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Aight guys, you heard the GM, let's keep it moving.

*shoos the three towards their computers* smile.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
Right, okay, I may be violently sick. I was kind of hoping that Doc could provide a vial of truth serum or a mind probe spell so I don't have to hand this to Dragon. I'm not real sure I want to watch Dragon at work with this thing.
Don't worry. If you have to use that thing, I'm not going any further than PG-13; I'd still like to view this site from work as well wink.gif

For Cedric only:
[ Spoiler ]
Looks like most everyone is caught up. Bandit, Ronin: y'all are pretty free to go along with whatever you want to do (join up with our budding de Sade, sleep, what have you).

WR1, Cedric, SR13: that guy's not going to wake up for a bit. Feel free to use the time however you wish; I'll post to wake him up.
Carried over from the SR4 OOC thread:

I've got no problem with y'all planning stuff OOC. I'll interrupt when the goon wakes up, or the guys get back with the battery.

I can also move time forward if you all want as well. Either way is fine with me.
Replied. SR13 and Cedric, feel free to reply.
SR13: I think its up to you at the moment.
Sorry for my slow post rate... work is insane right now and I don't get much down time.

Oh, no problem. Just didn't know if you knew smile.gif
Cedric- I will reply to your post ASAP. I was going to do a short, quick reply, but I think given how much Erebus just laid on the table, a brief reply would not be appropriate from Dragon.

I wanted to be able to devote more time to Dragon's response than I have available tonight, so I'm going to have to push it back. Just letting you know I saw this and will get to it as soon as I can.
Cedric Rolfsson
Understand, we're kinda of going slow right now so I thought I'd take a second and recap. I think its appropriate to establish some kind of chain of command within the team so we're not stepping on each other's toes and being too deferential when trying to decide a course of action. I just wanted to get that discussion started. When you get to it is fine.
GM's of the characters in this run (mainly Bandit and grendel IIRC): let me know when the PC's are officially converted over to SR4. I don't think that's happened for everyone yet, but please let me know.
Cedric Rolfsson
Hey guys its been awhile and I'm kind of curious as to what's happening. I know WinterRat1 is swamped with tax time and all, but I wanted to make sure we are still moving on this thread.

I haven't heard from Bandit in forever, if anyone's heard from him could you have him PM me or give me an idea what's going on?
Mainly waiting at this point; stuff should hit the fan later on this week.
Sorry guys, responsibility is on me for this one. After today I'll finally be free to fully concentrate on all the important things in life, like Dumpshock. smile.gif

For the next week or so, getting caught up with posting, recruitment stuff, and character conversions will have my full, undivided attention. My apologies again for my sporadic contributions, and I will try my best to get everything rolling and back on track ASAP. Thanks again for your patience!

Cedric - Bandit has been busy handling some of the recruitment stuff for me, and he's had some significant personal stuff going on lately. I'll tell him to drop you a line ASAP. Thanks for letting me know.
Exciting Announcement. . . at least to me smile.gif

This past week was a special one for me. I proposed to my girlfriend of 1.5 years, and she accepted. I am officialy engaged! I just thought I'd share with everyone.

Cedric: First, see the general OOC for part one of your massive karma award. Second, I forgot that you had given me an updated copy of your conversion. I see from my notes that I never finished doing a complete review, so I will get that to you ASAP.

Winterrat: So should we be submitting our conversions to Grendel now, since Sedna is MIA? Mine has been done since January (well, at the stage of Sedna's review), should I just submit that copy to Grendel?
Congrats Bandit! And don't worry...married life isn't as bad as some would have you believe... smile.gif

Congrats Bandit!
Cedric - That was at least part (although probably a big part) of the personal stuff I mentioned. I knew he was getting close to getting engaged, so it probably occupied a lot of his attention, but I didn't want to let anyone know and steal his thunder. Now he's out of excuses though, so I'll make sure he doesn't slack off anymore. smile.gif

Bandit - Yes, everything should be submitted to Grendel now. Send him a copy of your updates if you haven't already.
Cedric Rolfsson

No worries Bandit, I was just hoping you hadn't dropped off the nets entirely. Married life is great, its the kids that suck up all your time.

