Apr 22 2007, 09:52 AM
It's nt like I can go back to them. I lived and everyone else died? People will talk about the explosions. They'll know you left long after the fire started. They'll know I talked.You've obviously got connections. Like you said, they get me ,I'm dead. It's you or Lake Pontchrain.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 09:55 AM
Mmmhmm. Okay. I'll think about it. Lucky presses the woman's head down and shuts the trunk lid. Going over to the driver's side she slides in and enters the code. The engine begins to idle.
Using her commlink she contacts Bennett.
Apr 22 2007, 09:55 AM
On my way down. What's up? Get what you need yet?
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 09:56 AM
Yeah. I'll talk to you when you get here. There may be a slight change in plans.
Apr 22 2007, 10:00 AM
Ok. Key up your truck , and I'll follow. Where are we headed?
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:05 AM
The old Anderson drawbridge... okay, trucks keyed up. All yours. Just be good to her. Lucky smiles at the look on Bennett's face and then hangs up.
C'mon Red. Let's get out of here. Lucky starts the car and slides out of the parking space, headed for the exit. On the way there, Lucky turns on the womans' commlink and searches for the commcode, finding it she activates it as they cross over the sensor. Lucky drives out into the night, headed for the bridge.
Lucky arrives at the bridge first, the benefit of knowing exactly where it is. She drives the car close to the edge and then gets out, calling Red out behind her. Grabbing the womans' commlink, she slips it into her pocket and then walks to the trunk, popping it open with the entry code.
Apr 22 2007, 10:07 AM
Lucky Thursday Aug 16th, 0230 - Anderson Bridge
Tori looks up form the truck at Lucky. Her facial expression says that she hasn't quite decided if she's daring to hope or not.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:11 AM
Lucky reaches down and pulls Tori up by the arm, and helps her out of the trunk. With Red right beside her, Lucky looks Tori up and down and then out at the horizon, giving Tori the opportunity to look too.
Lucky looks back at Tori and then slams the truck closed. Without saying a word, she pushes the car off of the cliff and into the river. There's the sound of metal scraping on rocks for a few minutes and then a splash.
Lucky looks at Tori again and then walks behind her. She pulls out her Merry Widow dagger and cuts the ties.
All right, so I agree. I need a rigger. You're hired.
Apr 22 2007, 10:13 AM
She visibly exhales the breath she was holding. If nothing else, she's got some iron in her.
Ok, I guess two questions. What do I do, and who are you?
Bennet pulls up in the truck.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:16 AM
My name is Lucky Santangelo and you'll be working for me, doing for me what I need done.
Lucky waves a hand at Bennett in the headlights.
Apr 22 2007, 10:17 AM
Bennet gets out.
We're not killing the dwarf?
He considers for a moment.
She's riding in the back then.
He climbs in the passenger side.
Tori looks up at Lucky. Whatever you say boss.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:19 AM
Quick on the uptake. I like that. Well, no sense standing out here anymore. Get in.
Lucky swings up and into the truck, moving the seat for Tori to climb in.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 05:16 PM
Headed back to the bayou crossroads where Bennett left his truck, Lucky engages the auto-pilot and turns back to face Tori.
Tori, there's something I need you to do for me. Lucky reaches into the medkit and pulls out the tranq patch. I'm sorry, but I still don't trust you. I'll wake you up when we get to where we're going. Would you, please?
Apr 22 2007, 05:26 PM
Looking very unpleased with it, and still more than a litle worried, the dwarf complies, stripping away the bandage and plopping it on to her arm. Within moments, she's laid out in the back.
Change your mind?
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 05:27 PM
No, but we needed to talk. Lucky turns and regards Bennett evenly.
I'm asking you to keep what you saw tonight to yourself.
Apr 22 2007, 05:35 PM
Bennet sits, thinking for just a moment. Lucky's good enough at reading people to know this is something he already considered saying and held back. Now he's not.
You mean that you've got the Talent.
I don't really see how it concerns anyone else.
Let's talk about how it concerns me though. We go in to a rigger's demense, turns out the whole damn building is crawling with drones. There I am having elemetals appear out of no where, and my apparent partner doesn't bother even to inform me that it's hers. That could lead to me turning my gun on the elemental instead of the drones, and I would have had it been bigger. Which very likely would have led to one or both of us getting shot a lot more, and quite possibly dying.
