Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 12:10 AM
Raising an amused eyebrow at Sinn's response. Lucky just nods. All right. I'll call him in.
Punching a few buttons on her AR brought up a display of Roberto's AR up front.
Hmmm.. he's being a little free with those drinks with the ladies. Have to talk to him about that.
She quickly keyed up the audio channel.
Roberto, it's Lucky. You see that elf at the end of the bar? The one going through vodka like it's going out of style? Send him into my office, please... oh, and make sure his tab is paid before he leaves.
Turning back to face Bennett and Sinn, Lucky takes another long pull off of her cigar.
He's on his way in.
Mar 29 2007, 12:15 AM
Lucky/Sinn/Streak - The Lucky Strike 2231
The bartender approaches Streak, reaching out and putting a hand over the glass he's about to drink out of.
Miss Lucky has requested you in the back office Sir. She said to come immediately.By the look of the bartender's eye,
he would have been there already, somehow. He seemed to take Streaks lack of immediately racing off as an almost insult, because he discretely signals to one of the bouncers to come over.
Don't keep Miss Lucky waiting Sir.Lucky[ Spoiler ]
On Lucky's AR screen, Streak's door scan of cyber ware and weaponry immediately comes up on her heads up display, showing just for her. Along with it is a query as to whether he should be disarmed or escorted. Apparently you can get good help these days.
Mar 29 2007, 12:22 AM
Rayo -The Naught Kitten - 2207
Mancuso smiles
I'll be giving your contact a call shortly, letting her know that you'll be on the way, and explaining the nature of our agreement. I'll send a pic of you along so there's no confusion. Oh, and I comend you for your promptness. Eearly is on time and on time is late in this business. She will most certainly agree, so keep it up. She should contact you some time later tongiht and arrange for further introductions.
As to taking care of your needs, I've already arranged for some up front moeny for you. I'm sure that this will be a sound investment, and that you'll honor our bargain, so theres no need to worry about introducing you to the men that would come to collect this money again should anything go wrong, is there?Mancuso takes out a certified cred stick and slides it across the table to Rayo. The stick's balance is

My suggestion, spend it all in one placec. You'll enjoy it more that way.
Unfortunately I have some more business to get to, and I must be leaving. Like New York, this city never really sleeps unfortunately. But take some time to enjoy your self. I'll have someone show you around. Mancuso stands up and waves someone over. "Someone" turns out to be a petite brunette named Heather, that is just "dying" to show Rayo "everything".
Well..Mondays could be worst.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 12:29 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Reply: I want him stripped of that drone before he steps foot in this office.
Lucky smiled. It was good to be king.
Mar 29 2007, 12:34 AM
Lucky/Streak/Sinn - The Lucky Stirke 2232
As Streak gets up to head two the back, two of the bouncers flank him.
This way sir. And the fly drone will be staying with us.
Mar 29 2007, 12:35 AM
Lucky - The Lucky Stirke 2232
As Lucky is waiting for Streak to arrive, her commlink silently rings on her AR. It's Mancuso's number.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 12:38 AM
Just a moment, gentlemen. I have to take this call. When Streak arrives, please don't offer him a drink.Lucky smiles and steps into the adjoining suite.
Once the door is shut and the white noise generator kicked on, Lucky answers the call.
Hello, Julian.
Mar 29 2007, 12:52 AM
Lucky - The Lucky Stirke 2232
[ Spoiler ]
Evening Lucky. I wanted you to know I took the liberty of acquiring a smuggler for you. Don't worry by the way, I've had a friend make sure this line is secure. His name is Rayo. He's a dwarf, comes highly recommended by Benny the Bean. You know Benny.
I thought what with Sinn going and getting him self all shot up, you may have a few wrinkles popping up. Your beautiful face certainly doesn't need to bother with wrinkles, so I've made some extra man power available. I've already settled his bill as well, so no worries about your cut. I may be acquiring a bit more muscle for you as well.
I don't intend to be stepping on your toes or anything here Lucky. It is important that you understand just how important this task is, that I'm willing to devote this much money and energy to it. I know that you will use it well. I jsut want the most competent help available for you.
Mancuso quickly forwards a pic of the dwarf Rayo, as well as his commlink number.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 12:57 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Taking a look at the picture, Lucky nods.
Thank you, Julian. I appreciate the courtesy. I'm actually quite glad you called. There was something I wanted to discuss with you. I was wondering what Sinn's status is? He's been outside for so long, and now that he's joined up with us and the Posse, I have to wonder. Are we planning on bringing him in all the way?Lucky's tone is questioning, her eyes betraying nothing.
