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Lady Door
Standing up, Lucky looks around the room. Sighing she begins straightening her furniture, grumbling all the while about being late. Noticing the balcony doors still open, Lucky crosses to them and closes them. Thinking about it, she moves a chair in front of the doors.
Soon the room is back in it's original condition. Going back into the bathroom, Lucky blow dries her hair and touches up her makeup. Looking into the mirror, she calms herself down.
Okay, Lucky, m'girl.. you're doing fine. That was... well, it was something.. but there's no need to get all worked up. This is Nawlins.. these things happen. Just be calm. Breathe and don't worry. Go to your meets and do what needs to be done.
Lucky nods and heads back into the bedroom. Pulling out a duffel bag, she throws in a quick change of clothes.. something nondescript; jeans, an LSU sweater and a baseball cap. She also tosses in a pair of sneakers. No telling what could happen. Crossing to her bureau and eyeing it suspiciously before kneeling in front of it, Lucky pulls out her tag eraser, Radio Signal Detector and Maglock Passkey (Rtng. 4). Once those are secreted away inside her bag, Lucky moves to the foot of her bed and pops open one of the wooden floor panels. Inside she removes the case for her ARES MP3 Laser Rifle. Smiling, she sets it next to the duffel bag and reaches into the hole once again, this time pulling out her FNHAR Assault Rifle. Giving it a quick look over, she notes that sometime before tonight she's going to have to clean it up. Time spent under floor boards is not good for weaponry.
Definitely going to need to find a place to put you. Once that's taken care of, Lucky puts the plank back in place and stands up, dusting off her black leather pants. Taking another look in the mirror she checks out her outfit.. black leather pants, black sleeveless turtleneck, black gloves in her pocket, black leather jacket and black boots.
All right.. let's do this. C'mon Red..
Taking her time, soon Lucky is at her dealer's apartment. She heads up stairs through the beat up apartment building, just before 6. At least it'll give her a chance to get some needed gear and to limber up a bit, let off some steam.
Lady Door
Approaching the door, Lucky smiles as she hears the familiar strains of "Gemini" by Dystopian Dreams coming through the door.
At least he has good taste... well, actually I know he has good taste... he likes me, doesn't he?
Lucky knocks.
Alonzo opens the door, smiling, as he's always happy to see Lucky, his best customer.

Come in, come in, I've got what you asked for. And a few more besides. A few things I think you'll like.

He waves her inside. As always the apartment is drab but clean. Not a lot to look at. He grabs Lucky a beer first, then hands her a small chip case.

Everything I could get on forensics. Quite a lot of megapulses there. Have fun scanning it all. I also got you some choice chips here. Nice little Cal-hot copy of that new SIM Pleasure Dome. It's still in the theatres. This thing'll curl your toes. And I know how you like Suki Redflower, so I got you a copy of her first two sims with the levels cranked up to hot sim. Tossed in a dominatrix beetle for you too. Keep to the classics ya' know.

And here's your long haul.

Now....whadoo you got for me?
Lady Door
Sweetheart, you know I'm always there for you, but I need these in a pinch. Got biz that can't wait. I don't suppose you'd hold onto those others for me until I can come back and ... negotiate? Right now, all I've got time for is the Forensics chips.
Lucky takes a long pull of the beer and smiles seductively, licking her lips.
Seduction Test
[ Spoiler ]
Alonzo smiles. Fine then, if you don't want 'em, I'll sell 'em to someone else. But you still owe me $200 for the forensics. But you don't know what you're mising with these burners.

He hands over the datasoft.
Rayo/Luigi Commlink Conversation - Wednesday Aug 15th 0903
Renraku Sensei (legal) Passive mode, Hermes Ikon (Fake SIN) off

Finishing his reps at the gym, Luigi notices a message on his commlink and reading it over quickly he smiles and heads for the shower, while typing a quick reply.

No worries, was just working out. Give me 10 minutes and I'll be at the attached address and ready to go.

