenes and make contact.
Good. Okay, what else? Let's see.. tonight's business. Right, Pounder. If this Black Throat has been moving weapons, Pounder would know or know someone in the know.
Lucky dials Pounder and waits for the beep. Pounder never answered her phone, if you didn't know her well enough to know the deal, then you didn't know her well enough TO deal. End of story.
Hey, chica. It's Luck. I've got some questions and some cred. Give me a call.
That should get her attention. So, I'll get the intel from Pounder, plus I have the intel that Bennett and Sinn have. Plus, this Rayo guy...
Lucky adds another item to her To-do list: Check out Rayo and Bennett. Find out who holds the strings.
Okay, so tonight's line-up: Meeting with the boys @ 9 p.m., meeting with Vince @ 11 p.m., hit the Arena around midnight, home in bed by 4:30 at the latest. Sounds good.
Lucky leans back once again, dragging the green ledger over to her and off-handedly turning on EVPN. Flipping the ledger open, Lucky lights another cigarette and goes to work.
Apr 1 2007, 02:26 AM
Lucky - The Lucky Strike - Tues Aug 14th - 1330
Pounder calls back, finally. She's been busy these days. People need killing ,and they need the best gear available to do it with apparently. At least business is good.
You called?
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 02:45 AM
Lucky - The Lucky Strike - Tues Aug 14th - 1330
I did. Listen, I need some intel. You got some time?
Pounder's modus operandi was always the same. Say as little as possible on the phone, never talk biz on a phone line, never trust deckers who tell you the line is clean, always meet in person. It made getting business done a bit trickier, but it made the odds of getting caught a lot slimmer. Lucky could work with that.
Apr 1 2007, 04:42 AM
thanks man I app-reciate it .... Transfer is inbound you have a Drop off point once I'm done ?
Transfer of 1,000 to Skeets commlink
Apr 1 2007, 05:03 AM
I'll leave a file insdie it's auto nav so it can find it's way home when you're done. You so much as scratch the paint though, and you'll be oweing me big time, got it? This thing don't come with insurance ya' know.
The file for the vehicle transfers over, and the line disconnects.
Apr 1 2007, 05:08 AM
Streak 1145
Goes back to his house .... upon arriving and walking in sees an AR alert that Rent is due by the end of the month ... sighing and deleting the message goes to lay down for a nap setting the alarms for 1700 Falling asleep into a nightmare ridden world
Apr 1 2007, 05:30 AM
Streak - Coffin hotel - 1700
Streak wakes to the beeping of the commlink, thinking that or the 100th time, he really needed to change that to something more interesting, like a SIM-Companion or something.
The drive down to Liquid Blue took a bit more time than usual. Wearing one of his few remaining sets of "good" clothes, he had to take it slow. It always rained in this damn city to. There were puddles every where.
Finally arriving at the club, he pulled up his AR to find the Armericcar. it was in the back. The midnight blue one. Looked nice at least.
Apr 1 2007, 07:38 AM
Streak 1800
Pulling up next to the Americar and Opening the doors via Remote
good he thought to leave a Blanket
placinfg the Assult Rifle under the blanket with spare ammo and a Spare clip of Grenades then closing the door and Locking it .... Walks up to the Door of Liquid Blue's
Apr 1 2007, 07:40 AM
Rayo - The Bar Rouge - 1354
[ Spoiler ]
Rayo orders two beers for their table and sits down near Benny, in case he wants to whisper something. Most of the time Rayo just sits and puts names and details up his memory.
Lucky, multitool? Pounder, smuggler? Rock, Oz's man. Sinn, trog hater.. that can be useful. Bennett, keep him on your side. Blaine, Eve, who the hell are they? Miriam hates them.. good, good. BTK contact Jack, warehouse, industrial zone, Empire.
Rayo isn't jumping in happiness when hearing about the cost of his info, but he silently nods.
Okey, Benny. I catch ya. Talking your rep up isn't hard, but I can't guarantee the results. I try my best. The Lucky pics.. if I had drones, getting good shots of Lucky would be a piece of cake. Rated R stuff could be hard to get, but I try what I can do. You know, I don't let you down. The third part won't be a problem. Let me handle this job first and I take your shipment as my next errand.
Rayo takes a long haul of his beer. It's already been few hours since his last one. Did Dr. Tell talk something about drinking beer? Nah, can't remember now..
But could you be more specific about the Black Throath Krewe. I really know nothing about them. So who are these Blaine and Eve and why doesn't your capa like them? Miriam shouldn't be upset if they just smuggle guns? And can you get me an adress or something to their contact Jack. It could be useful. And do you know what he does specialize in?
Apr 1 2007, 07:44 AM
Rayo[ Spoiler ]
Blaine's da head o' da' Krewe. Eve is 'is squeeze. Dey rn it tegedder. Miriam is pissed 'cause dey runnin' in 'der guns widout Miriam gettin' her cut. Down right insultin' is what it is.