Mar 29 2007, 01:03 AM
Lucky[ Spoiler ]
Mancuso acutally looks caught by suprise for a moment, then thoughtful.Sinn currently has the status of an associate. I had thought perhaps there could be something more in the future, depending on the amount of loyalty he shows. This may change things. I assume you mean the Voodoo Posse?
I hadn't realized they were intersted in him......
For now.. this doesn't change things. We are ...currently .. allied with the Voodoo Posse. But it is something that could become a serious concern. Especially if that alliance should change.
For now Lucky, keep an eye on him. You're the closest to him, so you arre in the besst position to judge where his loyalties lie. He isnt' a danger to us at this point, but I'm sure you know that Oz isn't very fond of him anyway. If he learns of this, it could be much worst for Sinn. Let me know if anything changes, or if he begins to make things difficult. I'd hate to have to ask you to correct the situation.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 01:22 AM
Lucky[ Spoiler ]
I'll take care of it, Julian. I wouldn't worry about it again.
Once again, thank you for the extra manpower. I'll contact him as soon as this sit down is over. Have a good evening, Julian.Waiting for Julian to nod, Lucky smiles and then hangs up.
Tapping the commlink against her lip, Lucky was thoughtful for a moment.
Interesting. So, Julian doesn't know as much as he would like us all to believe. Perhaps there is a bigger break within the chain then anyone's talking about. Hmmm.
Pocketing her commlink, Lucky brings up the surveillance camera from inside her office on her AR. For a moment she studies the group's posture, specifically Bennett. His eyes are on Sinn and Sinn only.
And yet another interesting development. Have to watch that. Turning off the AR, Lucky flips the white noise generator off and minimizes the surveillance on her AR. Stepping back through the door, Lucky smiles at the men.
My apologies, gentlemen. Now then, let's get down to business. Streak, it's good to see you again. Glad you could make it.Lucky walks back around and sits at her desk, leaning forward.
Streak, you know Sinn and myself. This is Bennett. Bennett, Streak. Now that we all know each other... Streak, we have an interesting business proposal for you. As you know, Sinn and I have already negotiated our interests with our contact. You, you make your deal with us. The deal is this... we're going to be intercepting the delivery of some very valuable cargo on it's way from Point A to Point B. The owners of the aforementioned cargo are going to be very displeased if they find out that we, as intermediaries of a certain party, are involved. Therefore, we will be intercepting this cargo under the guise of being intermediaries of another party. Once we have the cargo, we are free to do with it what we will. I can assure you that the cargo in question has a very high re-sell value and will move quickly. And as such, I'm offering you 15% of the cargo to do with as you will. That's your payment. I, of course, cannot guarantee any sort of numbers involved but I would not hesitate to estimate that your percentage could net you anywhere from 80,000 to 100,000
. That's a pretty fair chunk of change for a few night's work. Wouldn't you say? So, are you in or do I need to show you the door?
Mar 29 2007, 02:25 AM
Nodding at the proposal
whats it a shipment of, and is the 80-100k Hard Cash or product to Be liquidated .... and if its the latter am I responsible for moving it myself, Or will It be liquidating for me
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 03:06 AM
Lucky smiles.
Whoa there, Streak. You're getting a little ahead of yourself. This is the part where you tell me you're in or you're out. If you're in, then we talk details. If you're out, well there's the door, pay your tab on the way out.
That's how the business goes... you been a player for awhile. You should know this.
Lucky sits back and waits. Her face is expressionless.
Mar 29 2007, 04:54 AM
well the least you can tell me is if I have to move this on my own or if it will be moved for me... everything else I'm fine with. I've been a player long enuf to know that the Method of payment should be explained up front. I mean Come on if I'm hijacking Nuclear Isatopes or something else hazardous or even deadly and have to move it on my own that may affect things
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 05:19 AM
Lucky sighs.
Very well, Streak. Your percentage will be turned over to you to do with what you will. Sell it, keep it, give it away... that's your deal. Now, for the last time. Are you in or are you out?
Mar 29 2007, 05:38 AM
everything Looks good ... to be honest ... but since I am going to have to move it on my own ... and not knowing what "it" is ...
no Reward without Risk .... tho if Risk outweighs the reward...
hows this .... you say 80-100k if I move it myself ... make it 70k Cash... some up front I'll leave that number up to you... you move it for me ... that gives you a 10 - 30k profit .. you satisfy my reservations about it and you get yourself an extra Gun
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 05:48 AM
See, now this is where it gets dicey, Streak. Now you're coming at me telling me that your hired gun is worth 70k
, and right now.. in New Orleans, you're an unknown variable. This right here is your rep-maker. So, if you want to do this as a straight runner, that's cool. But that means you get paid as a hired gun and nothing more.. and I'm thinking 70 grand is a little steep. So, I'll tell you what... I'll give you 20K
, half up front.
