Aug 4 2007, 06:44 AM
Rayo - 2330 - Rayo's Van
Not really sure, Ma'am. I just got the number, but I can call her right away. But I'm not sure if even she is enough to save Luigi. Man, they must have a great spellslinger too, or at least a tank to keep Luigi down..
Concern about Luigi is easy to read from Rayo's face.
I'll call her, as she hasn't contacted me. I'll call you in fifteen and get you updated. Later.
Rayo hangs the call and makes a new one, to number Benny gave him. Rayo leaves camera open, there's no need to hide anything from a mage.
I hope this works.. and she won't eat me as breakfast.
Aug 4 2007, 09:02 AM
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 2330 - Calling the Calvary
The commlink rings a few times, eventually picking up. The faceo n the other hand is that of a thick and hearty troll woman. Her features are angular and hard, certainly very nordic looking, with high cheek bones, and light blue eyes. Her hair is long, deep red, and wore in twin braids. Nothing more can be seen from the angle the commlink is at.
Her acecnt is thick, sounding Ukranian.
Dis is Helga. And whom might you be?
Aug 5 2007, 08:16 AM
Rayo - 23:30 - Calling at Ms. HorribleHello Helga, you can call me Rayo. I'm a friend of Benny and I have missing Minotaur issue. He said, you could help me with this matter.Keep it polite, keep it simple.[ Spoiler ]
There's a little time issue going on. Rayo is in 23:30, Lucky is in 22:30 and J is in 20:30.. so..
Aug 5 2007, 02:55 PM
[ Spoiler ]
J has been spending a few hours blissed out of her head and enjoying some of Lucky's imported vodka to help deal with the shotgun damage.
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 2330 Calling at Ms. HorribleShe troll woman on the other end smiles broadly, looking hungry.
Yeessss.... do tell me about dis ... 'mino-taur man' of yours. I am ... very interested. She actually winks.
Aug 5 2007, 08:02 PM
[ Spoiler ]
And Rayo was drinking with Benny at 22:30..
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 23:30 - Calling at Ms. HorribleErr.. yes. I-I actually have a pic-picture of him.Rayo gets nervous from a wink from a troll lady, as crazy as it sounds. Not nearly as nervous as he was in Naughty Kitten with all those bare breasts floating in his eye level, but never the less. Rayo sends a picture from his eyecamera, where Luigi is holding Jack from the throath, quickly blurring the face of Jack's.
Here you go. Ash.. erhm.. as you can see, he's.. big. We lost a contact to target around one-five-hundread hours today and there's no further contact to or from him. We got no clue, where he might be, but most likely the enemy is Black Throath Krewe. Sooner we can start finding him, the better. More questions, Ma'am?Somewhere inside his little body, or not so little anymore as bad lifestyle has caught him, he finds his professionalism that meets with his marine side and army jargon and customs start pouring back to his memory. At least one thing that can keep his thoughts together.
And I'm also very certain that our bullman here would be very grateful if you could find and help him. If you catch what I mean..And sometimes it's just fun to make your friends in trouble.. in a nice way, of course.
Aug 5 2007, 08:21 PM
[ Spoiler ]
The troll woman smiles when she seems him, but then gets her self set for business.
Do you have some sort of link from him? Hair, a glass he recently drank from? Anything besides a picture
Aug 6 2007, 06:32 AM
Rayo starts quickly looking around the car with his eyes. He hadn't cleaned the car, so there might be something left from Luigi.
Or I need to ask about this from Lucky.
Err.. I'm sorry Ma'am, but I'm not his mother. But I can try to find something.. linking. Is this how important?
J - 16AUG2070 Thu 2330hrs - Tweakin'The expat on the couch blinks and sighs. Deep Blue's getting boring, which means those little joypills of Lucky's are wearing off.
This is nice stuff, J yawns, stretching and sitting up as she kills the sim.
For the time it has lasted! She grins, shaking herself like a small, tattooed bear. The bruises splashed across her torso have faded to a dull yellow. Rubbing her neck, she looks up at Lucky.
What is next? You are looking for your bull-man, yes?[ Spoiler ]
another hour, another recovery test.
Bod 5 + Wil 4 +1 toughness = 10 dice: 9 3 2 4 9 5 3 4 5 5 = 5 hits. down to 4 boxes of stun.
Aug 7 2007, 07:41 PM
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 23:30 - Calling at Ms. Horrible
The troll woman looks slightly annoyed. Rayo has a moment when he notices the rouge lipstick, blush and eyeliner skillfully applied. Apparently she is very much looking forward to tonight's work.
