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And I think on 24 Daedalus will tell dragon to advise Erebus to go on my mark. (timing wise is this feasable?)

That's fine with me. We'll cross the rest of the bridge when we get there.
And we are here, apparently. Ronin, it looks like your actions are feasable, although they will take most of this combat turn to do (A simple action to jump in, complex to pilot the drone over to the goons, and another complex to open fire).

Up to you how you want to proceed.
Hrm well re: jumping in
technically Daedalus was never jumped out.. I described him going back into Talos for continuity with the post that described Daedalus in the bar reacting to the rocket impact (and the doorknob through the door). I had never intended him to be jumped out at all, but narratively speaking it flowed better.

As for the movement, actually I am rather curious about this. Under rigger actions it lists "fire a weapon system" and "operate a drone" both as complex actions. Operate as in performing one of the standard vehicle actions (accelerate, break, etc).

is my interpretation here correct in saying that drones can only either move or fire during a given combat pass? in contrast to people who can take their actions and move anywhere up to their movement rating.

I can see how this works for vehicles (hence why we need one a pilot and a copilot) but would this also be the case for rigged drones where the pilot is supposed to be "in" the machine?

if this is the case.. is there any amount a drone can move to still fire in the round? and if not... is Talos able to see any targets from where he is?


Acceleration is 9 and speed is 100 for the Strato 9 drone just for reference
Ask Grendel about the drones. That guy knows everything and then some about riggers.
how? pm?
*throws up large Nuyen sign*
I'll get him in here smile.gif

EDIT: the "jack in" thing is OK with me. The other stuff I'm waiting for an answer from a higher power.


well with a strict interpretation of the rules it seems that piloting a drone is no different from piloting a car... which would mean I'd have to fire from where I am. If this is the result, then... i'm not sure.. but i'll check tonight (gotta for a couple hours...)
QUOTE (Tiredronin)
As for the movement, actually I am rather curious about this. Under rigger actions it lists "fire a weapon system" and "operate a drone" both as complex actions. Operate as in performing one of the standard vehicle actions (accelerate, break, etc).

is my interpretation here correct in saying that drones can only either move or fire during a given combat pass? in contrast to people who can take their actions and move anywhere up to their movement rating.

I can see how this works for vehicles (hence why we need one a pilot and a copilot) but would this also be the case for rigged drones where the pilot is supposed to be "in" the machine?

Drones act on the initiative passes of their associated riggers. Drones controlled by their pilot alone receive one initiave pass, unless they've been upgraded with robotic reflexes, similar to wired reflexes, which allow them to roll more dice for initiative.

Only one action needs to be spent per combat turn in 'controlling' a vehicle. All other actions during the combat turn can be expended as usual. A drone acting under its own pilot does not need to spend an action to make a 'drive' roll, it does it automatically.

Drones and vehicles continue to move at their last stated speed over the duration of the combat turn. Unless they are stopped or idling, they are considered to be constantly in motion.
Ah... thanks for the clarification, I can see why you have your own superhero signal biggrin.gif

Totally doesn't make sense for drones to be able to move just as fast as the rigger can think without some sort of enhanced reflexes... wow... changes my whole understanding of the SR world...

but few more questions...

So if the drone is acting on its own pilot, and thus does not need to spend an action to begin moving,

1 - can it follow an order to move to point X and shoot something at point Y?

2 - does this mean if a rigger is actively piloting, he has to spend an action to move and a seperate action to fire, and thus ends up being able to actaully do less than if the drone was on autopilot?

3 - coincidentially, if the rigger were to give an order on his initiative turn (lets say 23) will the drone be able to act on that same turn? or does it have to act sometime after it is recieved and understood the orders?

I am thinking 1 is true, 2 is false, but then it brings up the question...

4 - how far can the drone (autopilot or rigger controlled) move without requiring an action dedicated toward that movement?
So if the drone is acting on its own pilot, and thus does not need to spend an action to begin moving,

1 - can it follow an order to move to point X and shoot something at point Y?

Yes, but it will suffer all the manual gunnery modifiers

2 - does this mean if a rigger is actively piloting, he has to spend an action to move and a seperate action to fire, and thus ends up being able to actaully do less than if the drone was on autopilot?

Yes, although that's only true for a rigger with a VCR 1. With VCR 2 and 3 your rigger will end up with multiple actions on his turn, only one is required to maintain control of the vehicle.

3 - coincidentially, if the rigger were to give an order on his initiative turn (lets say 23) will the drone be able to act on that same turn? or does it have to act sometime after it is recieved and understood the orders?

Yes, the drone acts after it receives the order. Remember that all technological devices lose intiative ties (drones, agents, IC), so it automatically acts after the rigger does. The execution of that action, though, may not take effect until the next initiative pass.