Mar 29 2007, 06:09 AM
pulls out a ciggerette of his own and lights it
your right .... I am an unknown variable here in New Orleans and thats fine but some of my work is known Worldwide .... but this time I'm going to have to turn down your offer
Stands up and puts his half finish Smoke out in the ashtray
a pleasure as always Lucky
begins to walk to the door then stops
who do I get my drone from
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 06:15 AM
Lucky points to the door.
One of the men standing outside has your drone. Take care, Streak. It was good seeing you again. Oh, and don't worry about your tab. I'll take care of it.
Mar 29 2007, 06:32 AM
As Streak walks out, Bennet gives Lucky one clear and questioning look.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 06:40 AM
Almost imperceptibly, Lucky shakes her head no.
Turning to look at Sinn, Lucky shrugs. Guess that answers that question, now doesn't it? Don't worry about. Julian has a line on another hired gun we can use. We'll make it work. So, listen, why don't you two start working on a strategy we can use. Sinn, brief Bennett on what you know of the Krewe from before. I need to make a phone call to Julian and update him as to our status. Feel free to use one of the private rooms. Oh, and Sinn, play nice.
Lucky smiles and waits for Bennett and Sinn to leave the room. Once the door is closed, Lucky's smile drops.
Goddammit, Streak! I swear on all that's holy.. when I'm done with you.. Pulling herself together, Lucky picked up her commlink and activated the white noise gen.
Dialing the number Julian gaver her, Lucky takes a long drag on her cigarette.
The line rings...
Mar 29 2007, 07:03 AM
Rayo - Outside The Kitten - 2234
Rayo sits on the hood of his van smoking the last bits of his cigar. He smiles, watching the neon lights of the night and humming some old soul song which he heard over the radio a week ago. Something about feeling good. He had tried to sit on the front entrance of the club where was nice and cool, but a freaking troll had made some very horrible suggestions about what he was going to do if Rayo doesn't move his butt right away. Not anywhere as nice suggestions as Heather had whispered to his ear..
Heather must be now with another client. Maybe with Mancuso, don't know. Well.. Rayo throws away his cigar and slides off the hood. Fun time is over, now I'm ready for some action.
Rayo walks in to his car and ignites it.
If the rest of the day goes as smooth as this.. Rayo mutters to himself while hitting the pedal to the metal and drives away from parking lot. ..this monday would be the best one in my life.
Shortly after Rayo's commlink rings. No number. Are they this quick or did I forget about something? Rayo adjust his car camera to show him and answers the call through his car speakers.
This is Rayo.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 07:09 AM
The screen on the other end of the line is pitch black, but the voice is female and from the sounds of it she enjoys her cigarettes and her whiskey. There's a trace of an accent, but it's hard to place in the thirty seconds of conversation.
Rayo. My name is Lucky. A mutual aquaintance gave me your number. They said you might be interested in meeting to talk about some work. Meet me at the Lucky Strike in an hour. We'll talk there. Don't be late.
Mar 29 2007, 07:28 AM
Rayo - Rayo's GMC Bulldog
Rayo doesn't say anything just finds out where Lucky Strike is and starts driving there. Lucky.. Lucky Strike? Mental note, don't make any lucky jokes. Don't even mention the whole damn word. But I must admit she's a girl I like. Fast and efficient. No futile words..
I hope she's not a troll. And I hope She is she. Can't stand a man with womans voice.
Rayo drives by Lucky Strike much earlier than in hour, then he drives one block away from it. He checks his surroundings, waits in the car listening music and smoking cigarettes, and when almost an hour has passed he locks his car and walks to the Lucky Strike, taking his Ceska Black Scorpion with him.
Mar 29 2007, 07:32 AM
The man at the door allows Rayo in without questoin. The meaningful look at his side arm under his jacket tells him that yes, he knows that it's there. And he can keep it for now. But they're watching him.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 07:36 AM
Watching on the AR surveillance, Lucky sees Rayo walk into the bar. She also sees his weapons and cyberware scan pop-up. Taking a brief look, Lucky tosses it aside for now.
Queing up the audio channel to Roberto, Lucky notifies him that the new guy, identified by the red arrow on the AR, needs to be escorted to her office.
Pouring herself a drink, Lucky waits. Soon enough there's a knock on the door.
Come in.
Mar 29 2007, 07:50 AM
Rayo/Lucky - Inside The Lucky Strike - 2331
Rayo walks inside guided be more than one person. Rayo, or somebody else, knocks the door and he enters. He quickly takes a look around the office and Lucky.
Elf. And even beautiful one. Monday just keeps getting better.
