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Tigger and I are invisable, would their readied actions go before us?
HMHVV--to doge the shot would be a TN 5 + wounds and modifiers, so TN 9 for you atm...That gives you one success. Dodging just counters their successes though so you will still have to soak the remaining damage with the four floating successes. Hand of God seems to be in the cards since the second burst will kill you. I will say that Hand of God covers both attacks since they are in close succession.

Sparky--The rules don't normally account for such things, because the bad guys go faster they get to act first...that being said I'll let you try and we will do the reaction test as mentioned by Ecc.

Bastard--Their readied actions will go first if they pierce the illusion.

All--Remember that you are in combat, everything is happening nearly simultaneously. If you want to say more than three words you will need to spend actions doing it. What's already been said can ride, just note it for the future.
HMHVV Hunter
So where am I on the damage scale after Hand of God is applied?
You'll be at the same place you were before the shots were fired, basically the bursts never happened.
HMHVV Hunter

So do I wait until my next Init. turn to post Helios's next action?

Sorry for any stupid questions; this one of the few SR combats I've ever been in.
Can I see them from my position?
HMHVV--Yes, wait until your initiative comes up again.

Bastard--You will be able to see into the room by walking to the top of the stairs. Where you are right now, you can see the Society member holding the old man hostage.

Team--Does everyone remember who owns this chateau?
Toturi--You're up...

Team--Perception checks please from everyone. Vision based.
Finally back up, they have finished all the wiring madness. While I still have big holes in my walls I at least can now post on a daily basis. biggrin.gif

15 05 05 04 01
HMHVV Hunter
No, I don't remember who owns the chateau.

Perception test: 6 dice:

04 04 05 05 05 09
Bam! Hows that for a Perception test?

10 10 07 03 01 01
Perception: 05 05 04 03 14 11

Graves tries to flank the behind enemy group using the architecture as cover, trying to keep as much distance away from the group as possible until engagement.
Perception: 08 08 05 04 01 01
Hey McQuillan, thanks for running me in the black out here at my house. biggrin.gif I just wanted to know what things happened directly affecting my character (dice rolls, combat pool used, etc) so I can jump back into the driver's seat as it were.
Buddha--You've used 2 CP in the attack and are currently floating with a Moderate Physical wound from the gunfire. While you are still invisible, the one fighting you didn't seem bothered by that fact.
Bastard--You're up.
Horray! So there are still two standing and they have thermo vision?
All four Society members are still standing, 2 as hostage takers, the other 2 actively working against your team. As far as vision goes, it's hard to tell. The security helmets could be fitted for lowlight, thermo or ultravision, in addition to whatever modifications the mercs have themselves.
Control Actions 4, Target Willpower

One of the society members holding a hostage, I want to have him pull his weapon away from the hostage, and drop it on the ground. If I succeed.

Sparky--You're up....
I really don't want to do a reaction test with these guys... but I don't know what else to do... will post my action soon.
As a reminder, the team only gets paid if Ballefour is alive.
Don't worry guys, if Ballefour eats it, the focus I ganked off of that Society mage will get us a pretty penny. And so will that ring on whatever eBay has become in the mid-60s. smile.gif

How does everyone see me if I am invisible? I am still using my focus to keep me invisible, and have a +2 to hold Tigger invisible.
HMHVV Hunter
QUOTE (ES_Sparky)
Don't worry guys, if Ballefour eats it, the focus I ganked off of that Society mage will get us a pretty penny. And so will that ring on whatever eBay has become in the mid-60s. smile.gif

But what about the non-HMHVV-causing cure for VITAS in Seattle?

Remember, that IS why we wanted this guy (and why Helios avoided geeking him when he might have been able to).

Well, one thing's for sure - once we get home, Helios won't be lacking for work.
But what about the non-HMHVV-causing cure for VITAS in Seattle?

Remember, that IS why we wanted this guy (and why Helios avoided geeking him when he might have been able to).

Well, one thing's for sure - once we get home, Helios won't be lacking for work.

