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I didn't see a cape on his gear list grinbig.gif
BC- Going with the plan and getting the shotgun out of the car while yelling a warning to Erebus. 2 simple actions spent there.

No worries guys, only Goon 2 has an action left, and Erebus should have plenty of CP left to handle him.

Then Dragon will have the shotgun, and he, Tenmou, and Erebus should all go before the remaining opposition and destroy them. Actually, Dragon still has one action left this round, so he'll take care of the before the missile even hits and the round ends.

if the grenade is going to explode, shouldn't the rocket already have exploded?

missiles, rockets and grenades all go off at either the players action (like throw grenade/launch rocket at 37, it goes off at 27) or do they all go off at 1, OR do they have seperate rules?

OR.. i could just read the book myself.. : P but can't... supposed to be studying : P
Grenades go off the next pass of the player who shot/threw them. Rockets/Missiles go off at 1 of the Turn they are fired on.
WR is calling it right on the grenade and rocket.

EDIT: Virgil is up, then Erebus, Temmou, and Dragon again, then we re-roll.

Should we all just go at once, or do you want us to wait and go in order?
Y'all can all go at once, if you want to. Either way is fine with me, since no goon has an action at this point.

Taking a shot (SA) with the Franchi at each of the goons I can see.

Base Damage: 10S, firing normal ammo

Shot 1 (Goon A):

Base TN: 5 (medium range)
Low-light: +2 (unless the grenade caused the lighting to change)
Smartlink: -2
Attacker Running: +4
No recoil mods (compensated for)
No cover mods on either side
Final TN: 9

Roll: 14 05 05 05 05 04 01 01 01 = 1 success, 2 CP used

Shot 2 (Goon B):

Base TN: 5 (medium range)
Low-light: +2 (unless the grenade caused the lighting to change)
Smartlink: -2
Second Target: +2
Attacker Running: +4
No recoil mods (compensated for)
No cover mods on either side
Final TN: 11

Roll: 05 05 05 05 04 03 02 02 01 = 0 successes, 2 CP used

Let me know if my TN calculations were correct or not. If there are other modifiers I missed you want to change/add/subtract, that obviously changes my successes, and I may or may not use karma pool as appropriate.

Question: How far is Dragon from the (anticipated) point of impact of the missile? He may continue to walk towards the left side of the map (his right, from where he’d be facing to shoot the goons) while firing if he thinks he’s still in the blast radius.

EDIT: Dragon is running and will position himself next to the building with the red roof on the map, by the corner, giving him a little cover (trying for approximately a level of +2, or 25%) from the goons, as well as anything unfriendly further to the left side of the map.
For Dragon, the lighting hasn't changed. Dragon is 10 meters to the north of the impact point, so it's up to you if you want to move

The TN's look good to me, unless you're walking (can't tell from your post if you still are). If you are, add a +1 to your TN's.
Question: How far is Dragon from the (anticipated) point of impact of the missile? He may continue to walk towards the left side of the map (his right, from where he’d be facing to shoot the goons) while firing if he thinks he’s still in the blast radius.

Whether he's walking or not depends on the answer to that question. Obviously I don't expect a yes/no answer, just if he thinks (from his experience) he's reasonably outside the blast radius by now or not.

Or you could tell me approximately how many meters away he is at the time he gets the shotgun, since that'd also help determine if he moves or not.
Hmm...I'll answer the second question: as I can tell, Dragon is still about 10 meters away from the blast (parallel to the D&DV3-mobile), but by moving to get a shot on the goons, he's lost cover from the side wall. 10 meters away from a rocket blast, while still too close for me probably isn't for someone that can shrug off SMG rounds at will.
BC- Would it be possible to edit and say that Dragon is running to the far side of the street then? I didn't realize he had cover from the wall and wouldn't have been able to to get a shot at the goons if stationary. If he needed to move out to get a shot at them, he may as well be running. It doesn't change the number of successes (since even at +4 or +6 for difficult ground the TN would be 9 or 11), just his positioning. That would place him close to the building with the red roof on the map, across the street from the car. Let me know if that's all right and I'll edit the OOC and IC posts to match.

(I say running instead of walking to get the position for next Turn. I suppose if he's already 10 meters away, even if he walks he'd be out of the blast radius so as long as he's moving; therefore my interpretation is that the missile blast radius will become a non-factor at that point. Correct me if I'm mistaken somewhere in this post please.)
If you run, yep, the blast radius is a non-factor. Walking is a bit more iffy, but probably would put enough distance to negate the blast. Positioning is up to you, of course.

