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QUOTE (Cedric Rolfsson @ Sep 2 2005, 06:57 AM)

An Erebus, the sliding on the hood while firing is something I would award karma for smile.gif

Hey! Don't start encouraging that kind of jackassery nyahnyah.gif At least wait until after Virgil has found cover before you start pulling out the movie stunts . . . hehehe
argh, sorry for the late notice, I'm out of town this weekend. I'll update sun/mon. Apologies for the late notice, I didn't get a chance to post it before I left! My bad... frown.gif
Into the breech once more, dear friends:

[ Spoiler ]

Erebus is up on 25. Bets going! Bets going now!
Winterat: We'll see you Monday then. . . . consider your absence OK as long you place well in the labor day tournament nyahnyah.gif
That was my free action (3 spoken words) during Erebus's turn.
That is Virgil's free action during Erebus's turn, also three spoken words. Whether or not everyone understands the clock notation, that is what Virgil reflexively utilized.
"My left or your left?"
"No, your other left!" smile.gif
Hence the mass confusion that is an urban battlefield . Dragon and Virgil throughout the best three word phrases of intel that they can muster, and just hope that their commrades can make sense of it all.

We get one free action on everyone's turn, correct? Virgil will be able to take another free action on Dragon's turn?
Yep, however:


A character may NOT take a free action PRIOR to his first Combat Phase in the in the first initiative pass

So, if you want to leave those two posts up, we can either:
-Disregard them until your turn comes up, or
-Delete them until your turn comes up, and just add them in.

Either is good with me. However, going forward in this pass, let's not have any other free actions EDIT: before your pass, let me clear that up. Next pass, holler and scream all you want when you want. You'll need it.
So that would mean that niether Virgil or Dragon should've made the statements that they just did. Should I go ahead and delete my post . . .with apologies?

EDIT: We both posted in the OOC at the same time. Why don't we delete our posts for now so as to avoid confusion, and since the exposure of the mistake is limited for the time.

Let me know if this is OK, and I'll delete mine.
Well, here, either possiblity is good with me. Deleting them is ok, or just having them not recgonized 'till the initiative pass is ok as well.
OK, I am deleting my post right now.
I'll delete as well. My mistake.
My sincerest apologies... the move was extremely busy. But I'm back now...

Initiative = 23 (9 + 3 + 6 + 5)

Tenmou is going to fall back into the bar quickly and grab some hard cover to shield himself from the approaching blast before heading for the back door (assuming one exists).

Tenmou has his Submachinegun this time. He will avoid drawing it in the bar if he can, to avoid causing any more panic than the rocket hit will...
Cedric Rolfsson
Okay, so am I free to post now? Let me know and I'll get that up later today.

Edit: Never mind, posted anyway.


01, 02, 02, 03, 04, 04, 04, 13

Pistols (6) + 1 Enhanced articulation:

First Simple:
01, 02, 03, 03, 04, 04, 05

Second Simple:

03, 03, 03, 03, 03, 04, 11

Well, maybe one round hit. Remember Smartlink II, for TN modifications.
SR13 and WR1: Give me your respective reactions (I need to resolve a tie for initiative). If you want to have the other go first, I'm good with that.

Cedric: Woo, boy, here we go:

- Base TN of 5 (heavy pistol, about 14 meters away at the time you fire)
- (-2) TN for Smartlink
- +4 TN for Attacker Running (smooth ground)
- +2 for Defender's partial cover
- +2 for partial light

Adjusted TN of 11

No hits on the first; second shot's also at 11, due to the pistol's recoil comp. One hit there. Goon2's roll to dodge (TN4, using 3 combat pool):
3, 5, 5.

No hits.

Dragon or Temmou is up next at 23, depending on the result.
Cedric Rolfsson
Well hell, at least he burned up some combat pool die to dodge those shots. Get'em boys!
Reaction is 7, so SR13 is first. You probably want to get out of the way of the incoming rocket. Just a thought. smile.gif
Given Tenmou's injuries, he is looking to shield himself from the rocket blast and return fire.

So paint me a picture of the environment...

Is anyone blocking the door? Am I inside the bar still or has Tenmou stepped outside? Where is the nearest piece of hard cover he can grab to shield himself from the rocket and any incoming fire? How many goons to I have a line of fire to?

If I can visualize the street and the entry to the bar, I can post my actions without being vague. smile.gif
There's a link to a map earlier in this thread, it's a very good one and will answer all your questions. I can't find it for you at this moment, but suffice to say I recommend you scroll back up and check it out.
The outside map is here. As for the inside, it's a standard dive. Cheap wood tables and chairs scattered about, a scuffed bar along a side with a cooks window and door on the far end.
Some booths along the opposite wall from the bar.