If the rigger on phase 23 tells his drone to move thirty meters to the west and engage targets in a thirty degree wedge based on north, the drone makes a comprehension test using its pilot rating against a target number based on how complex the order is (basic in this case, or 4). One success is all that's required to execute. The drone then makes a piloting skill roll to accelerate to whatever speed is its default cruising speed (since the rigger didn't specify a speed). Successes count normally. It won't actually reach its destination until the next initiative pass, or possibly even the next turn depending.

If, however, the rigger tells the drone to immediately engage all targets from its 270 to 300 relative bearing, then the drone shifts into manual combat mode and goes to work.

4 - how far can the drone (autopilot or rigger controlled) move without requiring an action dedicated toward that movement?

A drone on autopilot can execute any maneuver that wouldn't not normally require a drive roll and still take other actions. A drone under rigger control requires one complex action to be spent every combat turn to continue to move. If you're out of combat timing, then the rolls come at a frequency determined by the GM.
...and our very own Moses comes down from on high. (I do appreciate the explination smile.gif )

So, if I'm reading this right, if Talos has a decent Pilot rating, Daed should just be able to give the order to move toward and engage Goons 3 and 1, in whatever detail he wants (altitude, speed to get there, arc of fire, etc); its a pretty basic order so the threshold isn't high. The drone (based on its Pilot roll) will then be able to act on it after the order is given. It does, however, suffer from gun mods (movement, ect)

However, if Daed is actively 'driving' the drone, the above 'Complex to move/complex to fire' actions are correct; if he's got a VCR 2 or greater, those can be same initiative pass.

Someone stop me if I'm getting off track here.
ok to keep things simple, lets just pilot the drone to the location this pass, and fire the next pass.

The full movment that I wanted is registered here right? i.e. move off the roof, down to about 5 feet above the car level, then moving away from goon 2 in an arc. So for this pass Daedalus is the "driver"

then on the next pass he'll fire the gun and become the "gunner" (he takes the "gunner" role and can fire when the time is correct right?)

this whole idea of splitting up the 3 second combat turn is pretty confusing. : P but it looks like I am done for this pass.

oh well, guess thats what I get for trying to plan too complexly...
That'll work for me. Write it up IC, and we'll move on to...Dragon, up on 22.

I only posted the first half of the movement, I'll post the rest of the movement (the moving on down the street) with my next action.
That works for me. I'll update the map on the next initiative pass.
Wow. . .that last rules exchange moved along like a well-oiled machine. Great job guys, and thanks a bunch grendel . . .
No worries. Like WinterRat1 said, I run riggers a lot in my own games.
Uh so who's up right now? is it me?
Yep yep, you're up on 22.
Ahem, sorry guys, I got home yesterday all set to post as Dragon…and promptly passed out on the couch until this morning. Between that and not realizing I was up until yesterday (just being a blind moron and not seeing BC’s prompt), this is way later than I’d normally want it to be. My bad, and apologies for holding up the action. frown.gif


Free action: Switch Shotgun mode to BF.

Base Damage: 10S, firing normal ammo, modified to 13D with Burst fire mods.

Simple Action 1 = Shot 1 (Goon A):

Base TN: 5 (medium range)
Low-light: +2 (unless the grenade caused the lighting to change)
Smartlink: -2
No movement mods on either side
No recoil mods (compensated for)
No cover mods on either side
Final TN: 5

Roll: 16 07 05 05 05 04 03 01 = 5 successes, 1 CP used

Simple Action 2 = Shot 2 (Goon B):

Base TN: 5 (medium range)
Low-light: +2 (unless the grenade caused the lighting to change)
Smartlink: -2
Second Target: +2
No movement mods on either side
No recoil mods (compensated for, I have 7 points of recoil comp, easily enough to cover for 2 bursts)
No cover mods on either side
Final TN: 7

Roll: 10 09 08 05 04 01 01 01 = 3 successes, 1 CP used

Ah…good things come to those who wait, apparently. smile.gif

All dodge rolls are at +1 due to burst fire, BC. I’ll get an IC post up as soon as I can.
Damn shotguns smile.gif (Don't worry about it, we all pass out on the couch at one time or another)

Goon3 rolling to soak (Modified TN is 7D (13-6 armor)), using 4 body and 4 combat pool:
4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 5, 9.

Karma to re-roll:
2, 4, 8, 5, 2, 4. He's a goner, man. Damn shotguns

Goon1 Rolling to soak (TN's 7D), 4 body and 4 combat pool:
3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 11

Rerolling with Karma:
5, 3, 3, 1, 5, 1, 4. Blown them all to hell. Damn shotguns.
Ok, Cedric, Erebus is up on his delayed action.
Cedric Rolfsson
Hehehehehe, okay BC question for some John Woo-ish. . .what was the term Bandit used(pages back through the thread, ahh!) jackassery!