Edit your post as you see fit; the TN for running would be a +4; the streets out here aren't that bad.
Edited OOC and IC posts to reflect Dragon running BC.
Goon1 is rolling to dodge the shot (TN 4, using 3 combat pool): 5, 11, 3.

Goon1 dodges! Goon3 needs food! smile.gif

Bandit, Cedric and SR13: Feel free to post your characters' actions.
Cedric Rolfsson
BC, Erebus' is looking to capture a prisoner, he's hoping to run right up on the bad guy and club him into unconsciousness.

He should be able to holster the Guardian and then draw the Predator this round. If he comes up on the Goon let me know and I'll roll a quickdraw on the Predator.

You've only got about 7 meters of running left in this combat turn, so you'll either make it to the corner of the building on the North side, or less than a third of the way down the side of the building on the South side.

EDIT: Looks like, from a reread of your IC post that you're moving North. It's pretty dark out in this part, especially transitioning from the grenade blast. Give me a perception roll to see down the alley.
how exciting biggrin.gif wonder how it all is gonna play out...

stinkin non enhanced iniatiative : (

go get em!
Can I make it to the street this round? If so, how close is the nearest goon and do I have a clear shot?
Waves hand at SR13 You don't want to make it to the street this round.

Really: you'd only be about 5 meters from the rocket impact, and your running distance would run out about 3 meters into the street. It's up to you, though.
Cedric Rolfsson
BC, perception check(I've got low light and thermo enhancements too)

02, 03, 03, 04, 09

Sadly enough one of my better perception rolls.

I'm going to re-check the map, Erebus is basically running away from the street down the alley towards the back of the building that he just ran too. I'm going to try and meet Goon 2 ( who is hopefully alone) coming around the building.
Well, you've got low light and thermo; that helps. I'll write up IC what you see and where you'll be at at at the end of your movement.
Ah... all right then. Thanks for the heads up, BC.

Perhaps I'll just keep my head down for a bit then... smile.gif
Just need Virgil's action, then we all go boom from the tacnuke on the rocket. Think I failed to mention that.

Just kidding about the tacnuke.
Sorry about the lag guys. I have been preparing for a big exam taking place this afternoon, while writing the exam that I will be giving to the class that I teach.

Virgil's use is very limited at this point, and he knows it wink.gif He is going to call Lazarius and Danagrath to him and send them to scout the DMZ (hehehe. . . I mean the street) for any other magical threats. Then he is just going to hunker down behind the wall and hope for the best.

Watcher's perception (IN 3):
05, 03, 02

*I believe they get a -2 TN for searching together. I'd have to reference MiTS to be sure if the modifer is a -1 or -2. Can anyone do this quicker?
I think it is a -2 for searching together. I'll write up a response for them.

Good luck on the exam!
As I take a quick study and coffee break . . . smile.gif

Thanks BC, I'll be watching for the good luck vibes tonight.
Whoo-hoo, the first exam of my grad student career is over!

Note: Dragon may be driving the car, but Juliette loaned it to us eek.gif
It looks as if our bill of favors and compensation just keeps on getting longer.
No runner was harmed in the making of this explosion. And I was so hoping to even up the odds...

Everyone: Roll 'dem bones for initiative.

Baby needs new shoes...

guess those bar types didn't hear Daedalus' warning : (

mwa haha... time to see if I can begin to do something!


23... well its something

Bandit: congrats on finishing! one down... ...

Thanks ronin. After adjusting for wound penalties Virgil'ls iniative is an amazing (drum roll please) . . .


Someone come tap him on the shoulder when it's all over smile.gif
Tenmou's initiative:

9 + 6 + 5 + 4 (Sweet!)

Cedric Rolfsson
Erebus: 28

9 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 28 (snarls unhappily about not reaching 30)
Damn. . . 30 would have been a full 10x greater than Virgil in his current state. I can't even visualize what it would look like to see someone reacting to a situation 10x faster than I was. Sometimes imagining the SR would just blows my mind.
Cedric Rolfsson
Ya, Bandit, what always gets me is trying to visualize what this kind of speed would look like to an ordinary person. Erebus, has a synaptic accelerator and boosted reflexes combined, think of the people with synaptic accelerators and move-by-wire systems. Wild huh?
Dragon's Initiative: 22

All right dang it, is there some all purpose car insurance, with a category of 'random explosions/missile fire' available? Cause I'm getting REALLY sick of watching everything we drive get blown up. Heck, it makes me glad we don't have Daedalus's van yet. wink.gif

Actually Bandit, it would really be more like 3X, because remember, each 10 initiative points only counts as 1 turn, so he'd be getting 3 turns to your one, not 10 turns to your one.
Ok, here's the lineup, for those interested:
[ Spoiler ]

Erebus is up on an almost ungodly 28, at the corner of the building that he's up against. I'll update the map and repost the link in the morning.