Temmou is currently behind Virgil (who's looking out of the door) in a short entry hall. Daed is abreast of Temmou.
QUOTE (bclements)
Seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive (Adobe Acrobat needed, it's a PDF map, and it's kinda rough). As for scale, the missile is coming from about 25 meters away, and you're about 10 meters from the car. Erebus is about 5 meters away from his motorcycle

I think this link should work for the battle map.

SR13, my impression was that the only way to return fire on this round would be to step outside to avoid the rocket. We inside stayers, I think really won't have a LOS to any targets until after the rocket explodes... then we'll probably have a great big hole in the wall to fire through.

GMs please correct me if this is is an incorrect assessment.

Virgil is the only one still in the bar that has a line of sight outside. Erebus did yell out, so you at least know something's up (as well as the materilizing watcher hollering).
ah bc, you are fast : P Me, I was trying to half pay attention in class as I posted...

waste of time, should have just posted sooner : P
I'm half paying attention at work wink.gif
Can I reach the back door quickly? If not, is there an unoccupied table near the back of the bar I can overturn to use as a blast shield?

Perception Test (if needed to quickly spot a table):

5, 4, 4, 4, 2
Well, from your position, its about 10 meters in an L shape (8m forward, 2m to your right) to the door next to the cooks window. You can't tell much from your angle about what's beyond there; looks like a dirty, but otherwise standard kitchen.

You run at Quickness X 3 meters per combat turn, so, guessing your Quickness, you'd probably be in Snohomish by the time the missile hits if you take off now. Assuming there is a back door, that is.

There are several tables scattered around the place. Directly opposite the door on the far wall (and directly across from the cook's door) is an unoccupied table. It looks like the rest of them: cheap plastic and fiberboard. You ain't stopping a heavy bullet with it, but it would give some cover.

Throwing: 10 05 03 01

Strength 6, aerodynamic HE Offensive Grenade.

Also starting to head towards the car. I'll get there on pass 2 and get the shotgun out on pass 2, ready to be used on turn 3, correct?

I can't break down the actions and rolls for you in more detail on this one, because I don't remember this off the top of my head. Let me know if there's anything else you need though.

IC post is up. It covered the movement, action of throwing, and free action to speak, although I used four words instead of three. The transducer allows near instantaneous communication, so even if Dragon can't do transmit on his phase (23), assume he did it on the one immediately after on 22, so unless you really want me to edit it, it should be fine. Let me know if there's any problems or changes you want me to make.
BC: Should I post my actions in the OOC at this time, or would you prefer that I wait until you resolve Dragon's actions and the actions of Goon #2?
Wait to resolve the goons, which will happen this afternoon.
Gotcha. . . eagerly awaiting my turn wink.gif
SR13: When your turns up next in this turn, you'll be able to get to the door that you see out of the back of the place. The cooks not happy, but he won't hassle you.

WR1: Base TN is 5 (medium range), +2 for low light. Adjusted TN is 7. You get one success: scatter pattern is 6, scatter range is 7 meters, reduced to 3 with one success. Bottom line: grenade is behind the car, about 2 meters to the right from where Mage Goon is currently standing.

Re your actions: they're ok, and yes, you'll be able to use the gun on pass 3.

EDIT: I'm bringing my books to work with me from now on smile.gif
Goon2's shot: Base TN 5, -2 for Smartlink, -1 for Aiming, +1 for attackers partial cover, +2 for low light, +2 for target running, +3 for burst, -3 for recoil comp. Adjusted TN: 7

5, 5, 3, 10, 3. So one success, shooting EX Explosive ammo. Erebus needs to roll against 9M damage with ballistic.

Virgil is up on 12.
Virgil is going to run in the direction of the D&Dv3 car with the goal of just clearing the side of the building. He is going to face the mage goon and goon 1 & 2 so bclements, you will have to rule on whether both Dragon and Erebus are in Virgil's LOS for spell defense purposes.

