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As you wish.
Torturi? Were you gonna call or think about calling Colonel Hodges?
I was planning to decide on calling once we get clear of the place. It will be easier to explain things if we aren't in the middle of a urban battlefield.
Perception: 09 08 04 03 03 03
I was waiting for next initiative to heal Hunter, since I didnt have any more turns, but I guess that is no longer needed.

So is it free for all again, or do we need initiative?

Team what do you want to do?
Scavenge as much as we can from Bellafour's room and limo, then get the heck outta there.
Unless you are going to start shooting at each other, we'll go back to a free form environment. Post what you are doing and we can go from there.

Ecc--Can you narrow down what you are looking for a bit so I know what to focus on for your perception...
sorry...hadnt checked the ic...still thought there was one standing, and the possability of others.

thats what i was thinking, scavange his belongings. We should bring the whole body, at least out of the chateaux. Finding a headless body may give the authorities a quick lead to who the target was.

Study notes. A P-Sec, a computer, notebooks, anything that could have information on the cure.
Johnson--Give me a perception test please.
McQ: Just a note. I shot the the freeze foam under the limo, so windows should still be vunerable.
Ecc--Correct. Sorry frown.gif if the description wasn't clear enough, I'll adjust it.
Preception 10 07 03 02
Audio Preception 11 05 03 02 for behind the garage door.
Who's blind?

16 04 04 02 02 01

Astral Perception:
10 10 07 03 01 01

Herne's Perception:
10 05 03 03 01 01

Herne's Astral Perception:
23 05 04 03 02 01 --- weird roll.
Ghouls are blind for normal things, they are dual natured though so they can see on the astral.
Preception for more security sensors

09 08 05 03
Johnson--There are sensors on the chateau in each corner, along the wall that you all came over and some others blended into the trees up high. All in all it looks like a high rating sensor net designed to catch anything larger than a rabbit, or even smaller if the sensitivity gets turned up.

Sparky--There aren't any cameras in the bedroom suite, only outside. In the hallways and stairwells there are motion sensors, as well as sensors along the windows to register if they are opened.
McQ - okay, then whenever she sees a piece of gear... a motion sensor, window contact, she'll look for a name.

Seriously folks - I'm not sure our best course of action is fleeing the scene. If we get busted we're screwed. If we get busted FLEEING... just hang it up. I don't want to drag Mickey into getting our butts out of this and we don't have any other options.

We're largely legit, apart from our presence in the country and certain questionable armaments (and a certain force 6 ally spirit). We didn't break in. We didn't kill any one and we have at least digital proof of who did the shooting. Certainly the only ballistics/weapons matches that will be found are ours in the bodies of the Society men. None of our rounds killed anyone in anything but self defense.

Ballefour is dead. The job is blown. We need to get in touch with TAK who gave us the job and find out what he wants us to do now (keep our heads down on the lam in Switzerland? stay put? Bring in the pieces of Ballefour?). I'm sure Ballefour has a will that will come into play soon also.

I should have taken an attorney as a contact.

Let's work out in OOC what we want to do, becuase the IC is going to kick our asses if we're arguing in game.
I can call Tak for information. Maybe he or Graves's contacts can settle it with the local authorities. Then again, if Seattle is still suffering a bio attack, we may need to get that information in Bellafours head back there, as quick as possible.
Let's see what info we can get from contacts, assuming they pick up their phones in the next minute. If not, I say stay and deal with the local law and see what we can do. Running is only going to make things worse but I also understand if characters have a compelling reason not to stick around and answer questions. wink.gif
How much time is the team going to let pass by while they are discussing? It sounds like you are on the move at least to the downstairs part of the house.

Johnson--did you want to wait for the team to show up outside, are you going to move into the house to get off camera, or were you breaking into the garage?
I am going to wait for the team out side keeping my back to most of the cameras. For now.
I agree with Buddha...but if some of the team want to jet...with the noggin o' Bellafour.
Bah... I replied to this, must have been lost in the server maintenance.

I was saying that driving to Paris at 70mph would take 3 hours.

Driving to Bern (the location of the US Embassy in Swizterland) at the same speed would take about 1 hour.

All would be conspicuous.

Don't recall what else.
My post was also lost in server maintenance...

Sparky--Roll that Body vegm.gif

05 01

I want to use my karma for a reroll. Let me know if I need to.

Poor Herne if I fail...
My last IC post was sent out yesterday, but I guess that it got lost as well. Bleh. Sorry for posting so late today, work is killing me.
Fully expecting a kung-fu arm wrench from Bishop here. smile.gif


Seriously - THIS is why we need to work out what we want to do as a team HERE. Or events will over take us and we'll have no plan at all.
Nope, he isn't the type to hit back unless its nessisary. It isn't... yet. wink.gif
sparky-do you need some first aid...i suck at it...but i can try
Good lord, no! HMHVV passes through contact with infected blood - Eddie may be a carrier. !!

No first aid for two weeks. And then maybe first aid will be hacking her head off with a machete. wink.gif
thats ok...JT would always put his friends if you need medical attention he will give it
I have some patches I have to check my character sheet to confirm for definate
Aw shucks. You guys are sweet. But it's a recurrence of osteocuspis, rare kind where the spikes can be managed, but recur from time to time. Maybe you have an industrial grade file?

*shudders* I don't really want to think about that more.

I just had a really off the wall idea...

You guys take off and Edana will stay behind to delay/misinform the incoming Sec forces. Thing is... Eddie can't know where you're going.

Knock her out, a pop on the head should do it. Herne can keep us in touch and Edana should be able to keep you informed via him of where the sec forces are or at least her status.

Her line will be that she wanted to stay and you all wanted to go - got too close for comfort so you bopped her over the head and took off.

Edana needs medical attention and could be contaminated... good reasons to leave her behind also.

Whaddya think?
Why do we even need to knock you out? I can just disconnect you from the network and you'll have no idea where we are going.
For when they show up and I'm legitimately unconscious. Edana's NOT an actor. Any reality we can add would be good for her in the believability of all this. She can't carry it off on her own charm.
If it'll get the thread moving again I'll flee with you guys.
I'll knock you out, just want to make sure that's what you want.
I never thought I'd say this, but, yeah. Do it. And then get the hell outta Dodge.
As you wish.

Turning off the elemental aura on my hands.

Assensing (with 1/2 of Aura Reading)
05 05 05 04 04 02 01 01

23 05 05 03 03 01

I'm going to call the shot to bypass armor and going to do stun with my killing hands power.

Centering to reduce penalties
07 07 05 05 05 03 (5 successes/-2 to TN)

Pentjak Silat TN 6 (6 Improved Ability/6 combat pool)
13 10 10 09 09 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 02 01 01 01 (5 successes)

Base is 7S Stun bypassing armor.

Athelitcs to increase run speed
05 05 05 04 02 (4 successes)

Centering for extra successes
11 09 05 05 04 02 (5 successes/9 total)

Base Quickness is 7, now 16 with a x4 run mutliplier.
Bravo, bravo! Nicely played. smile.gif
Alright--So who is running on foot, who's taking a vehicle and who's just standing or laying around for the authorities to show up?
I am foot with Tigger. I am not hanging around waiting to be caught.
I'll be on foot with Tigger as well. IC post to come later today.
Whats wrong with the car? is there a truck? I guess that makes it hard to take Bellafour with us if we are going to travel on foot.
The van we got from the smugglers is totalled.

The limo might be another story.

Looks like everyone has bolted leaving you holding the bag. The body bag. smile.gif
Well shit...I guess Im going with them then...unless someone wants to help me drag this carcass to the limo.
The limo is freeze foamed.
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