Mar 19 2005, 08:48 PM
McQ-did you get my detect life?
McQ---at the rally i am recasting detect life in the chatauex
detect life + 5 magic pool : 7,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,2,1
drain 3L: 9,5,5,5,4,3 |
Mar 20 2005, 02:07 AM
Bastarc--Your team is the only life within 30 m of the rally point.
Mar 20 2005, 05:11 AM
oh bother
Mar 20 2005, 08:43 PM
Yes, please. That's a re-roll right?
Soak: 03, 04
Not much better. Not a botch though. :/
Mar 21 2005, 07:40 AM
Sparky--Were you going to do anything about the big ugly troll in Astral Space? Fight, flee, let the team know?
Mar 21 2005, 07:11 PM
Can we see the Helocopter? How far away is it?
Mar 21 2005, 07:31 PM
You can see a faint outline, where the helicopter is darker than the night sky. It's about 600m out and 450m up.
Mar 21 2005, 07:42 PM
Ok, I think I've got a different idea of the area we are in than you do. I was picturing a forested area. How many trees are around? How much cover do they provide?
Can I throw in a perception check to try for more detail and are there any trees nearby for the team to take cover under?
Perception: 09 07 03 03 02 01 + 07 03 02 02 02
Mar 21 2005, 10:30 PM
Quickness is 8. Using athletics to pick up the pace.
Athletics: 09 08 04 03 01
Not using the Ruth's (running kinda defeats that), so I'll have them project a snow camo pattern with the +4 to stealth, but I'm running so that is -4 to stealth. I've still got the Thermographic Masking 10, so that'll help out with keeping from the helicopter's sensors.
Stealth: 11 04 04 02 01
Mar 22 2005, 12:26 AM
Ecc--On the ground there is plenty of cover, except on the cleared area for the road. This is why the other team chose their targets. Trees abound, effectively anyone can take cover just by walking.
In the air, there are no trees. The helicopter seems to be painted a dark black color, its running lights are disabled. You can see the rifleman who just pulled in seemed to be resting in a half-sling while he leaned out the side door. No obvious weapons, the helicopter looks to be a de-militarized attack chopper, slim and well armored.
Mar 22 2005, 12:36 AM
working on a post right now, but not done - will post my actions tonight
Mar 22 2005, 12:37 AM
Sorry, I need a quick question answered. Who was the other character with a grenade launcher?
Mar 22 2005, 12:34 AM
JT run by Bastard.
Mar 22 2005, 01:56 AM
Perception: 6 Dice, 8 Complementary + Perceptive
McQ: Can Graves see the helicopter shooter? Either case, Graves tries to aim for the spot where he last saw gunfire erupt from the chopper.
Simple action: Aim
Simple action: Rifle: 7 Dice + 5 Combat Pool, Ex-Ex Burst at Helicopter.
3, 4, 16, 9, 8, 2, 1, 8, 14, 3, 2, 4.
Mar 22 2005, 02:00 AM
Roll the perception, or did you want me to?
Mar 22 2005, 02:15 AM
You said that Bishop saw him, so I could paint the target for indirect fire (which I did in my IC post).
Mar 22 2005, 02:39 AM
Indirect fire is fine, Toturi just added a qty of dice and I wasn't sure if he wanted the test rolled or not.
Mar 22 2005, 08:01 AM
im probably more needed inside
sorry i cant post until later at night, my work hours have changed again.
can i toss Bishop my shotgun/grenade launcher before he takes off?
edit: unless i can take a shot from here.
Mar 22 2005, 08:28 AM
Perception: 7 7 4 4 2 3
Complementary: 9 4 5 7 5 8 3 4
Had an extra dice from Enhanced Artwinkulation for my shot... so i spend 4 combat pool instead.
Mar 22 2005, 08:55 AM
well i guess if
you can shoot, so can
Mar 22 2005, 06:22 PM
Bastard: Bishop already has a shotgun/grenade launcher of his own. However, you can't shoot at the chopper, cause you don't have the range. Rifles have a range of 750.
