Kremlin KOA
Sep 29 2004, 08:56 AM
have (hopefully ) sent the final version of Gonzales off to you ( Sparky probably a good idea you have MSN oe ICQ or AIM? if so what time is good to talk?
Sep 29 2004, 09:29 AM
I just sent the updated Graves to you.
Sep 29 2004, 02:17 PM
I have Yahoo Messenger. I may have MSN... don't recall.
Let me check and get back to you. Otherwise my Yahoo ID is, you guessed it, ES_Sparky.
Feel free to contact me folks - I'll make a group for this game. I have lunch between 11:45 and 12:45 CST.
Kremlin -- I probably won't have the whole hour, but we can work it out.
Kremlin KOA
Sep 29 2004, 02:22 PM
that would be quarter to 1 AM my time trying to get a yahoo account now...
Sep 29 2004, 02:56 PM
Hey Sparky and Krem my yahoo ID is presidentbastard
McQ---do I need to resend my character?
How do I send a regualar character sheet
Sep 29 2004, 03:21 PM
Bastard -- gotcha added. You too, Ecclesiates.
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 29 2004, 04:58 PM
My yahoo ID is quatre618
Sep 29 2004, 05:57 PM
Bastard--if the only changes were to your edges/flaws don't worry about sending me a new one. If you made other changes send it in.
Toturi--You've got kenpo 6 but no my knowledge brawling is the only one you can take without having to buy maneuvers...unless you just want it to be "Unarmed Combat"
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 29 2004, 06:02 PM
Did you get my changes (the extra bullets)? I posted them here.
Sep 29 2004, 06:08 PM
HMHVV--I'm still consolidating but yes.
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 29 2004, 06:09 PM
Sep 29 2004, 06:12 PM
I'm consolidating all the info posted here and updating sheets while I create a website for the team to use when I need to post image or maps et cetera...
Sep 29 2004, 06:16 PM
all I changed was the edges and flaws...but you may need to update my money if you havent...I will get that to you later if you need it. Still need my money subtracted for beer and food at Bling Bling's
Sep 30 2004, 12:04 AM
QUOTE (McQuillan @ Sep 30 2004, 01:57 AM) |
Bastard--if the only changes were to your edges/flaws don't worry about sending me a new one. If you made other changes send it in.
Toturi--You've got kenpo 6 but no my knowledge brawling is the only one you can take without having to buy maneuvers...unless you just want it to be "Unarmed Combat" |
I'll change it to Unarmed Combat(Kenpo) 5(7).
Sep 30 2004, 02:39 PM
Hello? We running this game or not? MacQ, is my char ok?
EDIT: Sorry.
Sep 30 2004, 03:08 PM
Hey, give McQ a break. He's got a lot of irons in the fire here and now 8 characters, plus or minus, to check over. AND a game to start.
Sep 30 2004, 03:17 PM
Indeed. Eight is a lot to work with, especially considering he didn't really pre-think this like most GMs do. He kind of picked it up since there was so much interest in Ecc's game.
Kremlin KOA
Sep 30 2004, 04:57 PM
any of you guys going to be on yahoo in the next couple hours?
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 30 2004, 04:59 PM
Depends. What did you want to do?
Sep 30 2004, 05:06 PM
<elitist response>Yahoo sucks.</elitist response>
Seriously? Can't stand it. I do use MSN and AIM, though. IRC depending on the server. (Didn't like Dumpshock's for the two days I was there.)
Sep 30 2004, 05:52 PM
I can log in for a little bit Kremlin... what's up?
Sep 30 2004, 05:53 PM
I've been out sick for two days. Did I miss anything?
Sep 30 2004, 06:03 PM
Ecc--Nothing major.
Is everyone ready here? I'm going to take the characters I have and consider them finalized. We are getting underway.
Kremlin KOA
Sep 30 2004, 06:23 PM
okay the Edana and Gonzales segue.
A simple Job, Deal with a Zombie summoning Houngan in Puyallup. Or so the Yamatetsu rep said.
