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The turn is still teh same amount of time wether you go 1 time or 4. So it is an advantage. Just not the insane advantage the old way was.
Just tossing in my two cents, it's still monstrous, just not unstoppable. In 2nd ed, you could die without ever having a chance to do anything. Heck, you could literally kill someone like 8 times before they got to go. This time around, you just have to do things a little different, like killing them all after they have made their futile attempts to resist you. smile.gif

And Cedric, the way it works is that everyone goes once, highest initiative to lowest. Subtract 10, everyone who is still above 0 (i.e. 1 or greater) goes again, highest to lowest. Repeat until no one has an initiative score above 0. So it's not extra actions after the other guys run out, it just happened that way in this particular combat. Does that make sense?
Cedric Rolfsson
I understand how it works, I've just always played 2ed and am used to the old way. It just means that my character has to play differently, like take cover for the first action then wait for everyone to run out of initiative then pop up and shoot them after they are at zero. It means that instead of being able to kill them before they hurt me now I'm actually going to have to be able to resist or avoid damage. And Bandit, I like being a speed freak, that's what being a street sam is all about. smile.gif
I am pretty sick and I don't think I will be on Monday. So look for posts from me on Tuesday.
Get better soon Shadow. Best wishes to you!
Ok I am back. Sorry for the delay, damn head cold knocked me down. But I am back so look for posts from me today.
Cedric Rolfsson
Soaky Shadow Tenmou and Erebus have been getting acquainted. Tenmou, I'm waiting for a response from you, my last post was unclear.

Shadow, Erebus snapped a photo, or attempted to, of the florist. I wanted to make sure that you had a chance to post concerning that if you wanted to, SR13 and I have posted a couple times since then and didn't want it to get lost.
QUOTE (Cedric Rolfsson)
Erebus snapped a photo, or attempted to, of the florist.

Thats not a problem. You have a photo of an old Japanese man... enjoy.
Cedric Rolfsson
Shadow, appreciate the reply on the photo.

I put in a converstation with Tenmou some directions concerning the location of the Spagettii Palace based upon the prior description given to Tenmou. Erebus drove by the place during the day I had while catching up timelines. I think I got the direction right but if I've oriented the building wrong then let me know and I'll correct the compass points.
Sorry guys, the flu is still kicking my behind. I need a few days off. I will post as soon as I am better.
Sorry for lack of posting, but I am down with the flu. It's real bad so give me a couple of more days to get my energy back.
Rest, drink lots of fluids, and think about the day genetic immunity to all things influenza finally becomes available wobble.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
Be strong Shadow, remember;

"That which does not kill you. . . can still make you feel like shit!"

Cedric Rolfsson

Get well, no worries about posting.
Suck it up and post, you pansy. smile.gif
So let me get this straight. You're basically sitting at home all day lying around, and you don't have time to post? How does that work? You should be posting even more, since you have all this free time right now! grinbig.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
SR13 you need to respond to my last post please, so we can head off to the meeting site.

I'm going to post on my way to the meeting and we'll just back date the times on posting any conversation between.
Sorry about the silence... I injured my left hand (borken glass + klutz = stitches), so typing is a bit of a chore.

I will post ASAP.

QUOTE (WinterRat1)
So let me get this straight. You're basically sitting at home all day lying around, and you don't have time to post? How does that work? You should be posting even more, since you have all this free time right now! grinbig.gif

You know that shoudl be how it works. But I get to the the computer to post and I somehow can't sit up for more than a few minutes. And I spend those precious few minutes playing WoW smile.gif

But I am all better now, well mostly better, and back at work. So I am back to posting. smile.gif

I need perception checks from you guys.
Cedric Rolfsson
Perception Check for Erebus

01, 01, 02, 04, 04

GACK!! I am deaf dumb and blind.
Cedric Rolfsson
Question Shadow, does the restaurant appear open or closed? Light on etc.?
It is open, lights are on and there are customers in the place. Please refrain from going in, I am trying to set something up and I need a little time to do it.
Tenmou's Perception = 8, 4, 4, 2, 1
Ok post away.
Gimmie a perseption check Erebus.
Cedric Rolfsson
Perception test:

01, 03, 03, 04, 15

Whooo-hooo, best perception check yet, I was beginning to think the Irony Games roller hated me.
I toook the meaning of your last post to indicate that Dragon and Daed had gone in. I hope I understtod that correctly.
QUOTE (tired Ronin)

ok question:

Given that this resturant is a hangout for mob enforcers, clearly this means starting trouble in here is ill advised. But what does this mean in terms of bringing guns in (covertly?)

