Oct 10 2004, 07:34 PM
McQ: Let me know when a good time to start breakfast is. Don't want to jump the timeline or anything.
Oct 10 2004, 08:25 PM
Tanka: I'll bump it as soon as the scene at the Doc's is over.
Oct 11 2004, 12:01 AM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
Sorry for capitalizing "Doom"...box of doom = Biohazard Box...no one knows what is inside... |
Didn't we open it already? If not, can we open it now?
Oct 11 2004, 04:03 AM
Toturi--No one mentioned opening it, the box was sitting in the fridge next to the blue vials...feel free to open it. Just post IC that you are doing so.
Oct 11 2004, 05:17 AM
Thanks for waving the clue right under our noses. I swear I'll strangle the guy searching the fridge! A "treasure chest" even!
Oct 11 2004, 05:28 AM
Toturi--Not a problem. I give everyone a freebie...you three have used yours.
On a related subject: I was chatting with one of your teammates who raised a question. Because we are not all sitting around a table, as most RPGs are done, it is okay to mention in the OOC post that something looks important to another player. Sometimes I will drop a clue and it will be just a few words in the middle of other flavor text--that clue will make solving the puzzle a lot easier by broadening your view of the picture. That being said, please still act in character--if you wouldn't bother with something, ignore it, but this way players can help catch each other rather than have me stick your nose in it.
HMHVV Hunter
Oct 11 2004, 05:31 AM
QUOTE (toturi @ Oct 11 2004, 01:17 AM) |
I swear I'll strangle the guy searching the fridge! A "treasure chest" even! |
Hey, I made the rolls, and the only case I was aware of was the one I used to carry the vials of whatever-it-is we brought back. I guess I missed it accidentally (OOC). So calm down.
Oct 11 2004, 05:36 AM
It was made in jest. I guess I should have tacked on a
on the end.
Oct 11 2004, 05:43 AM
Hunter--Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, the vials were in a rack next to the case...
HMHVV Hunter
Oct 11 2004, 05:45 AM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
Hunter--Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, the vials were in a rack next to the case... |
Ok, lets clear this up:
These were the contents of the fridge:
-Blue liquid-filled vials
-A case (which we now know contains VITAS vials)
Is that correct?
Oct 11 2004, 05:56 AM
QUOTE (mcquillan) |
Starting at one end of the refrigerators you find bags of fluids that are organized by their contents, side by side with various antibiotics to avoid rejection of cyber and bioware. The next refrigerator has much the same, but the last one is the treasure chest. You find a large box clearly labeled with several bio-hazard markers, beside the box is a rack of test tubes. They all seem filled with a viscous blue fluid. |
Contents are as follows:
Antibiotics of various types.
Bio-Hazard Chest--Known to contain VITAS
Rack of test tubes--being analyzed
HMHVV Hunter
Oct 11 2004, 06:03 AM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
QUOTE (mcquillan) | Starting at one end of the refrigerators you find bags of fluids that are organized by their contents, side by side with various antibiotics to avoid rejection of cyber and bioware. The next refrigerator has much the same, but the last one is the treasure chest. You find a large box clearly labeled with several bio-hazard markers, beside the box is a rack of test tubes. They all seem filled with a viscous blue fluid. |
Contents are as follows: Antibiotics of various types. Bio-Hazard Chest--Known to contain VITAS Rack of test tubes--being analyzed
Hmm...how DID I miss that?
Guess I gotta pay attention.
Oct 11 2004, 03:31 PM
Kremlin--Are you going to JT's tonight, or waiting until the morning? It's currently about 0400.
Oct 11 2004, 03:38 PM
About table talk, I'd have asked Ecc/Bishop to grab the girl's purse or at least get her name, contents of the purse. Etc.
Say, McQ, does this apply even to separate groups? Like if I had thought the box of doom important and wanted to make sure the team as a whole got it, should I mention it or let it slide? OOC.
Ideally we'll gel as a team and be able to pick this sort of stuff up IC.
I'm really enjoying this game McQ and everyone - there when the teams were going back and forth talking over the comms and switching back and forth from scene to scene it was really cinematic. Nice.
This is cool.
Oct 11 2004, 03:40 PM
Sparky--feel free to mention it just as if you were at a tabletop...it'll be up to the people to decide if it is IC to follow through with your suggestion.
Oct 11 2004, 03:55 PM
wait until morn krem...its 4 am
Oct 11 2004, 04:35 PM
McQ -- Cool.
Oct 11 2004, 06:21 PM
Holy Smokes! What happened to Eddie?!
Oct 11 2004, 06:23 PM
Sparky--You said you wanted a few modifications made...I said I would make the changes...
Oct 11 2004, 06:57 PM
Sparky--I made the changes to your character sheet to reflect your Re-SURGEnt body.
Oct 11 2004, 07:21 PM
I know! I just didn't think it would happen so soon! And I didn't expect that I was giving you the opening. Duh - silly me.
I say again - this is cool.
So what are the actual changes? I guess I'll see when I wake up.
Oct 11 2004, 07:37 PM
Abnormal Skin Color-Major, Altered Eyes, Night Blindness
Oct 11 2004, 07:52 PM
So is it all shifty and cloudy like you described or still and blotches of pattern or color?
I guess Herne's gonna be driving from now on...
How does Night Blindness affect astral perception? Does it affect Astral Perception?
I hope I shock people when I touch them. That would be cool. The Midas Touch. But... uh... I said no such thing.