Drying off after the shower and finishing putting his suit, he checks the contents of his duffel again. Right, da skimask, 'elmet, generic joggin' suit, gloves, don't wanna leave der NOPS any prints ta gets, an' a plastik sheet fer sortin' da body if dis frakker gives us any troubles. His quick check in the locker complete he covers it all up again with his now sweaty training kit and towel.

Luigi waves to the staff on the way out of the gym See youse tomorrow guys 'n' ladies Is gotta get goin'.

And heading a block down the street to the address he'd sent to Rayo to meet up at and casually leaning on a wall he watches the people flow past. Julian always sez dat youse can learn a lot 'bout people from watchin' dem in everyday life, probably oughta work out what dat means someday, well betta practice while I waits for Rayo I guess.
Lady Door
Lucky @ Alonzo's - Wednesday, August 13, 1800

Lucky smiles and slips the chips out of Alonzo's hand. I still want em' sweetheart... maybe I can come by and work out a deal tomorrow? Lucky smiles and slides up next to Alonzo, running her hand up and down his arm.
Either way, this is for you. Lucky slips the 200 nuyen.gif in cash into his jeans pocket.
Alonzo takes the cred, looking a bit let down, but appreciating the cred at least.

I'll see ya' tamara then.
Lady Door
See ya then. Lucky winks and runs a hand down the side of Alonzo's face. Stay out of trouble.

Once Lucky's back in her truck, she enters in the coordinates for the Strike and sends a quick text message to Rayo.
Rayo, I picked up that Forensics chip I was telling you about. I've left it with the barman at the Lucky Strike. His name is Roberto. Pick it up and make sure you guys leave the scene clean. Call me if something comes up. When she arrives at the strike, Lucky slips the disk to Roberto, giving him an AR photo of both Rayo and Luigi.
Make sure they get this... and don't let them drink. Soka?
You wan' me ta say no to that big bull guy?
He looks terrified at the idea.
Lady Door
Lucky looks annoyed for a moment and then speaks.
Just hand him the chip and then make yourself scarce. Don't give em and opportunity. If he insists, let him know that his drinks are gratis after his thing tonight. Got it?
Uhhh... got it.
Lady Door
Good man.. I'll see you when I get back. Lucky smiles and heads out, taking a moment to check her AR surveillance suite for images of Jessica and Dante. She can't help but smile seeing the both of them playing what looks to be a very intense game of Miracle Shooter.
Well, they seem to be doing all right. Lucky checks the time on her commlink and doubletimes it out the door.
Gonna be late if I don't hurry.

Once she's back in her truck, Lucky speeds off for her rendevous in the bayou. As she drives, she can't help but think about what happened in the house earlier.
Maybe I should talk to Mal about it. See what she thinks? Somekind of spirit of some kind? A poltergeist?
Lucky - Wednesday Aug 13th, 2015 - The Bayou roads

Lucky drives up to the meet spot in the middle of the bayou, cursing her self for being late. She can see Bennet's car sitting there with the lights on. The big man is leaning against his car, an assault rifle in hand, scanning the surroundings. He watches Lucky as she pulls up.
Lady Door
Lucky - Wednesday Aug 13th, 2015 - The Bayou roads

Taking a moment to look around, Lucky scans the spot and does a double take for a moment...
Would you look at that. I'm meeting a man like that at the crossroads... got to be something to that.
Leaving the truck idling, Lucky grabs her Ares and slides out. Walking towards Bennett she nods.
Hey Bennett. Where you at? Sorry I'm late, business had to be done.
It happens. He motions with the rifle. Saw some big swamp rats. So what's the plan?
Lady Door
You and I are headed over to RiggerSlitch's place of business. According to my source, she works late hours. We should be able to shadow her back to her place and take her there. I've sent Luigi and Rayo off with a Forensics chip I picked up for them. Hopefully they use it. I've come equipped but I've never dealt with a rigger before. Any useful suggestions?
Lucky pulls out a cigarette and lights it, positioning herself so the smoke blows away from Bennett.
Drones don't like getting shocked, so that new ammo should help. If you can interfere with their commands, they'll go off the last command they received. That can be good or baad sometimes. Their armor is usally a slitch to get through depending on the drone. Sometimes it's just easier to kill the rigger, but that obviously isn't always an option.