Mar 22 2005, 06:37 PM
just tryin to help the team
Edit: Can I see the pilot or any of the helicopters occupants so I can at least offer some magical assistance?
Perception (if needed): 11,5,5,5,4,2
Mar 22 2005, 08:39 PM
Too bad they don't broadcast into the astral... :/
So, anybody else want to let the crackerjack-helicopter-and-plastique-having-we-got-our-shit-together-team grab Ballefour and then snatch him away from them when they come out?
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 22 2005, 09:30 PM
How high is the nearest window and does it look breakable?
Mar 22 2005, 11:36 PM
About a meter and a half above the looks to be slightly reinforced glass. Breakable with a troll fist or baseball bat...or at least something comparable. (Barrier rating is the same as Ballistic Glass)
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 12:22 AM
Jumping Test:
Great Leap 4 + Athletics 5
02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 09
Assuming that's enough to land on the ledge, firing my Manhunter (silenced) into the glass trying to break it.
First shot: Pistols 6 + Combat Pool 6
Second shot: Pistols 6 + Combat Pool 3
First shot:
02 02 03 03 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 11
Second shot:
02 02 03 05 05 05 07 08 22 (yes, I really rolled that)
Mar 23 2005, 12:31 AM
The Window, it dodges all attacks. =) j/k you're in. Gimme a sec to post.
Sparky--Can I get a combat roll from you, either Sorcery (Astral Combat) or Edged Weapons...
Mar 23 2005, 12:33 AM
I can use my astral pool for this too, right? Like a combat pool?
Mar 23 2005, 12:43 AM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
I can use my astral pool for this too, right? Like a combat pool? |
Since my guess is McQ is posting IC, I'll tell you, that yes, you can.
Mar 23 2005, 12:53 AM
Thanks Ecc.
Sparky--Yes you can, I'll wait to post the resolution until I get your combat roll. Suffice it to say for now, that he is indeed attacking.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 01:15 AM
Stealth roll:
Stealth 6 (I also have Traceless Walk, in case anyone might hear me)
01 01 02 02 04 05
Using Karma to re-roll the 1s (-3 Karma Pool):
04 04
Using the adept power of Hearing Amplification to listen into the next room (the one where the jarred door leads to):
Intelligence 6
01 02 03 04 04 04
Mar 23 2005, 02:44 AM
Attacking too.
Offense 12 dice: 13 10 08 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 02 01 (6 from Sorcery Skill, 6 from sword)
Defense 9 dice: 10 05 05 05 05 04 03 02 01 (Whole Astral pool)
Mar 23 2005, 03:05 AM
Sparky--You get to use one skill or the other, not both.
So Sorcery 6, plus 5 from the Sword Focus is and one die from Astral Pool will be your 12 dice.
Remember, though in melee it doesn't matter who initiated the combat, the person with the most successes does damage to the loser. You need to roll willpower to resist damage. You can add Astral pool to help you soak damage if you'd like.
::Post was edited::
Waiting for clarification...
Mar 23 2005, 03:23 AM
(Mix up with the sword - thought it was level 6)
So, why do I use 1 die from the astral pool to get to 12?
Buh... 16 then 15 sounds good. Though I'm still not sure where they're going/coming from. What rolls do you need? And sorry to be such a bonehead on the mechanics.
Mar 23 2005, 03:25 AM
Can you Yahoo for a min?
Sorry I edited a post earlier...
Ok. The breakdown is as follows:
Skill + Force + Astral Pool= Number of Dice. TN4
You can use up to your skill rating in dice pools, so you can throw as many as 17 dice the first test (Sorcery 6 +Focus 5 + astral 6)
Mar 23 2005, 06:47 AM
OK--AStral combat is over...Hunter I will bump your thread tomorrow. Team, since Tiny and Tigger are out at the moment how doyou want to proceed, kick down the door, sneak in another way?
