Nov 10 2004, 07:38 AM
Nov 10 2004, 07:52 AM
And remember you can only carry upto 5xStr in kgs before you start getting exhaustion penalties...
HMHVV Hunter
Nov 10 2004, 07:59 AM
Is there something we can do about those bullet weights? Carrying clips on you, no matter how many, should not put the same level of strain on a person as carrying a 150 pound block.
Nov 10 2004, 08:30 AM
I've seen enough different arguments on the boards to know that they aren't realistic. cut the weights in half.
Nov 10 2004, 04:31 PM
With redundancies for the gear that Herne also has: 21kg.
(Bows, arrows, swords, camo are the bulk of it)
Herne may have to pitch in and carry some stuff if I can't off load it onto one of you guys. I'm only good up to 15kg.
Nov 10 2004, 04:49 PM
Crowbar (1kg)
Remington 990 (4kg)
Survival Knife (.75kg)
Bola Rounds x100 (5kg)
Flare Rounds x10 (.5kg)
Shock Lock Rounds x20 (.75kg)
Stun Shell Rounds x100 (2.5kg)
Ultrasound Goggles
Camo Jacket (3.5kg)
Form Fitting Body Armor (1.25kg)
Metal Restraints x3 (1.5kg)
Plasteel Restraints x3
Personal Comm Unit
Total: 20.75kg + Comm Unit's weight
I can probably load a bit more, but I don't particularly feel like pushing it.
HMHVV Hunter
Nov 10 2004, 05:18 PM
Total weight: 47.7 kilos or so.
Should only take a Light Stun wound (Strength is 5).
Nov 10 2004, 06:48 PM
If we are being smuggled, why do we need to smuggle the gear seperately? I thought the only reason we were smuggling our gear was because we were planning on moving ourselves legally. Can't our gear come with us now?
Nov 10 2004, 06:55 PM
I want to have the weights and content ready for the pilot if he asks. If we needed to transpo-- if we fly back with Ballefour, we should probably make sure 9 passengers will do --rt stuff that would greatly increase risk to the pilot or our fuel prices, say, I'd rather the government pick up the tab.
Nov 10 2004, 08:19 PM
Ecc--I don't see a reason it couldn't...remember, if you smuggle the gear either on your person or otherwise, many countries won't take kindly to your use of it...
HMHVV Hunter
Nov 10 2004, 08:26 PM
Ok, let me see if I have this straight:
We're hiking a few miles to the smuggler's plane, then flying on that plane to NYC. Am I right, or am I missing something?
Nov 10 2004, 08:36 PM
A few (15 to be exact) miles through the OU, board the plane, try not to get shotdown land in NYC or thereabouts and continue the chase
HMHVV Hunter
Nov 10 2004, 08:42 PM
What's the OU?
Nov 10 2004, 08:45 PM
Ork Underground
HMHVV Hunter
Nov 10 2004, 08:47 PM
Oh ok.
Nov 11 2004, 12:42 AM
OK, total 48.95kg.
AVS, G38, ammo, clothing, backpack, some food, miscellaneous stuff.
Strength 10 = 50kg.
Nov 11 2004, 12:43 AM
Oh, heh, food. Tack on some extra kg, most likely.
So I may have 2kg left, maybe more, depending on the weight of the comm unit.
Nov 11 2004, 01:06 AM
QUOTE (tanka) |
Oh, heh, food. Tack on some extra kg, most likely. |
Makes me wish SOTA 2064 came out before our game... I would have taken Sustenance.
Nov 11 2004, 01:21 AM
Anybody have Nutrition/Fast? That'd be handy.
Nov 11 2004, 07:16 AM
Bumped to the release, everyone post what they are carrying to NYC if you have not already. Let's roll out.
HMHVV Hunter
Nov 11 2004, 06:54 PM
Uh...I didn't loot Edana's apartment. I thought we were getting our gear from our places to haul along; I thought I was in my own house.
Nov 11 2004, 07:03 PM
We've been at my place since the ritual. No change of venue.
A mistake then. We're at my place. We can break to gather gear and meet up before rolling out.
McQ (or anybody else), where's the best place to start our hike?