We can just dumb it down and say that going in to a situation like that, where we are supposed to be watching each others backs, you should have told me. We could have approached the situatino a lot differently. I don't like getting shot. You could have just sent a bunch of spirits in to the garage and dragged her out before she even got to the house. But you put your secret ahead of our priorities, until it became clear that you couldn't. Bad gamble Lucky.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 05:49 PM
First of all, I agree. I made a bad call. I could have told you. Second, don't assume that you know what the hell is going on because you had a ten minute view. I've never used my magic before. That was the first time. Ever. Your healing spell was the first spell I have ever cast. It's new to me. Completely. Even I didn't know what I could do. Third, the elemental? It was something conjured as a practice run a few days ago, something I had completely forgotten about until that moment. Magic's not my thing, Bennett. Never has been. You want to know why I didn't tell you? Because I didn't trust you. You have your secrets and I have mine. I admit, yes, I made a bad call and I'm sorry you got hurt. I don't know what else I can say. The words come in a rush as Lucky stares straight ahead, her hands tight on the wheel.
What the frag is wrong with me? What the hell do I care what he thinks? ... it's because you feel guilty, Lucky m'girl. He's right and you know it. You let your pride in your "secret weapon" take precedence over common sense. You both could have been killed because of it. Pride goeth before the fall, Lucky. You know that. For a moment, it's not Lucky in her head anymore. It's Father O'Shea. She shakes her head quickly, hoping to dislodge him from wherever he may be hiding inside.
Apr 22 2007, 05:55 PM
So you're green in magic. Everyone starts out green Lucky. I'd say you handled well in combat for the first time. I don't need to tell you what you need to do when you're unfamiliar wit ha weapon. If we go in to a combat situation together again, I expect you to give everything you've got. You know I will.
I won't tell anyone.
His tone says that's that, and the matters closed.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 05:58 PM
Lucky just nods and drives to the crossroads. Parking her car, she turns to Bennett again.
I didn't get a chance to tell you what I found out. Here. Lucky hits play on the recording, letting him watch it. I suppose if we do need any more information, we have our informant right here.
Apr 22 2007, 06:00 PM
Well, she's yours to handle. I for one never underestimate the strength to managerial assistance provided by a cranial bomb. But at least she's currently motivated to help. She is good wit hthe drones at least. She could be useful.
Either make her very loyal or very fail safe. There are chips that can do that if you don't want to take the time personally.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 06:02 PM
I've already got something just for this kind of occasion. Lucky smiles and taps her commlink to her palm. Well, business is concluded for the night. I'll call in and check on the other team and see how things went. Let's plan to meet up tomorrow night. I'll hit you with the time and location later. I'm thinking we might need to change it up a bit.
Apr 22 2007, 06:11 PM
Bennet climbs out , assault rifle in hand, eyeing the area around the "parking lot" they've created. He takes a few minutes to run a scanner over his car and looks it over before climbing in. The occassional light in the distance that could be fire flies or Will O' the Wisps reminds them both just how dangerous the bayou can be when you turn your back on it.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 06:25 PM
Lucky watches his back, her window down and her own Ares out and ready. This time it's not loaded with Stick n' Shock. Once Bennett's in his vehicle and pulling out, Lucky slides her window back up and backs out.
Pulling out her commlink, she sends a quick drop box message to Krux @ the Meat Market.
Need a line on a ... What was it he called them?... oh, right. Need a line on a duck asap. Got the bread, and it's not crumbs either.
Lucky smiles and slips her commlink back into her pocket. Good ole Krux, always good for a laugh.
Apr 22 2007, 06:31 PM
Rayo/Luigi - Outside Jack's - Wednesday Aug 15th 1418
Rayo takes a peek from the corner to look at the back door and where the truck had loaded. Then he looks up at, draws his gun from the holster and pulls down his commando hood. He whispers to Luigi.
Okey Lu, just a few personal questions and answers. Have you any background from military or corp forces? I think you know what's my daily work, but I'm also ex-marine. So although we've just met and you got lot more of it than I do, I got your candy ass covered. Also..
Rayo pulls his hood up and insert the earplug to his ear, and pulls it back down.
Don't yell at me. Let's first just take Jack, and maybe others, down and later make it look like a robbery. And I let you be the bad cop, soka?
I let you kill those guys. Or him, whatever is inside. They probably earn their death, but I don't want to take their deaths on my toll.
Rayo loads the gun, folds out the stock and raises the gun to his nose level.
Ready, when you are, Mr. Lu.
Apr 22 2007, 07:02 PM
Moving around to the back loading dock door, no one seems t notice the pari. There are no open windows, no vid cams that they see. The roll up door is still open after the truck has left.
Apr 22 2007, 07:05 PM
Ducks are in a line. Got a malard that's hungry, but the pond is pretty full. Bring some whole wheat and you can get some attention. Try the pond on Luther and Haven. Show the wheat around.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 09:47 PM
Lucky reads the message and then sends another message to Dante's 'link. The little monster should be asleep by now but ... just the same.
Dante, this is Luck. Hey, little man, I'm going to be a little later coming in tonight. Business ran long. I'll be back in time to take you to breakfast and drop you off for school. If I'm not back by the time you get up, make sure you shower and all that junk, soka?