It is very important. Never have I seen his aura, so I cannot send out spirits, no? I need a link, something meaningful, but preferably hair. Without, the magic no work.
Aug 7 2007, 07:50 PM
J - Thursday Aug 16th - 2300 - Rollin' Balls
Everything seems slighty lighter than usual to J as she begins to come down. THe strong feelings of euphoria are passing slowl, still leaving her feeling slightly giddy and excited. If it weren't for the bruises, a dance or fight might even be good right now. The chip isn't quite up to snuff compared to her usual Hot stuff, but the combination of tech and chemicals teases her senses in a whole new way.
An associate of mine is looking up a wizard of some sort. You still look pretty beat. Get some rest while you can. Once Rayo finds what he's looking for, we'll have to move fast. Need another drink to take the edge off?
J - 16AUG2070 Thu 2330hrs - Trip like I do
J shrugs again. I think I give you bad idea, she grins. "This J," you think, "she drink all my vodka, I feed her all my bliss, and in two hour she has sit up and say she want more!" Tough Russkie suka, she says, thumping herself on the chest. Puny chemicals, they have no effect on me! I think maybe... you have beetle, yes? Beetle is nice, like being punched in head.
Aug 7 2007, 10:01 PM
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 23:30 - Calling at Ms. Horrible
Okey, I understand, my bad, Ma'am. I'm not really good with this mojo stuff. Can we meet somewhere? Give me some time, fifteen minutes is enough, and I can find something that belongs to him. How about you name the place and I come there?
Searching continues.
Maybe there's some of his hair on the floor. Or it could be anybody elses. Or some blood. He did take a lot of hits, maybe he bled somewhere. But so did I.. damn. Need to find Lucky, maybe Roberto slacked off and didn't clean his last glass or something. No, Lucky would fire him for that.. this is so drekked up mother of all drekheads. DREK!
Aug 7 2007, 10:46 PM
J - Thursday Aug 16th - 2300 - Rollin' Balls[ Spoiler ]

hilarious 2 CSP
mfb, note the time punch there. Time has passed as you've been rolling, and recovering.
Lucky grins and nods appreciateivly.
I totally understand. I can help you with that. She walks over to her desk, still chuckiling a bit, and slides open one of the drawers. She fiddles around inside, and soon pulls out a small black firebox. Punching in the code, she pulls out a handful of chips, glances thruogh a couple of them, then brings the small box over.
Take your pick. Personafix, action, a few new converted sims, porn, just about what ever you like. None of that snuff drek though.Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 23:30 - Calling at Ms. HorribleVery well. There is a , how you say, night club? A place where orks and troll ladies like my self like to go. Very popular. No one will bother you there. The Razor Back it is called. Meet me there in 20?
Aug 8 2007, 08:13 PM
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 23:30 - Calling at Ms. Horrible
Razor Back? Got it. See you there.
Ork and trolls.. why do I have a bad feeling about this?
While bending over the chair Luigi sat last evening and checking the bench with his very accurate eyes, Rayo calls to Lucky.
Lucky, it's Rayo. I'm meeting the spellslinger in 20 minutes in some bar called Razor Back. You don't happen to have anything.. err.. personal of Luigi's. She needs it for finding him. I'm trying to find something in the car, just hoped you could have something better than a furball.
Aug 8 2007, 08:20 PM
Lucky shakes her head on the other sde of the comm, and answers cooly
No, I can't say that I make a habit of collecting ritual samples for my business associates Rayo. She looks more than a little annoyed that he would suggest it.
Pereption test - no modifiers - Visual[ Spoiler ]
no modifiers beacuse it's very small, but he is actively looking, and even a well groomed 'taur as Luigi would shed a good bit.
Aug 9 2007, 07:40 AM
Women..Well, fine.. sorry for asking. Thought you might have helped.. Ma'am. If you don't hear about me in couple of hours, then I might have died second time in last 12 hours. Long story, ruff day. No worries, I got our bullboy back.Rayo is overoppurtunist as always, when talking with superior.
Perception test - visual[ Spoiler ]
Intuition 4 + Perception 1 + Cybereyes 3 = 8 dices : 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 1 = 3 successes
I think he found a furrball almost size of his fist, right?
After couple of minutes Rayo dusts himself off, fires the engine and sends his van towards Razor Back. Meanwhile Rayo checks his weaponry and ain't really impressed.