Nov 11 2004, 07:09 PM
Sparky--Sorry, I was writing the abbreviated version. You have instructions for an address that has the entrance to the OU where a guide will meet you. He'll take you through the OU and let you out at the far end, there you will board the plane and head out.
Nov 11 2004, 07:23 PM
Got it.
I'm going to NYC and I'm bringing...
An Ally Spirit
A Bow
A Combat Vest
Edana's Gear
- Shades (LL, T)
- Ordinary clothing
- Combat Vest
- Air filter
- Weapon focus
Small Equipment Pouch
- PSec
- PComm[6]
- Swiss Army Knife
- Music playback unit
- Music chips (20)
Large Ruck
- Ares Monosword
- Ranger-X bow
- Full camo, winter woods
- Full camo, urban
- Small Ruck
- Ordinary clothing (2)
- Toiletries
Total 14.5kg
Herne's gear
- Shades (LL, T)
- Ordinary clothing
- Combat Vest
- PComm[6]
Large Ruck
- Ares Monosword
- Ranger-X bow
- 48 Ranger-X Arrows
- 12 Barbed
- 12 Explosive
- 12 EX Explosive
- 12 Hammerhead
- Full camo, winter woods
- Full camo, urban
- Small Ruck
- Ordinary clothing (2)
Total 19kg
Ready to head out. Will get a bus to whatever locale we're meeting the guide.
Nov 11 2004, 08:39 PM
Ok... stuff that Bishop is gunna bring... its gunna be more than he can carry, but just because I bring it on the trip doesnt mean its in his pocket at all times.
Pair of Ares Predator III ERASe (Both Silenced, one Concealable Holster (the other is in a cyber holster), plus Ammo (10 clips ExEx, 10 clips Gel, 5 clips APDS, 2 clips Gamma Scopolamine, 2 clips Pepper Punch, 5 rounds AOD Tracking Signal (Rating 6))) ... 26.75 lbs
Franchi SPAS-22 with ArmTech MGL-6 underbarrel (Concealable Holster, Gas Vent 4, Shock Pads, Ammo (2 clips APDS, 2 clips Pepper Punch, 10 clips ExEx, 10 clips Gel), and grenades (20 IPE Concussion, 10 IPE Defensive HE, 10 IPE Offensive HE, 10 Freeze Foam)) ... 24.35 lbs
Form-fitting Full-Body Suit
Armanté "Executive Suite" Tux
Lined Coat
Light Security Armor + Helmet
Forearm Guards
Snake Mesh Socks
10 Freeze Foam Solvent
Signal Locator (AOD - Rating 6) ... 2 lbs
Keypad Sequencer Rating 6 ... 2 lbs
Maglock Passkey Rating 6 ... 2 lbs
5 Plasteel Restraints
Glasscutter Rating 6
Suction Cup ... 1 lb
Autopicker Rating 6 ... 1 lb
30 days Ration Bars ... 3 lbs
Respirator with Pressure Regulator ... 1.5 lbs
Ascent/Descent Kit ... 2 lbs
Grapple Gun ... 2.25 lbs
Stealth Grapple Line (5 100 meter ropes) ... 15 lbs
5 Stealth Line Catalyst Sticks
Medkit Rating 10 ... 10 lbs
5 extra Medkit Supplies
5 BattleTac Receiver Components ... 5 lbs
I've got a headache, I'll add all the weight up later.
Nov 11 2004, 09:03 PM
You kids and your fancy toys. Pah! Why, back in my day...
Wait, I'm not Charlie, heh.
Nov 11 2004, 09:10 PM
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes) |
its gunna be more than he can carry, but just because I bring it on the trip doesnt mean its in his pocket at all times. |
Just remember that it does need to be carried for about fifteen miles...
Nov 11 2004, 09:32 PM
I can't drive the Brumby offroad out to the plane? They are better offroad than onroad.
Nov 11 2004, 09:44 PM
Oh... hey. Good call. But... I'm not sure I want to leave it out in the wilderness or at the hangar or wherever.
McQ? Any provision for parking vehicles where we meet the plane?
Nov 11 2004, 09:55 PM
Even if it means leaving them in the middle on nowhere, thats what high rating security systems are for.
