Nov 10 2016, 02:21 PM
I'm good with either going after the shaman, or clearing well away from him. If Dana wants to go after him, Addie will try to figure out a way to help because she's pretty motivated to keep Dana alive -- but she's not in as much of a 'risk myself to save everyone else' mood as she was previously. She is probably also more amenable to just running away than she was previously, if that ends up being the way to keep Dana safer. (Maybe I'll put some thoughts about that into an IC post.)
Thoughts on where we should head that isn't south? Might be best to go down into the valley and follow that, as there is good water and therefore probably better foraging and hunting, but the flip side is denser trees may make travel slower, and then we are more confined to where the valley goes.
Nov 10 2016, 02:58 PM
Maya is of the opinion that leaving is the best option. She wants to gather as many of the kids as possible that will follow her and just go away from where the mage is.
Nov 10 2016, 05:33 PM
Following the river north and then west (the way Blank went) will skirt away from the mage...and be going downstream... you'll hit the ocean eventually

Never did work out why Lindsey wanted to go upstream...but I guess that was to find the man-made structure, for all the joy that will give you
Nov 10 2016, 08:35 PM
Ugh, sorry for another wall of text. Had about three things I wanted to cover, and couldn't figure out a good way to break them into different posts. Had a fourth --- what if anything can be done with the commlinks -- but could at least push that into another post.
Nov 11 2016, 04:54 AM
I liked it, it adds some flavor to the hut instead of it being a generic building.
Nov 11 2016, 03:01 PM
I was re-reading the description of the Electrical Discharge bioweapon, to try and figure out how long charging would take .... and now I wonder if I had mis-interpreted it originally? It reads in part:
Similar to the operations of the electric eel, an electrical
discharge weapon is a non-lethal, taser-like
shocking organ with a release point usually on the
user’s palm. The user can control the strength of the
discharge, allowing for smaller jolts that can be used
as pranks or to jump off small electrical devices, up to
voltage high enough to approach lethality.
When I'd first read it I'd assumed it could charge small electronics (part of why I took it), but now I look at "jump off" and I really don't know; it could just as well translate to normal English as something like 'disable them with too large of a jolt'? It is really odd wording, unless 'jump off' is a regional term with well understood meaning to some people?
Anyone have thoughts?
ETA: the writing in general is a bit sloppy; the thing does stun damage so at best it does ‘near incapacitating damage’ not ‘near lethal damage.’
Nov 11 2016, 04:20 PM
The only use of Jump start I know of is to a car. In regular SR setting the usage mode you describe is very unusual so I would not expect it in the rules. I suggest you keep it as Aria can just narrete that the battary was dead or that it did not work for some other reason if he feel like it is too much.
Nov 11 2016, 09:32 PM
Okay, I'm back from my work trip. Lindsey wanted to be seen as doing something productive, so off they went to see the one thing that was different in this area. Plus she's been trying to get all the girls into a clique for some time now, so that furthered that even more.
Nov 11 2016, 10:16 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Nov 11 2016, 10:32 PM)

Okay, I'm back from my work trip. Lindsey wanted to be seen as doing something productive, so off they went to see the one thing that was different in this area. Plus she's been trying to get all the girls into a clique for some time now, so that furthered that even more.
Welcome back! We got impatient and went into the hut, but leaving it to you to figure out what to do with what is inside (and Lindsey and the other girls could find things that Dana and Addie missed -- they hardly did a systematic search)
Nov 14 2016, 01:17 PM
Made some assumptions about Dana and Addie's flight...if you think that's unfair then yell and I'm happy to change my IC! The 'SAM' is actually the equivalent of a watcher spirit...toxic natch!