Damn. Two clips of gel rounds and only one regulars to Ceska. And they would only tickle grown up orks and trolls. And the other gun is at the boat. I should go and pick it up, even thought it might be useless to try to smuggle it inside. Wait a minute.. maybe I can go with the boat, if Razor Back is near enough of water. I might be late, but it could be usefull. Or not.Checking the location from the mapsoft rating 6.
Aug 10 2007, 12:22 AM
Her tone softens surpsingly.
Why don't you come to the 'Strike first Rayo. If something has happened to Luigi, which seems very likely, we shouldn't all be rushing in different directions. We need to discuss a plan of action. How soon can you be here? Roberto has told me you came in earlier. I was out on related business.[ Spoiler ]
Yes you find a good amount of hair.
For once, glad you didnt vacuum.

Aug 10 2007, 07:26 AM
Surprised a little about sudden change of tone, Rayo thinks a second.
Let's say in 10, but then I will be certainly late from the meeting, Ma'am. You know I like to be precise on meetings. But.. you're the boss, Ma'am.
Car turns to a different direction.
Aug 10 2007, 07:40 AM
You're meeting the mage. Hmmm... where are you meeting her, and what do you intend to do ifshe can find Luigi?
Aug 10 2007, 08:47 PM
As I said, I meet her at bar called Razor Back. She said, nobody would touch me there. If she founds him, then I'm going to help her rescuing him. That's part of the deal. That may sound strange, but she is some kind of warrior princess who gets her thrill by saving prince in distress. Yes, you heard right and no, I'm not sure if she likes to dress Luigi in a dress, but if she wants, I'm not there trying to stop her. So, you have any better plan, boss?[ Spoiler ]
First day of Ropecon behind, two days to go. That's why I'm now being a bit slow. And why is Lucky asking again about the place?
Aug 10 2007, 10:26 PM
[ Spoiler ]
The asking twice was my goof. nothing more. Oops.
Go ahead and meet up with her, but watch your self. I'd meet you there, but the Razr Back is where I just came from. I can't make a second appearance there tonight becuase of the sensitive nature of my meeting. I'll ring Bennet, and have him get down there incase you need to move quickly. Otherwise, call me if you think you've got something ,and we'll rendevous.
Aug 11 2007, 06:37 PM
Well, you're the boss..Again, Rayo turns the car around.
Women.. they never can have only one opinion. First she gives me a pretty mental finger, then she wants to help. Then she can't come and thinks I can handle by myself and STILL sends some back up. Oh, all mighty drek..[ Spoiler ]
I was just hearing a lecture about (undirection translation) "Couples and roleplaying" and I just remembered that you earlier said that Plan B "might" be coming back to play. Any updates from this front?
Aug 12 2007, 01:21 AM
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 23:48 - Calling at Ms. HorribleHauling tail to make sure that he makes it there on time, Rayo pulls up to the Razr Bak. The stark concrete club seems plenty busy tonight. There isn't much of an organized parking lot to speak if, but a spot isn't hard to find. Walking up to the place, Rayo gets some looks from a few of the regulars, but more amusement than hostility. They go back to their business quickly enough.
The music blasting from inside is blasting as the band inside hits a cresecendo, finishing their set with a low bass thrum that Rayo can feel down to his toes. The crowd cheers as he walks inside. Normally, spotting an eight foot tall troll woman with red pigtails wouldn't be hard. Here however, it looks like the only thing different would be the hair color.
A massive troll woman wearing a school girl outfit with black fishnet stockings, and streaked blond and green pigtails framing her face. She looks down with a smile.
Well hey there darlin'. You lookin' up my skirt?She says it with a wink and a smile, and a sweet southern drawl.
[ Spoiler ]
It doesn't look like she'll be rejoining us for a while. I'm asking her how she would respond to RPing questions, such as your phone conversation.
Things will move along naturally with Lucky, following a course her own actions have set out already.

Aug 12 2007, 01:37 AM
J - 16AUG2070 Thu 2330hrs - Lucky Strike
Who goes to Razr Back? J looks up from the box of chips.
Aug 12 2007, 01:46 AM
Looking away from the phone, Lucky looks over to J.
An associate of This Thing of Ours, a dwarf named Rayo. I've been working with two others; Rayo and a minotaur named Luigi. He's one of us. Luigi dissapeared some time today, and Rayo is looking up a mage to track him with. Will you be ready to roll soon? I'm guessing that if someone has Luigi, they're probably at the very least well armed. We can let the dwarf find him. We'll have to do the dirty work though.