I was to be teamed up with a Newbie Bounty hunter. A magical, which was a plus when dealing with mages... I still have nightmares about Kano.
I would have preferred working with Taggart but he was off on some magician thing initiating or something, maybe learning a new spell... I don't fragging know... Hell I don't even know why I keep this fragging diary.
Jason chose to use me to feild test/train the new guy, or new girl in this case. Adana her name was, and apparently she was from Tir na nOg. In many respects she was taggart's opposite Taggart was a spells only magician, while Edana was spirit based, although she could still use spells. Taggart was brought up in the hell parts of the UCAS sprawls, and his time as a cop re-enforced that. Edana was raised in the relatively idyllic (even for a human) land of Tir na nOg. Taggart was hard edged, Edana was relatively soft. It was a little jarring.
The Yamatetsu rep explained that his company was matching the UCAS bounties on Zombie summoning magicians, as this Houngan was in the way of a Yamatetsu development. Apparently it had also kidnapped and killed Yamatetsu employees, using them to create zombies. So the double bounty was enough to draw me in. As I had no magical support, I spoke to Jason to ask who would be available to help... and he gave me a newbie. Which brings us back to where I am now
Puyallup, near the barrens 'border' was a warehouse that Yamatetsu wanted to bulldoze and turn into employee housing. So we had to remove the nutter that was stopping it. Fairly simple, in theory.
Well you know what they say about theories, turns out that we needen't worry about voudoun juju, as those zombies weren't from the carribean league.
It started out easy enough, we got to the place, and moved in to neutralize the target. I took point relying on my colt manhunter to put down any zombies, then Edana would movein and counter any Juju from the Houngan while I gamma Scopolamined the fragger.
I guess you also know what they say about plans surviving first contact with the enemy... We entered easily enough as I said, but the first Zombie didn't have the good manners to stay dead after I shot it. It got back up and a Chilling fear came over my soul.
"Shedim!" Edana cried as she loosed a spell of some type at it, it stayed down that time. I had heard of shedim and the bounties on them, we were being underpaid.
"Drek!" I responded as I switched guns, drawing out a Gyrojet Pistol and drilling the closest of the shedim zombies, hoping that the higher power gun would overcome these creatures seeming near unkillability.
The results were mixed, some went down from head shots while others were still up, they kept on coming though and they were on us as I tried to reload. My hand blade cameout and I sliced and diced what I could, and hoped to live through the night.
Mere seconds later I realised I had been seperated from Edana in the melee, I hadn't realised at first as the entire fight had gone a surreal kind of quiet. ever fired a high power pistol in complete silence? freaky.
the Silence thing ended as I heard Edana Scream, I looked over and saw a shedim about to bite her throat out, I only had one shot at this so I extended my skates and leaped over three shedim zombies, coming down rolling. I stopped right in fromt of the creature and blew its head off with my Gyrojet. I really should thank the skip who tried to geek me with this thing.
I told Edana to use the dead shedim as a shield while I tried something real stupid, she looked at me funny, but hid under a set of corpses, as the shedim closed ranks to try and kill us, again, I fired into one of the gas cylinders lining the back wall, then slid down beside Edana. The cylinder went up like a firework, taking several feet of wall with it, not to mention quite a few zombies. I grabbed edana and rolled us out of that hole in the wall at high speed. Edana gestured behind us and a human the size of a large Ork appeared in the hole behind us, and started killing shedim.
"What the frag is that?" I asked as I looked for a wy to kill these things
"Herne, my Ally spirit." She responded, with that charming, yet at the moment infuriating, irish brogue.
"You could have had him join the party earlier."
"I was, distracted." she sounded apologetic.
"Null Perspiration, all's well that ends... oh drek!" I noticed the ally begin to be overrun. I tried to look for a solution...
"HERNE!!" Edana screamed out. she readied a spell...
"Tell your ally to duck!" I called out as I realised how to solve the whole problem.