HMHVV Hunter
Great. So when the team goes home to a Seattle full of ghouls, we can have a "Dawn of the Dead" style run.
Shawn of the Dead.
I will still be invisible
Marquis de Lyon = Bellefour?

Just making sure.
No, the Marquis was the other guy. The second person the Society guys had. The one with the fancy pants bed clothes and manicured nails.

Ballefour is still sweating bullets, but not eating them just yet.
HMHVV Hunter
QUOTE (ES_Sparky)
No, the Marquis was the other guy. The second person the Society guys had. The one with the fancy pants bed clothes and manicured nails.

Ballefour is still sweating bullets, but not eating them just yet.

Ooooh...didn't know that.
Ok, thats what I thought, but then people started posting things that made me think we just got fragged. Cool, umm... Anyone see anything wrong with my plan to fit them with a freeze foam grenade?
Apart from the fact that they have readied actions? No, I doubt that they want to kill their target. If they wanted to, they wouldn't have gone to the trouble of taking him hostage.
Maybe they will be prepared to cut their losses so, be prepared for the worst.
Bastard--Anyone who can make the resistance test sees you.

Marquis de Lyon=Innocent Noble, High Ranking official in French Government, leading to heavy investigation into his death.

Sparky--What is your action specifically? I know that Herne is drawing the sword in a "Non-threatening" manner to show it to the Society. (I presume it is the Troll's sword...)
Sorry - meant to clarify. Yes, the troll's sword.

The intent is to throw a wrench in their works. Her actions will depend on theirs. If the guy with a gun on Ballefour relaxes the gun's placement, she's going to shoot at the gun and brave that reaction test... hopefully with modifiers on their part because of the out-of-place-sword. I kept the dialog short because it's in combat... will elaborate (or not) depending on what happens.

OR, if they now wish to parley... that could be another avenue. Depends on what they do.

EDIT: I see nothing wrong with freeze foaming the lot of us. And I'm also making sure, astrally if need be, to be clear of the invisible folks. And anyone with eye cameras should take pictures of this.
Sparky--You still have your action, I'm going to say that you are readied to attack when the assault rifle falters or if he looks like he's going to pull the trigger, you will try the reaction test.

Buddha--You're up.
I'll be delaying to see what unfolds, I will take action if they (Society folk) take any hostile actions.
Stony bunch.

No way am I leaving. biggrin.gif
HMHVV--You're up and then the bad guys...
HMHVV Hunter
Negotiation time.

Defaulting to Charisma.

Charisma Dice: 3

02 04 04

Yeah, it was a long shot, but I can't think of anything else to do when I'm out of LOS and even if I could hit them, it wouldn't scratch them (or at least, they'd hurt me a lot more).
HMHVV--I need a dodge test, one burst is coming your way with 3 successes.

Ecc--I need a dodge test from you, one burst 4 successes. You're up.

Buddha--As per your instructions, 3 karma were used to re-roll the test and maximize the effect.

HMHVV Hunter

Well, if Hand of God worked as you describe it (as though the bursts never happened), I should have 9 combat pool dice. Is that correct? I want to make sure before I roll here.
HMHVV--Sure, I think the cost associated with the HoG rules more than qualifies for kicking back your CP to you...
This is teh suck.

Dagummit. And now this jumpsuit that I borrowed from Mickey is all covered with nasty Ballefour blood. Ick.

I'm in winterwoods camo, just not as funny, since it's really covered in Gonzales blood frown.gif

EDIT: Somebody with a better initiative than 1d6+4 jump on that freaking grenade or chuck it out the window or something!!! PLEASE!!
HMHVV Hunter
Alright, 9 combat pool dice for the dodge test then:

01 02 02 02 04 04 05 05 11
HMHVV--That will drop the successes by one, leaving two floating to scale up damage. You need to soak 12D.
HMHVV Hunter

12D reduced by 4 (Lined Coat), that's 8D

Body Dice: 4

01 02 05 10

McQ: Few questions real quick. That grenade that was launched... it landed inside, or outside the room, because most of us are outside the room still (everyone but Tigger, with Bishop in the doorway). If the grenade is outside with us, that'll change my tactics.
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