Nov 11 2004, 10:11 PM
We're meeting people in the wilderness with planes. What would keep them from flying the vehicles away.
Nov 11 2004, 11:38 PM
The whole thing about hiking through the OU is the problem...If you want to bring vehicles and leave them out where you are getting picked up, then you need to call the contact, arrange that, and pfigure out how much cargo capacity the vehicles have in comparisaon to what you all want to bring.
Nov 12 2004, 12:05 AM
Edited my IC post.
Nov 14 2004, 02:34 AM
hooray---com is up, internet is up, the world again is a happy place!
McQ-- I'm bringing previously stated gear on page 19 weighing a whopping 14.85kg including my rebreather, plus the following gear:
Kane (complete with leash)
backpack for gear
a few changes of clothes
a couple bottles of water
some food
some doggie food as well
battle tach (from bishop)
++++have three more breathers, cant remember who took them, but incase i have extra someone take them+++++++
Nov 14 2004, 02:42 AM
Tack on a breather!
Nov 14 2004, 05:24 AM
Tiny also currently has one, though the strap is too tight, and you're fairly sure it's supposed to cover both the nose and the mouth not just one of the two...
Nov 14 2004, 09:50 PM
Tiny...use some duct tape to make it fit
Nov 15 2004, 06:36 AM
damb wondered why the cable ties are not working...
Nov 15 2004, 05:34 PM
So team are you rolling out?
Sparky--Were you going to try and get a way to be able to drive out there or was everyone doing the hike?
Bastard/Johnson--Two Words--"Troll Modified..."
Nov 16 2004, 06:37 AM
McQ- Duct tape can modify anything
Nov 16 2004, 07:53 PM
Bastard--how much duct tape would it take to accomodate for the mark-up? I'll let you tape it to Johnson and use duct tape as your medium of covering the Troll Mod, but just count the number of rolls of tape you'd have to use...
Sparky--Remember you guys are hiking through the OU unless you arrange to meet the contact via car. You do not have an address for the meet, only the place to go so you can drop into the underground and meet the guide to take you through.
Nov 16 2004, 09:26 PM
McQ -- I'm still fuzzy on this. I thought the OU was the part of Seattle that is physcially underground (the Seattle Underground is a real subterranean area in the real world, I'm not just being obtuse). Can you clarify where this meeting is and what the current arrangements are. With directions and details and all that.
Not where we'll end up after the hike - the first part where we meet - where it is in the city or in relation to my place. That kind of thing. I'm just vague on the details, understanding that I'm probably supposed to be a little vague.
If we can take the cars I'd like to, but I'm sketchy on where we'd be leaving them, what contact to arrange with and all that. I'm just sorta lost.
Nov 16 2004, 09:31 PM
Sparky--You are going to go to the corner of West 17th and Adams St. From there, a guide will meet you and take you into the underground, probably through a combination of subways, sewers, and subterranean passages. This guide is taking you for fifteen miles through all of that to location unknown where you get to climb out, board an airplane and run the blockade.
The meet with the guide is about 5 miles from your place, so you could take a taxi, drive there, whatever. The notion of driving out to the plane was brought up by
Eccy. For that to happen you have to call the contact that Townsend connected you with, the smuggler, and arrange with him where you would be leaving the vehicles and where to meet him.
Hope that clarifies!
Nov 17 2004, 02:38 AM
What the hell is an air cab?
Nov 17 2004, 03:58 AM
It's what those folks with luxury lifestyles use...private helicopters that come and get you and taxi you from place to place...
Seattle Hoppers is actually an established company that caters to professionals needing secure transit and has been known to do the occasional hot extraction of local Shadow talent for the appropriate fees.
Nov 17 2004, 02:22 PM
OK, guys, anytime you are ready. Grave's ready to move out.
Nov 17 2004, 04:38 PM
Me too
Nov 17 2004, 04:40 PM
Yeah, but what are you ready to do? Hike or drive?
I vote hike.
Nov 17 2004, 06:14 PM
I'll have to cut way down on my gear if we hike, but I'll go with majority.
Nov 18 2004, 02:40 AM
Hike, too conspicuous otherwise.
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