The spirit seemed to hear her request as it dissolved, just before the large LPG cylinder I had shot the end off, careened into the warehouse hole and knocled the shedim back in, then a huge sound as the cylinde3r exploded, taking the building with it, shards flew out as a fireball rose up, and an eyesore collapsed in on itself. It was at that moment that a single metal shard, propelled by the blast, flew toward me... then blackness.
I woke up to find Edana crouching over me, with an owl on her shoulder, "There you go, welcome back to the world of the living." she greeted me. "What happened?" A piece of the building ldged in your chest, almost killing you. I removed it, with the help of your first aid kit, it was very polite and helpful." "Funny it's always sarastic with me" I grumbled. "That's because she treated me with more respet than you do." The medkit's expert system retorted. "I swear buying a renraku medkit was a mistake, half the time I think that whacko AI from the Arcology is secretly hiding in my medkit." "I'm just glad I'll make it to 22." Edana said with some relief. "Really? you only 21?" I say, a little surprised. "for another couple of weeks." "We shall have to celebrate your birthday then, I have a friend wou would help make it a night to remember..." "I'd love to." "But unfortunately business before pleasure." As I stood up, I went over my expenses in my head. I was barely going to break even this time, due to the fact that my dermal sheath would need minor repairs, and my bone lace similar work.
Meeting with the Yamatetsu rep, I was a little peeved, who am I kidding I was furious. "Voudoun? try 3 dozen Shedim." I told him, the look of surprise on the corporator's face was genuine. "Oh, we were misinformed then?" "I'll say." "In the interests or good future relations then, I will give you this additional payment, it should cover any extra medical bills and similar costs that the additional threat could reasonably cause." "Thank you, I will convey your apologies to y associate." "Please do. have a nice day." "And you."
Sep 30 2004, 06:24 PM
Woo! Time to start this business!
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 30 2004, 06:49 PM
Ready to roll!
Sep 30 2004, 07:05 PM
Alright folks we are live.
if anyone needs their character, or when I post a map or image, it can all be grabbed
here.Yeah, I know, it's lame. But I never promised to be a web designer and it will change it appearance later when I have more time.
Sep 30 2004, 08:45 PM
Kane and I are ready |
Sep 30 2004, 08:48 PM
McQ: Fix the links on your page. Use used a \ instead of a / in them.
Sep 30 2004, 08:59 PM
Ecc--What's wrong with them? I checked all of the links and they all work except the "History" which I haven't skimmed from the last few pages.
Sep 30 2004, 09:00 PM
Bastard--when you're ready, reply to the post.
Sep 30 2004, 09:03 PM
Not working for me. They link like this:\Cedana.htm
and it should be like this:
Sep 30 2004, 09:22 PM
This post? Im ready
Sep 30 2004, 09:24 PM
Eccs---how did you do Bishop's character sheet on McQ's link?
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 30 2004, 09:28 PM
Not to complain, but you forgot to put the changes I made (the extra bullets) into the sheet on the site.
Sep 30 2004, 09:28 PM
The IC post. The game is started and we're waiting on you.
Sep 30 2004, 09:35 PM
I'm with HMHVV. I sent a PM with my changes.
Oh, wait, I don't think I added the Comm 6 we all got. Crap! (Which means I dump the Comm 4 I have currently and buy some stuff/drop it to starting, not sure which yet.)
Sep 30 2004, 10:02 PM
HMHVV--Changes made
Ecc--Changes made
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 30 2004, 10:06 PM
Thank you
Sep 30 2004, 10:09 PM
I'll update the sheet and re-send it. PM or e-mail?
Addendum: I can do a simple HTML pre-format for you if you'd like. (Y/N)?
Sep 30 2004, 10:17 PM
Tanka--The changes were made. I can format it without a problem, I just hadn't yet...give me 5 minutes and it should be right.
Sep 30 2004, 10:20 PM
No, I mean the Comm gear. I did message you with the armor stuff, but not with the free Comm gear we got and what I'm doing with the money from my Comm 4.