This "Rigger slitch" got a name by the way?

Lady Door
Her name is Tori. She's a dwarf and as I mentioned before a real slitch. She owns her shop on Santa Anna Way and she hides a lot of the guns and ammo that the Krewe runs through there. According to my source, she's one of the krewe and not just a go between... so like I said in the meet, taking her out will also throw a wrench into any works that the Krewe has going on.
My contact said that she knows she keeps a lot of drones around the shop and that she is rigged, but couldn't tell me how good she is.
As far as the drones themselves go, I'm loaded up on the stick and shock as well as a few other toys; gas grenades and a couple flashbangs.. though, as we're keepin' this low key I'd prefer not to use em. I also got one of the Ares lasers should things go really wrong.
Bennet considers Lucky for a moment. Yes, that would do it too. But like you said, last option. She'll likely have some security around her home, but I don't relish the idea of trying to take a rigger on the road. It would probably be easiest if we grab her as she leaves her vehicle, depending on conditions.

And after we have the information we need?
Rayo/Luigi - Wednesday Aug 15th 0929

Yes, Ma'am, is the short answer for Lucky's message.
Suprisingly Luigi isn't so hard to spot on the street looking cool, on Rayo's opinion, and Rayo pulls his van right next to him on the street and pops the sidedoor open.
Morning Luigi. Get in the back, you find more room for your legs there.
Van is black with dark tints on windows, but inside is mix of wine red and grey. Luigi can see, that Rayo has made some adjustment just for some person as tall as him by turning one bench backwards, making the passenger to travel backwards, but making the oppurtunity to put big feets under back seats. Bench is also a bit lower, so you can sit back straight. On the floor in one big black bag. You can see clearly outside from the windows and sidedoor window also gives you a good overlapping view probably from front bumber cameras.
We need to make a detour via Lucky Strike. Lucky has arranged us the CSI chip there, bartender guy has it. Name was Roberto or something. Then we need to find Jack's warehouse. Are you good to go, or do you need to visit someplace before some action? How about some soy-coffee, I know a great place?
Rayo/Luigi - Wednesday Aug 15th 0930

Smiling as he sees the interior of the van, Luigi steps inside and settles down. Putting his bag down near the other, he shuts the door and straps in. Nice ride youse got 'ere Rayo 'preciate da mods. I'm good ta go but if youse wants some java den dats all good. Oh 'n' while we's doin' dis, dis is der commlink number fer me.

And flicking the power on for Hermes Ikon, and setting it to Hidden and then transmitting the comm code to Rayo.

Two numbers? Oh.. now I get it. Do you want me to call you buy other name too?
Rayo gives a chukle and heads for Lucky Strike. 15 minutes later Rayo pulls his car at the front entrance of the Strike.
Okey, let's get the chip. Even thought I think we could do this without it, Lucky has already made trouble of getting it. So I think we shouldn't make Miss Santangelo to waste her precious time.
Rayo shuts the engine, hops out of the car and heads inside.
Rayo/Luigi -Wedensday Aug 15th 0950 - The Lucky Strike

Walking in, Rayo and Luigi are immediately waved over by the bartender Roberto.

Heya fellas, how ya' doin' this mornin'? Miss Lucky left a package for ya, said I should hand ot over personally.

He looks very serious and a ibt like he's enjoying the intrigue as he hands over an unmarked chip case.

Get you guys anything?
Rayo/Luigi - Lucky Strike - 0950
Rayo takes a package, waves it a bit and listens what it sounds.
Nah. We need to work. Maybe when we get back. Thanks Rob..
Rayo heads back to the car, opening the package and looking the chip a while.
So. What do you think we should do with this?
Rayo/Luigi - Lucky Strike - 0950

Heh, just calls me Lu would fit fer eidder SIN an' I'll 'member, heh

Entering the Lucky Strike he nods to Roberto Nah, tanks my friend, bit early fer me.