Looking out through the alley way entrance straight ahead, is it a street a building a car or what.

If its just open road way what I'm going to do is dive out into the street, roll, and come to my feet spinning dramatically with gun extended(the spin is necessary to get the proper flare from the heavily armored coat for vid-cam purposes).

If there is a narrow enough space and a vehicle across the way I'm just dying to dive on the hood of the car on my back slide across the hood with gun blazing away and back roll off the other side.

If its just a brick wall then I'm pissed and I'll just peek around the corner.

Let me know what the scene looks like and what rolls I'll need to do, note to GM I'm planning on improving my athletics, like learning some, so I do hope this counts as practice.
HAHA smile.gif Someone else used the word "jackassery".

Cedric, as your teammate in this state of affairs I will be waiting with my fingers crossed for Erebus to pull off that move. As your GM I am sure that I can count that gymnastic display (or attempted display) as some form of practice . . .you just work on pulling it off for now nyahnyah.gif
Well, the scene is like your first description: this is like a junction of alleyways. The one your running down continues past the intersection, and is narrower than the one it is crossing. No real obstructions other than a dumpster caddy-cornered to the left of where you'll dive into

Rolls I'll need for the 'OMG is that Jet Black or Jet Li?!?' maneuver:

-Athletics: TN is 6, and you're going to need at least 3 success to string your proposed actions together coherently. Take into account any mods you have to reduce your athletics test (and if any other GM want's to comment on this, feel free)
-Pistols: TN is going to be 4+4 (movement, spinning)+2 (low light)- 2 (Smartlink) - any other mods you have.
-Karma rerolls: 'cause you're going to need it to pull off this stunt.

I'd just like to let you know that we're all counting on you, and I hope Daed can move the copter back and video this biggrin.gif
I just want you to know if you fail and end up flat on your face, somewhere in this world, I will be laughing at you. wink.gif

Bandit- Do you really have to encourage this?
Cedric Rolfsson
Am I rolling Quickness default? What does that do to the target number.

I want everyone to understand I don't normally engage in jackassery while playing but felt that Shadow deserved his tribute and Dragon blew up the car I was planning on jumping on/sliding over/flipping off of. smile.gif

P.S. Bandit, I have now used the word "jackassery" in a sentence and made it viable in context. Try that on for size. biggrin.gif
Defaulting will add 4 to the TN, and you won't be able to use karma to re-roll since you're defaulting to an attribute. Final TN will be 10, minus any mods/Daredevil edge you have, and you'll need 3 successes.

That being said, if you're dead set on doing a Jonny Knoxville impersonation, it is possible. And the TN can adjust if you decide to change manevuers.
You know, I'm gonna be really pissed if I have to do all the work around here and kill this guy too after he wacks you for attempting to one-up Johnny Knoxville's jackassery level.
I did note that I was keeping and eye on the goon so Daedalus should be privy to the action biggrin.gif

Cedric Rolfsson
10, crap! Even with 10 dice plus a combat pool of 9 I doubt I'll get 3 10s on one roll.

Okay, bag the jackassery, I'll just step around the corner and shoot the fucker.

BC, I appreciate the help on figuring out the appropriate jackassery rolls, and trust me, I'll find a way of increasing my Woo-ism level eventually.
You wouldn't be able to use combat pool either (no pools when defaulting to an attribute).

Write up your actions and give me some rolls. Are you going to be running around the corner and popping him?
Cedric Rolfsson
Stepping around the corner, fully into the alley way but keeping the left shoulder forward and the gun at his right hip so anyone can't grab it.

Pistols: 6 +1 enhanced articulation

01, 01, 01, 02, 04, 05, 10

01, 01, 02, 02, 04, 10, 09
TN Breakdown:

Base 4 + 2 (Low-Light) + 2 (Attacker Walking; uneven ground with lots of litter) - 2 (Smartlink)= TN of 5 (+1 on the Second shot for recoil)

One success on the first, Two on the second shot.

Shooting 7M Stun from the gels (reduce power number by 2 for gels, adjusted to 4M with 3 Impact armor):

Body roll for the first shot: 8, 4, 1, 11; Goon2 takes a Light stun (2 boxes)

Body roll for the second shot (4 +2 Combat Pool): 4, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4; Takes another Light stun (Now at 4 boxes total, for Moderate stun penalties).

Goon2 is up now. Rolling Unarmed Combat (5) + Combat Pool (2) vs (TN is 4+2 stun mods)=6: 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5. And the guy completely wiffs on the kick.