FYI: From a man whose been engaged twice (both times to the same woman) I hope you popped the question in a romantic fashion and didn't make her buy her own engagement ring. (Which advise probably explains why I got dumped and had to do it over.) smile.gif
QUOTE (Cedric Rolfsson)
didn't make her buy her own engagement ring. (Which advise probably explains why I got dumped and had to do it over.) smile.gif

I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter biggrin.gif
Wait, I want to know how you even got her to buy her own engagement ring the first time! I'm amazed she didn't dump you just for suggesting that! eek.gif
Hehehe. . . that is a great story Cedric, though I see things worked out for the best since you have a wonderful family now. I will look forward to hearing all sorts of fun marriage stories as I get close to "tying the knot".

Yes I bought her the ring. . . and I think I was romantic about the proposal. . . at least romantic for me. She is a very paitent women smile.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
Well, the problem is the first time I proposed was in her dorm room while watching movies, eathing nachos, and drinking. It seemed like a good idea at the time. She had a ring she wanted already picked out so I told her to go get it and send me the bill. She got it, I paid for it, she dumped me, I took the ring back for cash and bought a Taurus PT908 9mm handgun. (I'm not kidding, I still have the pistol.) smile.gif

We were friends before we got romantic and she left me because she had a crush on some other guy, who turned out to be an ass. We stayed in touch, I held her hand through the break up and we got back together. We dated for about 7 more years until I finished college and law school.

The next time I proposed was at dawn as the sun came up over the rim of Mt. Haleakala[sic] in Maui. I didn't make her get her own ring that time. We've been married for 5 years now and have two kids, 4 and 2. A girl named Tedra and a boy named Thane.
Well, the problem is the first time I proposed was in her dorm room while watching movies, eathing nachos, and drinking. It seemed like a good idea at the time. She had a ring she wanted already picked out so I told her to go get it and send me the bill. She got it, I paid for it, she dumped me, I took the ring back for cash and bought a Taurus PT908 9mm handgun. (I'm not kidding, I still have the pistol.)

You, sir, need to write that newsletter, 'cause I've got money burning a hole in my pocket rotfl.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
Okay guys been awhile, just a polite reminder from your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.
AT LAST!!! I am finally caught up with all the admin stuff that needed to be done immediately, and caught up with posting as well.

Everyone, I will be back up to my regular posting speed now, so let's get things rolling again!

Slip/Scrap - You're both free to post, let me know if you need anything.

ASVW - I'm good to go, Cedric I think it's on you, unless BC has something to interrupt us.

Eyes - How are you doing in RL, is the next post on you or me? I thought you were checking that, but I haven't heard from you, so I'll go take a look as well.

I'm looking forward to playing regularly again at last, and it's good to be back everyone! smile.gif
Cedric - Sorry for the delay, thanks so much for your patience.

I had to consult with Bandit and Virgil so I could write all that without wasting even more RL time posting the conversation back and forth between the three of us.

And even with that done, as you might guess, it took me a long time to write that post. smile.gif
WR1, go ahead and post. This guy's not going to say anything until spoken to at this point.
Cedric Rolfsson
Figured that instead of dragging it out I'd simply agree now and quible later. I'm interested to know who is in charge here. When we're in combat whose commands do we follow?
I'll tell you when you're in combat, mister! wink.gif

Just treat it like a normal scene for the moment, just don't jump forward much until I give a response. Judging from the jumper cables and tape, I don't think that this guy's going anywhere for the moment.
ASVW PLAYERS ONLY! GMs related to the game STAY OUT! BC - THIS MEANS YOU!!! wink.gif

[ Spoiler ]

Cedric - Are you asking me that OOC?
WR1: give me an approporate Intimidation roll (SR3 or 4, don't know which one you're approved for yet).
BC - Use SR 3 because I haven't finished translating my skills to SR 4. I need to do that in conjunction with looking at the SR 4 training rules because Dragon had trained up some of his skills. Now that I'm caught up on new applicants and posts, examining the SR 4 training rules and updating Dragon is next on my list of things to do. smile.gif

Intimidation (SR 3 rules): 05 05 03
BC - Do we see any tattoos on this guy anywhere?