Looking at the chip back in the car Luigiis a bit puzzled by the question, but responds none the less Well I's believe dat youse plug it inta yer commlink and den use it like a guydance manual, not used one inna long time doe. Dat an' I tink dat Forensics is gonna require a lotta careful precise actions so might be betta fer you, but I'll give it a go if youse want?
Rayo thinks a moment turning the chip in his fingers.
I think I give it a check while while we drive to Empire. You can look at it later, if you need, m'kay? We still need to find Jack's warehouse, it's somewhere in Empire, if my contact was right, which I have no reason to doubt at. Okey, shall we go?

Sounds gud ta me, tink youse best at doin' it anyhoo. I'll just make sher I's wearing da rubber glovies

If it's good to you, then it's good to me too, big guy. Let's roll.
After couple of hours of driving around Empire finally they found what they were looking for. Rayo takes a car somewhere where it could be hidden, but at same time taking a good view to the warehouse.
Okey, that's the place. He was right, you just can't miss that, refering to big JACK'S painting on the wall.

Infiltration test with GMC Bulldog : Intuition 4 + Infiltration, Vehicle Specialization 3 = 7 dices : 6, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 = 3 successes
The Warehouse is a tall building (2 stories high with a sharply angled roof) made of corrugated steel. The entire building is perhaps 40 meters long. IT's on a conrete ground, with no other buildings within 100 meters. The concrete is cracked, with weeds growing out of it all over. There's a chain link fence around the conrete parking lot. There are fan vents on the roof, probably on.
Looking over the concrete gap to the warehouse and the lack of cover Luigi grunts slightly .

Hmmm, dis not gonna be gud fer sneakin', nuthin' ta hid behind.... might be gud seein' as I sneak 'bout as gud as a whale in der main street. Wonder what approach we's gonna use.... Glad der comm dat der NOPS knows had a 'battery problem' earlier.... and checking that his comm with his legal SIN was safely off, he turns to look forward again.

Well I's guess dat sneakin' in ain't gonna happen now, youse know if der's any active comms in der? Would be bad if we's break in ta find he's out ta lunch, heh. Udder dan dat we's gonna pose as sellers?

Rayo uses vans communications to check if there's any signs of active commlinks.
It seems the best idea now. Might be a problem if he asks who sent us. At least I would ask. But I really don't know any better ideas right now. At least that way we could go inside and see what's in there. Should we just try to drive closer to the door or just walk there?
S'up ta youse Rayo drivin' up is quicker an' less time fer people ta ID us but gets your van ID'd, walkin' is less risk fer der van, more risk fer us, but also possibly less conspicous, depends what der neighbourhood's like an' der normal delivery method fer dis chump
Yeah I know. Or we could just wait some time, see what goes in and what goes out? It will be boring, but could give us some idea. I really don't want to get shot today by some freak who hates metas..
I hears ya, dey tickle sooo much and grins at the dwarf Guees we's doin' a stakeout den, man nevva thought I'd be doin' a NOPS like ting
The next few hours pass slowly. Two vehicles come in that time. The fist is a FastEx delivery, the second is a large Class B truck, unmarked, that pulls up to the back of the shop. The roll door rolls up for it, and the truck backs up to it.
Rayo/Luigi - Outside Jack's - 1407
Okey, this is bullshhh.. err.. horsecrap. I just can't take this. We go in. Now. Toss my back from there. Let's just go and take them all out. Lucky would happy. Huh?