And really, you could have saved money on your car insurance... grinbig.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
BC do you want me to go or am I waiting for the updated map? Let me know. Basically Erebus is going to tear ass around the building to get behind the area where they ambushed the team from. He's got his Predator with 4 gel rounds and is going to be trying for a prisoner for Dragon to play with so unless Goon 2 is still hanging around you can just post the next action for Erebus. (who is praying that Goon 2 didn't run to meet up with his buddies in the van, you know, the ones with the minigun.)
Shush Cedric . . . BC is creative enough already, we don't need to be giving him any ideas nyahnyah.gif
Sorry for the lack of an updated map (switched laptops this weekend, still getting Visio and Acrobat installed on there). Erebus, you can go, starting at the corner of the building. Its an 18x20 building, though, so you'll get there 2/3 of the way through this combat turn, unless you do a Complex Action (Quickness, use a skill) to get to the back of it. Every success you roll (TN 4) increases your Quickness by 1. You'll need at least 2 successes to get there by your second initiative pass, and 7 to get there at the end of your first.

And, since no one sees fit to use their drones to help you... (free actions, by canon, are allowed by all this combat turn at any time)

Map will be up by morning, at the latest.

EDIT: To match the stated diminsions of the building.
boo : P even if I did take a look at where the goon2 is, I can't communicate it to Erebus..

Though i guess it is my bad, I didn't explicitly state anything about Talos watching this guy... so... can I take a free action at the first possible moment to keeping an eye on goon 2 and follow Erebus?

And if it looks like he (Erebus) will be running into trouble, Daedalus will just have to have Dragon yell again.

(Thanks bc : P)
Since it looks like we all may be working together for a longer period of time, it might be prudent for a uniform radio communications protocol to be established. At least everyone should get on the same frequency.

Ronin: You are the only eye we got, anything you can do will always be a lifesaver, even if it cannot be communicated in the most efficient manner.
Map is up

Ronin: sure, you can take an action. Swinging Talos around, you see that Goon2 is moving toward the back corner of the building.
aite, gonna tell Dragon..
Cedric: you delaying Erebus's remaing actions this round?
Cedric Rolfsson
Yes, waiting for bad guys to come around the corner
Cool then. SR13, Temmou is up on 24.
How close to the street can I get, if I moved at steady, yet stealthy pace?
Well, walking is a good option; you'll move at your Quickness meters per combat turn. The corner of the building is about 10 meters distant. If you want to move faster, then running is the option, but I want a stealth roll if you go that path.

Remember your wound mods as well (You're at +2, not counting whatever superman cyberware that's packed in there).
oy, so I'm up on 23... and I assume that Tenmou is going to hold any sort of attack till he sees a target.. so I'll write out my action, list my intent and then see how feasable it is.

I want to fly Talos from where he is to the mouth of the alley that Goon 2 entered, hovering at about head level, and in sight of Goon 2, should he turn to look out the alley.

Then I want to lay down suppressing fire where Goon 1 and 3 are, sweeping from right to left.

Meanwhile also having Talos move in the direction AWAY from Goon 2.


1. though flying there may not grab goon 2's attention, im hoping an MMG going off full auto should, allowing Erebus the opportunity to play ninja.

2. The sweeping from right to left and the movement while firing is intended to make goons 1 and 3 panic and try to get away from the gunfire, and thus pushing into overlapping fields of fire from Dragon and Tenmou (who they don't know is there).

question: will this work as it stands? I figure Talos movement while firing should make him a harder target to hit, and encourage goons 1 and 3 not to follow in the same direction (thus getting the desired overlapping fields of fire).

If the suppressing fire is focused on the right side first, hopefully it will give them the hint to move? or would it make more sense in the other direction.

And I think on 24 Daedalus will tell dragon to advise Erebus to go on my mark. (timing wise is this feasable?)

Thoughts? biggrin.gif

go team!
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