Aug 12 2007, 01:51 PM
Rayp - Thursday Aug 16th - 23:49 - Razor Back
No.. NO! Of course not!
As Rayo turns around he looks at the same time embarrased and horrified. Latter because he doesn't want to know what happens if Helga didn't like "little boys" upskirting.
Can we talk somewhere! In private! Please!
Rayo yells also because it's loud in here, but more importantly because her ears are so far away from his mouth, so Rayo has a normal habit of yelling to taller persons.
Aug 12 2007, 04:18 PM
[ Spoiler ]
The blond in the 'outfit' is not Helga. Just happens to be another troll female w/ pigtails. I did mention a strk difference in hair color. I'll go on assuming you're not trying to get her in to a dark corner.
It takes a few more minutes, looking for a higher vantage poit to see the floor better. Eventually Rayo makes it to the stairs, where he's able to scan the place. He spots the red headed troll woman at a table next to the bar. She's wearing an armored jacket from the looks of things, drinking a beer. He'd half expected her to e wearing a helm and carrying an axe.
Aug 12 2007, 08:02 PM
Goz - Friday, Aug 17th, 0915 - Old Metairie Restaurant
Harry was smiling. When Harry was smiling, that usually meant that someone's day had just gone from bad to worst. He set down his commlink and came back to the table.
Sorry for the intteruption there Goz. I've just heard from an associate that one of our Captains is having him self some issues. You know Julian Mancuso of course. The young pup has apparently bitten off more than he can chew.
Miriam's set him a "special task", has to be taken care of very discreetly. Now two of his people got caught in a fire fight today, one of them is missing. Not good for Julain, not good at all.
He says it with a smile on his face. Harry has often spoken of Julian Mancuso, a young up and coming Captain Miriam has been favoring lately. The old dogs like Harry and Eric Weissler were only getting older, while the youngs pups, as he called them, were getting more ambitious every day. Harry had already hinted that he'd made inroads with Julian's Golden Girl Lucky Santangelo. It was just a matter of time before Harry the Hammer brought his name sake down on Mancuso, or Mancuso bumped off one of the sottocapos.
Harry looked up with a conspiratorial lgint in his eye. It wasn't often that Harry looked up from a meal, especially jumblaya. Harry was polish through and through. Never one to insult a hostess, he'd eat every scrap in his plate. His orkish metabolism and tendency to work out on debt shirkers was the only thing that kept him from going from "husky" to "rotund."
Bit of news came my way today. Why I asked you here special tonight actually. It seems "Lady Luck" has finally run her course. Left a little too much behind on a piece of action. My sources tell me they'll be linking her to that arson job against the Romero's from a few weeks back. You know, the one where she popped one of their men with a shocker round right smack in his trachea? Seems they've got enough evidence to pick her up.
I'll need you to do a few things for me. Get her case taken care of. I've got a lot invested in her. If she has to go to the clink, she'll keep her mouth shut. So make sure she only does small time. Then see what you can do about moving along this piece of action she's doing for Julian. Knocking him down a couple pegs might help him remember his place.
Aug 12 2007, 08:10 PM
[ Spoiler ]
I started to think that why in the hell she's wearing school girl uniform.. but I'm now really tired after three days of roleplaying convention so 1) anything goes and 2) I saw much worse in there. I think you know what I mean.
Well that looks better.. freaking trogs, they look all same to me.Rayo stars to find his way towards the bar in the dancing crowd. Then he finds himself a seat next to her and after looking it decides just to stand. The seat really ain't build for dwarfs. Rayo just decides to tap female trolls leg. Rayo doesn't say anything, just gives a little smirk, takes his hand from the pocket of his jacket (still the same with a hole from shotgun in the back), raises it, opens it and shows a ball of fur from Luigi. Then he raises his other (right) eyebrow as a silent question.
Aug 12 2007, 08:23 PM
Rayo - Thursday Aug 16th - 23:55 - Razor BackHelga nods, slides you a beer, stands, takes the hair, and gestures for Rayo to follow. The massive woman easily pushes her way through the crowd, leaving a gap for Rayo to follow behind, and moves out of the club. Once outside, she takes a moment to light a cigarette, walks away from the entrance a bit , and turns to face Rayo.