Mar 23 2005, 08:25 AM
-Helios is in the Chateau
-Charlie and Gonzo are dead
-Bishop and Edena are by the van
-and its Tigger, Graves, Johnson, JT and Kane outside.
Well I dont think Kane and JT can jump up to that window, so we will go in a different way...I will have Kane sniff around for safe entrance (ie nothing right behind the door.) Personally I think Tigger and JT can both track him down...we can split up...I have a battletach, to keep in touch. Then have someone come with each of us. Unless yall think different, I dont care, just wanna be involved.
Cast invisible on myself to sustained focus
Improved Invisibility 4: 22,16,5,4,4,1
Drain 3M: 5,5,5,3,3,2
and to Kane
Improved invisibility 4: 5,5,3,2,2,2
Drain 3M: 9,4,3,3,2,1
Have Kane check entrance
Animal Handling (Dog) 7: 10,10,5,4,2,2,1
Complimentary skill (if applicable)
Tracking (with dog) 6 : 11,10,7,5,5,1
Mar 23 2005, 11:12 AM
Graves is close enough to Bishop and Edana to cover them.
Mar 23 2005, 07:23 PM
The team outside can hear the gunfire.
Bastard--Are you looking for a servant's entrance, side door, or just a window that has enough snow build-up that you could climb in easily?
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 07:28 PM
A few questions:
1) Am I on the second or first floor?
2) Is this guy shooting at me? If not, where's he shooting at? Also, is he standing right in front of me as I exit the door or what? Which way is he facing?
3) Am I supposed to know what "The Society" means?
Also, making a Perception test to see what the insignia looks like (seeing if it might be a teammate wearing some weird armor or if it's something foreign, or if I recognize it at all):
Intelligence 6:
01 02 04 04 05 10
Mar 23 2005, 07:44 PM
any enterence that Kane sniffs and finds safe to enter.
Mar 23 2005, 08:47 PM
1, You are on the first floor.
2--The guy is shooting in your general direction. You are in different wings of the house facing down a long corridor towards each other. The grenade detonated in the foyer, smoke filling the foyer and spreading into both hallways obscuring vision.
3--See Sparky's post for clarification. (They had posted on the page your team created in the search for Ballefour to let you know they were coming...)
The Insignia is a circle with latin around the edge. In hoc signo Invictus it is quartered with a dragon rampant and a red cross in the upper left and lower right fields respectively.
4--I need a body test, 10S half Impact plus any chemseal.
Ecc-- I need a a peception test.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 08:47 PM
What do you mean "10 half impact?"
Mar 23 2005, 08:57 PM
Sparky: Bishop is the one in the van with you, not Graves. Graves was out side with his rifle laying down some cover fire at the helicopter.
Hunter: That means, roll your body with a target number of 10. You can use half your armors impact rating to reduce that number (ie: if you have 6 impact, the 10 becomes a 7). If you have any chemseal on your armor, that reduces the target number point for point (ie: if you have chem seal 4, that 7 would then be a 3).
Perception: 10 09 05 04 02 01 + 05 04 04 02 02
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 09:09 PM
Target #: 9 (10 - 1; my Lined Coat has 2 Impact armor)
Body 4, Combat Pool 9 (Lucky 13...)
01, 01, 01, 02, 03, 04, 04, 05, 05, 05, 05, 09, 09
Mar 23 2005, 09:17 PM
Mar 23 2005, 10:57 PM
HMHVV--Take a moderate Stun. You are also at an additional +2 for the next hour due to neurostun exposure.
Edited after double checking...
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 11:28 PM
Perception to spot any guards I could fire at from relative safety.
Intelligence: 6
01 02 04 04 05 09
Mar 23 2005, 11:21 PM
HMHVV--You will have to get out of the smoke to escape the neurostun, by heading up the stairs or going back into the library. If you stay in the foyer, you'll have to soak damage again.
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 23 2005, 11:31 PM
Oh ok.
Changing post.