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I know we've been a bit slow lately, so I'm just going to remind SR13 in advance that Tenmou's up now.
Thanks for that.
Aplogies again for my lack of posting. RL has been insane...

Not a problem at all.

Also, my 'Jap-Speak' begins at gaijin and ends at konnichiwa.
Baka means 'idiot'. Domo Arigato means 'thank you'. Look BC, you just doubled your 'Jap-speak' vocabulary!

And SR13, for a guy who has been 'out of it', you sure posted a reply quickly! smile.gif (Not that I'm complaining, mind you! Glad you're still around!)
Hehehe. . . .perhaps this hearlds the return of the "gaijin-warrior" smile.gif
QUOTE (WinterRat1)
Baka means 'idiot'. Domo Arigato means 'thank you'. Look BC, you just doubled your 'Jap-speak' vocabulary!

Ha, thanks smile.gif

And I don't even want to know what the "Gaijin-Warrior" is, other than a Chuck Norris movie.
Hmm...this worked so quickly and well last time I think I'll try it again. biggrin.gif

SR 13, you're up!

*Taps land for mana and casts Summon SR13*
*poof* "Huh? Wha? Who called?"

Uh... posted. smile.gif


Wow, it's like Magic! (pun intended) I'm going to have to resort to this trick more often it seems. Tell me SR13, what is your casting cost? wink.gif

Side note: Love those language skills! They're actually coming in handy! How do you like that?

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BC -
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BC -
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Well guys, that tears it. I don't know who this 'Ichagawa' guy is, but something tells me a whole lot of people are going to die before this is over. And I don't plan on it being us.
He thinks that, and I'm not even planning on using a Blimp of DOOM ™ rotfl.gif
He thinks that, and I'm not even planning on using a Blimp of DOOM ™

I note that you only used the singular reference to Blimp of DOOM BC. So you could be sending multipleBlimps of DOOM at us and still not use a Blimp of DOOM.

BTW, how do you get that 'TM' to show up so small? What is the format/input for that?
Sending a fleet of blimps would fall under Grendel's (apparently) "maximum overkill" philosophy (they'd be armed with railguns, not missiles though, playing Ride of the Valkerie as they approached wink.gif ).

For the TM think, I just closed the TM in parentheses, like this:

Sending a fleet of blimps would fall under Grendel's (apparently) "maximum overkill" philosophy (they'd be armed with railguns, not missiles though, playing Ride of the Valkerie as they approached  ).

Well at least we'll have some warning, right before we get pounded into tiny splatters on the ground by the railguns. It's comforting to know your death will be broadcast to you right before it happens. Really.
SR13, if you want to make any approporate knowledge skill rolls, now would be the time.
Oh, forgot: WR1, since Dragon is also listening to this conversation, you can also make some rolls to see if you've heard of this Ichagawa guy.

Any skill/knowledge in particular that would help? Dragon doesn't operate strictly or even primarily in Seattle so frankly unless this guy has an international rep it's highly unlikely Dragon would've heard of him.
Underworld politics, organized crime, something like that. He's not a widely known figure in Seattle, much less world-wide. Be easy to confuse him with some sake-scion.

Defaulting is an option as well, but it would take some seriously loaded dice for it to work wink.gif
I defaulted to intelligence, and I'm not going to bother to post my roll, since I didn't roll anything higher than a 5, so don't wait on me.
Forgive my lack of brain power (just got back from a Convention, after a lot of driving), but which rules edition am I making this Knowledge skill test with?

Whichever rules edition you are currently cleared for. Ideally that would be SR 4, with you having completed your conversion and run it by Grendel, but if you haven't finished your conversion yet, use the SR 3 system.
^ WR1 is correct. I'll adjust for either system. Just tell me if you're using Logic + Knowledge skill or just the skill (for SR3).
I have my SR4 version here... but I don't have an applicable Knowledge skill, so I guess I default to (Logic - 1)

5, 2... one success.

OK, so I guess I don't know much, do I?
Well, at least you didn't glitch. Go ahead and reply, I've got nothing more to add yet.
Sorry for the short notice all. I have decided (at the last minute) to go and see my brother, who is at college in Wisconsin, for the holiday weekend. I hope that this is not too much trouble and I will keep an eye out for a chance to check the forums.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Ah, I'm not joking anymore. 'Ronin, give me a sensor roll for Icarus (I think it's the only one activly looking at the moment). If I'm not right, give me one for Talos as well.

SR3 or 4 is fine, let me know which you're rolling and I'll convert.
ooh boy...

I have SR3 rules (should be able to finish it after june 7)

Icarus is in the air, Talos is squatting on the roof

Icarus Sensors 3 Clearsight 4
13, 10, 8, 4, 4, 4, 1

so do I get anything from the SUT roll I made back in November? (quoted for your convenience!)

QUOTE (Tiredronin @ Nov 20 2005, 05:40 PM)
SUT: 05 04 04 04 01
hrm : / well its something.
I repeat previous statement. If we get jumped again, someone is so going to die. Probably a lot of someones, and with extreme prejudice.
BC - Ronin asked me to let you know that Icarus has an L wound. So the TN will be increased by +1. And he says 'Doh!'
All: apologies for the slow posting on my part. Should have replies up by this evening.