Rayo keeps his hands visible, keeping the eyes on Lucky and walks in the middle of the room. I presume that you're Lucky?
Rayo wears a dark green combat jacket that reaches all the way to his knees, camouflage trousers and combat boots. Nearly everything else is black, except his bright blue cybereyes. He doesn't look a bit of hispanic.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 07:55 AM
Standing, Lucky offers her hand.
In the flesh.She smiles.
Lucky is wearing her long black hair straight and parted in the middle. Her eyes are a bright shade of green. At her throat hangs a fragile looking silver cross. Right now she's wearing a white button up shirt and black leather pants.
So, you're Rayo. Can I get you something to drink?Seeing the empty glass and full ashtray still sitting where Sinn left them, Lucky picks them up and takes them to the bar.
[ Spoiler ]
The glass goes into a drawer and the cigar is dropped back into a humidor on the bar.
Forgive me, I really should have cleaned up before you arrived. Sitting back down, Lucky takes a sip of her own drink.
So tell me, Rayo. How do you know Mr. Mancuso?
Mar 29 2007, 08:07 AM
Rayo/Lucky - Lucky's office
Rayo shakes the hand firmly.
Thank you. Anything with vodka in it. Surprise me.
Rayo takes a seat and crosses his legs. I must admit I met him first time today. But I have worked for his.. hmm.. friend Benny "The Bean" for a long time now. Benny knows that I need some more work than my usual business, so.. here I am.
Rayo keeps his eyes on Lucky all the time.
So, the job of yours. What can you tell me about it? I have already agreed to do it and I have already been paid, at least some of it. And I want to have the rest of my money too. So sooner we start, better for me.
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 08:12 AM
Lucky smiles at Rayo and pours him a vodka on the rocks.
I like where your heads at. Okay, so we'll talk. I've got this thing I have to do. We have a truckload of cargo coming in from out of town. This cargo is being moved by a smuggling outfit calling themselves the Black Throat Krewe. This krewe has been cutting into our profits here and we don't like it. They've also made the mistake of dealing with one of our competitors. So, we're going to intercept the delivery. The challenge is that politically things aren't so cut and dry right now. We can't afford for our competitor to know that it was us that was behind it all. So, when this goes down we need to make it look like it was runners, a rival krewe, anything. You follow me so far?
Mar 29 2007, 08:19 AM
I follow you. Rayo tastes his drink. What else can you can tell? How many others are doing the job than just me and you? Have to know how big vehicle we need. And are they coming from by land or waterway?
Lady Door
Mar 29 2007, 08:23 AM
There's a lot of variables we don't know yet. Mostly everything you just asked. What I can tell you is that right now, our group is numbering at four. There's me, you, a human man named Bennett and an elf male named Sinn.
We'll be meeting again tomorrow night to go over the specifics of the job. Think of tonight as more of a meet and greet. I know you. You know me.
Be here tomorrow at 9 p.m. and we'll discuss how things are going to go down.
Mar 29 2007, 08:34 AM
Tomorrow it is. Rayo drinks the rest of his drink and stands to leave.
Thanks for the drink, mam. You got my number if you need to inform me before of something or you need to transport something regarding the job. If you give me yours then I can call you back if I need something.
Rayo boy, this must be the easiest number you've ever got from a girl looking this great. A quick pause. I still hope she's one. Nowadays you can't ever be sure what's hanging down there.
Rayo looks like he's thinking of something and then heads for the door.
Mar 29 2007, 04:33 PM
Sinn walks into the room
"Sinn play nice?" Did she forget who I am?
But that fuckin Streak...I swear to Gheed the next time I see him, hes gonna get his laser, dont know how he'll use it, seeing how its up his ass.....
Kicks the chair around then sitting in it, feet on the table, facing Bennet.'re big and scary....very interesting. Smiling with just a bit of smug. Lets start with what you know, then with what I know, and compare notes there, eh? Lights up a ciggarette.
So...go on, talk. Or did Lucky take away your speaking privlages?
Mar 29 2007, 05:21 PM
Sinn - The Lucky Strike - 2340
Bennet smiles, as he sits, stradling a large faux wood chair.You seem to be confused. I'm not here to step on your toes or cramp your style. I could care less. I'm here to assist Lucky with the task at hand, because it seems the help she's been getting lately is a bit sub par. Something about fragged up runs , lack of discreteness, that sort of drek. If you wantto busy your sef pushing my buttons, go right ahead kid. Let me know when you're through.
As to what I know, we're going up against an oranization that is fairly well organized, but pretty top heavy. Take away a few of their main pieces, and the whole thing will fall apart. Of course, we dont' really need to go that far. All we really need to do is get a couple of krewe boys from some rivals, keep 'em on ice, or have you preserve them with a spell, then find out where the exchange is to take place, and take it out. Leave some bodies behind.
