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Whoops, my bad, ties go to attacker. That's an odd exception to most of the usual rules. Heh, no harm done then, eh Cedric? biggrin.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
(Cedric drags his gasping form off the floor, shoving aside the EMT personnel attempting to re-start his heart, to reach his keyboard.)

Sure WinterRat1, no harm done, he-he. . .uhhh.
Thanks for keeping me on my toes bossman (and it is an exception) grinbig.gif

Ok Cedric, you've got a choice. Behind Door #1: Increase the damage from Moderate to Serious, but letting the goon have his impact armor to lower the TN to soak; Behind Door #2: Leaving the damage at Moderate, but having the goon use his Body only to resist the damage.

Choose, but choose...ah, I'm not going for that cliche.
Ah come on. You coulda soaked the damage like it was nothing, right? I mean, it would only be a what, Moderate stun, MAYBE Serious. problem at all, right?
At least he didn't have a shotgun wink.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
Since he's already got a moderate stun I'll leave it at a moderate stun and let him soak with just his Body.
Rolling to soak 6M stun with body: 4,5,4,4;

Also, rolling for Knockdown (TN is 6, he'll need 4 success to stay up and close): 3, 1, 5, 2.

End result: Goon 2 is at Serious stun (7 boxes), and is rolling around on the ground in pain.

SR13: Temmou is up, followed by Daed and Dragon. Y'all can proceed in any order.

Are we considered 'out of combat' now, or should we proceed as if we're still in the combat turn?
Still in combat timing for the moment.
Dragon is just going to reload. I'll get an IC post up later today.
OK, maybe I'm just dense today, but what all has happened? Which goons are left? I assume I can make it out of the alley this round, so I'm just curious if anyone is left for Tenmou to act upon.

Not really anyone to engage at this point (Goons 1 and 3 are lying in a pool of blood at the end of the alley). Judging by your quickness (with your wound mods) you could make it to the start of the alley across the street in this combat turn.
This is a rather dumb question. . . but due to my confusion it is very necessecary:

Are you guys waiting on me? I thought that Virgil should still be acting later . . .or have I missed my first pass?

Sorry for the dumb question. BC, can you throw me a bone here smile.gif
You can go (technically, you were up on 3 on the first pass). I don't see too much that you can do, but hey, surprise me smile.gif (I.E. whip up a great form elemental to help the Rochambeauing Erebus)
Heheheheh . . . thanks a bunch for waking me up BC. As much fun as it would be to use a great-form spirit to rack our ill-fated ambusher, the way all things magical are affecting Virgil such a stunt would likely kill him frown.gif

For now Virgil will just be holding his action and monitoring with his watchers for any impending astral assailants.
I really didn't think you would do much. I'll take the held action and wait for the elemental.

Temmou and Dragon, you're up, in no particular order (FWIW, Dragon can reach the alley about the same time as Temmou).
Cedric Rolfsson
Hehehehehehe, that was fun. smile.gif

BC, since I seem to be somewhat in control of the situation I'm going to let you know my next couple of actions. I am going to be stuck in court all day tomorrow so I probably won't be able to post until late Friday or early on Monday and I don't want to delay things if I'm out of touch.

Erebus is simply going to render Mr. Castrato mercifully unconscious by kicking him again, that should resolve any remaining combat issues(I feel no need for a called shot at this point, I just want hm out). Erebus has 5 Unarmed + 1 enhanced articulation and a 6 STR. I'm going to save combat pool for dodge just in case.

Once the slob is out I'll do a perception check of the area to look for other combatants remembering to use both low-light and thermo. Free action will be to bark out "Over here!" in the direction of the street where the rest of the team is at.

Unarmed + Articulation:
[ Spoiler ]

Perception check:
[ Spoiler ]

As soon as possible I'll do a quick frisk of the downed man for intelligence. I'm looking for a credstick, p-sec, little note from Mr. X saying "Shoot rocket at Dragon and Virgil then meet me . . . ." anything like that.
Tell me if I've got the actions right so far:

-Tenmou and Dragon are moving toward the alley, holding their actions.

-Virgil is using his watchers, not moving and holding.

-Daed is up right now, followed by Goon2. As per the discussed rules, the drone's already in motion, and should be fast enough to get back into position to fire, if you wish. Or, you can just look around. Either way is good for me, give me some rolls if you decide to open fire.

I'll wait for Daed's actions befoe the goon goes.
Not quite BC. Dragon used his action (can't remember off hand if you need a simple or complex to reload a magazine) to reload, and has taken cover to watch and secure the street. He's not going anywhere just yet, until he gets a status update from Daedalus.
yeah.. I guess I don't really have to shoot anything since there isn't really anything to shoot.

Daedalus watch through Talos to will make sure Erebus[b] is absolutly ok, relay an "all clear" status to [b]Dragon, then observe through Icarus to moniter the street in case of any other threats.
Reloading a magazine fed weapon is a complex action.
^ Thank you Bandit smile.gif

The goon is going to roll willpower to try get up (TN 2+3(injury mods)=5) 4, 4, 4

Doesn't make it. I've got a PM sent for some guidance; when I get it back, I'll post the next action.

If this 'guidance' turns out to be orders to fire more missiles at us, someone's in trouble. I won't know who, but someone will be in trouble. sarcastic.gif
Reroll to get Goon2 up: 10, 1, 2. He gets up, and is really wobbling at this point.

Using Cedric's (very perceptive) roll and the goon's we get:

Erebus TN5 (4+1 low light): 10, 8, 5, 4, 3, 1 (3 successes)

Goon2 TN8 (4+3 wound mods+1 low light): 1, 3, 5, 7 (0 success)

Damage staged up to Serious stun

Rolling to soak (using 3 impact armor, adjusted TN is 3): 1, 3, 5, 7. Staged down to Moderate stun, but still (with 3 boxes) enough to knock the fragger out.