We will start with something easy and quick. If this does not work, something else will be tried. I will call upon the power of the Thrudheim. If one of their power cannot find him, I have other means.She takes on last, long drag from her cigarette, then blows the smoke out long and slow into the air. The keeps her head back, and begins to chant. Her voice is very low for a woman, and her mouth open wide, showing her massive tusks. She raises her hands to the air, open wide, and calls out. The wind picks up, and mist rolls in off the lake. Thunder rumbles, and after a moment, their is a crack of lighting. A slow drizzle starts.
Helga looks down and smiles.
It will seek out the one we seek now. The Gods are with us.[ Spoiler ]
Due to modifiers, the Air/Storm spirit can only make a long shot test. IOW, just it's Edge. The threshold is 5, interval time is 10 minutes. So Rayo has a few minutes for some pleasant chit chat.

Aug 12 2007, 08:56 PM
Goz nodded, sipping from a glass of wine and pulling his white noise generator out of a pocket, setting it on the table within reach of his employer. He wouldn't turn it on himself, but he always left it available for his employer; if nothing else, it helped when discussing legal matters that were...private. Waiting a moment to give Harry the chance to switch it on, if he so chooses, he spoke.
“Understood. I’ve got a few people I can talk to, see if I can handle it out of court. Shouldn’t be a problem; I hear she has solid resources at her disposal, so that should ease things along quite well. Then again, if they haven’t picked her up, I can possibly arrange to have the matter postponed until we can get her underground. It all comes down to preference.� The large troll set his wine glass down dexterously, wiping a few invisible specks from his impeccably tailored suit. He is wearing a nice pair of shades, and that, mixed with his suit and barely visible earpiece, make him look almost like some sort of secret agent from the Trideo.
“Now, the other matter may require more…attention. How exactly would you like it handled? If his people have botched a sensitive matter this badly, he may have to account for himself with the Capa. Could be a good time to…facilitate matters, if that is what you wish.� The smooth troll watches his employers face, looking for a sign that will tell him exactly what the Ork wishes. If Julian needs to be set up for a fall, that can be arranged. If Harry would prefer to swoop in, take care of the situation, and therefore embarrass the younger Julian, and force him into a debtors position, that can be done as well. It all depends on the instructions given, and the inflection those instructions are given in.
“Either way, I’ll need to know what you know about the job he was set to do. I’ll get what I can from Lucky, and from any associates still involved in the process.�[ Spoiler ]
As a matter of course, Goz will have his radar sensor 4 running at all times. Likewise, he has a small camera tucked into his back collar, with the cameras lense aimed backwards; it sends the feed into a small corner of his glasses, so that he can monitor who is behind him; his microphone is pinned to his lapel, recording conversations that he finds worthy of review separately from his earbuds. His olfactory scanner is continously active, set to warn him if it detects harmful, out of the ordinary chemicals, or explosives. He will also carry his Ceska Black Scorpian any time he thinks he can get away with it, tucked into his suit jacket, with a clip of regular ammo.
Aug 12 2007, 09:34 PM
Goz - Friday, Aug 17th, 0915 - Old Metairie Restaurant[ Spoiler ]
The Old Metairie is an establishment Harry owns and operates. It's a three start restaurant just off the French quarter. It makes it more comfrotable for him to discuss business, since all the waiters know to keep their distance after he's served, and his private table is closer to the back, away from normal customers. Obviously you wouldn't know that, since it hasn't been introduced yet. It's a pretty secure place for conversations. Vigilance, however is never a bad thing.

Let lucky get arrested. Just make sure she's taken care of after the fact, and that she knows who you work for. She'll be more secure knowing that you're Family. Don't be obvious about the debt though. She'll understand well enough.
As for the matter with Julian, the task needs to be handled first. You stepping in and helping his people will make him look the fool on it's own. I hear he's got the rusk gilette 'J' working as muscle, and some halfer. Plus he brought in Bennet. It's an important deal to all of us. Now he
does switch on the generator, and leans in closer, his rough voice low.
The Gianelle's are bringing in a load of bliss and selling their crap and cut rates. Doing it through a local krewe no less. Normally we'd just gun down the lot of them, except for Spinelli. He's already jumped ship once, and Miriam doesn't want one of her Captains taking issue with her operation, maybe going over to Mossino.
It has to be handled properly. Made to look like another krewe did the hit, not us. Bennet's been working on rounding up some warm bodies from the Blue Moon Krewe to fill the role. Lucky is supposed to be getting the information on the where and when of the trade off between the Gianelli's and the Black Throats. I'll need you to get that information from here once she gets picked up. Make it so that Mancuso needs your assistance. Nothing new for you I'm sure. Plus it'll give you the chance to get your hands a little dirty.