Unless of course you have something more elaborate you'd like to try. Like you said, I'm just the hired help. You're the real show, aren't you.
Mar 29 2007, 08:05 PM
A fairly Organized Organazation? You dont say! Now smiling, more for fun then to be an ass. I havent even begun to push your buttons old man.Flicks the ash from his ciggarette into the ash tray.
Well, Lucky hasnt told me much yet. Ive been too busy hunting for my killer, and callin in some favors. I do know that these guys are steppin on some shoes that shouldnt be messed with. Dealin with some rivals, and over steppin their bounds, bein sloppy about it too. I like your idea about catchin one of the guys. Once we get one, Ill mind probe the fuck out of him, and learn what is it is exactly they be doin around here. We've dealt with em before, Im sure you heard about it. The fiasco got some good headlines. Lucky did good there. It was about 7 months ago though, who knows, they might still know us. Either way, we gotta be quiet about this one. Should be easier with Streak gone. That guys seems to complicate things, thinks too much and decides to make a bomb charge too strong, or try to call in some favors when theres no favor owed to him, or piss off the wrong people. If hes tryin to make himself known, hes goin about it all wrong.
Im assuming by your just shy of frightning appearence, your good with people, yes? Good, I'm not. If its quiet we gotta be, its best if the talking is left up to you and Lucky.Takes a long drag from his ciggarette.
Oh, and as for me bein the whole show? You goddamn right I am...
Lady Door
Mar 30 2007, 03:04 AM
Lucky smiles, stands and shakes Rayo's hand.
It was good to meet you. Thanks for stopping by. I'll see you tomorrow night.
As soon as the door shuts behind Rayo, Lucky brings up her AR surveillance suite. Using it she scans the rooms for Sinn and Bennett. Finding them in one of the private suites, she watches their interaction. Hearing Sinn's reply, Lucky laughs.
Way to play it, Sinn.
Minimizing the screen, Lucky brings up her communications menu. Selecting Text, she sends a message to Julian.
Julian. Just met your boy. He'll do. We're one man down, so if you're still looking for someone who wants to play, I'm game.
With that taken care of, Lucky gets up and heads for the private suite.
Time to see if I salvage something from this mess.
Mar 30 2007, 03:21 AM
Sinn - The Lucky Strike - 2342
Bennet looks mildly amused, listening to Sinn extoll his own virtues.
The difficult part will be finding where the exchange is supposed to take place. We'll have to be quiet on that as well so that they don't get spooked. You say you can Mind Probee. Can you also alter memories, or disguise others with magic?
Perhaps you should let Lucky know what sort of spells you're capable of, so that we know what we have to work with for planning. Once we know all the tools we have, we can figure out how best to put them to use.
Lady Door
Mar 30 2007, 06:28 AM
Walking into the suite, Lucky nods her head to the two men. Pulling a chair out, she sits down and kicks her feet up onto the table.
I just got done talking with a new man we have on board. His name is Rayo. He came my way through Mancuso. You two will have a chance to meet him tomorrow evening...unless you have already had the pleasure, Bennett?
Lucky's look is questioning.
No? Well, you will tomorrow. Anyway, what have you two got for me?
Lucky pulls out a cigarette and lights it. As she does, her eyes glide over Sinn and Bennett gauging the tension in the room.
Mar 30 2007, 06:32 AM
Lucky/Sinn - The Lucky Strike - Monday Aug 13th 2345
Sinn and I were just going over his spell repetoire to see what we might have to work with for this job.
Lady Door
Mar 30 2007, 06:38 AM
Lucky/Sinn - The Lucky Strike - Monday Aug 13th 2345
Good idea, Bennett. It will make planning things a helluva lot easier if we know your limitations, Sinn.
Mar 30 2007, 06:51 AM
Rayo - Outside The Lucky Strike - 2340
Rayo walks outside the Lucky Strike, puts his hands inside his jacket pockets and looks up to the sky.
They didn't seem to have any hurry. Were they even pros? They can't be rookies or my paycheck would be much smaller also. Rayo starts walking to his car.
Tomorrow could be a good fishing day. Rayo mutters as he kicks an empty beer can down the street. It clatters to sidealley.
I hope Abdul doesn't have anything tomorrow. I need him to help me check the whole boat. It would be embarrasing if sweet sweet Rebecca decides to have one of his bad days during the mission.
Rayo reaches his car and heads home.
Mar 30 2007, 07:06 AM
Rayo - Rayo's House -Tuesday Aug 14th -0105
Rayo walks up to his house, finally winding down from a very long day. Remembering the start of the day brings up the memories of the horrble strip search by that prick of a river patrol cop.