Again, sorry for the slowdown.
Ronin, I believe BC's last IC post was your cue to start earning your keep around here. wink.gif
ah right.
sorry, spent too much of my break time reading Zombpochalpyse nyahnyah.gif

Winterrat: Just a quick note on alarm coding, I know we've been talking about this for a while, hows this sound?

White = no problem --> "remote"
Yellow = threat possible --> "reasonably possible"
Orange = threat imminent --> "probable"
Red = threat is here --> "If you're not shooting, we'd better all be running"

BC: Is it ok of we start using this terminology between the D&DV3, perhaps after we clear it through OOC?

Our rationale was that Dragon and Daedalus at least should have some sort of communication code worked out long ago, probably includes Virgil too. We have yet to hash out the details (rather, we have yet to remember the details of the idea that we had and actually write them down).

Also I'd like to make an observe in detail check via Icarus. I'll get it up when I get home to my numbers (and dice).
Ronin and Bandit -

I like the color coding. Good idea Ronin, I see you remember that accounting terminology. smile.gif

You two want to combine the color coding with our previous code? So it would be a white hamburger, or a red shake, or a yellow big mac? I can't remember for the life of me what those actually stand for, but I know they would indicate the type of target and threat level. Thoughts?

(Now we just have to remember what the heck our code stood for! biggrin.gif )
The code is OK, but only with D&DV3; Tenmou and Erebus won't know what they're talking about, even with a tranducer or other comm equipment until you tell them or give them the freqs.

Also, does anyone have a Battletac that I need to know about? If so, let me know.
Actually Daedalus have the Battletac IVIS with the drones. Though I think this just gives me one extra pool of dice.
(SR3 rules, sorry havn't updated yet! 6 days till I'm free... currently studying for and exam covering everything I was supposed to have learned for the last 2 years). and small unit tactics skill lets me do some stuff but again.. SR3...
Oh, and I thought we had exchanged frequencys with Erebus, though they wouldn't know the "official" code. Hence Daedalus used more general terminology.

We were talking about it, planning on it, but i dunno if we ever exchanged frequencies. If we havn't, i'll go edit.
We exchanged frequencies, but not the code.

Ronin and Bandit - Seeing as how it looks like we're gearing up for yet ANOTHER fight (surprise surprise) I think we should make 'time to hash this code out' near the top of our 'role-playing to do list'.
The observe in detail: Basically Daedalus is trying to get confirmation on the type of car (are they the same make/model/color), to make sure they are indeed traveling together.

here is the perception test: (int+clearsoft)
5 5 4 3 3 1 + 4,3,2,1

Otherwise, Daedalus is just going to keep watching them for 30 seconds to see if they break course, if they don't:

1. He will raise the "yellow" to "orange" to Dragon, Virgil and Erebus (in normal language), and describe what he can of the cars and their angle of approach.
As for raising a general alarm... Daedalus will leave that to Dragon.

2. He will also launch Talos get into position to flank the cars when (if) they pull up to the warehouse.

3. As Talos gets airborn, Daedalus will have both Icarus and Talos scan for any "blimps of doom" - Icarus checking he overal area first, then Talos as he is en route to his flanking position and sweeping any "ideal routes of entry" for a blimp of doom that Daedalus observed over the past few hours.

Sensors 3 + clearsight 4

sensors 5 + clearsight 3
16, 15, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1 (I kid you not, looks like I've found my own "all star" die.)

(::sigh:: the Strato9 came with sensors 5 STOCK... very sad to see that go in SR4 frown.gif )

I wonder if this is being a bit paranoid... but then again... given the circumstances D&DV3 have a certain license for paranoia.

That should clear my actions for the next few posts, feel free to write any of it up.
QUOTE (Tiredronin @ Jun 2 2006, 04:05 PM)
Actually Daedalus have the Battletac IVIS with the drones. Though I think this just gives me one extra pool of dice.
(SR3 rules, sorry havn't updated yet! 6 days till I'm free... currently studying for and exam covering everything I was supposed to have learned for the last 2 years). and small unit tactics skill lets me do some stuff but again.. SR3...

Good luck on the exam!

I'll write up a post per your rolls. As for the freq's, I see you've exchanged them, so Erebus and Tenmou (with the proper equipment, which I think they have) can hear the conversation. If you're speaking in the 'code' let me know in some way.

Cedric Rolfsson
Sorry for the absence, sick kids, then sick wife, then sick self. frown.gif

Anyway, when we left my apartment I put on my Microtransciever rig (Rating 2, can anyone tell me what the heck a Rating 2 on a microtransciever means? Is that the number of channels like on the cyberware Commlink?) I would have at least let them know how to contact me with the thing.

BC we're waiting on you for the next IC post am I correct?
Yes, I think I'm up.

Apologies for the slow posting rate; work's been hectic today. Should have most everything caught up by this evening.
Cedric Rolfsson
BC can I assume that Erebus now knows about the incoming vehicles and can start reacting? I'm not certain because I don't know if I've ever actually posted putting ON the commrig that I have. Its most likely still in the duffle bag in the vehicle.

If that the case then I would be unable to remind people that I sent a couple of gangers out for pizza and beer and would be unalble to suggest that we don't blow away the poor pizza delivery guy. smile.gif
Oh yeah, you get the transmission. What "orange" means isn't clear, but you do hear what Daed is saying.

Again, whether or not you actually have the tranciever on you is something else. Feel free to post, however. Just watch the time.
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