Aug 13 2007, 05:04 AM
Goz - Friday, Aug 17th, 0915 - Old Metairie Restaurant “I’ll take care of it.� Glancing over a few pictures of Lucky, and a compiled Dossier of her legal activities, he raises an eyebrow. She certainly did well for herself, that much was true. That sort of cred would seriously aid in negotiations with the local law, even if her legal resources were frozen. A woman like Lucky never kept all of her eggs in one basket. She would have stashes all over, and one or two of those would help substantially.
“How would you prefer we handle compensation?� he asked, frankly. He was a businessman, talking with a businessman. It made little sense to try and get the upper hand on someone that you considered equal, or superior, and it would be insulting to try for either of them. That wasn’t how men like these worked.
“The legal side of things can be billed to Lucky, along with money for bribes and information pertaining to her case, but the…other work, may require more in the way of…Pieniądze * , changing hands. Will the family be taking care of those requirements up front, or will compensation come upon the jobs completion?�*Money in Polish.[ Spoiler ]
If needed, negotiation rolls to determine method and amount of compensation for the jobs. Then again, I’m sure he and Harry have a somewhat longstanding business relationship, so this may be redundant for Goz to do. However, erring on the side of caution, here are the rolls. 13 dice pool modifier, using edge.
Negotiation: Charisma 3 + Negotiation 5 + Specialization 2 + Tailored Pheromones 2 + Vocal Range Enhancer 1 + Edge 3 = 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 2, 5, 3 , rerolling 5 sixes, 6, 3, 3, 1, 6 , rerolling 2 sixes, 5, 5. Total of 11 hits.
Aug 13 2007, 05:14 AM
She can handle the professional paper trail. Let me know what the costs are for greasing the wheels of justice. She'll pay ot off one way or another. Harry laughs to hmself, as if enjoying some private joke. He got his start on loan sharking and extortion. The man knows the business.
Aug 13 2007, 05:28 AM
Goz - Friday, Aug 17th, 0915 - Old Metairie Restaurant
“Very well.� Reaching out, he turned off the white noise generator, slipping it into an inside pocket of his jacket, and stood, nodding to Harry as he did so. “As always, the food was delicious,� he said, with all sincerity, his clean plate and empty glass a testament to the veracity of the statement.
“I’ll be in touch,� he said, turning to go. “Dzień dobry.*� Walking out of the restaurant, he politely smiled to the help, nodded to the few customers who glanced up and met his eye, and pulled up his address book. Locating Lucky, he set to work sending her a message.
Police on the way to pick you up. Do not resist, or say anything. My name is Bot’Norgoz, and I will be representing you in this matter. A close family member contacted me. Provide me with a location and I will be there shortly.
Hopping on to his bike, he started it up, slipping on his helmet and waiting for a response, so that he knew where to go.
* Polish for Good Morning.
Lady Door
Aug 13 2007, 05:55 AM
Lucky - Friday, August 17th - The Lucky Strike
All in all, this was not shaping up to be Lucky's best day. The text from the anonymous source was just another thing on her To Be Dealt with list.
Lucky quickly sent a response back to the number.
The Lucky Strike. Within the hour.
Calling in Jenny, Lucky quickly made arrangements for Dante's care while she was "occupied". This meant sending him up North, to New York where he would stay with the Sisters until she was capable of getting him back. This also meant that no government agency could step in and try to take Dante while she was gone. She paid Jenny very well and sent her on her way, making sure she was watched until she was out of town.
Then Lucky dressed. Black silk button up shirt, black skirt, heels, suit coat. They might play rough with her down at the station, but a turned head or two usually helped things cool off a bit.
The pain from her wounds bit into her as she dressed, making every movement take twice as long. By the time she was done, she needed a drink. She threw back a whiskey shot and moved back to her desk. Sitting back, she quickly started to move a few things around, playing with bank records and statements. Anything even slightly incriminating went into the electronic "shredder" otherwise known as a hired decker paid to hide things so deep they'd never again see the light of day.
This handled, Lucky cleared out her safe. Getting a search warrant for her safe would take more then a smile, but Lucky never took chances. She did the same thing with her suite, casting a few clean spells for good measure afterward, then cleansing the astral signature.
There would never be enough time to handle everything that needed to be done, but Lucky was staking her reputation and her business on the fact that she had hired the right people and had done right by them. All she could really do now was hope that the gamble paid off.