EDIT: Edited for Gel rounds and recoil.
Bandit: Virgil is up on 3, due to some recent shotgun blasts smile.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
What is the target number for a called shot in Unarmed Combat to plant one of my combat boots squarely in this yahoo's jewels? We need someone from the opposition team who isn't is scattered in small bloody pieces across the landscape for questioning.

Uh-hum,(Erebus taps Dragon and Virgil on the respective shoulders) watch carefully the process involved in "capturing" a person. Please note the lack of shotguns, grenades, or brain-melting spells. I'm willing to bet my guy will be much easier to interrogate than the ones you've been "capturing". smile.gif
I'd guess the normal Called Shot modifiers would apply. Book's at home, I'll give you an answer in about 45 minutes or so.
Cedric: You have highlighted one of the numerous reasons why the next spell that Virgil learns will be "stunbolt". Though an enemy mage would probably not be the safest of hostages . . . so I don't feel so bad about wasting him.

Here's to hoping that Erebus can take this guy alive.
Whoa whoa whoa. At what point did we say we were trying to capture these guys? I thought the plan was 'waste them as quickly and efficiently as possible before they do it unto us'. Someone should've told me that we were trying to capture them. biggrin.gif

And besides, they shot a missile at us. That's the third one in the last TWO DAYS. Not even the last week, the last TWO DAYS. My 'tolerance for less than lethal methods' meter is pretty freaking low right now.
For a melee Called Shot, you'd add +4 to the target number. You'll need one more success than the defender to pull it off, and both of you have low light mods. Your final TN would be 9, his 7 (4+2 stun mods + 1 low light that's applied by half for melee). If you both don't hit it, then you both miss each other.

On the plus side, you'll be doing STR Serious damage if you connect (one mean Rochambeau), knocking him out. On the minus side, he could hit you.
Cedric Rolfsson
QUOTE (WinterRat1)
Oh, and if we could take one of them alive, that'd probably be really helpful too. But if we can't, I'm not exactly picky about it.

WinterRat1, I believe this is what lead me to believe we are attempting to capture. smile.gif
Hmm...that's a really good one Cedric. Aheh...guess I got a little bloodthirsty there, didn't I? I guess having a shotgun in your hands will do that to you...good job Cedric! biggrin.gif
Having 3 missiles shot at you in two days will do a number on one's temper biggrin.gif
Yeah they made me pretty not picky in a hurry. smile.gif
Wow. Just ... wow spin.gif

Oh, just fyi: Juliette's (not yet ex-)car is one of these old, solid, beat-up models that isn't even worth parts on re-sale, is too old to have a transponder, and it doesn't have a car alarm. Why bother? A car alarm, in this case, would only signal that there's something here worth stealing.

Since it "only" got hit by some plywood, add that to all the other anonymous dents -- although granted, this one is a bit deeper and possibly more damaging than most, and odds are good it shattered whichever window it encountered. (All cars are automatically made with safety glass, so it wouldn't even have shattered out, just spidered right in its place.)

So at least this is one car you won't have to actually replace -- at least not yet.
Cedric Rolfsson
Are we waiting for me? If so I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was up yet. If its my turn:

Erebus will engage in a primative form of sign language; based primarily upon broad gestures with the hands and feet, he will attempt to communicate to the Goon how surprised and hurt he was by the unprovoked missile attack recently made against his person, and Erebus' desire to continue the conversation in a more private setting to determine the underlying causes for Mr. Goon's recent expression of his pent up hostilities.

Called shot kick-to-groin: Unarmed Combat + Enhanced Articulation: 6 dice + 6 combat pool dice = 12

01, 01, 02, 02, 03, 04, 04, 05, 05, 09, 10, 13

Hopefully Erebus's attempts at sign language communications, Rochambeau dialect, were successful. biggrin.gif
...then allow me to retort (actually, just waiting on bandit right now).

Goon2's UC score: 7,7,1,9,4

A tie, but you (and the Rochambeau) win. Give me your Strength attribute so that this guy can roll to soak a Serious stun.
Uh, I hate to say this (I always seem to end up screwing my teammates) but ties in melee go to the defender, not the attacker, in which case Goon 2 would win.
Per the BBB on P. 122 under Resolving Melee Combat says, under the compare success step, that "A tie goes in favor of the attacker". I'm reading that to be a tie in the number of successes on the test.
Cedric Rolfsson
(smacks WinterRat1 in the back of the head) Oh sure, you're not the one about to get his ass kicked.

Okay, in case of a tie what happens? We just continue on to the next round right? I don't get beat down into a bloody whimpering pile of broken flesh right? All this is dependent upon Bandit not being there this round to HELP ME!!

WinterRat1, the rules is the rules, no hard feelings and if I can't win straight up then so be it. (I'll cheat better next time!)

Edit: Strength 6 (Erebus flexes his bulging vat grown muscles.)
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