If you need another Intimidation roll, here it is: 04 04 01
Tats: oh yeah, this guy's got 'em. Nice fishscales in pretty patterns up to his wrists, and you can tell that he's got some just below his collar. None on his face.

If you've got torture, I'll take it. If not, you still want to use intimidation?

EDIT: Toss in whatever relevent knowledge skills as well as complementary rolls if you want.
Believe it or not, Dragon does not have torture. Torturing people isn't part of his usual M.O. But considering what his last few days have been like and how this guy introduced himself by firing a rocket launcher into a bar filled with mostly innocent (ok, probably only a few were actually innocent, but that's not the point) civilians, he's not feeling particularly merciful. Plus this guy brought it on himself repeatedly, so he earned it. The point of that rambling tangent is I have to stick with Intimidation.

The only complementary skill he has that might qualify is 'Information Gathering', which was originally in reference to stuff like observation and tactical battlefield analysis type stuff. Didn't have a better name for it, and I saw it on an NPC/archetype/contact somewhere in one of the books. Anyway, here's the roll.

Information Gathering: 09 05 05 04 02

Also BC, don't forget the guy is butt naked right now, so we should be able to see the full extent of his tattoos.
Hehehehe. . .nope, Dragon does not possess a torture skill in name, he is just that disturbed.

Sorry winterrat, I couldn't refuse such a good opening nyahnyah.gif
Apologies, its been awhile: he's got a fishscale pattern that runs from his wrists, up his arms, and up and down his back. It's only partially colored in, quite a few areas just have the outline of scales. It stops at where the coller of his shirt would be. He's also got some kanji running down one leg.
No problems BC, I understand the need to shake off the rust!

And in his defense, Dragon DID spend several years in Aztlan. He's positively offering this guy milk and cookies compared to some of the stuff the Azzies like to do.

Let me know if you need anything else BC, otherwise I'll be waiting on you.
Intimidation roll: 05 02 02

Tell me I'm piling up modifiers for all this torture, or this could take a long time. frown.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
BC, can I burn a karma point for a success on Dragon's torture rolls? I'd like to get the information from Pinke Nine-fingers here before the turn of the century. smile.gif
Tell ya what, give me a Torture roll (you can default to Intimidation or Charsma, whichever you have). You can karma reroll that one.

EDIT: Oh yeah, you are having some effect. This guy does have some mods on his side, though.
wow. this is an experience that im sure we all never wanted to see.

bc, just how effective is that gag? i.e. how much can we hear outside that room and outside of the building?
BC - I assume you were referring to Cedric with your last post, correct?
WR1: Yes, that was directed to Cedric, sorry 'bout that. The edit was directed to you. When I get the rolls from him, I'll post the goons reaction.

Ronin: Outside of the room, you'd probably hear that something was going on for probably a 10 to 15 foot radius. The sound doesn't get out of the building. It's not very loud, yet.

And this is hurting me more than it's hurting you wink.gif
Actually, it's hurting him more than it's hurting us. nyahnyah.gif
Hey it's been a week since your last post Cedric, and I just wanted to remind you that we're waiting on your roll and/or post.
Cedric Rolfsson
whoops, sorry guys.

I have no torture skills at all. That would default me to one of the mental atts which are all the same for me.

01, 02, 04, 09, 11

If you want to Karma reroll, I'll take it now wink.gif
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