The stakeout wasn't nearly as fun as the trid made them out to be, but Luigi stuck with it, then got bored, changed his clothes into less conspicous ones and then carries on watching, trying to ignore the slowly boiling Rayo


Right, one bag comin' right up. And with that, he slids the door open and steps out with Rayo's and his bags. Youse got a face covering and/or plastic gloves? I's got spare if youse need, betta den leavin' 'prints about fer NOPS

Rayo gives Luigi a very long look and then shows his hand.
Gloves. Looky, we really don't have the same hand size. I think I packed some shooting gloves here. Also commando mask coming right up.
Rayo starts dressing and arming up.
Luigi, do you think that my assault rifle and grenades would go over the top? It really doens't seem that street thugs would have them. Maybe I manage with just my machine pistol. Looks more authentic.
Lady Door
Lucky - August 15th, 2015 - The Bayou Roads

I agree. Taking a rigger on the road seems like pure suicide unless you got one of your own. We tail her to her home and take her there. That also eliminates the chance of someone dropping by the shop while we're there.
Lucky pauses for a moment, taking a drag of her cigarette. She also uses the moment to activate a white noise generator and to assense Bennett from behind her sunglasses.
It may be the paranoia setting in, but for one frightening moment, Lucky can't help but realize that she doesn't even know Bennett. That, for all she really knows, he could be a cop recording her planning a murder.
Assensing Test
[ Spoiler ]
Emotionally calm, realxed, in excellent health, mundane, extremely low essence

Let's do this then. You drive, I'll shoot if there comes a need. When we get there, I'll grab her, you cover me.

Haha, no problems, I brought some fer your size too, as fer an assault rifle.... depends if we's going fer a street gang attack or a krewe. Most punks on der streets ain't got no clue what an assault rifle is but a krewe'd use 'em.

And waiting for Rayo to get ready he first pulls on a pair of rubber gloves and then hand Rayo a dwarf sized pair, then starts leading the way to the warehouse with his duffle bag over one shoulder and a skimask in a pocket ready to don. Trying to look just like a troll heading home with his pal and his hands in his pockets, they walk the block or so to the warehouse and then checking quickly for pedestrians he heads towards the warehouse.
Lady Door
Feeling slightly foolish, Lucky nods and walks back to her truck. Sliding inside she takes a quick look around and cleans off the passenger seat, throwing her duffel bag into the back.
When Bennett gets in she drives off, headed for the shops location on Santa Anna Way. When they get there, Lucky parks a dozen yards away, beside an all night diner. She turns the truck off and slides out, walking inside and ordering two coffee's. On the way in, she records the images of the shop with her contacts eye recorder. Lucky exits the diner from the back, walking around and coming out behind the truck, out of sight from the riggerslitch's shop.
Getting back inside, she downloads the images to her commlink and reviews them, getting a chance to go over them in detail from the inside of the truck. She hands Bennett one of the coffee's.
Lucky - Wednesday Aug 15th, 2110 - Lucky's Truck near Gun Dealers'

Bennet takes his soycaf.

Thanks. I can probably get up there, see about setting a micro cam or maybe a stealth tag if I can find her vehicle. I could send in a micro drone wit ha tag on it, but I have doubts about a drones ability to get in there undetected.

Well fine. I use yours.
Better keep the big guy happy.
Rayo follows Luigi, putting the commando hat up, ready to pull it down as necessary. Rayo decides to just take his machine pistol with him and keeps it hidden under the jacket. He keeps looking around him, still trying to look casual.
I think we should try to go in from back?
Lady Door
Lucky views the images she recorded, looking for a vehicle.
Most likely, her vehicle is in the shop. With all the drone activity, it looks like it might be easier to tail her the old fashioned way.
Lucky sets up her Radio Signal Scanner, pinpointing the shop.
Two hours pass with no activity. No one comes, and no one goes. N lights seem to ocme on, but the windows look blacked out. Bennet could be meditating for al lthe moving around he does.
Would probably be easier ta penetrate.... gud idea der Rayo and smiles Let's go get der git and following Rayo's plan they start heading around back to the loading dock.
Lady Door
Lucky sighs. Patience has never been her strong suit. She sips at her coffee and thanks God that she had the upgraded cup holder with internal heat source put in the truck. At least the liquid is still nice and hot.
I heard she worked late, but this is verging on her pulling an all-nighter. What do you think? Do we stay put or move on the shop?
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