As for Jack's, well, it's da' only warehouse on Empire dat says "Jack's" on it.
Benny smiled as if he'd been waiting to make that joke .
Apr 1 2007, 07:45 AM
Streak - Liquid Blue - Tues Aug 14th 1800
The door man takes one look at you and seems to decide you're not the flavor of the week waving you aside.
Street etiquette test
Apr 1 2007, 08:18 AM
Rayo - The Bar Rouge - 1356
[ Spoiler ]
Rayo drinks the rest of his beer and stands to leave, of course giving a smile for his joke. He offers his hand to Benny.
Thanks Benny. I really need to get going. Lot's of to do today. I'll talk good about you. Later.
Rayo heads back to harbour and hopes that Abdul is home.
Apr 1 2007, 08:33 AM
Rayo - Abdul's - 1432
Abdul is indeed home. When Rayo arrives, he and Ali are hauling a new engine in to the boat house. Abdul very nearly waves when he sees Rayo approaching, and thinks better of it. Ali seems to blame Rayo for his father nearly dropping the engine.
Apr 1 2007, 08:35 AM
Lucky - Lucky Strike -1330
Yeah I've got some time, in about an hour. Where?And not the Strike. Parking my can there is a bitch.
Apr 1 2007, 08:41 AM
Rayo - Abdul's
Hi senior. Hi to you too ju.. Ali.
Ali hated when he called him junior. Now wasn't the time to tease him.
So, what do we have here? Seems like V16.
Rayo gets up and close, nearly under the motor while trolls are keeping the motor in air.
Apr 1 2007, 08:49 AM
Ali grumbles You do see us holdin this up here doncha halfer!? You wanna hold it?!
At that the younger troll lets the engie slip a bit.
Ali! @#$#@$[Language you don't understand, probably cursing in it@#$@$] My apologies Rayo. It is a little something left over some other friends had from a run it with a patrol boat. They managed to salvage the engie. We are seeing about building a whole boat from scratch. What you think, we got a good deal?
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 08:51 AM
Lucky smiles.
Yeah, I know. You remember that spot by the bayou where we used to meet up? There. I'll see you in an hour. Lucky waited and when Pounder nodded, she hung up.
Well, there's that at least. What's next? Oh right, time to play detective.Logging onto the Matrix, Lucky quickly located the node that would drop her down into Shadowland: New Orleans. Once inside, Lucky ran a search program for the name: Rayo, with keyword: Mancuso, to run down the search time. That done, Lucky sits back to wait for the results.
Data Search Test[ Spoiler ]
Electronics: 5, Logic: 6 = 11, Result: 6,6,5,3,4,1,5,6,6,4,1, Total: Six successes.
Apr 1 2007, 08:59 AM
Lucky - Shadowland
[ Spoiler ]
Dropping in to the virutal space of Shadowland New Orleans, the world becomes a party. Dancing figures in masks, floats goign full 3D movement even soar over head. Shops all along the 'walk, even krewes offering beads for the right show.
After a bit of digging, Lucky finds the right data shop ,a Lounge of sorts for smugglers, and finds the right bottle on the bar with her data.
Rayo is a smuggler running the 'Orleans area. He isn't big time, but he isn't small either. He's been operating for a few years. Discrete, nothing too flashy. never caught with anything.
Sources say that he ofrten works with Benny The Bean of the kozlowski family. They have a mutual interest of some sort.
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 09:03 AM
Interesting. Let's try this from another angle. This time Lucky runs the search on Benny the Bean.
Data Search Test[ Spoiler ]
Electronics: 5, Logic: 6 = 11, Result:6,6,3,4,2,4,6,6,6,3,3 Total: 5 successes.
Apr 1 2007, 09:06 AM
Sorry.. sheesh.
Rayo takes a few steps away from the engine and scratches his chin.
Well it looks pretty good outside. No visible leaks, cranks or anything. I think you still should dissemble it and checks it inside. I could do it.. but that's not your first problem now 'cos you need the body for you boat. You can't use this much power in a normal fibreglass boat. It could tear it apart.
Rayo follows trolls downstairs, opening doors and doing other little help during the trip (like moving blowtorch and other tools out of their way).
You need some serious cash for this. Or lot's of salvage parts. But if you don't mind, I could need both of yours help for tonight. I need to check the whole boat and your big muscles could help me with it. You know, just a little bigger maintenance.
Rayo takes of his jacket and throws it over a toolbox.
I pay for it. Say 200 dollars a horn pair for next.. Rayo checks his commlink. ..three hours?
Apr 1 2007, 09:09 AM
Abdul nods, once the engine is tucked out of the way. He directs Ali to get their cover alls. Soon enough , the trolls are set and begin going over the boat piece by piece. it's a pleasant way to spend an afternoon, once you learn to shut out Ali's grumbling.
Apr 1 2007, 09:10 AM
nothing shows up on Benny with Data search. Roll Etiquette or underwold knowledge skills.