The mob counts on its reputation to protect the place from gutter punks. Start trouble there and they will finish it. It is a well known hangout of several bosses and they each walk around with a small army....


Daedalus is carrying an SMG btw, with a long coat so.. should give him concealibility of 7...

Should be fine.


yeah... so like I guess I wanna ask how MUCH of a faux pas is it to bring guns like this in... somewhere between "nobody cares b/c you'd be stupid to try anything" to "NO guns allowed... except for us"

Nobody really cares as long as the guns stay down.

Shadow: Just letting you know that I have read Sedna's response in the LiTS:OOC that passes control of the outcome of Virgil's actions over to you in ASVW. I'll be watching these threads now . . . let the fun begin smile.gif
I would like to give Dragon and Daed a chance to post before I move forward.
Shadow- you still waiting on me? just checking in.
We jumped 20 minutes after you posted so I wanted to give you a chance to catch up.
Shadow: Will you be needing me to provide you with any rolls or additional information pretaining the the actions that were listed in the Virgil - spoilers? I am just wanting to know because the information that Virgil could potentially obtain may be important recon that should be radioed to Dragon.
A perception check never hurts.
Shadow- Perception check for Dragon (-1 modifier for perceptive edge): 17 13 05 03 03 02 02
Shadow: Astral perception rolls for Virgil inside of the restaurant, though I could understand how there might not be much for him to observe at the moment. I just want to be thorough for you.

Int (6): 17 (OMG) 04 03 03 03 01
Aura Reading (4): 21 09 05 01

*Too bad this probably won't turn out to be the most vital of rolls.
For Virgils eyes only

[ Spoiler ]

This is where I do the evil gm laugh.... vegm.gif

Everyone roll surprise and initiative please.
Surprise (Reaction = 9) Test: 9, 9, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1

Initiative Test (3D6) = 9 + 9 (6 + 2 + 1) = 18

Perhaps I had the wrong Vinnie? smile.gif

OK now I need to ask a question. Ronin is at a conference, but he said he could post once a day, so I was waiting for him to post before doing anything, viewing that as the logical 'next occurrence'.

Dragon would not have allowed Tenmou to approach and speak to Vinnie. Granted, Tenmou could have just said the message anyway loud enough for Vinnie to hear, but the point is that Dragon could have physically intercepted him before his arrival at Vinnie's table and asked him to wait until he and Daedalus were done, which is what he would have done.

In retrospect, it would have been clearer and more helpful if I had posted a 'hold action' or something to that intent in the OOC thread, but I think my IC posts made it clear that Dragon was monitoring the situation very closely and he was in a reasonable position to intercept Tenmou before he got there.

Ergo, I request that Dragon be allowed to intercept Tenmou before he comes to stand in front of Vinnie and politely request that he wait. Again, I realize Tenmou could easily render that moot, and I realize also that Shadow, as GM, ultimately it's your call. So that's my request and logic, let us know what you want us to do.

And in case I get shot down (figuratively, hopefully not literally!)

Surprise: 11 04 04 03 02 02 01 (might use karma pool, depending on how many successes others roll, or do you want me to declare that now?)

Initiative: 24
When Vinnie came out and asked him who he was, if given more time, would you have said something or done something to stop Tenmou from speaking to Vinnie?

(remember you did notice Tenmous aproach and did nothing)

I surely want to make it work the way you feel your character would have acted, stupid boards screw us up sometimes.
(Please forgive, Shadow: it's your thread, and after this I'm backing right off again.)