Unless we get a sudden surge of activity / demands for more etc... I'm thinking about wrapping up Run! around Christmas as I'm not sure it will survive the inevitable holiday break! There will of course be something new in the New Year to replace it if we do call it a day. If on the other hand you are all still hooked I will continue to run it... there's more to reveal but I don't want to drag this out into a day by day journey quest type thing...never all that satisfying outside the pages of a novel! So, something to keep in mind at least...any thoughts or comments welcome!
Nov 14 2016, 02:01 PM
I am just kind of waiting for the action to proceed to the evening and the general meeting.
As for continuing, I am for it.
Nov 14 2016, 05:50 PM
Is there anything we can do about the SAM? is it attacking us? Dana might be reflexively aware due to her detect magic adept power - but otherwise she is blind to the astral.
Nov 14 2016, 06:53 PM
Ah, I was too slow getting in any narration about the flight -- oh well, will move on to reacting. May roll some dice for myself to guide how well Addie handles flying under stress (on a scale from 'disastrous' to 'inelegant'). Will have that up at some point today, but not sure how soon (i.e. happy for Dana to react first -- as she probably would).
With regards to the game more broadly, I hope that we can carry it on long enough to have at least a bit of resolution -- I always find it hard to let go of a character who is in the middle of things!
Doesn't have to be 'welcome home, here is what happened, who was doing it, (and they would have succeeded if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their dog!), and we all live dystopically-ever-after. Just having a clue of the what the next chapter contains, something like:
- "OK, we have a long hike ahead of us, and no doubt dangers yet to overcome, but we have a plan and a direction which we think should bring us out of this, and we are at least somewhat working together to overcome those obstacles and dangers."
- Or on a somewhat more meta level: Dana and Raf are fed the last of the rations to make sure they are strong and ready, then they fly out together with the intentions that they find some sort of civilization so that Raf can call his father and bring in help -- meanwhile everyone else is huddled in as much safety as we can find, trying to hold out until aid arrives.
- Or even 'the kids realize just how much on their own they are, and start focusing purely on finding an area where they have a chance of subsisting successfully'
- And of course, possibly 'you come to the realization just too late, but at least die understanding what has happened to you'
Hopefully you get what I'm trying to say there; I don't really know how to describe it properly other than by example.
I'm totally fine with moving away from the blow-by-blow model that we've been playing in, if that helps move things along. As in, if shortly things were somewhat planned for what is next, starting to cut-scene to when things disturb the status quo would be fine by me. It is just hard for the players to drive that sort of jumping forward when we are not all around one table (makes coordinating things all the harder)
Nov 15 2016, 04:50 AM
I promise I'll get Lindsey's group moving again tomorrow!
Nov 15 2016, 09:09 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Nov 14 2016, 06:50 PM)

Is there anything we can do about the SAM? is it attacking us? Dana might be reflexively aware due to her detect magic adept power - but otherwise she is blind to the astral.
More running at you screaming than attacking! It is manifest so you can both see it!
Nov 15 2016, 09:10 AM
@Beta: don't worry, I won't leave you hanging! We'll resolve any actions with the toxic and then probably do a time jump ahead a week or so...
Nov 15 2016, 07:06 PM
I gave myself some thresholds to hit for emergency flight control (figured that improv 'free fall' skill, basically improv off agility in general, would be the most applicable). Managed a dive to avoid the attacker, but figured coming out of the dive and landing would be a threshold of three, managed two successes.
I haven't figured out exactly what the crash landing entails, yet (mechanically a soak roll of some sort I guess? Need to check the body stat on large birds maybe?), but I figure that Addie has spent a turn or two at least doing this, will let Gilga post what Dana is doing (as in, perhaps Addie crashes as a bird, perhaps as a human).
If anyone has entertaining ideas of how this could work out, I'm glad to hear them. I'm kind of aiming at rough enough that she is shy about flying again any time soon, just to limit the "Let's fly away together" option.
Nov 15 2016, 07:15 PM
Well we'll need to get back somehow - (or not...).
I'd say treat it like a vehicle crush (body*x) damage depending on your speed, our body is 1 so that will be 1-2 physical damage.
Easily healed but not very pleasant. (one of the perks of being body 1 is that crushing is not that bad - we do not pack that much energy).
Nov 16 2016, 10:06 PM
Has there been any indication as to what the main camp is going to do now?
Nov 17 2016, 01:43 AM
Right now the main camp is waiting for the other groups to get to the evening. At this point, that means that Lindsey and her girls need to do something at the cabin and Dana/Addie need to finish their recon/crashing. Anything from us at the camp will just put us farther ahead.
Nov 17 2016, 02:19 AM
Lindsey group set up the tent and such so they're going to stay the night there. I was going to have Aria relay the main group plan and then have a mini mutiny with the girls wanting to go back with the others, assuming there's some sort of plan. Otherwise she'll think up something else in the morning.
Nov 17 2016, 01:40 PM
Not read the IC yet...but has anything been said about Mohammed in the confusion of Rick's death...? Just wondering what he might be up to!
Nov 18 2016, 03:04 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Nov 17 2016, 02:40 PM)

