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Sorry everyone, didnt see that thread...and then I got blitzed at work. Had to stab a few people.
Stabbing people is always fun.
yeah...unfortunately it was only in the arm
Please keep sigs and OOC comments out of the IC Thread.
Sorry to post in the middle of your conversation McQ and Bastard, wanted to get a post in for today though.
No worries...I try to put a header on each of my posts so people know who I'm talking to...
Kremlin KOA
Bastard, go and rewatch the first few scenes of Troy, then reread my post.
History is active...basically just a cut and paste from the IC commentary you guys put here. If anyone wants to add additional background, just let me know and I will put it in.

Also, the file.
Hey, Herne should get paid too! smile.gif
Kane too!

McQ---Dr McCoy--haha lmfao
Yeah, Kane too!


I think I assumed that Gonzales sent the file to me and after rereading it doesn't look like he did, to me or Tiny. If that's the case assume the search was done after any agreement to join up. Cool?
Roll your computer:Search operations. If defaulting to Intelligence, throw that and let me know.
Oh boy... an earlier incarnation of Edana had Computer: Search Operations...

Defaulting to INT (6):
17 05 05 02 02 01
Bast, give me the meet location so I can meet up with the rest of the group.
I sent you a message...included in the team
Sparky--Do you want the immediately obvious or are you perceiving in detail? If the latter, throw them bones...
Nothing exhaustive, the magic version of scanning the room, you know, sussing out the place. Things she would consider worthy of note - any spirits (other than Herne) to greet or keep an eye on; any patrons/proprietors with unusual auras.
Sparky--Most detail about auras comes from assensing them, otherwise I just tell you the obvious stuff, like astral perception etc. Let me know if you need more detail on something specific.

Team--As most of you have not been in my other forum games, I thought I'd go over a few basics that I left out before.

--Karma--Let's face it, your characters need I hand out one point of karma to each person every Monday. When you hit 10/20 it rolls over to your karma pool, same as usual. I will also award extra karma to individuals who make me laugh, cry, or experience other strong emotions due to their posts or for exceptional RPing. Cash for Karma (and vice versa) is not available without arranging something with me.

--Improvement--Due to the nature of PbP games, I throw the training rules out the window. When you have accumulated enough karma, let me know that you are spending it on improving X skill. I will do my best to keep your sheets updated as a common reference point, so remind me if I forget to adjust your skill ratings.

--Feedback--Let me know how you are feeling, what you like and dislike, I won't mind if you say, "Dude, your game sucks!" as long as you tell me where/how you want me to change something. If you don't say anything, I will presume you are loving the game and don't want anything to change.

Questions, comments? Let me know.
Improvements - I don't know how you like the idea being the training type.
I use the following system when some one wants to imporve a skill or attrib.

Increase pistols from 4 to 5. Role you 4 dice for pistols at a target number of 5 if you get a success you get the skill at 5 once you have spent the karma you have set a side. No successes yields not improvement and you don't lose the Karma.

The person improving the skill would have had to use the skill in order to get the improvement. Its like ahnds on training, learning by your mistakes. Only down time yield training improvements.
I would like to appologise to all the players as I didn't inform you or the GM that I don't spend time on the internet on the weekends. I have advisede McQ to take controll of Tiny on the weekends. Some saturdays I can reply and add posts.

Hope fully I will be able to post in the near future when I get a Telephone line. But that is under discussion with my wife.

Again my appologes, for inconviencing your PBP time.

No worries about the weekend posting, I only asked for M-F. In regards to training, I use it for my tabletop games, but because the pace of PbP is so much slower, I've decided to abandon the concept so that characters can actually have some growth over time.
Can JT or Gonzales brief the rest of the team in? Let's get this show on the road.
They have been waiting for my response.

I finish up in 40 minutes of this post time. I will be back online for those 40 minutes and then tomorrow.
Sorry for taking to long to post guys, I don't get much time online durring the weekends. Heh, at least it made for a cool enterance from me. wink.gif
my next ic post will do that...busy at work right now though
Just and idea if we keep the post from monday to friday.