When the call came in from Roberto, Lucky was ready. She swallowed the last of her whiskey and stood up.
Aug 13 2007, 06:17 AM
Goz - Friday, Aug 17th- In transit to Lucky Strike
Nodding to himself, Goz started up his bike, easing out into the streets and tearing off towards the Lucky Strike, easily found with a quick search for local hotspots. As he drove towards the club, following the AR directions as they came up, he routed a call towards a good friend of his, a man named Allen, a captain in the NOPS. He was a good guy to know, and he owed Goz a few favors. It paid to call in favors when working for the mafia; they liked quick and efficient service.
Hopefully, Allen would be able to tell him what he had to work with, and perhaps even help downgrade the situation to something a bit less dramatic. A small womans face popped up in his field of vision, and he quickly resized it and shifted it out of his line of sight.
“New Orleans Police Services, this is Deborah speaking. How may I direct your call?� she chirped, following a script to the letter.
“Hello, Deborah. Is Allen available?� he said pleasantly. The woman didn’t respond to the pleasantries, only saying, “Please hold,� and cutting off the connection. After a few moments, Allens face appeared on the screen.
“Good morning, sir, how…oh, it’s you, Goz. How are you?� Allen said, looking a bit sleepy. He had likely only just gotten in to work.
“I’m doing fine, Allen. How’s the son doing? He still in rehab? That’s good. Don’t let the boy get involved in that stuff again, Allen; I doubt I could get him off with just community service a third time if he keeps pushing that sort of thing on school children. Listen, I have a favor to ask. You have any information on a Lucky Santangelo, arrest pending?�
Aug 13 2007, 06:24 AM
Hmm... 'Santangelo'... Let me see.
Yeah, here it is. Looks like OC has been watching this one for a while. Let's see... imported from Seattle...
Wanted on Arson, Weapons, Controlled Substances , specifically 'Neurostun', Assauly with a Deadly Weapon, Conspiracy to Commit a Crime...
Good luck with this one Goz, you'll need it. They'll be picking her up within 45. Be smart on this. She runs, she's toast. Sorry.
Aug 13 2007, 06:32 AM
Goz sighs inwardly, then nods. "She'll be at the station to turn herself in within half an hour. Any names or information you can give me on whos running this operation? Anything and everything is useful."
Quickly composing a message, he sent another text to Lucky. NOPS en route, planned pickup within 40 minutes. Arrange transportation; new meeting place local station. Leave quickly, without fuss. Bring nothing incriminating, and stay out of view. Any available funds you wish to put towards proactive defense, bring with you. Hopefully, heavy handed and early bribes would go a long way towards mitigating some of these charges.
Aug 13 2007, 06:38 AM
Looks like Lt. Harvey has this one. She'll have a tight case Goz, and probably won't be gentle on Santangelo.
Drek, you're gonna love this. It seems Santangelo was implicated in that mass slaying on the river barge a few months ago, but the informer was killed with ritual sorcery before anything concrete was set down. Charges were never brought, but OC division has been watching her ever since.
Lady Door
Aug 13 2007, 06:39 AM
Reading the message, Lucky sighs. The message back is brief but to the point.
Understood. She hesitates for a moment and then...
For GM [ Spoiler ]
summons a F:1 Air Elemental.
Find me the one known as Nathaniel Majere. Tell him Lucky wishes to speak with him. The matter is urgent.
Aug 13 2007, 06:41 AM
Only a few minutes later, the astral form of Nathaniel appears in the room. Unsettling, since it means that he is still in New Orleans.
I'm sure you understand this is a bit early for me Lucky. Something important I take it?
Aug 13 2007, 06:45 AM
"What's the Lieutenants full name? I would assume she is one of NOPS finest, and has no skeletons in her closet? I wonder if we might be able to transfer the case to someone a bit more...sympathetic to our needs, and the plight of a wealthy, attractive elven club owner."
Quickly keying another message, he turns his bike down another road, diverting from his planned course to get to the local station. He does, however, stay near the most logical, quickest route from the Lucky Strike, and stops a few blocks away from the station. Taking off his helmet, he waits, peering through the darkness, to spot his client.
Hey, Sandman. Have a quick job for you, if you have a spare moment. I need some information on a Lt. Harvey; whatever dirt you can find on her, prior involvement with the mafia, preferences for bribes, women, men, children, humanis ties, anything that could be used to push. If your lackeys can handle it, even better. Compensation will be whatever you require, plus for speed. Time is of the essence, but I need a thorough check, which I know you're good for. Reply ASAP.