Not read the IC yet...but has anything been said about Mohammed in the confusion of Rick's death...? Just wondering what he might be up to!
I don't recall anyone saying anything about him. Haven't re-read to be positive though. There was a bit about Klarrisa taking charge of the orcs for now, and possibly there could have been a passing mention of him in there, but pretty sure that no actions were attributed to him.
Gilga: sorry for the slow follow-up to Dana's proposal. Needed to think through how to have Addie react to that, and just had a couple of days without much room for quiet reflection. Going to get something written up today as time allows, but in short strokes Addie is going to try to persuade Dana not to go after the toxic. In part for IC reasons (because she doesn't want either of them to get hurt, because of how she interprets the spirits actions), but also in part for OOC reasons. Namely the group split is kind of slowing down any real progress on the main group, Aria has hinted that if we leave the toxic alone and move away that this will be OK, and Aria has suggested jumping us all a few days into the future to move the story along, and I think that is a good idea.
You/Dana can make your own call on this -- I know Dana is a warrior and might not be willing to back down, and I'm fine with things playing out that way too. Just posting to let you know the OOC reasons as well as the IC reasons that will show up in the IC post.
Nov 18 2016, 03:14 PM
Nothing for Muhammad no. Mainly because until at least the morning he was unconscious, and since I don't think anyone healed him, he's probably not feeling too well. Not well enough to make much noise anyway... Of course, in the evening it can change.
Nov 19 2016, 08:19 AM
QUOTE (Beta @ Nov 18 2016, 04:04 PM)

I don't recall anyone saying anything about him. Haven't re-read to be positive though. There was a bit about Klarrisa taking charge of the orcs for now, and possibly there could have been a passing mention of him in there, but pretty sure that no actions were attributed to him.
Gilga: sorry for the slow follow-up to Dana's proposal. Needed to think through how to have Addie react to that, and just had a couple of days without much room for quiet reflection. Going to get something written up today as time allows, but in short strokes Addie is going to try to persuade Dana not to go after the toxic. In part for IC reasons (because she doesn't want either of them to get hurt, because of how she interprets the spirits actions), but also in part for OOC reasons. Namely the group split is kind of slowing down any real progress on the main group, Aria has hinted that if we leave the toxic alone and move away that this will be OK, and Aria has suggested jumping us all a few days into the future to move the story along, and I think that is a good idea.
You/Dana can make your own call on this -- I know Dana is a warrior and might not be willing to back down, and I'm fine with things playing out that way too. Just posting to let you know the OOC reasons as well as the IC reasons that will show up in the IC post.
Its okay, I have patience, Addie has quite strong points on Dana right now, and Dana can back down.
Nov 21 2016, 01:03 PM
I have a crazy week ahead but if you've elected to flee then the toxic won't pursue you for the moment...I will try and get an IC up very soon to prod Lindsey back towards the main group too...unless you come up with a good reason to first...or not to even...

Feel free to keep posting the story onwards and I will incorporate whatever you come up with!
Nov 22 2016, 04:03 PM
1) I hope the Americans in the group have a great Thanksgiving weekend over the next several days!
2) I think Dana and Addie will head back to Lindsey's group now (assuming Dana continues along the line of "they are the ones most in need of protection"), so then I think it is kind of in Irn0rchid's court on whether Lindsey is willing to go re-join the main group (or needs some 'prodding' first!)
Nov 22 2016, 10:22 PM
My plan, once life is less lifey, is for the disappointment of no answers at the ruins cause a semi-mutiny and force Lindsey to take the group back to the main group. So you can expect them to be traveling the next day and then presumably meet up the day after that? Welcome to insert any random stuff that encourages them to head back as well.
Nov 25 2016, 10:34 PM
I'm assuming that when the girls here the yips, that Dana and Addie are not back yet? (given which, will wait for Irn0rchid to have a bit of time for a reply)
Nov 25 2016, 11:48 PM
I was assuming you were back, or very nearly at least!
Nov 29 2016, 01:48 AM
So it looks like we are waiting for some sort of resolution of the Lindsey/Hunting Dog issue before resolving the camp vote? Or am I missing something?
Nov 29 2016, 06:45 AM
Don't wait if you want to post! If I don't hear anything from Lindsey's crew soon I will seriously consider time jumping you back together to get things moving again!
Nov 29 2016, 08:11 PM
Okay, holidays over, back at work. If I haven't posted by this time tomorrow, feel free to time jump and do horrible things to Lindsey.
Nov 30 2016, 12:48 PM
Ok, Lindsey’s group…you can run, or I guess you could
fight die! If you want to IC your desperate flight back to the main camp feel free…the dogs are at least temporarily squabbling over the unfortunate remains of Claire (I don’t think you’d established exactly who was in your group so plucked a name for you…can change if you prefer?!). For IC reference, they look like domesticated dogs of a wild variety of breeds, all sickly, possibly rabid, probably irradiated! Ah, fun times
Nov 30 2016, 09:08 PM
Oh Dana is not running... she finds it offensive that there is a bigger beast than her.
Nov 30 2016, 09:13 PM
Working on post now. Assuming all the scavenged stuff was left behind at the camp.
Nov 30 2016, 09:36 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Nov 30 2016, 10:08 PM)