What does everyone think?
Ok McQ here are my contacts

[ Spoiler ]
Note for everyone:

As I explained to Bastard, if your contacts aren't fleshed out and simply say an archtype, I will flesh them out for you as they contact you or you contact them.
McQ -- It should be noted that Edana's fixer contact was changed to Gonzales' fixer contact Jason. I never explicitly stated that or updated my character sheet (which should also give Edana 942 instead of 42, 900 starting cash).
Gonzales--She gave you the address for Baiour's shop. It looks to be about 3 blocks east of the Body Mall.

Sparky--I'll make the changes.
Kremlin--You realize that Luke Baiour was one of Ballefour's aliases from the file right?

Team--What is everyone else doing? There was talk about a decker contact and a street doc...Does Graves have anyone he wants to call or things he wants to do?
Willpower test to avoid flashbacks: 10 05 04 04 01 01

Ecc--You're fine.
Perception check: 11 11 10 05 04 04 (nice... smokin.gif)

Perceptive edge on top of that.
The SUV is parked behind the church out of view from the street to keep the modifications from being questioned. Lightsare on in one bedroom of the Rectory but the curtains are drawn so you doubt anyone is spying on you. The street is clear.
Stealth: 07 05 03 01
Sparky--Can I get some concrete understanding of what you're telling Herne to do and some rolls for any tests, please?
Was writing that up and got sidetracked. I'm not actually sure what Herne can do, but I want him to look for Spirits, for strong emotional leavings, for wards, spell residue and report back what he finds.

Stealth (Defaulting to QCK): 10 10 04

Honestly, why do I have any skills at all?

Astral Perception: 11 05 05 04 03 01
Is he stealthing around? Was the astral perception yours or his?
I love your posts Sparky, every one so far has given me a chuckle.
McQ -- Yes, he's stealing about... Is there astral stealth? I should have gotten that. Or is that Masking? Hey - good news - my copy of MitS came in today. I'll be significantly less ignorant soon... hopefully. smile.gif

Also - make the checks Edana's as Herne has different physical stats.

Ecc - Thanks. I think we've got a really good mix of folks. It'll be fun to come together as a team.

Herne -
Steath (default to QCK): 09 08 05 05 05 02
Perception (INT): 05 05 04 03 02 01
Sorry for the late reply, McQ. Grave calls up his Fixer and Ex-Military Officer contact. Originally I had envisioned both to be ex-army. The Fixer was ex-Intelligence and the Officer was ex-UCAS NBC Warfare, now working for CDC. But as you posted above, they weren't fleshed out, so run with them. If you do not think, any of the contacts are suitable, then Grave does not call them.

BTW, I think Graves has enough cash for a cell phone. I can't believe I forgot that! biggrin.gif
*kicks school in the teeth*

That's what you get for making me write a paper and study for a test!


After this here post, I'm gonna get Charlie home and place a call to Debian and see what he can turn up.
Sparky--Masking is a metamagic technique taken from initiation (One way of raising your magic attribute to master greater forms of Magic) Astral stealth is a specialization of Stealth...therefore it will Def to Qck or you can use the Stealth skill.

Toturi--I will flesh them out as I need them, you've given me something to run with so we'll build off of that.

Tanka--No worries, what did you want Debian to look for?
Any information regarding whereabouts, what he was specifically doing, things like that.

Granted, we could just RP that, but I wanted you to be cool with that first. If not, no problems.
HMHVV Hunter
I only have a couple things for fleshing my contacts out:

Arms Dealer:

He's the guy through which Helios gets his special ammo (oak-jacketed, iron, and silver rounds)

Street Doc:

Knows how to treat magically-active patients without harming their magical ability.

Other than that, go nuts smile.gif
Mr McQ---I have finished my contacts...they are under the spoiler at the top of page 8
Tanka--feel free to ask for the moon, it just takes awhile since they seem to be on backorder at the moment...All kidding aside, just post IC what you want him to look for and I'll run the tests.
mcq---anything for me before i go offline?
Bastard--Did you need something?
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