Results for the Perception check: You notice (for the first time) that the guy is Asian, with some really nice fishscale tattooes over his upper neck and wrists. He's got an HK227 SMG (loaded with AV rounds at the moment) and another clip of Ex-Explosive rounds in his armored coat pocket. An Ares Predator is in a holster in his coat as well, loaded with more Ex-Ex. Nothing else is on him.

And now, you are officially out of combat.
Cedric Rolfsson
Okay, I'm back now, thank you for finishing that up for me. I am going to frisk the man, removing any weapons I find, any transmission devices(cell phones, wristphones, etc.) Do I need a roll for that.

I'll do an IC post on the resolution of combat too.
Nah, you don't need to roll: there's nothing else on the guy.
Cedric Rolfsson
I'm going to make the following suggestions. Someone grab the car and come get this guy, I'm planning on frisking all the bodies for additional information, weapons, ammo, and clues.

Can anyone preceive astrally except Virgil, who is effectively an astral quadraplegic right now?

the other issue, where are we going to take this guy for interrogation purposes? I've got an apartment with neighbors who will probably react poorly to the blood curdling screams. Any suggestions?
Virgil can bring the car over to the hostage, assuming that he is aware or has been notifed of the need to do so (so as to avoid metagaming). I wouldn't recommend Virgil being the final getaway driver though, seeing as his wound penalties could make driving a dangerous situation. Dragon can take over driving once we're together.

Daedalus do your best to make sure that no one else is lurking in the nearby buildings waiting with another missle launcher.

As far as a safehouse. Virgil has one available, but we are not sure whether it was compromised or not so I would not recommend retreating to that location.
Post is up to start tying things together, everyone start posting away, hope that helps move us along.
I'll stop you if anything happens, but feel free to begin looking around. Give me some rolls if you start checking the bodies.
I didn't check the bodies (went to back up Erebus) so Virgil or ideally Tenmou will have to do it (since Virgil's getting the car). SR 13, can you handle it?
Yeah, I can handle searching the dead. How many tests do you require BC?

Pereception at least. If you have any complementary street knowledge skills, that would be nice.
Cedric Rolfsson
I posted and am headed to look for the rocket launcher and to check the mage. I'll look for a car carrying tatoo bearing Japanese men or re-loads for a man portable rocket launcher as I run.

Perception for car:

02, 04, 05, 09, 03

Perception for body search:

03, 02, 04, 11, 02
I'm calling this a class D zone for the purposes of the Star's response, with all that that entails.

Cedric: Erebus finds only a Self-Defender holdout.

Talos can take pictures of the attackers

dragon: wanna suggest it now or when we are ready to leave and have Talos catch up so as to not take Daedalus off sentry duty.

what does class D mean in terms of Lone Star anyway? should we be hurrying?
Ronin- Just do it whenever you feel it's appropriate.

Class D is pretty low on the list. We should get out of here, but since it's only been like less than a minute since the first missile was fired, we've probably got at least a few more minutes, although we should still make it a point to be long gone when they get here.
Not a stellar performance...

Perception = 5, 5, 4, 3, 3

Any luck on the hunting? I'll post in character when I'm done pilfering... smile.gif

SR13: you're checking the goons across that Dragon pulped, right?
Don't worry guys I am around and reading the posts. I'll post Virgil bringing the car around in a few hours, when I go home for dinner.

I just wanted you to all know that I am here smile.gif
Yep...see if anything survived the messy death. smile.gif
I'm going to post picking the others up BC. Are you going to move us forward, or do you want us to decide where we're going next first?
SR13: Tenmou sees that that the goons are armed, armored and tattooed similarly to the one Erebus put down, but they're a lot more obviously dead than the mage smile.gif

WR1: Y'all figure out where you want to go and I'll get you there.
Cedric Rolfsson
So everyone is aware, I do have one other option, but I'm not terribly hot on sharing it. My character has a permanent low lifestyle in an abandoned industrial park in Redmond or right near it. That would provide privacy and minimal accomodations if needs be.

That's my option of last resort though, Erebus is using that as his bolt hole. If we don't have an option better than my apartment then Erebus will expose that to discovery and we'll turn that into our base of operations. Its not exactly in character for Erebus to reveal that so quickly but what with the people shooting missiles at him. . . .

I don't have anything there beyond the what the low lifestyle provides so I'd have to go to the apartment anyway.

I'm open to other suggestions.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for a place to hide? If none are forthcoming at the moment I would suggest that we at least head to some desolate neighborhood far away from this current one. At least then we might be able to find some random vacant lot to talk in . . . and it would not mean staying around here any longer.

Sound off all . . .
Random vacant lot works for me. Heck, the way the last few days have been going, the odds of us getting another missile shot at us no matter where we stop have to be pretty high.

If we're going to end up turning a place into a battleground, may as well make sure it's not one of our safehouses.
Cedric Rolfsson
does anyone have any gang member contacts that they can call on to find us a "safe" place to squat for a few hours?

I've got a couple down in Puyallup who might be able to help out. One of whom is also a street doc and Bear Shaman who might be able to help out with Virgil's problems too.
No contacts of that type for me.
No ganger type contacts for me, and all my other street-level contacts have been tapped out already by this nonsense. I agree with Cedric's current plan, it also provides a chance for someone to look at Virgil since I don't like the idea of our magical support being crippeled when we have goons of this caliber on our tail.
Tenmou has a Yakuza contact, but if we get Yak real estate blown up things would get more complicated. smile.gif

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