Clinic team -- Hope you guys were careful or you all might just have the VITAS touch. Not that McQuillan would do
HMHVV Hunter
Oct 11 2004, 11:51 PM
Can we assume that we all heard the contents of the call to Gonzales, or should we wait for the player to post and tell us?
I just don't want to assume anything about another's character.
HMHVV Hunter
Oct 12 2004, 02:04 AM
Oct 12 2004, 03:36 AM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Clinic team -- Hope you guys were careful or you all might just have the VITAS touch. Not that McQuillan would do that. |
Me? Never...
Sparky--Yes it is shifty and moving, it will also reflect your emotion--strong emotions will cause it to move rapidly, flashing lightning etc... controlled emotions will cause it to slow down...
Night blindness effects target numbers under low light conditions, and since light condition modifiers are ignored in astral space, I would rule that it does not effect you if you are astrally perceiving...instead you would take the modifier to your actions for astral targeting...
Hunter--That's up to the team to sort out.
Oct 12 2004, 04:05 AM
Hunter I will set up a meet...but I thought some people wanted to get some meets with their contacts first thing in the morning.
My next post though I will call everyone setting up a meet and time. Dont worry since everyone had to diss Bling Blings I will set it up somewhere else. Assholes.
HMHVV Hunter
Oct 12 2004, 04:11 AM
QUOTE (Bastard) |
Hunter I will set up a meet...but I thought some people wanted to get some meets with their contacts first thing in the morning.
My next post though I will call everyone setting up a meet and time. Dont worry since everyone had to diss Bling Blings I will set it up somewhere else. Assholes. |
Ok; I was wondering what had happened.
Oct 12 2004, 04:17 AM
I think I've had everyone's contacts return phonecalls and pages...let me know if I missed someone.
Oct 12 2004, 06:12 AM
Im waiting on my PI Tommy Gun to call me back
Edit---my next post I will assume its about 0900-1000 hours is that alright?
Oct 12 2004, 07:18 AM
Bastard--look at the IC post and act accordingly. Sorry, but 0900 just is going to have to wait.
Oct 12 2004, 07:41 AM
I know...I just wanted to give everyone a chance to reply...plus shamans need rest
Oct 12 2004, 03:30 PM
Ahhh!! Panic! Mass-hysteria! AAAahhhh!!!
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!
AAAAHH, help! WHACK! ...thud.
Oct 12 2004, 04:20 PM
Perception for non-regulars at Joe's: 2, 4, 4, 5
Also; do I notice the mass hysteria yet?
Oct 12 2004, 04:27 PM
Gear taken in the Brumby (
Herne isn't known to pack light):
--Both bows. All arrows. Both swords. All camo. Changes of clothes.
--All of
Edana's carried gear (including her weapon focus).
Herne has a comm number that is passed to the whole team.
Weapons are stowed under floor panels. Duffels go in the back. Sorry
Kane. Or was it
JT? Whoever rode in the back.
Kremlin KOA
Oct 12 2004, 04:56 PM
hey sparks would edana or herne have a problem with Gonzales asking for a lift?
Oct 12 2004, 05:20 PM
Kremlin - Nope.
Bastard - Where does JT live anyway?
EDIT: Edana lives in Old Everett just about the northernmost part of Everett. The better to watch the storms roll in.
Oct 12 2004, 05:25 PM
Tanka--slightly...mainly it's the appalled looks on people in the diner. See IC post.
Kremlin KOA
Oct 12 2004, 06:04 PM
iin that case will post the pickup in the morning my time (about 8 hours from now)
Oct 13 2004, 05:33 AM
JT is trying to buy a couple pro-masks from his surplus dealer...you never know what we might need. I will buy up to eight if he has them. Do I need to make any rolls?
Sorry for the late reply---had to work a double shift
Sparky JT lives in the nicer part of downtown
Oct 13 2004, 12:35 PM
bastard--roll some etiquette.
Oct 13 2004, 04:18 PM
mcQ---here is some etiquette:
at least I get -2 target number for my good rep
and I have Innocence as another edge too
Oct 13 2004, 05:32 PM
Ok, I'm trying to play catch up still, so give me a bit and I'll have something for ya.
Oct 13 2004, 08:35 PM
A Brumby only has seating for 3. FYI. I'm sure some arrangement can be made to accomodate 4 passengers, though it's going to be super cramped today with all the gear.
Just be aware that this won't be comfy riding. Though, Helios, as the last guy in, can cuddle up with the duffel bags.
HMHVV Hunter
Oct 13 2004, 08:40 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
A Brumby only has seating for 3. FYI. I'm sure some arrangement can be made to accomodate 4 passengers, though it's going to be super cramped today with all the gear.
Just be aware that this won't be comfy riding. Though, Helios, as the last guy in, can cuddle up with the duffel bags. |
Helios has a large military rucksack with an SMG and 10 clips in it, just so you know.
But as far as sleeping with the duffel bags, he's probably fine with that. He's too tired to care at this point
Oct 14 2004, 05:21 AM
Bastard--He's got 4 breathers. Straight cost out of the book, no SI or circumstantial markup
Oct 14 2004, 07:05 AM
Tiny is carrying all his goods. All his equipment is preped and ready. some in the duffel bag high concealed items on him personally.
Oct 14 2004, 04:50 PM
Does Sam take credit?
Oct 14 2004, 06:14 PM
He'll slot your cred stick...
Oct 14 2004, 09:56 PM
Bumped everyone to the meet. You are all together, decide what the next move is going to be.
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