Walking in the door, Rayo turns to deactivate the alarm, when he notices it's already off. Panic and Flight or Fight reactions kick in immediately.
Hey Shuga, now don' you worry 'bout dat. Just get yo' self on over here an worry 'bout me for a bit.
Lying across the coach, looking like she's made her self very comforatble, is Heather from the Kitten!
Mr Mancuso said to tell you that he heard good things about you from his friend, and wanted to say thank you. So here I am, deliverin' his lil' message for him. He said to take good care of you. You're not ... busy tonioght. .. .are ya' Sug'?
Mar 30 2007, 07:39 AM
Rayo - Rayo's House - 0106
Rayo's jaw drops, while still keeping the hand inside his jacket holding his gun, he accidentally squeezes the trigger. Luckily safety is on. For a moment Rayo doesn't do anything but just watches Heather and blinks his eyes.
God damnit Rayo, snap it out! The body doesn't respond. Okey, Rayo calm down. She's not somebody who you haven't already made.. to know. You know..
Rayo takes a deep breath, let's go of his gun and shuts the door.
H.. h.. h.. hi He-He-Heather. Y-y-yo-you ha-have already m-met Ad-Admiral. Admiral purs on Heathers chest, looking like he's in Heaven.
You little son of a brick! I should neuter you myself!
Rayo takes his jacket off, tries to put it hanging, but it drops to the floor, takes his gun and puts it to the table with shaky hands, accidentally dropping the clip to the floor. He really doesn't care a damn about those right now.
Thank gods! Monday was great, but Tuesday starts even better.
Mar 30 2007, 06:46 PM
Streak - Doss/Coffin Hotel -Tuesday Aug 14th 0930
Streak's commlink beeping wakes him up. He nearly bumps his head on the ceiling of the small coffin he's crashed in for the night. Keying te unit into the coffin's AR, he keys up the waiting message.
The icon of a woman made entirely out of swirling air apperas in front of him.
Streak, it's Zephyr. You said you were interested in picking up a little bit of action, so I've got a bit coming your way. I've been in contact with a Mr Johnson that's looking for some players to get a piece of work done.
Send me a "yes" or "no" when you recieve this message so I can confirm for the Johnson that you're in. If you're in, show at the Liquid Blues club tonight at 1900 sharp, ask for the Johnson party. You know the drill.
The message ends, then erases it's self completely from the commlink. Better hope you got it the first time.
Liquid Blues is a trendy club down town. Has about as much to do with "the blues" as Maria Mercurial does. ... That brings back memoires .....
Gonna have to get cleaned up a bit for a meet at a trendy night spot. Have to find a place to stash some gear as well. At least it promises to be good honest shadow crime.
Mar 30 2007, 08:57 PM
New Orleans Times – Tuesday, August 14th, 2070
Good morning from the New Orleans Times! Our Smart News System has selected the following stories based on the preferences based on your profile!
Triple Homicide on Lake Front
The bodies of three employees at the Gambit Lounge and Bar were discovered late last night by a New Orleans Police Service officer, responding to a call for a noise disturbance. The employees had only been dead for an hour or less according to coroner’s early reports.
According to statements, the homicides are linked a new upswing in violence in the Kenner Parish, south of Lake Pontchartrain. NOPS sources suggest that the murders are likely linked to organized crime, although they have no suspects at this time.
The Gambit Bar and Grill is a favorite for fishermen and other locals that work around the lake front. There have been a number of NOPS calls related to aggravated assault and public drunkenness in the vicinity in the past year. Sources within the NOPS say that the Gambit was also under investigation for illegal gambling operations, as well as drug trafficking. Officials offered no comment at this time.
Machine Gun Stolen
A 1921 circa Auto-Ordinance’s Thompson Submachine gun was stolen last night from the UCM Museum in Tammany Parish last night. The antique sub machine gun was part of an exhibit depicting early organized crime figures throughout the “roaring twenties” of the last century. The exhibit has been a roving exhibit, moving from the northern museums of the UCAS to the southern stretches of the CAS as part of an educational effort to broaden knowledge of the roots of organized crime, and how it reflects on society today.
The submachine gun was taken last night between approximately 0100 and 0230. No alarms alerted the security guards on station, nor was the switch apparent, as a decoy was put in it’s place. The theft was not discovered until later that morning by a museum curator.
The Thompson sub machine gun was one of the first practical automatic weapons to be mass produced. It was heavily used throughout World War 1, as it was primarily created for military service. It was later adapted for law enforcement, primarily the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Later the Thompson would be acquired by organized crime syndicates. It was in this role that it was made famous by Hollywood, and became the ‘trademark’ weapon of the mafia and crime figures of the time.