Oh Dana is not running... she finds it offensive that there is a bigger beast than her.
I suspect that it isn't the size of any one beast, it is the number of them ... still, if Dana can drive them off for a while perhaps the group can retreat in better order, maybe even recover the tent and some of the other items? Most likely the pack will keep following, looking for stragglers, an opening ... the girls may be the best source of food they've seen in their lifetimes, so would be hard to chase them away completely.
Anyway, I'll work on an IC post.
Nov 30 2016, 09:45 PM
You read the part where I said die right?? And irradiated rabid dogs!? Well it might be amusing to watch as the glowing chiwawa turns Dana in to dog food?!?
Dana can see at least 10 dogs on Claire's corpse and hear more... ah well, I tried to warn you

Initiative please
Nov 30 2016, 10:57 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Nov 30 2016, 03:45 PM)

Initiative please
Lindsey will keep running till she thinks she's fairly safe (sounds die down), then send the spirit to check on how Dana is doing with the dogs. You can decide when that is in the combat, assuming Dana lives that long.
Nov 30 2016, 11:08 PM
We are back to our old habit of posting at nearly the same time -- your's wasn't up when I started writing, but I think it still works out OK? Let me know if you don't see the scene that way and I can change things.
and just as a gauge of how well or poorly Addie does or organizing the girls
Leadership 11 dice, -3 for loss of confidence (I think it is 3? Not with my books) = 8 dice.
8d6t5 2Not the best, probably sounding a bit shrill and freaked out, and the bit at the end of not wanting her in command for long probably weakens people's inclination to follow her orders.
Nov 30 2016, 11:16 PM
I can go with what you posted. Lindsey will grump but send the spirit. Will roll init later tonight once I'm home. If everyone else is ready before then, welcome to roll it for me.

(Well, for the spirit I guess. She's still running away!)
Dec 1 2016, 04:37 AM
14+4d6 32 Well she is not going to run... but she has levitate and can simply blast them with balls of lightings, from out of their reach.
Dec 1 2016, 01:03 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Dec 1 2016, 04:37 AM)

14+4d6 32 Well she is not going to run... but she has levitate and can simply blast them with balls of lightings, from out of their reach.
Sure, but they have irradiated fire breath

don't think this is going to be easy!!!
Will try and get a combat log type thing going on OP (see the one I did for CoF as an example) ...that way anyone involved in the combat can adjust it and do rolls etc here. Helps me keep track of what could otherwise be a very complicated affair...
And if they bite the hell out of you in the initial salvo you might need to adjust your IC a tad
Dec 1 2016, 01:37 PM
https://stormy-waters-2075.obsidianportal.c...wikis/dog-fight here you go! I've not started adding info yet but will get to it!
Please don't forget background count in this fight... that's a straight up -2D to anything remotely 'magic' ! Funnily enough the dogs seem to be ignoring it
Dec 1 2016, 03:36 PM
Dana, cannot you just guide the dogs away from the others without fighting and maybe becoming dead?
Dec 1 2016, 05:25 PM
Do you imagine a warrior with a code of honor to protect non combatants to run away and allow the dogs to kill the slowest runners? She lives to fight to protect if she is no warrior than she is nothing and if these dogs are breathing fire (?!?!) she has absolutely no way of knowing that. Why would she think that they are any different than the mountain lions that she killed naked.
Dec 1 2016, 10:51 PM
Spirit (assume F4)
Spirit Init:
2d6+10 19Since Lindsey isn't there, I'm guessing it's up to Aria or Gilga what "help Dana" entails at the spirits init pass. It has 4 Logic and Intuition, so should be able to understand directions from Dana if given any. If any animals go after the running girls though, it will abandon Dana.

If Dana runs, it should cast Movement on her.
Dec 1 2016, 11:19 PM
Gilga, can you give me an attack roll for 1.1 and spell and drain for 1.2 please?
Fc4 spirit of man?!? Optional powers? Happy for you to roll Irn0rchid!
Please start inputting stuff on OP too
Dec 2 2016, 09:40 AM
How many dogs are there? Are they all munching over clearie. After Aria explained the danger i think that Dana will attempt an F12 ball of lighting to open the fight. I'll edit the posts.
ball lighting:
12d6t5 3 ball of lighting lands right in place.
She reroll faliures to increase damage:
reroll faliures (ball lighting):
9d6t5 2so 14P -12 AP
Now she needs to drain that thing resist 11 Physical damage.
10d6t5 2second edge here:
8d6t5 3So Dana takes 6 physical damage boxes and loses two edge for her first combat move.
Dec 2 2016, 12:48 PM
Ok, edit away... you will duly fry 8 or so of the dogs around Claire, and cremate her into the bargain!!! But damn does that give you a headache...even more so than such a crazy spell would normally!

But there are more dogs out there...and I don't think you can sustain that level of spell casting!
I won't post again until you've had a chance to amend your IC... but the rest of you can chip in if you like
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