Lucky heads for the address Krux gave her. Arriving at the location, Lucky parks her truck inside the garage and checks on Tori.
Still out. Good.
Lucky locks down the truck, taking a moment to disable the autocontrols. She also summons a small watcher spirit, bidding it to sit visible on the physical plane and warn her if Tori awakes.
That taken care of, Lucky heads inside. With one hand in her pocket, she double checks the thickness of the wad in her money clip.
Let's hope it's enough bread..
Apr 22 2007, 09:54 PM
The building at Luther and Haven has seen better days, looking like turn of the century design.
Why do these places always have to be so run down? Just once, it would be nice to find a doc in an upscale clinic in down town.
Walking in to the run down building, Lucky finds her self in some sort of lobby. It's main featrues are apparently urine stained tile, crubling ceilings, and large trolls with pipes in hand, because there's one galring at her.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 09:56 PM
Lucky looks him up and down and nods. The money clip comes out.
I have an appointment.
Apr 22 2007, 09:59 PM
Eyeing the clip, the mosnster just nods at points at a side door. Apparently good security around her is scary albino mutant trolls with three horns and powerul B.O.. Come to think of it, that might be good security in a lot of places. It's a big troll.
The door he points her through leads to another delapitdated room. This one however has a small elevator, the cage type. There's only a down button.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:01 PM
Lucky sighs. Thank God that Crash Cart contract is paid up.
She steps into the elevator and closes the cage, pressing the down button.
Apr 22 2007, 10:07 PM
The cage slides down into the darkness. Lucky's elven eyes compensate well for the darkness. What they see is a whole slew of scanners going over her as she descends. The elevator goes down perhaps 5 meters, and comes to a stop in front of a metal security door. It's a suprisingly sophisticated operation after all.
The door opens, allowing Lucky a view from behind the cage of a security room. It's three meters by three meters. There's a pane of mirroed galss, probably armored, and a sliding drawer that someone probably expects her to put her gone in to. Stepping out, and AR display appears listing the weaponry that she's carrying, with an ARROW pointing at the now opening drawer. iIt's bg enough to hold most assault rifles.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:11 PM
Good god, paranoid much?
Fearing what might be behind those scanners and sensors, Lucky does as she's told and drops her Ares into the bin.
Apr 22 2007, 10:21 PM
A second scan passes over her, then the next door opens. Another AR message pops up.
Thank you for choosing Doc Mortand's.
You will be entering a secured area. Be aware that any weapons still in your possession will be confiscated, and that the waiting room is warded and protected by spirits.
Your virtual receptionist will be with you shortly. Please select the items/procedure your visit is concerning today. Feel free to view our e-catalog.
The AR screen moves aside for a moment, giving Lucky a view of the "waiting room". There are some half dozen people inside the room. Most of them look like various types of street muscle, probably in for reaction enhancers or some such. Lucky, being very atypical, get s a lot of attention as she strolls in. Soom the virtual receptionist appears in front of Lucky.
The receptionist is a human themed icon, just under six feet tall, in a sharp blue business suit, with her hair done and wearing glasses. She looks calssicly pretty ,but not the model-knockout a lot of these sort of places like to use.
Welcome to Doctor Mortand's office. How may we assist you today?
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:23 PM
Responding on the AR;
Cranial bomb and SIM personality modification. Not for myself.
Apr 22 2007, 10:29 PM
The receptionist selects a few options with her virtual stylus.
We'd be happy to assist you with this. Be aware that cranial-based explosive devices can be highly hazardous and do not come ith a warranty option. Patients in for cranial explosive implantation are the sole responsibility of the client. Any damages upon the facilities of Doctor Mortand will be the resposibility of the client. A minimum credit of balance of $10,000 or the nuyen euivelant is required for the procedure as an assurance of the client's ability to cover damages. Please submit acount number for balance verification or submit code for certified credit.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:32 PM
Lucky submits the information using her off-shores, anonymous account. Also through the AR, she sends the following message:
I'll need help transporting the patient from my vehicle down to the operating room.
Apr 22 2007, 10:34 PM
Transportation can be arranged for a small fee. For trasnportation only, the fee is $500. Is the patient is resistant, the fee is $2000, and subject to charges in line with any damages to poroperty or personel.
Please enter the potential threat level of the patient, then select the service option, and submit credit for verification.
An AR window pops up with a 1-10 scale, 10 being potential massacre. There is also a query asking if the subject is magically active.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:37 PM
Lucky looks over the options and then chooses level 3. She notes that the patient:
is currently tranqualized, but is also a capable rigger.
She also uploades the account information for verification.
Apr 22 2007, 10:38 PM
Lucky transfers the $500, the receptionist smiles.
Thank you. Either proceed to the ground level and escort our transportation assistant to your vehiccle, or submit the vehicle number and door key password now.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:39 PM
Lucky chooses the former and takes the elevator to the ground floor.