Tell you what, to make it easy... Tack on an extra month of Middle and put the last 1k into starting (increasing it to 1,000 starting).
Sep 30 2004, 10:29 PM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
Ecc--Changes made |
Cool, its working now.
Sep 30 2004, 10:43 PM
I should have made all the changes by this point...let me know if I missed something
Sep 30 2004, 10:49 PM
Sad to say, not quite. I'll just spoiler it for your perusal.
[ Spoiler ]
Human: 0
Physical Adept: 25
650,000 nuyen: 25
Attributes: 50
Skills: 30
B: 3 (6)
Q: 6
S: 6
C: 6
I: 4
W: 4
E: 6
M: 8
I+R: 2d6 + 9
1,00 nuyen
Initiate: 2 (Masking, Shielding)
Combat Pool: 6
Karma Pool: 11
Karma: 1
Shotguns: 6
Clubs: 6 (10)
Interrogation: 4
Intimidation: 4
Leadership: 4
Wilderness Survival: 4
Paranormal Animals: 4
Woodworking: 4
Cooking: 4
Cuisine: 4
Bushido Philosophy: 4
English: 4
-R/W: 2
Gaelic: 2
-R/W: 1
Middle Lifestyle: 6
Improved Reflexes 1: 2
Sixth Sense 4: 1
Improved Sense (Low-Light): .25
Improved Sense (High Frequency Hearing): .25
Improved Sense (Low Frequency Hearing): .25
Improved Sense (Sound Dampening): .25
Improved Sense (Spatial Recognizer): .25
Improved Sense (Enhanced Hearing): .25
Improved Sense (Directional Sense): .25
Improved Sense (Improved Scent): .25
Improved Physical Attribute (Body) 3: 1.5
Mystic Armor 3: 1.5
Crowbar Weapon Focus 4 (Rch 1, (Str + 1)M Stun, Cncl 5)
Remington 990 (Cncl 2, 8(m), SA, 8S/10D(f), 650 nuyen)
Survival Knife (Rch 0, (Str + 2)L, Cncl 6)
Bola Rounds x1,000 (10,000 nuyen)
Flare Rounds x1,000 (2,500 nuyen)
Shock Lock Rounds x1,000 (7,000 nuyen)
Stun Shell Rounds x1,000 (2,500 nuyen)
Ultrasound Goggles (1,100 nuyen)
Camo Jacket (5/3, 800 nuyen)
-Fire Resistance 5 (500 nuyen)
-Insulation 3 (450 nuyen, -1 Cncl)
Form-Fitting Body Armor (Full-body Suit) (4/1, 2,000 nuyen)
-Chemical Seal 4 (1,000 nuyen)
-Nonconductive 1 (200 nuyen)
Forearm Guards (0/1, 250 nuyen)
DocWagon Basic Contract (5,000 nuyen)
Metal Restraints x30 (600 nuyen)
Plasteel Restraints x20 (1,000 nuyen)
Personal Comm Unit 6 (Cncl 9, free)
Friendly Face (1)
Good Reputation 2 (2)
Bravery (1)
Lost an Eye (-4)
I really hate to keep doing this to you. I hate pesky people just as much as the next person, if not moreso.
Yes, I took out the contacts. Those are fine.
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 30 2004, 10:49 PM lets get the IC game rolling.
Where's JT?
Sep 30 2004, 10:56 PM
tanka--No worries, changes made.
HMHVV--I dunno. He was here earlier but missed it I think...He'll be back soon I'm sure.
Sep 30 2004, 11:03 PM
Should I mention the "1,00" or not... Oh, wait, too late.
Don't worry about it. I know what it means (though if I'm away from my PC and check it real quick I might do a double take or three).
Sep 30 2004, 11:09 PM
tanka--I thought about quoting your spoiler, but then it wouldn't be a spoiler for everyone else...fixed.
Sep 30 2004, 11:13 PM
Heh, fair enough.
*smacks self, fixes .txt*
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