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 09:16 AM
Underworld Knowledge[ Spoiler ]
Underworld Politics (N.O.): 4 + Logic: 6, Result: 6,5,5,1,2,5,4,4,3,4, Total: 4 successes
Apr 1 2007, 09:19 AM
Lucky[ Spoiler ]
Benny the Bean is a made man that reports to caporegime Vince Spinelli. He hadnels mostly smuggling and enforcement, which is were he got the name "the Bean" (According to him he squeezed someone 'like a bean'). Really the nick name is for his figure. Although ver tough, heis body is shaped liek a bena > He is quite over weight.
Benny works a lot of jobs, the type of guy that always"knows a guy". But his sphere of influnce only extends out, not up.[/color]
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 09:24 AM
That will have to do for now. Lucky files the information away.
Next on the list is Bennett. I'm expecting the man to be like Teflon but we'll take a look anyway.Using the same program, Lucky runs another search, this time including a still from her surveillance camera for an image match along with his name.
Let's see if he remembered to remove his image along with his name. Data Search[ Spoiler ]
Electronics 5 + Logic 6 =11, Result:5,5,6,4,2,2,5,4,2,1,1 Total: 4 successes
Apr 1 2007, 09:26 AM
Zilch on data search. He doesn't exist. No fiels on shadowland either. But the host site is relatively new in New Orleans.
Apr 1 2007, 09:27 AM
Rayo - Abdul's - 1739
After a job well done, Rayo pays Abdul and Ali as promised from his cash funds.
Thank you guys. It would have taken me a whole night by myself. I might be needing the boat tonight so I try to be quiet as possible when leaving.
Rayo leaves two trolls to talk about their big plans for getting the rest of the boat, heads for his car and pier 37 to meet O'Malley.
I should call Lucky and ask what she thinks about military uniforms.. but I don't know Bennetts and Sins sizes. Well, I think about it later.
Rayo leaves his car a little further away and walks to pier 37. He sits down on a bench with a good look to passing by ships and waits. He decides to read morning news again while sitting.
Apr 1 2007, 09:34 AM
Rayo - The Docks Tues Aug 14th 1800
Finally a step van pulls up that Rayo rcognizes. As usual, O'malley is late. He climbs out of the van, looking around a bit. Always paraniod. A healthy habit i nthis business. He lights a cigarette, offering one to Ray.
Howz'it Thompson? Keepin' your head down I hope? Let's make this fast, can't be gone long today. Whacha need?
Apr 1 2007, 09:51 AM
Rayo - Pier 37
Rayo takes a smoke and lights them with his matches.
I really need a new lighter..Nice to see you too, Henry. Today I only needs some info. I know these aren't you specialty but it couldn't hurt asking.[ Spoiler ]
Rayo sends a picture of Lucky to O'Malley.
Check if you have anything about here in your database. Not what she does know, just if army knows anything about him. She came here from Seattle, so there shouldn't be much. They call him Lucky. But be discreet and don't push it, do it yourself and show it to nobody. Got it? I don't want anybody on her tail just 'cos you screw up something.
Even though O'Malley is in hurry. Rayo takes his time smoking his cigarette.
Also, do you know anything about Black Throath Krewe? They are some kind of up and coming smuggling group that tries to take over others business. Like russians in west coast. But my other questions is, do you need anything? I'm always looking for some extra job.
Apr 1 2007, 09:56 AM
Never heard of the krewe, ain't that your department? I'll see what I can find on this chick though. how importnat is this anyway?
As for biz, I might have a buyer for some gear out Texas way. Give me a week, I'll let you know, give you acut.
Apr 1 2007, 10:07 AM
Rayo - Pier 37 - 1810
No hurry. Just take your time. But no leaking. And I will be hearing from you. Thanks Henry.
Rayo let's O'Malley to leave. He sits and waits a bit and then heads for his car.
Texas, huh? Well it's better than nothing. I really should get a load to Havanna. At this time of the year it would be a one hellawa ride. Yeehaa.
Rayo checks his commlinks time again.
Almost three more hours. What the hell I'm going to do during this time? Maybe fishing.. or visit in Kitten?
Rayo's belly gives him an answer with a low moan.
Food it is. Fish would be nice. Dr. Tell told something about eating them.
Rayo heads for the nearest good, but not crowded fish restaurant.
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 10:21 AM
Lucky The Lucky Strike, Tuesday. 1430
Just about what I thought. Bennett, the invisible man.
Muttering, Lucky catches the time on her AR.
Frag, I gotta go if I'm gonna meet Pounder in time.
Grabbing her keys, Lucky heads outside and gets into her truck. Waving to Roberto as she backs out, she remembersAhh, I was gonna talk to him about giving away those free drinks. I'll have to do that later.
Once on the road, Lucky heads for the bayou. It takes her a good 25 minutes to get there, but she manages to pull in before Pounder. Which was always good. Pounder hated to be kept waiting.
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