Sorry, WinterRat, but I'd override you there: it's a matter of less than a second and a few words, and what are you going to do, jump to intercept him and clamp your hand over his mouth?

Based on this:
Noticing the Japanese guy approach and stop at a reasonable distance, Dragon kept his senses tuned and his body ready to move. .... Still, there was nothing to do but wait for Vinnie to respond, and hopefully, to ease some of the tension.

Compromise: Tenmou's not right at the table, just as close as he could get before Dragon started moving to intercept -- cautiously, I'm assuming, so the interception itself doesn't spark anything. Note that this could mean that Dragon ends up providing partial cover for Tenmou wink.gif
I've said it before, any of the LitS people, especially GM's are welcome to post OOC in my threads.

So don't think you cant poost a helpful piece of info because I might be upset. I welcome everyone smile.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
What do I roll for the surprise test, reaction correct?
I follow where the mixup is coming through. Here's the words, my interpretation thereof, and what I would have done if I was controlling Daedalus. Can't speak for Ronin, only me.

This was SR 13's post:

Lightly tucking the package under his arm, Tenmou made his way towards Vinnie. He arrived at the table with the package only slightly behind two other runner types. He faded back and hoped his business would not interfere with theirs, or vice-versa.

I responded with:

Noticing the Japanese guy approach and stop at a reasonable distance, Dragon kept his senses tuned and his body ready to move.

My interpretation of the phrase 'faded back' was that Tenmou had stopped several feet behind Dragon and Daedalus, not standing right behind him nor heading towards that spot.

I realize I was vague in my definition of 'reasonable distance'; that however was my intent behind the phrase, based on my perception of where Tenmou was relative to the table. That is also why I did nothing when Tenmou approached, because of my interpretation of 'faded back'. Of course I was reading a lot into those words, but since I can't see him, only read what he's describing unfortunately sometimes mistakes or inconsistencies between intrpretations are made.

If I was controlling Daedalus, I would have said something to the intent of making it clear that Tenmou was not with D&D, and made it clear that I was asking, and expecting, him to wait until we had concluded our business with Vinnie before he (Tenmou) tried to start his. Unfortunately, before I could post that, Ronin and I talked and he said he'd take control of his character. Blast...

And as Dragon, if it was obvious that Tenmou was approaching the table with Vinnie and Daedalus, I would have stopped him at a distance and asked him to wait.

So anyway, that is my final case. I don't want to bog the game down, and if you say that Tenmou just moved too quickly for Dragon to intercept or Dragon misread him and then couldn't react in time, that's fine. And if that's the case, well then in the words of Willem Dafoe in Boondock Saints...

*Raising arms to the sky* "There was (or shortly will be) a firefight!!!"

Unfortunately. frown.gif
And has anyone noticed that whenever there's a combat or extremely tense situation with significant possibility of personal harm, the posting rate suddenly jumps through the roof? smile.gif
Virgil's rolls - astral of course, but still it will be useful to know when he can return to his own body.

Surprise (astral): 17 08 07 04 04 03

Initative: 30

Cedric: Yep, roll reaction. Can you believe this, GM and PC stuck in the same disaster nyahnyah.gif
Oops, sorry again! (doing a real lousy job at this fading back thing):

Quite apart from anything else, Daedalus' reflexes aren't in the same league as Tenmou's smile.gif
QUOTE (Cedric Rolfsson)
What do I roll for the surprise test, reaction correct?

That would be correct, reaction in dice.
Give me a little time to think about this. My inclination is to say there was a in game communications failure between D&D. Dragon though Daed was handling it and Daed thought Dragon was handling it. In the meen time Tenmou just poked his head up.

My interpertation of Tenmous 'fade back' was that he was standing at least 5 ffeet behind D&D. However, Vinnie still took him to be part of your gang because he was standing near you.

Give me a little time to mull this over though.
Not to speak for the wrong side . . . but if I were Vinnie (mob player currently a bit paranoid about being wacked) I'd probably just shoot first and sort it all out later.

Insert evil laugh here . . . .
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