Apr 22 2007, 10:40 PM
The huge albino troll is stadning there, now with an AR picture of Lucky and a stylized picture of a troll carying someone. He looks at it, then at her, and nods.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:42 PM
Lucky smiles at him, walks into the garage and opens her truck door. She pulls the passenger side seat forward and indicates Tori lying in the back.
Apr 22 2007, 10:46 PM
The troll nods and scoops up the unconcious Tori. He walks back inside.
The virtual receptionist reappears. Lucky notices an AR tag hovering over her left shoulder dubby her "Mary"
Thank you. Please proceed to the basement level. Our transportation official will see to your package.
While you are waiting for the arrival of your patient package, feel free to view our catalog of cranial explosive device options.
A menu appears providing Lucky with a listing of varioius placement options, such as a limb, various parts of the spine, the nasal cavity for easier removal, partial skull insertion, or directly in to the gray matter. Options are available in "kink" (minimal), "Terminus" Enough to destroy appx 1 square foot" and "Area" (enough to destory everything in a 4 meter radius).
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 10:50 PM
Lucky looks over the catalog, for a moment uncomfortably aware that she's deciding the fate of a woman she's known for less then an hour. Of course, the fact that the woman set her drone menagerie on her does tend to ease those feelings of guilt.
Terminus, directly in the gray matter. Please note: The woman is a rigger. The device implanted must be immune to whatever sensor sweeps or scans she does of herself. Is there anything like this available?
Lucky fills out the form as she heads back downstairs, once again riding the rickety looking elevator of death.
Probably a good insurance policy. It breaks down or crashes and you got to pay them to patch you up. Lovely.
Apr 22 2007, 10:58 PM
We have a number of shielding and triggering options available as well as removal failsafes. The device in questions can be set to recieve only signals sent from a certain frequency, replying only to a coded message, rendering it immune to convential bug sweepers. The analog-only system prevents "hacking" from any didgital source, such as most modern computer equipment.
Anti-tamper devices include body temperature measurements, and oxygen/hydrogne/nitrate levels, triggering the device if it is exposed to lower than 94 degrees farenheit, or oxygen/hydrogen/nitrate levels consistent with normal outside air.
We also offer a number of "control devices" including anti-tamper autoinjectors, with remote option, and the "Bad Dog" system, which includes electrodes thorughout the muscular system, applying debilitating but otherwise harmless electrical current to the muscles, disabling the patient.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 11:00 PM
I would prefer the device to be analog only, encoded only to respond to a unique code phrase. Please include the "anti-tamper" device and the "Bad Dog" system.
Apr 22 2007, 11:04 PM
Lucky arrives back in the waiting room, the receptionist still gliding along side.
While she makes her self comfortable , a pop-up add for "Mary V2.3" comes up on her AR, giving options for purchasing her own "Mary Virtual Assistant".
Thank you, the cost of materials will be $6,000.
Procedure costs will be $4,000.
If you would like to have your patient seen to immediately, we can expedite your surgery for a "Rush" fee of $3,500.
Otherwise, we do have Patient Storage Rooms available for $200 an hour, or $600 per day of their stay.
Lady Door
Apr 22 2007, 11:05 PM
Expedite, please. Lucky takes a moment to review the catalog on the Mary V2.3.
Apr 22 2007, 11:13 PM
Thank you. YourPatient will be seen to within the next hour. Estimated surgery time is 2 hours and twelve minutes. Please make your self comfortable in our waiting room.
If you would prefer private or deluxe accomadations, those can be made available for a fee of $200 or $800 per hour, respectively.
Your total Implantation cost is $13,500.
You mentioned previously that you were interested in behavior modification. We would be pleased to assist you with this. Could to expand on what you are interested in today?
Lucky scans the Mary poop-up
The Mary V-A. V2.3 is the newest, updated version of our exciting Mary V line from Neo-net.
There are many custom options for your mary assistant including skins, personality profiles, and work feature options. No matter which Mary you carry, you will have the best in automated assistance. The Mary responds to voice commands and AR input text. She can interface with any AR capable device allowing her to make your coffee, handle office equipment, and be your personal chaffeur.
Like other top of the line virtual persons, Mary is also fully SIM capable, meaning that when the SIM feature is enabled, Mary is as real, or realer, as your next door neighbor. You can feel Mary's suit, the wind from her breathe, even the echo of her shoes. We at Neonet use every innovation to make your new Personal Virtual Assistant as real as Reality.
Mary is compatible with and "Skillwire" systems and knowsofts. Anything you need Mary to know, she can know. With quick and easy download interfaces, Mary's library of knowledge is just one selection away from quick expanions.
She is comlink based for easy, portable use. She is also IC enabled, allowing Mary to double as security for your portable commlnik device. Mary is everything you need and more for organization and efficency on the go.