The Thompson stolen from the museum is valued at roughly 2.3 million nuyen, although prices on such objects tend to fluctuate at auction. The NOPS believes it was likely the work of thieves or shadow runners working on behalf of illicit art collectors. Such rare items are most commonly stolen to be fenced to private collectors by thieves.
Rebels advance in Cambodia
Reports coming from the Cambodian government show an up swing in rebel activity this week. For the last seven years, the government has been in an on again off again struggle against rebel forces intent on it’s over throw. The Rebels are reportedly based in the ancient city of Anghkor, and consist mostly of the para-animals known as nagas.
A recent up swing in attacks by nagas and hired mercenary forces on the Cambodian Military and mercenary forces employed by the government in the last week have caused the Cambodian government to re-evaluate their position on the rebel forces. Sources say that the coordination and damage caused by the rebel forces have increased dramatically in the last three months.
Military officials suggest that the nagas are being controlled by a rebel cabal of magically active coordinators. Others within the government attribute the rebel’s recent successes to a rebel leader known as Thais that has been reported to tbe active in the area since early 2064.
The Cambodian government has begun negotiations with the Mercenary Contractor 10,000 Daggers, based out of Lisbon. The contract terms are as of yet unclear, but could enhance the governments fighting numbers by nearly three times its size depending on the terms.
Detractors say that the government is only worsening the problem. “Instead of spending even more money on fighting ghosts in the jungle, they should spend some of that on improving the conditions of our lives, which is why the rebels are fighting anyway” says one source that requested to remain anonymous.
Negotiations with 10,000 Daggers could take as long as 6 weeks, and number likely in the 50 million nuyen range.
New Orleans Tombstone’s Success Raises Questions
The New Orleans Tombstones delivered a smashing defeat to the Ares Predators last night, winning by a wipe out late in the game. The victory has raised questions how ever as to the nature of Urban Brawl.
A tendency has arisen in to the playing of the game, ever since the Oakland Terminator’s ’65-’66 season. The team won the majority of their games due to a wipe out, a term in Urban Brawl where the opposing team no longer has enough conscious or live players to continue the game. The Terminators won the NBL champion ship both years.
Later, the entire Oakland Terminator team quit the league, and joined the People’s Army in contesting control of the California Free State against General Saito. The short civil war, which was eventually decided in favor of the People’s Army, with assistance from Ares macro technology Security Forces, raised many people’s awareness of Urban Brawlers, and their place in society.
Some say that the actions of the Terminator’s ’65 team are a sign that society as a whole is losing its control over what is allowable. “To have professional athletes turn mercenary and join rebel forces in an attack on a legitimate political power is unconscionable . The former Terminator team should be brought to justice and stand trial. They are not enemy combatants, they are private citizens.” said from Tajo Adjanaka, spokesman for Mitsuhama Computer Technologies in San Francisco.
The Tombstone’s mirroring of the Terminator’s ’65 season tactics has more people raising eye brows in New Orleans, and at the Brawl League as a whole. Urban Brawl officials insist that the Tombstones are still playing within the regulations of the league. No actions against the team are currently planned.
Dragon Sightings in Bayou
Reports of alleged sighting of a black scaled dragon have increased in the past month, deep in the western bayous. The reports allege that a black western dragon has been seen in the area, which coincides with an increase in the number of disappearances of persons within a 25 kilometer range of the area.
New Orleans Police Services say that there have yet to be any confirmed sightings of the dragon. The bayou region in question Link to Mapsoft is out side of NOPS jurisdiction. NOPS have relinquished the matter to the Department of Fish and Game.
Dept of Fish and Game Spokesman Darryl Langtry says said that the “Dept does not have the resources to deal with a dragon operating in the area.” He has accused the NOPS of “passing the buck”, and has suggested bringing the matter to the attention of the CAS National Guard.
The Great Dragon Ghostwalker, through his spokesman and voice Nicholas WhiteBird, has offered a statement on the matter. “The young dragon currently residing in the area to the South and West of the city of New Orleans has established its territory in the deep bayous. The dragon will remain, and isolate it’s self. However, be advised that being a young adolescent, he will be prone to bouts of aggression, and should be left alone. Any persons wishing to see the dragon would be well advised to stay clear of it’s territory.”