If both can be covered Virgil's free action will be to assign spell defense in the following manner . . .
  • Dragon - 2
  • Erebus - 2
  • Virgil - 2
Leaving some wiggle room not to tap out my dice pools all at once. Virgil will then use his complex action to throw a powerbolt at the mage goon . . . .crossing his fingers since he knows the goon is a stronger magic user than he frown.gif

Powerbolt - Force 6 - Damage S: Socery 6 + 2 dice for totem modifiers
TN: Base of body + 1 for light stun +1 for odd magical affliction
26, 11, 05, 05, 04, 03, 03, 02

Drain: WL 6 + 2 spell pool
TN: 4S
15, 05, 05, 05, 04, 03, 03, 01
Looks like Virgil takes another light stun, which bumps him up to moderate stun overall.
Might want to karma pool one or both of those rolls bandit. Getting the mage goon dead is important, but not getting that extra +1 modifier to all rolls could prove equally important. You should have karma pool to spare, at least for the drain roll. Just a thought.
Temporary Absence Announcement

This evening I will be traveling to St. Louis for the weekend to attend the wedding of one of my girlfriend's relatives. I will be back Sunday in the late afternoon. I will have internet access while there so I should be able to respond to posts.

Thank you.
I may karma pool the roll to attack the mage, but I am going to await the outcome of the roll first . . .I believe that's fair. I think we're also in a good situation seeing as he also has a gernade sitting at his feet wink.gif
Seeing as how I'm next up, Daedalus will do just as planned, flee for cover (perhaps under a sturdy looking table or behind the bar or wherever else looks safe) and jump into Talos. as one simple action.

The next will be to scan the other side of the street (as in the direction away from the goons/mage goon) for the next lurking/floating threat and call out any warnings as necessary.
Bandit: go ahead and write up the IC stuff for Virgil; however, make your magical affliction mod's at +2 for both spell and drain (at TN6, not 4). You'll have two success on the Mage Goon, and be knocked out from the drain by my count (L+S=D). You can re-roll with karma on the drain and/or sorcery test.

EDIT: The spell defence is ok with me

Ronin: Daed is up, so give me some rolls for the drone, if you want an Observe in Detail action. Otherwise, you see nothing but the 3 goons on this side of the street.
Ok. . . first the adjustments and re-rolls. I cannot afford to be knocked out right now, nor do I have any doubt that the mage will have no trouble resisting against two success. I am going to spend two karma pool points to re-roll the sorcery test and the drain.

*NOTE to companions . . . Virgil's usefullness seems to be spiraling downward over time. I doubt that it will be safe for him to hazard much additional magical support until he at least has another magic user take a look at him.

Re-roll #1
Powerbolt - Force 6 - Damage S: Rolled 8 dice with 2 success
TN: Base of body + 1 for light stun +2 for odd magical affliction
14, 07, 07, 02, 02, 01
*I cannot believe the dice roller spit that out

Re-roll #2
Drain - 8 dice rolled with 1 success
TN: 6S
07, 05, 04, 03, 02, 02, 01
EDIT: Glad I brought my book to work. You'll take a Moderate stun from the spell, and be at a Serious stun overall. Proceed IC.

If its any consolation:

Spell Defense roll from Goon Mage (4): 2, 5, 3, 8. Still have 4 success, and staged up to Deadly to deal with.

Body Roll (3): 5, 1, 8, one success

Karma Re-Roll: 2, 5.

The mage is toast. D-E-D dead.
huzzah! one threat down, innumerable to go.. : P

Observe in detail: sensors rating 5 + clearsight program 3

8 dice:

17, 11, 07, 04, 02, 01, 01, 01

okay! that oughta get something... i hope....!
oops, double post.
Here's what you see:

Goons 1 and 2 are armed with HK SMG's; you see Goon 3 (armed the same), and he's sneaking up on the other side of the street toward the corner of the building next to the bar. The target of Virgil's powerbolt looks like swiss cheese. Other than Icarus, there's nothing else in the air in the immediate area, and you notice a long tube-like thing in front of Goon2 that looks like a handheld rocket launcher.

Goons are up now; I'll wait till Bandit and 'Ronin get their IC posts up to go for it. Free actions and movement are available to all now.
EDIT: Double post for me as well. Ronin, you get a mail error when you posted?

Also, it doesn't look like email notifications are going thru at the moment, at least for me.
I just posted IC and I recieved a mail error screen as well. Though upon reloading the forum I saw that my post had gone up.

BC: It is a nice consolation, and at this rate Virgil (and the man RPing him) are thrilled with any postive results recieved on magic tests.

NOTE: Time to get Virgil looked at!
Opps, I forget to post this in my last OOC. Virgil is going to use his next free action (I belive occuring on goon 2's turn?) to drop prone by the building corner he's at.

"Duck and cover!" smile.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
Oops, sorry for the delay in posting my rolls:

Ballistic armor: Armored Jacket and layered Armored Vest w/ plates[9]:

01, 02, 03, 03, 03, 03, 05, 05, 05,

[okay, that sucked! Karma re-roll please.]

karma roll:

01, 01, 03, 04, 04, 05, 07, 10, 10

Much better, at least I got a couple of sucesses.
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