Lady Door
Aug 13 2007, 06:46 AM
I wouldn't have called for you if it wasn't. NOPS is on their way to my office to arrest me, Nathaniel. I need your help. I'm not planning on running or anything quite so foolish. I need you to help clean up a few loose ends here. In this lockbox, I have a few things I would rather not be seen. I'm asking you to keep them somewhere safe for the time being... and to return them to me once I'm... no longer occupied.
Asking Nathaniel for help always rubbed Lucky the wrong way, but damn if he hadn't made himself so indispensable.
Aug 13 2007, 06:51 AM
Goz - Friday, Aug 17th - 9030- In transit to NOPS HQ
Adrianna. And getting a transfer at this point is unlikely. She's not the type to have skeletons, but you can look. Looks like she's been on this one for a while. There are other people that might be more sympathetic to your situation, but looks like Adrianna is looking for a commendation on this arrest. She 's going to be pissed you're on this one Goz. Heh,I have to say, I don't envy you or O.C. right now.
Aug 13 2007, 06:53 AM
Lucky - Friday, August 17th -0925 - The Lucky Strike
You know I would be happy to take care of your things while you're away Lucky. This box of trifles is the one you're referring to I assume? I'll have a spirit here momentarily to fetch it. Any idea how long you'll be?
I trust this little ... hiccup, won't interfere with any of our plans?
Aug 13 2007, 06:59 AM
Rayo - Thursday - 23:55 - Outside Razor BackRayo lights a cigarette of his own, finally finds himself matches, lights it and silently watches as Helga does her "thing".
Well, they haven't been with me today. Already died once today.. and it sure doesn't look good on poor Luigi either. By the way, I hope this ain't too personal question, but.. how do you know Benny? He told me that he has a debt to you, as you have one time saved him somewhere from something. Just curious, that's all, 'cos I look good stories, you know..And hopefully you like to brag about them.[ Spoiler ]
And to save the time. Starting to feel that I drag the whole group..
Lady Door
Aug 13 2007, 06:59 AM
Lucky - Friday, August 17th -0925 - The Lucky Strike
Of course not, Nathaniel. This is as you've said, a hiccup... and thank you. I'm so sorry to ask a favor of you and then run, but I'm afraid I have to be going. Forgive me? Lucky smiles silkily, a smile that hints and promises.
Over the AR, Lucky quickly places a call to one of her men out front.
Meet me out back. Have your car ready. Make sure you're not seen.
Blowing a kiss to Nathaniel's astral form, Lucky heads out of her office. Over the AR, she activates Maria.
Initiate Protocol Three. Under no circumstances is anyone to enter my office without my express permission or certified judicial search warrant.
In her suite, Lucky removes a large wad of cash from its place in the nightstand and tucks it into her suitcoat pocket.
Maria, activate security level Alpha in my suite, please.
Leaving the suite, Lucky enters the hallway beyond and from there opens the door into the alleyway. Nodding at the man standing beside the door, she slips in.
Once he's inside she speaks.
The NOPS station. Get there quickly.
Aug 13 2007, 07:02 AM
Goz - Friday, Aug 17th - 9030- near NOPS HQ “Thanks, Allen. As always, you’ve been a big help. Lemme know next time you need some legal help; it’s on the house. Keep an eye out for me around headquarters; I’ll be up there shortly with my lady friend. Any good gossip, anything related to the case, you let me know, alright? This will be a tough one, I can tell. You need anything while I have you on the phone? Maybe a loan between friends? I know you're good for it, so I won't be looking to get it back any time soon.� It's always amused Goz at how much most policemen, even those that worked closely with the opposition, winced at the word "bribe".
[ Spoiler ]
Knowledge: Criminal Law check to figure out some sort of loophole, or correct procedure to minimize damage at this point. Logic 3 + Skill 5 = 8d6 3, 2, 5, 5, 6, 2, 1, 5, total of 4 hits.
Aug 13 2007, 07:04 AM
Rayo - Thursday - 23:55 - Outside Razor BackHelga smiles.
Benny repays a debt well. In kind you would say. Let us just say, that I have a sister. She likes her men smaller.Helga winks.
Soon, the rumble of thunder is overhead again. Helga smiles after a wall-shaking rumble.
He has found him. Come, we must go! You have vehicle!She almost starts off at a run, then realizes how foolish that would be.
[ Spoiler ]
Deva - no worries. Anything doing is worth taking the time to do right.