Draco Foundation President Nadja Daviar has follow the Great Dragon’s statement with an offer of the Foundation’s assistance to the Department of Fish and Game. “It was Dunkelzhan’s dream that metahumanity and dragon kind be able to coexist harmoniously. In the case of the young dragon lairing in southern Louisiana, the Draco Foundation will be assisting the Department of Fish and Game in establishing the dragon’s territorial limits within the bayou, and posting warning signs and AR “arrows” in the area. This young dragon wants only to be left to his own devices. As the agency of Dunkelzhan’s Last Will and Testament, the Draco Foundation will do all it’s power to expedite this.”
Mar 31 2007, 02:57 AM
Lucky - The Lucky Strike -Tuesday Ag 14th 11.34
Lucky awakens in her bed in the suite within the Lucky Strike. Blearily she rubs her eyes awake and checks her commlink. Seeing the time, she immediately heads for the shower. Late start, lots to do today, not a lot of time to do it in.
Mar 31 2007, 03:03 AM
Rayo _Rayo's house Tuesday Aug 14th 10.20
Rayo wakens to the sounds of the shower going, and the smell of soy cafe in the air. Not a bad way to start a Tuesday, that's for sure. His day gets just a bit better when the shower turns off and it's occupant walks out sans twoel. Apparently Heather decided to stay the night.
The New Orleans Times pops up on Rayo's comm, stoires set by his preferences coming up first. Then the time pops up: 10.20. Apparently today got off to a late start. Lots to do. Info to dig up on this krewe. Work to be done. Heather plops down on to the bed.
I have to be at work by one.
Well, the info will still be there in an hour or so.
Mar 31 2007, 04:25 AM
Luigi -The Naughty Kitten -Tuesday Aug 14th 10.00
Tuesdays. Tuesday always seemed like a boring day. Nothing to do, no one to do it to. All the important business gets handled on Monday, all the collections are at the end of the week. Wednesday is when things at least start to get interesting. Wednesdays are the days Julian interivews new girls. That's pretty good. Not very many troll girls come through the Kitten, but it's better than nothing.
But for some reason, Julian wants you in early today. Something to do. 'Bout time.
The door man moves aside quickly. He always does. He's a big cybered up ork with a shiny new pair of spurs he likes to show off. He tried to be the ibg man once. Got a bunch of attitude and went in for a pat down. Once.
Walking in, a few of the made men that spend a lot of time in the Kitten wave their 'hellos'. Julain is over at the bar, giving out tasks for the day. He ususally goes out 'to do'listst from there or his "throne", the booth in the back where he likes to watch the club from. Julain looks up from his assingment,s gives a jerk of the head, and walks over to the booth in the back.
THanks for coming in early Lu. You knwo the thing I talked to you about the other day? Well it's goign down, and it's already hitting some bumos. I don't like bumps Lu, you know that. I need you to hook up with Lucky Santangelo, help her smooth out any bumps that come up. Here's her number. Check in with her today, see what she needs done. Let me know when eveerything is finished. And Luigi, keep an eye on Sinn. He's been a bit erratic lately.
Mancuso transfers over Lady Luck's number, as well as a piccture of her. Included in the download file is also a picture of a dwarf identified as "Rayo-smuggler-associate".
That business concluded, Julain quickly goes over the numbers from last week, verifying everything is as it should be, then sends Luigi off to get started. They bot hhave more work to do.
Lady Door
Mar 31 2007, 05:13 AM
Lucky - The Lucky Strike -Tuesday Ag 14th 11.34
Heading out of the shower, still towel drying her hair, Lucky's already planning her to-do list for the day.
Tonight was the big meet with the crew, so there needed to be some solid plans in the work before then. Besides, the work with tonights' crew, there were also plans to be made with the 'Taste. So far things seemed to be going according to plan but it's when things "seemed" okay that everything went to hell. It paid to be vigilant.
Lucky dressed quickly, and headed out of the office. There was no one on the main floor of the Strike yet, which wasn't unusual. Sitting down at the bar Lucky pulled up her AR display. Reviewing her notes, Lucky reached over the bar and grabbed a handful of orange wedges and cherries, her breakfast of choice.
Okay, so I still need to get a handle on the exterminator. I'll do this this morning. According to the info Gumbo sent over.. pretty thorough actually... hmmm, anyway, according to the info it looks like our guy spends most of his mornings at a coffee shop/casino over on Grant. Perfect.
Let's see, what else we got... well, once the exterminator does his thing all I need to do is wait a week or so and have an anonymous tip submitted to the health department. The infestation should be enough to get them red flagged and shut down for a few days. While they're down, I'll see what I can do about spooking the hired help. Which reminds me... ah, good. Looks like my clowns have checked in. Looks like quite a few of the "hostesses" have been calling in sick, two of 'em quit. That should make Cynthia happy. In fact, I should let her know, who knows, those girls may be looking for a job...
Scrolling through her phone list, Lucky brings up Cynthia's number and makes the call.